No "butts" about it Michelle, despite "her" behind leads the way!..

small minded people up in here

NO just people who hate to be preached to by people who don't practice what they preach!

Michelle's big boned leads the way in pomposity... Instead of preaching she could lose the butt! But she and people like her find that attractive!!!

I think it is a big butt!

Obama preaches about "brother's keeper".. yet his brother lives in a $12 hut...
There is another scripture that I guess Obama keep ignoring...
Matthew 7:4
How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

Yes, the party of "family values" pratices what they preach. :eusa_whistle: Newt Gingrich, Mark Sanford, Mark Foley, Bob Livingston, Helen Chenowith, Dan Burton, Rudi Guliani, Don Sherwood, David Vitter, Larry Craig, Vito Fosella, John Ensign, ...........

how do you think the women in this country feel about a party that calls a healthy women a FAT ASS?

About the same as they feel about a party that 'jokes' that Palin's 14 year old got knocked up by a ball player.

False equivalency......Sarah Palin put her kids in the spotlight, honey. She did not have to get up on that stage and expose her inability to parent her kids, much less drag Bristol's big baby bump up there either. But you people in the GOP just love whores in high heels.
small minded people up in here

NO just people who hate to be preached to by people who don't practice what they preach!

Michelle's big boned leads the way in pomposity... Instead of preaching she could lose the butt! But she and people like her find that attractive!!!

I think it is a big butt!

Obama preaches about "brother's keeper".. yet his brother lives in a $12 hut...
There is another scripture that I guess Obama keep ignoring...
Matthew 7:4
How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

Yes, the party of "family values" pratices what they preach. :eusa_whistle: Newt Gingrich, Mark Sanford, Mark Foley, Bob Livingston, Helen Chenowith, Dan Burton, Rudi Guliani, Don Sherwood, David Vitter, Larry Craig, Vito Fosella, John Ensign, ...........

Right.. NO question about these skirt chasers and they all were seriously sanctioned or lost their jobs!

BUT.. in 1980–1989 there were 6 demos.. 4 GOP
Gus Savage (D-IL): Was accused of trying to force himself on a female Peace Corps worker while in Zaire.[70]
No action was taken by the House Ethics Committee after he apologized to her. (1989) [71]
Barney Frank (D-MA): Reprimanded by the House for fixing 33 parking tickets for Steve Gobie, a male escort who lived with Frank
and claimed to have conducted an escort service from Frank's apartment without his knowledge. (1989)[72]
Brock Adams (D-WA): Eight women accused Adams of committing various acts of sexual misconduct, ranging from sexual harassment to rape. (1988)[73]
Jim Bates (D-CA): Made sexual advances toward female staffers. (1988)[74]
Gary Hart, Senator (D-CO): While seeking the Democratic nomination for president, Hart was photographed with model Donna Rice on a boat named 'Monkey Business' during a trip to the Bahamas. His popularity plummeted and he soon dropped out. (1987)[75]
Gerry Studds (D-MA): Censured on July 20, 1983, in Congressional Page sex scandal for having sex with underage congressional pages. (1983)[76]
Dan Crane (R-IL) censured July 20, 1983 in the Congressional Page sex scandal for having sex with under age congressional pages. (1983)[76]
Jon Hinson (R-MS) US Congressman charged with oral sodomy of a male Library of Congress employee. (1981) [77]
Robert Bauman (R-MD): U.S. Congressman charged with attempting to solicit sex from a 16-year-old male prostitute. (1980)[78]
Thomas Evans (R-DE): U.S. Congressman went golfing in Florida with nude model and lobbyist Paula Parkinson, who suggested her lobbying techniques were "tactile."[79]

1990–1999 BUT NEVER A GOP President as Clinton BUT 6 GOP who were all involved in impeaching proceeds of Clinton.. and 3 DEMS including Clinton...

Bill Clinton, President (D): Revelations that White House intern Monica Lewinsky had oral sex with Clinton in the Oval Office leading him to famously declare on TV on January 26, 1998 that "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." The scandal led to impeachment by the House for perjury, for lying about the affair under oath. He was acquitted in the Senate with 55 senators voting Not Guilty to 45 senators voting Guilty (falling 22 votes short of the two-thirds necessary to convict). (1998)[54][55]
Henry Hyde, Representative (R-IL). In 1998, the Internet magazine stated that from 1965 to 1969, Hyde conducted an extramarital sexual affair with a married woman who had three children from her marriage. The revelation of this affair took place as Hyde was spearheading the impeachment hearings of President Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.[56]
Newt Gingrich, Representative (R-GA) and leader of the Republican Revolution of 1994:[57] Resigned from the House after admitting in 1998 to having had an affair with his intern while he was married to his second wife, and at the same time he was leading the impeachment of Bill Clinton for perjury regarding an affair with his intern Monica Lewinsky. (1998)[58][59]
Robert Livingston, Representative (R-LA): called for the resignation of Bill Clinton and when his own extramarital affairs were leaked, his wife urged him to resign and urge Clinton to do likewise.(1998)[60][61]
Bob Barr Representative (R-GA) had an affair while married. Barr had been the first lawmaker in either chamber to call for Clinton's resignation due to the Lewinsky affair. Barr lost a primary challenge less than three years after the impeachment proceedings.[62]
Dan Burton (R-IN) A combative critic of the Clinton/Lewinsky affair, Burton admitted that he had fathered a child out of wedlock.(1998) [63]
Helen Chenoweth-Hage (R-ID) aggressively called for the resignation of Bill Clinton, and admitted to her own six-year affair with a married rancher during the 1980s.[64]
Ken Calvert, Representative (R-CA): champion of the Christian Coalition once said "We can't forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky." Arrested for soliciting a prostitute for oral sex in his car.(1993)[65][9]
Robert Packwood, Senator (R-OR): Resigned his office after 29 women came forward with claims of sexual harassment, abuse, and assaults. His denials of any wrongdoing were eventually contradicted by his own diaries boasting of his sexual conquests. (1995)[66]
Mel Reynolds, Representative (D-IL): Indicted for sexual assault and criminal sexual abuse for a relationship with a 16-year-old campaign volunteer in 1994. He was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography in 1995[67]
Charles S. Robb Senator (D-VA) while married to Lynda Bird Johnson, Robb acknowledged drinking champagne and having a nude massage with Miss Virginia Tai Collins denying an affair, though he admitted an "indiscreet friendship." Collins claimed it was an 18 month affair. Soon after, Collins appeared nude in Playboy.(1991) [68]
Donald "Buz" Lukens, Representative (R-OH): Resigned before facing an investigation that he fondled a female Washington elevator operator.[69] (1990)

I could go on but this proves it is a two way street !
Check out this web page for ALL these indiscretions!
Shit like this just makes conservatives look petty and out of touch.

Stop already. Obama doesn't need our help in his endeavor to diminish our party.

Ignorant people IGNORE pomposity anywhere and you are ignorant which will lead to your demise!

These same "examples" are destroying our nation and every little bit i.e. Michelle's forcing kids to eat what SHE doesn't eat is a perfect example of the "Central Party Planning" ,elitist "we know better but we don't do it" mentality which SHE's exemplifying!

How come you didn't come to Laura Bush's defense when photos like these were actually printed in the MSM??

View attachment 24565 View attachment 24566

Image - Laura Scary Bush.jpg - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

Why the fuck would I cry about the left posting stupid shit like that? It just shows them to be as petty and fringe as this thread is showing you to be.
how do you think the women in this country feel about a party that calls a healthy women a FAT ASS?

About the same as they feel about a party that 'jokes' that Palin's 14 year old got knocked up by a ball player.

False equivalency......Sarah Palin put her kids in the spotlight, honey. She did not have to get up on that stage and expose her inability to parent her kids, much less drag Bristol's big baby bump up there either. But you people in the GOP just love whores in high heels.

It IS customary for candidates to show up on a stage - win or lose - with their families.

If Sarah Palin "put her kids in the spotlight", she did not do anything different than countless others have not done before her and will not do after.

The only difference was that the Palin family was not ashamed to admit that Bristol had an indiscretion which resulted in a baby. A liberal would have butchered that baby.

If you think that Sarah Palin failed as a parent, you obviously are unable or unwilling to see that her son was a volunteer to serve his country in the a Armed Forces.

Your reference to a baby as a "BUMP" reveals nothing about Sarah Palin's parenting skills, but everything about your spiteful, but typically liberal hatred of anything and everything that is not Obama-ass-sucking liberal.

Obama's kids will have life time (undeserved) protection from ever getting having the chance to get knocked up. And because of that I feel sorry for them, for not knowing anything about being normal teenagers and being able to enjoy themselves.
how do you think the women in this country feel about a party that calls a healthy women a FAT ASS?

About the same as they feel about a party that 'jokes' that Palin's 14 year old got knocked up by a ball player.

False equivalency......Sarah Palin put her kids in the spotlight, honey. She did not have to get up on that stage and expose her inability to parent her kids, much less drag Bristol's big baby bump up there either. But you people in the GOP just love whores in high heels.

Waaaah! Clinton and Carter's kid were in the spotlight as well but, but, but you can't poke at them, they're Dems! Ok to mock Repubs but leave the Dems alone! Jaysus you leftists are a hypocritical whiny bunch.
Ultimately, correlation does not equal causation.
There are inumerable other factors that could be part of the claim.I think its just a bone of good news being passed out as a bone due to the other issues facing the country.

About the same as they feel about a party that 'jokes' that Palin's 14 year old got knocked up by a ball player.

False equivalency......Sarah Palin put her kids in the spotlight, honey. She did not have to get up on that stage and expose her inability to parent her kids, much less drag Bristol's big baby bump up there either. But you people in the GOP just love whores in high heels.

Waaaah! Clinton and Carter's kid were in the spotlight as well but, but, but you can't poke at them, they're Dems! Ok to mock Repubs but leave the Dems alone! Jaysus you leftists are a hypocritical whiny bunch.

yea really, where any presidents kids more attacked then bush's daughters
I think they dont need to prove anymore they like their dates with man hips and a flat butt.

I guess its all that homosexual repression they do to themselves

What is wrong with being a homosexual? Why do you paint homosexuals as lesser humans?

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