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No better way to energize the DEM voters than to block Obama's nominations...

Yeah, which is the whole plan.

Nominate a BLACK FEMALE, make sure republicans try to block the BLACK FEMALE and make them look racist.

The victimology strategy will be in full effect and the left wing sheep will buy in with out a thought.

Left wingers are such unreal losers. All they know is race gender and class. Nothing else.

65 million fell for it last time.
No one gives a crap. I doubt 10 percent of the voters can name more then one of the justices.

If its no big deal...the GOP should just rubber stamp Obama's nominee.

Oh it is a huge deal but it just isn't to most people. We can only pray there isn't some agreement that the Republicans want which they will trade for the nomination.
Rock and a hard place for Republicans. They have to deal with a reputation of being obstructionists, which they brought on themselves.

To the electorate, this just looks like more of the same.

They were definitely not obstructionist enough, but the left wing sold the lie and a whole lot of folks repeat it.
Interesting article for any old wingnuts here still butthurt over the Bork nomination:

Ronald Reagan nominated Robert Bork on July 1st, 1987, despite being specificallywarned against it by the Democrats. Nonetheless, Bork’s nomination was taken up in a timely fashion by the Senate Judiciary Committee, which was then chaired by Joe Biden who also happened to be running for president and hardly needed the headache of dealing with uncompromising liberal activist groups. Perhaps Biden’s ambition played some role in how he conducted himself, but Bork received a hearing.

On October 6th, the Judiciary Committee voted 9-5 to reject Bork’s nomination, which in the ordinary course of events would have meant that Bork received no further consideration- no full floor debate and no final confirmation vote.

That’s not what happened though. Bork refused to withdraw his name from consideration and penned an open letter explaining why.


The Democrats acceded to his demand for “a full debate and a final Senate decision.

On October 23rd, the full Senate rejected Bork’s nomination in a 42-58 vote.

Please Treat Obama’s Nominee Like Bork

I wonder if the RWNJs are just flat out ignorant on the difference between not having a hearing and having a hearing that rejects the nominee or if they are just this concerned that the GOP dominated Senate cannot hold it together long enough to vote down an Obama nominee....

I mean, how much of a pussy do you have to be to be afraid to even have a hearing when you have a multiple Senator advantage....

Stonewalling isn't being a pussy.

As other libs have pointed out, this is a high risk option that has the potential to blow up in their faces, and end up giving them a LIb President and thus a libs Justice.

This is the OPPOSITE OF a "pussy" move.

Though, of course you can't admit that.

The pussy move comes when/if they cave.
It will be wonderful to see Dems turning out in droves to install HRC because the GOP is obstructing Obama's nominations.....

Would they? I don't know that the average voter even pays attention to this shit. Either way, the president has the right to appoint a new justice and the Senate should give his nomination a vote.
They pay attention to what gets talked about...
View attachment 63671

I think most people are partisan voters and will vote R and D no matter what and most of the remainder makes their decision based on 30 second sound bytes and quick news flashes.

I think leaving the Supreme court deadlocked while waiting for a Republican President will go over well in Red States.....they celebrate that type of behavior

But I think it will play poorly in swing states and blue states as an obvious partisan ploy to capture the court

It will affect the Senate and Presidency
I expect my side to use every legal means at their disposal to prevent an Obama nomination from ever taking their seat.
They damn better fight this to the bitter end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^

That's what I was talking about, eagle.
FTR- That PoS- DigitalDrifter is a racist in addition to being a rw'er

This isn't Sotomayer replacing Souter, or Kagan replacing Stevens, this is Scalia we are talking about. This would be a makeover of the court, a sea change, and we Conservatives cannot afford to sit back and allow a fucking lib to replace him without the fight of our lives.
This is Obama's huge opportunity to go out with a poke in the eye like we've never been poked before.
If we (Conservatives) lose this one, we could be rendered powerless for years to come as far as the SCOTUS is concerned.
It is much much worse than being rendered powerless for years.

This is THE tipping point.

How many years has it been a 5-4 on the red side. Don't you think it's about time to have a 5.4 blue for at least one cycle? Oh, the Horrors of it all, the World shall be destroyed and the AntiChrist will take over the world. Oh Dear, what shall we do.

Newsflash: the sun will still come up, America will still be great and maybe we can get Term Limits on the Congress Critters and open up the superpacs so we know who is financing the mess.

Even if we don't, the sun will still come............

Rock and a hard place for Republicans. They have to deal with a reputation of being obstructionists, which they brought on themselves. To the electorate, this just looks like more of the same..
They were definitely not obstructionist enough, but the left wing sold the lie and a whole lot of folks repeat it.
Look at the behavior of the GOP over the last eight years:
  • Activists shoving absolutist "pledges" in the face of their candidates, threatening to "primary" anyone who didn't sign them
  • Attacking any Republican who showed any moderation as a RINO
  • Loudly declaring any hint of cooperation with Democrats as unacceptable
  • Screaming "socialism" and/or "communism" at any number of existing government programs, wanting to shut down any number of departments
  • Voting as a bloc against virtually any Democrat initiative
The public sees this. They don't see the Democrats doing this. It's not difficult to characterize that behavior as obstructionist.
Scalia was not even dead for 24 hours and that F'ING POS you voted for made this announcement, he is lower than whale shit...

His nominee will be blocked, they better have thick skin...

If she doesn't get indicted you mean...


Idiot he died on Saturday and the GOP mentioned blocking it first... Look at actual facts...
what a fucking scumbag the presidunce is, a liar and a fool..., BUT!! saying this:

Obama: I Plan to Fulfill My Constitutional Responsibilities to Nominate Scalia’s Successor
Obama: I Plan to Fulfill My Constitutional Responsibilities to Nominate Scalia’s Successor

makes him to be the biggest fucking hypocrite to ever walk on this Earth on two feet, he now wants to invoke the Constitution whereas he never has in the past 7+ years, just looking at his photos on the i-net and on TV makes me want to :puke3:

how disgusting can one human (?) be..... :puke3:

Obama: I Plan to Fulfill My Constitutional Responsibilities to Nominate Scalia’s Successor

LOL...How DARE he?
This isn't Sotomayer replacing Souter, or Kagan replacing Stevens, this is Scalia we are talking about. This would be a makeover of the court, a sea change, and we Conservatives cannot afford to sit back and allow a fucking lib to replace him without the fight of our lives.
This is Obama's huge opportunity to go out with a poke in the eye like we've never been poked before.
If we (Conservatives) lose this one, we could be rendered powerless for years to come as far as the SCOTUS is concerned.

That is the intention of our Constitution. To allow the court to swing back and forth

Conservatives have no lock on control of the Supreme Court
When was the last time liberals controlled the court?
Rock and a hard place for Republicans. They have to deal with a reputation of being obstructionists, which they brought on themselves. To the electorate, this just looks like more of the same..
They were definitely not obstructionist enough, but the left wing sold the lie and a whole lot of folks repeat it.
Look at the behavior of the GOP over the last eight years:
  • Activists shoving absolutist "pledges" in the face of their candidates, threatening to "primary" anyone who didn't sign them
  • Attacking any Republican who showed any moderation as a RINO
  • Loudly declaring any hint of cooperation with Democrats as unacceptable
  • Screaming "socialism" and/or "communism" at any number of existing government programs, wanting to shut down any number of departments
  • Voting as a bloc against virtually any Democrat initiative
The public sees this. They don't see the Democrats doing this. It's not difficult to characterize that behavior as obstructionist.

There has never been activist before, in either party,? really? I never realize that. Seems to me I remember a very successful contract with America not so many years ago. You and me bitch about what they are doing in WH, we do it everyday. Yet when people want to hold their officials accountable you seem to have a problem with them doing so? If an elected official is NOT representing what the people want, what do you suppose they should be threatened with?

The whole political spectrum has swung left. What is considered a moderate today was a flaming liberal not too long ago. What you are proposing is that the right swing even more left then they already have. The country is going into the dumpster and it isn't because the right has won any recent victories. The left wing has won almost everything but the right still gets the blame. BS.

We want them to vote against bad democrat initiatives. We wanted them to vote no for Obamacare. It is not like Congress has not passed laws. They are passing them at about the same rate as any other congress. It is just that some of the things that the democrats want to do is so radical we want them to vote against them in a block. That said, I can't think of any initiative that the democrats wanted they didn't get. Maybe not lock stock and barrel but they got almost everything they wanted.
This isn't Sotomayer replacing Souter, or Kagan replacing Stevens, this is Scalia we are talking about. This would be a makeover of the court, a sea change, and we Conservatives cannot afford to sit back and allow a fucking lib to replace him without the fight of our lives.
This is Obama's huge opportunity to go out with a poke in the eye like we've never been poked before.
If we (Conservatives) lose this one, we could be rendered powerless for years to come as far as the SCOTUS is concerned.

That is the intention of our Constitution. To allow the court to swing back and forth

Conservatives have no lock on control of the Supreme Court
When was the last time liberals controlled the court?

Let see, Obama(scotus) care, Gay marriage....... two rulings which rewrote law and neither sounds very conservative to me.
Scalia was not even dead for 24 hours and that F'ING POS you voted for made this announcement, he is lower than whale shit...

His nominee will be blocked, they better have thick skin...

If she doesn't get indicted you mean...

Do you mean this POS?

"The swiftness of McConnell’s statement — coming about an hour after Scalia’s death in Texas had been confirmed — stunned White House officials who had expected the Kentucky Republican to block their nominee with every tool at his disposal, but didn't imagine the combative GOP leader would issue an instant, categorical rejection of anyone Obama chose to nominate."

Read more: McConnell throws down the gauntlet: No Scalia replacement under Obama
No better way to point out Liberal Hypocrisy than educate Liberals by reminding them Hillary and Obama tried to filibuster / defeat Alito's nomination in 2006...

Liberals don't like it when they get served a big spoon-full of their own 'medicine'. It's 'unfair' and 'not right' when a Republican does it but is perfectly fine when they do it. Yeah, whatever. My advice to Liberals, Hillary, and Obama would be to 'embrace the suck'. Fortunately for them, the GOP is full of spineless, weak-minded, self-serving, me/party-1st @-holes who will 'cave' and give Obama whatever he wants before he steps down.
This isn't Sotomayer replacing Souter, or Kagan replacing Stevens, this is Scalia we are talking about. This would be a makeover of the court, a sea change, and we Conservatives cannot afford to sit back and allow a fucking lib to replace him without the fight of our lives.
This is Obama's huge opportunity to go out with a poke in the eye like we've never been poked before.
If we (Conservatives) lose this one, we could be rendered powerless for years to come as far as the SCOTUS is concerned.

That is the intention of our Constitution. To allow the court to swing back and forth

Conservatives have no lock on control of the Supreme Court
When was the last time liberals controlled the court?

Let see, Obama(scotus) care, Gay marriage....... two rulings which rewrote law and neither sounds very conservative to me.

You guys appointed them

Guess your base is even too extreme for the Justices you appoint
It will be wonderful to see Dems turning out in droves to install HRC because the GOP is obstructing Obama's nominations.....

Would they? I don't know that the average voter even pays attention to this shit. Either way, the president has the right to appoint a new justice and the Senate should give his nomination a vote.
They pay attention to what gets talked about...
View attachment 63671
Like I said wait and next president should pick this guy...


Obama is president.
Rock and a hard place for Republicans. They have to deal with a reputation of being obstructionists, which they brought on themselves. To the electorate, this just looks like more of the same..
They were definitely not obstructionist enough, but the left wing sold the lie and a whole lot of folks repeat it.
Look at the behavior of the GOP over the last eight years:
  • Activists shoving absolutist "pledges" in the face of their candidates, threatening to "primary" anyone who didn't sign them
  • Attacking any Republican who showed any moderation as a RINO
  • Loudly declaring any hint of cooperation with Democrats as unacceptable
  • Screaming "socialism" and/or "communism" at any number of existing government programs, wanting to shut down any number of departments
  • Voting as a bloc against virtually any Democrat initiative
The public sees this. They don't see the Democrats doing this. It's not difficult to characterize that behavior as obstructionist.

There has never been activist before, in either party,? really? I never realize that. Seems to me I remember a very successful contract with America not so many years ago. You and me bitch about what they are doing in WH, we do it everyday. Yet when people want to hold their officials accountable you seem to have a problem with them doing so? If an elected official is NOT representing what the people want, what do you suppose they should be threatened with?

The whole political spectrum has swung left. What is considered a moderate today was a flaming liberal not too long ago. What you are proposing is that the right swing even more left then they already have. The country is going into the dumpster and it isn't because the right has won any recent victories. The left wing has won almost everything but the right still gets the blame. BS.

We want them to vote against bad democrat initiatives. We wanted them to vote no for Obamacare. It is not like Congress has not passed laws. They are passing them at about the same rate as any other congress. It is just that some of the things that the democrats want to do is so radical we want them to vote against them in a block. That said, I can't think of any initiative that the democrats wanted they didn't get. Maybe not lock stock and barrel but they got almost everything they wanted.
I described the "what", you're explaining the "why".

If you're right that the whole political spectrum has swung left, and I agree, some self-inspection might be helpful. The usual memes - the press, lying Democrats - notwithstanding, conservatives might want to consider what failures in messaging they can address on their own.

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