No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

Wrong question. The correct question is whether the officials who decided to have the legislators make a hasty retreat felt that some of the more active intruders represented a threat. It appears they did. So rhose officials delayed the proceedings. (A determination I don’t criticize at all.)

So, no. The intruders didn’t delay or impede. But the consequence of their behavior did result in a decision to delay the certification.
Ok, we agree. Here’s what he plead guilty of:

18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2).

(c) Whoever corruptly—
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Now read the bold part. The consequence of their behavior did result in a decision to delay the certification - a decision that you don’t find unreasonable. Thus, these people are guilty of impeding the official proceeding.
ManBearPig and his cohorts violently smashed their way into the building and this video proves it. He also plead GUILTY.

I now await all of the predictable excuses from The Cult.

Your video proves QAnon Shaman calmly walked through a door violently opened by others, during a mostly peaceful protest.

Denying you lied when you were flat out caught lying is quite amusing to me. You falsely claimed 9 cops have BuffaloHead a "guided tour" and I was able to prove, with video evidence, that was a lie as the video shows him oproaching them while they were standing around; and then walking past them as they remained standing around.

Now for something from another perspective, what do you think of this video?

I'm thinking this whole episode is one major false flag PLANNED bullshit charade.

No, you flaming dumbfuck, I never said that nor am I saying that now.

You responded to a post saying the House had the tapes by saying that could be why the prosecution didn’t have them.

The only logical conclusion is that you think the prosecution only had what Piglosi fed them.

But then, you and logic have never been introduced.

Spin away, Simp…..
I am having fun and will continue to do so. You're such a glutton for punishment, you provide me with endless entertainment.


Have fun down your rabbit hole of dumbassery, Simp.
English, do you speak it, Simp?

Hey, thanks for bein' a good secretary and pointing out my typo. I fixed for ya so now even you can understand...


Shouldn't you be writing that to BuffaloHead in prison? I'm sure he'd appreciate the correspondence and your undying support.

Hey, thanks for bein' a good secretary and pointing out my typo. I fixed for ya so now even you can understand...

Shouldn't you be writing that to BuffaloHead in prison? I'm sure he'd appreciate the correspondence and your undying support.
Always fun to point out what an idiot you are, Simp.
Your video proves QAnon Shaman calmly walked through a door violently opened by others, during a mostly peaceful protest.

If your buddy breaks a window and enters a house and you follow him in you are as guilty as he is. That's why ManBearPig plead guilty.

Stop defending destructive and abhorrent behavior just because your tribe is the one who engaged in it.
If your buddy breaks a window and enters a house and you follow him in you are as guilty as he is. That's why ManBearPig plead guilty.

Stop defending destructive and abhorrent behavior just because your tribe is the one who engaged in it.
Have you found anyone who claimed he was “escorted into” the Capitol?
Now for something from another perspective, what do you think of this video?

I'm thinking this whole episode is one major false flag PLANNED bullshit charade.

2 things come to mind.

1... makes me understand why the court rejected his bullshit attempt to cry mental incompetence.

2. Leads me to believe this played a factor in the judge being lenient in giving him a 3½ year sentence when he was facing a potential 20 year sentence.
You responded to a post saying the House had the tapes by saying that could be why the prosecution didn’t have them.

The only logical conclusion is that you think the prosecution only had what Piglosi fed them.

But then, you and logic have never been introduced.

Spin away, Simp…..

Nope, that's far from the only logical conclusion unless you're a raging dumbfuck; which you are.

The actual logical conclusion is prosecutors had other evidence beyond what the House had, such as cell phone videos and text messages, social media postings, eyewitness accounts, etc.. There's a shit ton of evidence that didn't come from the House, Dumbfuck.

Looks a lot like the David dePape bullshit. Filmed on 1/7... as were virtually all of the "hallway fight scenes"

If Chansley is indeed a fraud, a left wing homo who is a "soldier" of homO, he would plead guilty, he would do the act of "breaking in" for the cameras the day after, he would go to prison and do some stunts for attention before jetting back to Israel on Mike Bloomberg's private jet.

What the video shows is that the Capitol Police were ESCORTING Chansley, not confronting, not arresting despite clear criminal trespass...

The left wing Zionist Fascist hate hoax machine includes Hollywood doctored and date fudged video....
There was a time you smoked a lot of meth, but you're better now, right?

Chansley pled.
Nope, that's far from the only logical conclusion unless you're a raging dumbfuck; which you are.

The actual logical conclusion is prosecutors had other evidence beyond what the House had, such as cell phone videos and text messages, social media postings, eyewitness accounts, etc.. There's a shit ton of evidence that didn't come from the House, Dumbfuck.

Nostra is the kind of moron who believes he can intuit the facts.
Nope, that's far from the only logical conclusion unless you're a raging dumbfuck; which you are.

The actual logical conclusion is prosecutors had other evidence beyond what the House had, such as cell phone videos and text messages, social media postings, eyewitness accounts, etc.. There's a shit ton of evidence that didn't come from the House, Dumbfuck.

Your story always changes when your dumbassery is called out.

Tell us why the DOJ wouldn’t have those security videos because the House had them.

Watch the worm squirm….


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