No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

Wrong question. The correct question is whether the officials who decided to have the legislators make a hasty retreat felt that some of the more active intruders represented a threat. It appears they did. So rhose officials delayed the proceedings. (A determination I don’t criticize at all.)

So, no. The intruders didn’t delay or impede. But the consequence of their behavior did result in a decision to delay the certification.

Again. So what? That’s still got fuck all to do with anything attributable to Shaman-boi.

Wait a minute...............................

You're saying that because the officials perceived a threat by the protesters, and decided to take the Congress personnel into a safe space, it was the fault of the officials and not the protesters for the election results being delayed?

If the people hadn't been protesting and rioting in the first place, the officials wouldn't have had to escort the Congress people to safety, and the certification wouldn't have been delayed.

That's almost as stupid as saying that a woman walking down the street wearing tight clothing who gets raped is the one at fault and not the rapist because she dressed provocatively.

Either (a) you are a great troll, because you try to explain stuff with the most convoluted of reasoning and getting others to respond to you, or (b) you are one of the dumbest people on the planet because you actually believe the bullshit you spew.

I've been going with (a) so far, but if you keep posting these lame assed excuses, I'm gonna switch to believing that you are one of those brainwashed simpletons and are as stupid as you post.
If your buddy breaks a window and enters a house and you follow him in you are as guilty as he is. That's why ManBearPig plead guilty.

Stop defending destructive and abhorrent behavior just because your tribe is the one who engaged in it.
Nope.......he was coerced by a heavy handed sentence and offered a 'gift' from the prosecution and used as the evil face of the event to the gullible American Trump haters.
You realize he was coerced into to waiving his right to appeal the 'gift'?
They knew he'd win on appeal.....that's why.

He broke the law as many others did, but the sentence didn't fit the crime.
Nope.......he was coerced by a heavy handed sentence and offered a 'gift' from the prosecution and used as the evil face of the event to the gullible American Trump haters.
You realize he was coerced into to waiving his right to appeal the 'gift'?
They knew he'd win on appeal.....that's why.

He broke the law as many others did, but the sentence didn't fit the crime.


He wasn't coerced.


Actually they do have that procedure and trained for it.

Cops in other places than the Capitol with mob situations train for it as well.

Sometimes they mess up, and ignore training....or there isn't a script and training for all situations....and/or Murphy's Law takes place....

The restraint those cops showed, SAVED MANY LIVES in this Capitol situation....and kept a bad situation from getting much worse imo.

If they train for it, they never follow their training. The "deescalation" procedure i always see in 99% of cop videos ends up with the cop drawing their gun or assaulting the subject over the slightest situation. We saw excessive use of force during DC protests that were largely peaceful. The only difference this time is they were outnumbered. It's only then that they dare not start shit. Shocking

"No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building"​

Words matter:


"Chansley Was Not Escorted Into THROUGH the Capitol Building and ONTO THE SENATE FLOOR"

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Why would the FBI have agents dressed as Trump supporters INSIDE the Capitol BEFORE the Capitol was breached, before Capitol Police held doors open for protestors to enter, IF NOT TO LURE PROTESTORS INTO THE CAPITOL?


No one, ya moron.
He walked in through the doors let open by the insurrectionists that busted through the windows, then opened the doors from the inside to let other insurrectionists inside.

All you have is repeated claims of 'altered video'
Chansley Was Not Escorted
Correct, Chansley was carefully Followed. Followed, not escorted.
Capitol Police: Follow the crazy guy, but don't engage.
Why would the FBI have agents dressed as Trump supporters INSIDE the Capitol BEFORE the Capitol was breached, before Capitol Police held doors open for protestors to enter,
Because, duh......
Neither of your CT's are true.

You were duped again.....silly.
No one, ya moron.

So (9 total throughout his 'trek') Capitol Policemen took it upon themselves to escort him through the Capitol, try to unlock doors for him, and walk him onto the Senate floor...where he prayed for the officers who escorted him through the Capitol and onto the Senate floor.

Down-right hospitable of them.
Because, duh......
Neither of your CT's are true.

You were duped again.....silly.
The FBI admitted to this during testimony before the J6 hearing and House Oversight Hearing, ya ignorant f*tard.

Your buddies back at the kids' table are calling. Why don't you stop embarrassing yourself, go back & join them, & let the adults talk...

The FBI admitted to this during testimony before the J6 hearing and House Oversight Hearing,
I thought you Tards said no-one watched the J6 hearings?
Sure, just post the video or transcript of FBI's testimony.

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