No "butts" about it Michelle, despite "her" behind leads the way!..

It is amazing that someone who is trying to help America's youth be healthier should be vilified. As the number of obese adults and the amount of type 2 diabetes in the country has grown as a result of obesity, so has the amount of obesity and diabetes grown in the youth population. Someone who is trying to reverse that trend being vilified? I doubt if it was someone you liked, you'd have any problem with it. If it were a popular, loved and adimired white athlete, you'd be behind it, but because it is someone you don't like, you vilifiy her and make up all kinds of shit about it being part of a plot to take over the country and dictate your every move. Ludicrous.
Seriously? Who the heck cares about Michelle's butt? Who even wants to think about it? The only one who should care about it other than her is her husband. Enough with this nonsense and let's talk about important things.
It is amazing that someone who is trying to help America's youth be healthier should be vilified. As the number of obese adults and the amount of type 2 diabetes in the country has grown as a result of obesity, so has the amount of obesity and diabetes grown in the youth population. Someone who is trying to reverse that trend being vilified? I doubt if it was someone you liked, you'd have any problem with it. If it were a popular, loved and adimired white athlete, you'd be behind it, but because it is someone you don't like, you vilifiy her and make up all kinds of shit about it being part of a plot to take over the country and dictate your every move. Ludicrous.

What's amazing is people think that's what it's about. Her efforts, as well as her husbands, are not to improve the populatins diet. It's to about controlling people.
It is amazing that someone who is trying to help America's youth be healthier should be vilified. As the number of obese adults and the amount of type 2 diabetes in the country has grown as a result of obesity, so has the amount of obesity and diabetes grown in the youth population. Someone who is trying to reverse that trend being vilified? I doubt if it was someone you liked, you'd have any problem with it. If it were a popular, loved and adimired white athlete, you'd be behind it, but because it is someone you don't like, you vilifiy her and make up all kinds of shit about it being part of a plot to take over the country and dictate your every move. Ludicrous.

What's amazing is people think that's what it's about. Her efforts, as well as her husbands, are not to improve the populatins diet. It's to about controlling people.

LOL That's just totally laughable. Was Laura Bush's attempt to get children to read more a plot to control people? Mrs. Obama's goals are no different: to encourage children to live a better life. Period. The type of paranoia you express is down to political partisanship and nothing more. There is nothing rational or logical about it.
I think they dont need to prove anymore they like their dates with man hips and a flat butt.

I guess its all that homosexual repression they do to themselves

What is wrong with being a homosexual? Why do you paint homosexuals as lesser humans?

Homosexuals....not lesser humans at all. Repressed homosexuals? Lying to themselves.

It sounds like she is laying down a judgement, and implies it is not a good thing. Why is TM the expert in making such judgments? Why does she generalize, and stereotype. I don't understand the double standard.
It is amazing that someone who is trying to help America's youth be healthier should be vilified. As the number of obese adults and the amount of type 2 diabetes in the country has grown as a result of obesity, so has the amount of obesity and diabetes grown in the youth population. Someone who is trying to reverse that trend being vilified? I doubt if it was someone you liked, you'd have any problem with it. If it were a popular, loved and adimired white athlete, you'd be behind it, but because it is someone you don't like, you vilifiy her and make up all kinds of shit about it being part of a plot to take over the country and dictate your every move. Ludicrous.

What's amazing is people think that's what it's about. Her efforts, as well as her husbands, are not to improve the populatins diet. It's to about controlling people.

LOL That's just totally laughable. Was Laura Bush's attempt to get children to read more a plot to control people? Mrs. Obama's goals are no different: to encourage children to live a better life. Period. The type of paranoia you express is down to political partisanship and nothing more. There is nothing rational or logical about it.

I'm happy that Michelle Obama has a cause. She is in a position of influence and it is nice that she is trying to give back to her community.
small minded people up in here

NO just people who hate to be preached to by people who don't practice what they preach!

Michelle's big boned leads the way in pomposity... Instead of preaching she could lose the butt! But she and people like her find that attractive!!!

I think it is a big butt!

Obama preaches about "brother's keeper".. yet his brother lives in a $12 hut...
There is another scripture that I guess Obama keep ignoring...
Matthew 7:4
How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

From a health standpoint, Michelle Obama is in very good shape. She is not overweight. You people are freaks. I would imagine most of you are overweight yourselves and do little to take care of your own health.
It is amazing that someone who is trying to help America's youth be healthier should be vilified. As the number of obese adults and the amount of type 2 diabetes in the country has grown as a result of obesity, so has the amount of obesity and diabetes grown in the youth population. Someone who is trying to reverse that trend being vilified? I doubt if it was someone you liked, you'd have any problem with it. If it were a popular, loved and adimired white athlete, you'd be behind it, but because it is someone you don't like, you vilifiy her and make up all kinds of shit about it being part of a plot to take over the country and dictate your every move. Ludicrous.

What's amazing is people think that's what it's about. Her efforts, as well as her husbands, are not to improve the populatins diet. It's to about controlling people.

The fantasy world of paranoia that you live in is a very dark and scary place, isn't it?
Nah, she was a sucker. Her Husband was piping chicks on the side and she allowed it.
Yeah and most of them had wide behinds like Marilyn Monroe and Michelle Obama!


^like the fist of an angry God

One sick thing about this country is that she would be considered a "plus size" model today.

Yep. Most of the women who seem to be found attractive these days look like adolscent boys with tits. Except for the wow factor of breast and butt implants, admiration for the womanly body seems to be a thing of the past.
[ame=]Sir Mix-A-Lot - I like big butts ( Official Music Video ) - YouTube[/ame]
If she ate like a large portion of Americans she'd be a fat cow. Hell, if she ate like Chris Cristie she'd look like him, a fat cow. She doesn't and she isn't. She's 6' tall and likely is bigger boned. She is also peared shaped... smaller on top, bigger on bottom and no amount of dieting will change this. What shape is your sister? MO is in better shape now than she was 4 years ago, go look at pics. Why don't you rag on her height, her being an amazon and all? Cause, you know, that's her fault too. :rolleyes:

You do see how stupid your nitpicking is, don't you?

If you want to rag on a politician or their spouse for their shape rag on someone deserving of it, like Cristie, cause that's all self- inflicted. No bones about it he's just huge cause he eats like shit and doesn't exercise.

She's NOT 6 feet tall.. 5' 10"! And she is BIG BONED but she's overweight! AND she's preaching against being overweight and appears nothing is changing her eating habits!

View attachment 24564

If she ate the way you state she would look like Christie. She doesn't. Try looking at pics of her from four years ago to now. She has lost weight and is better shape now.
Nice ignoring the entire point of my post. :rolleyes:

Compared to the rest of America, Michelle is NOT overweight! Just because YOU think so doesn't make her overweight. A big gorgeous butt does NOT make a woman overweight!
valuing women on your own personal doable scale is pretty much more of the sexism and racism that is plauging the republican party.

gee I wonder why they just cant find any voters?

gee I wonder why they just cant find any voters?

Last election 40+million turned out...does that not count?... :eek:

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