No autopsy on Scalia/US marshal protection was NOT there at time of death

We need an investigation! 79 year old men do not just drop dead.

he was only 79

not 99

Average life expectancy for a man in the US is 76. Considering that Scalia was quite rotund, he was lucky to make it to 79.
. Matters not... He was a high ranking official... An autopsy should be mandatory... Period.
Unless there are signs of foul play then I completely disagree. If the family wants an autopsy it is within their rights to do so.
. It should be standard procedure on someone in a high ranking position.... Period.... An independent investigation should be launched or called by the proper authorities if no autopsy is done.
This place is definitely home to some of the biggest nutters on political message boards.
. If Obama was to just drop dead possibly from a stress related illness maybe, do you think that there would be no autopsy ? There would be an automatic autopsy... Guarantee it would.
Regarding Scalia's death - were any diapers or prostitutes found at the scene?
ALERT! No autopsy to be performed on Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia... MYSTERY: No U.S. Marshal Protection was Provided at Time of Death...

1. Why is there no Autopsy? If he just "felt ill" and died then need to know why LOVE how they claim the family doesn't want it either. I say that's bullshit I think they are being threatened
2. Why in the hell was there no US marshalls protection for a sitting US SC justice?

The physician declaring him dead was not familiar with his history and usually Texas law requires an autopsy under those conditions. It's impossible to determine the exact cause of death without an autopsy and the medical examiner took a guess and called it good. Highly suspicious and unacceptable. If they do an autopsy at this point, it would be to late to detect some things, such as succinylcholine, which mimics a heart attack but leaves the body quickly. The owner of the ranch he was staying at said the body was in an odd position when discovered. A pillow was over his head. Strange indeed.

Intolerant idiots wasted no time in celebrating and excitedly awaiting a liberal to take his place. Some nasty ass liberals are openly wishing for the death of the other conservative justices. Sick.
It is wrong that no autopsy is going to be performed on the Judge.

Very wrong!

I am quoting

"We do not contend there is a conspiracy, we contend that there should be no doubts, and the way authorities and the media are rushing conclusions will leave major doubts and legitimate concerns about a death that could lead to a radical political transformation of America to the left.”
Read more at Urgent calls begin for Scalia autopsy
due to the various legal controversies he was involved in there should be an autopsy regardless of what the family wants

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