No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

No, progressive assholes do that sort of shit. The video shows the protesters very calmly walking within the guide ropes.

"Calmly walking within the guide ropes"? Really? Guess that you've never been to the Capitol then, because the only people allowed on the floor of either the House or the Senate are Congress personnel, or those whom they invite. General public IS NOT allowed on the floor of those 2 places. If the horned one was "within guide ropes", then how in the hell did he get all the way up to the podium? There are no guide ropes that you can stay in that allow you access to that place.
Yes. Overrunning the Capitol and having the congress people taken to safe spaces obstructed and impeded the proceedings, as they were unable to complete them until after the rioters were cleared out.

Since you appear to not know the definition of some words, let me help you out...................



ob·struct əb-ˈstrəkt

obstructed; obstructing; obstructs
Synonyms of obstruct
transitive verb
1: to block or close up by an obstacle
A piece of food obstructed his airway.

The road was obstructed by a fallen tree.

2: to hinder from passage, action, or operation : IMPEDE
Constant interruptions obstruct our progress.

was charged with obstructing justice by lying to investigators

3: to cut off from sight
A wall obstructs the view.



im·pede im-ˈpēd

impeded; impeding
Synonyms of impede
transitive verb
: to interfere with or slow the progress of

So yeah.................because Congress had to delay the proceedings to certify the election because of the J6 idiots, they DID obstruct and impede them.
That was exactly my point. They DID obstruct and impede them.

Unfortunately, BackAgain ran away from answering this.
Where is that at (video)? I don't see that here where he enters the building and then immediately tries to get a guy not to raid the snack room...

The DOJ told Marener to think that, so it might as well be etched on tablets coming down the mountain in the hands of Moses.
The DOJ told Marener to think that, so it might as well be etched on tablets coming down the mountain in the hands of Moses.
Chansley signed onto it as being truthful and accurate.

It also correlates perfectly to every piece evidence that we do have.

Unlike you, I don’t have to make things up.

So you have not seen the video of him getting the tour?

Go get educated.

And I find if funny that you claimed to know he was told to leave before and during the tour that you now claim didn't happen. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I’ve seen the video. It doesn’t show him getting a tour from nine officers.

I put “tour” in quotes because that’s how you described it, not how I described it. I understand that writing techniques might not be your strong suit. They usually teach that stuff towards the end of high school.
Where is that at (video)? I don't see that here where he enters the building and then immediately tries to get a guy not to raid the snack room...

Carlson is hiding a lot of video of Chansley’s time at the Capitol.
WTF do you think that picture does to help you with your lies, liar?
That’s Chansley confronting police shortly after he got into the Capitol and being told to leave.

The officers did not want to escalate force when so many rioters had spilled into the Capitol and they could be easily overwhelmed.
I’ve seen the video. It doesn’t show him getting a tour from nine officers.

I put “tour” in quotes because that’s how you described it, not how I described it. I understand that writing techniques might not be your strong suit. They usually teach that stuff towards the end of high school.
So you have circled back to claiming when you said he was told "during and after" the guided tour, that tour never happened. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You dumbassery is hilarious. You are too stupid to even keep up with it.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
That’s Chansley confronting police shortly after he got into the Capitol and being told to leave.

The officers did not want to escalate force when so many rioters had spilled into the Capitol and they could be easily overwhelmed.
Mind reader, are ya?
So you have circled back to claiming when you said he was told "during and after" the guided tour, that tour never happened. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You dumbassery is hilarious. You are too stupid to even keep up with it.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What you call a tour wasn’t a tour. He was told to leave before and during that period of time.

These are facts that you are ignorant of.

You’re brainwashed.
That was exactly my point. They DID obstruct and impede them.

Unfortunately, BackAgain ran away from answering this.
No. I haven’t run away from a single thing. Why must you lie?

Pretty lame-ass of you.

Some of them may have impeded the official proceeding. What dolts like you fail to acknowledge is that here in America, we don’t indiscriminately assign individual guilt to everyone in a group.

You are too lazy to do things properly. But that’s ok. Your laziness doesn’t control. Those willing to do the hard work will need to try to prove (if they have adequate evidence) that the individual defendant had the requisite culpable mental state.
They said so.

Stop. I’m infinitely better informed than you.
The did? Where did they say they gave the guy a guided tour instead of escorting him out in fear of escalating the situation?

Was this before or after they gunned down an unarmed woman?

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