No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

Quitting before you’ve even begun?

You didn’t even bother to look into it? Figures.
I did. Not sure what to make of this as it constantly refers to different statutes. I’m also fairly certain that you have no idea what you’re talking about anyway. Additionally, his lawyer advised him to plead guilty to this and I’ve shown that the judges agree with me as well, so it appears that the experts in this area are on my side here.

So the ball is in your court. Go ahead and make your argument. How does that word refute anything I’ve said? Let’s see it.
BuffaloHead didn't have to worry about paying for bail. It was denied by the judge.

The point is still a guilty plea is often the shortest jail time, which is sort of extortion in my opinion,
Does not look recognizable to me.
I some fur, but no horns, red/white/blue, that I can recognize.
The only similarity is they both are carrying a US flag.

So? Being as vastly outnumbered as they were, what would you expect them to do?

After Ashlie was shot, the cops coming up from the basement, shows there were more cops there, in hiding.
When we protested Vietnam in CD, like in 1973, we had over 1 million protestors, and there were never more than 100 cops visible at any time.
But you can bet they were itching to start shooting, if given any provocation.
We were not even allowed on the steps to the capital.
Already answered. Repeatedly. I don’t jump through your stupid hoops to play your pathetic fucking games.
So you can’t show me your response to post #259. You ran away from that one, like I fucking said.

And now you got caught in a lie.
Well, yes. We're your enemy, and you're ours.

We have a set of ideas that we argue for.

Our people try to put these ideas forward on college campuses, to reach the new generation. The campuses are controlled by your side, and we want to try to counter the terrible ideas your side are teaching.

Hell, now you're even targetting little children, with your Drag Queen Story Hour.

But when we try to hold peaceful, public meetings on campus, your side turns up in large numbers and breaks up the meeting. Sometimes our speakers are physically attacked. This is now pretty routine on college campuses.

Your side expresses itself through violent riots, burning down courthouses and police stations.

Some of your supporters, fired up by your side's teaching that whites are the enemy, commit mass murder, like the man who plowed through a crowd in Kenosha. You may not have heard of that one, because your side control the mass media.

Others capture people they think are on our side, and torture them.
[ 2017 Chicago torture incident - Wikipedia ]
Don't worry, it's all Trump's fault. And when the media treat such attacks differently than they would attacks by whites on Blacks, that's justified too -- it's all explained for you here [The viral anti-Trump attack video from Chicago, explained]

Others just target us for murder as individuals. You've probably never heard of Aaron Danielson, but we won't forget that a supporter from your side shot him to death in cold blood, that AntiFa supporters laughed and cheered when they heard about, and that some of your professors wrote approvingly of it.

So, yeah, we're enemies. We'd be complete fools if we haven't learned that by now.

The left, like Antifa and BLM do not control industry, the media, the police, or anything.
So the only way to even get any coverage in the media at all is violence.
There is no other option available.
The right not only has all the wealth, but has extorted the media and owns all the police as well.

Just look at the issues.
The left wants to prevent wars, prevent infringement of rights, like illegal no-knock warrants for the illegal War on Drugs, etc.
The right wants to invade Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc., and have the highest % incarcerated in the whole world.
I did. Not sure what to make of this as it constantly refers to different statutes. I’m also fairly certain that you have no idea what you’re talking about anyway. Additionally, his lawyer advised him to plead guilty to this and I’ve shown that the judges agree with me as well, so it appears that the experts in this area are on my side here.

So the ball is in your court. Go ahead and make your argument. How does that word refute anything I’ve said? Let’s see it.
I’m content with your admission of running scared.

If you’re too totally fucking lazy and ignorant to recognize that a significant word in a statute has actual legal meaning (as opposed to your apparent belief that some words are irrelevant to the concept of statutory construction) then you’re not worthy of my time.

Out of curiosity, since you’re too lazy to even look it up, if you had to guess, what would you imagine “corruptly” means in that statute?

Try looking at 18 U. S. C. Section 1505(6)(b).

Ok ok. Here’s your hint, you lazy lug:

“As used in section 1505, the term ‘corruptly‘ means acting with an improper purpose, personally or by influencing another, including making a false or misleading statement, or withholding, concealing, altering, or destroying a document or other information.”

So, tell us all: what was the allegedly “improper purpose?” Don’t answer without thinking it through. Then, for grins and shits and giggles, I’m betting you’d be willing to take a stab at the other aspects of “corruptly.”

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“As used in section 1505, the term ‘corruptly‘ means acting with an improper purpose, personally or by influencing another, including making a false or misleading statement, or withholding, concealing, altering, or destroying a document or other information.”

So, tell us all: what was the allegedly “improper purpose?”
The “improper purpose”, to me, would be indicated by him being in a place he knew he wasn’t supposed to be (past police barricades and into a building that was broken into) to disrupt a congressional proceeding. That’s how I would interpret that.

As opposed to, let’s say that there happened to be a tourist who got lost in the Capitol and he’s carrying a large bag. Everyone panics, thinking it could be a bomb and the room is evacuated until it’s discovered that this was just an honest mistake. This would be impeding on the official proceeding but without “improper purpose.” Something like that.

That’s my take on it. Looks like the judges and lawyers agree with me too, so I think I’m on the right track. Still haven’t heard your take on all this. Go ahead and explain why me and the judges are wrong.
The left, like Antifa and BLM do not control industry, the media, the police, or anything.
So the only way to even get any coverage in the media at all is violence.
There is no other option available.
The right not only has all the wealth, but has extorted the media and owns all the police as well.

Just look at the issues.
The left wants to prevent wars, prevent infringement of rights, like illegal no-knock warrants for the illegal War on Drugs, etc.
The right wants to invade Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc., and have the highest % incarcerated in the whole world.
Hmmm... so it's Pure Good vs Pure Evil?

Well, what 'Left' are you talking about? The Democrats? Dragging us into war with Russia at this very moment?

The 'woke' corporations, which fire their employees if the challenge Leftist orthodoxy by saying something along the lines of "there is a difference between men and women"?

The media are in the hands of the Right??????????? What?????????!!!!

Okay... I understand ... you had some sort of terrible accident many, many years ago, have been in a coma ever since ... and have just recovered, and haven't had time to read the papers or listen to the news.

Congratulations on your recovery!!! But when you start learning about the USA in 2023 ... boy, are you going to have a surprise!!!
I have never run away. And you’re an impatient little bitch.

I enjoy it when a moron like you tries to one up people who actually do know what they’re talking about.

Let me get you started. Look up what that law means by “corruptly.”

It’s not in bold, you jerk off. But it’s the 2d word.
I enjoy it when a moron like you tries to one up people who actually do know what they’re talking about

Damn near spat up mah spleen.
The “improper purpose”, to me, would be indicated by him being in a place he knew he wasn’t supposed to be (past police barricades and into a building that was broken into) to disrupt a congressional proceeding. That’s how I would interpret that.

As opposed to, let’s say that there happened to be a tourist who got lost in the Capitol and he’s carrying a large bag. Everyone panics, thinking it could be a bomb and the room is evacuated until it’s discovered that this was just an honest mistake. This would be impeding on the official proceeding but without “improper purpose.” Something like that.

That’s my take on it. Looks like the judges and lawyers agree with me too, so I think I’m on the right track. Still haven’t heard your take on all this. Go ahead and explain why me and the judges are wrong.
That’s my take on it. Looks like the judges and lawyers agree with me too

Perhaps we make too much of that.
On second thought, it could just be a single, long spear with a very fancy handle. Why they'd ever let some nut walk around the Capitol with that thing though sure beats the hell out of me!
Then again, according the NYPost article Faun shared here:
Yeah, BuffaloHead said that.

The lone regret Chansley has, he said, was believing that he was allowed into the Captiol after being “waved in” by police officers, giving him the impression that his actions were permitted, according to the report.
Federal prosecutors want him jailed until trial because they say he’s a danger to the community and held a spear attached to a flagpole as he confronted officers inside the Capitol.
So be it then until proven otherwise; "a spear attached to a flagpole"
Patriots shouldn't try to twist reality.

6 Jan, whatever happened, was a big defeat for us, a huge gift to the Left. Anyone who doesn't understand that fundamental lesson is hopeless.

Now, was it a set-up, an orchestrated trap? Did the FBI, or a combination of the DC police and them, plan this all out weeks in advance. "Ha! Trump is calling a demonstration in Washington. We'll infiltrate the crowd with fake protestors, and then they'll incite the crowd to invade the Capitol, and that will discredit Trump!"

Well, maybe. I am doubtful, because organizing something like this, involving dozens, if not hundreds of people, would be VERY dangerous to do, if it got out.

But, there could have been a sort of low-level, spontaneous incitement. There were almost certainly infiltrators from various levels of the police, FBI on down, in that crowd. Some of the more militant groups, the Three Percenters and the Oathkeepers, who came to Washington, almost certainly already had some infiltrators in them back home. (The head of the Proud Boys was a police informant several years ago, which doesn't mean he remained one -- maybe he did it then to beat a charge -- but it is suspicious.)

So, in the chaos of a leaderless crowd [PATRIOTS: WE NEED AN ORGANIZATION!!!], it's quite possible that these infiltrators, perhaps just wanting to keep 'in character', did, with whatever level of enthusiasm, urge the crowd onward, without any direct instructions to do so.

Either way, we fell into a trap, even if it was one we set for ourselves.

As for the people who went into the Capitol, they seem to range from the real play-acting romantics -- the guys wearing body armor and camo with their AR15s in the trunks of their cars -- all the way to the innocent protestor who didn't know that he was committing a crime. (I've got a link to one poor fellow like that, which I'll try to find.)

The thing is, in a crowd, fired up with emotion over a stolen election, it's EASY to do dumb things. That's why we need an organization that can steward events like these.

Of all the protestors facing prison, or who have served time, we ought to distinguish among those who (1) actively fought with the police, (2) didn't fight with the police but did damage things, (3) those who just went in.

And perhaps a 'zero' category, those who went to Washington with what we might call 'insurrectional intent': carrying AR15s and, presumably, the things you would take to a genuine seizure of power. [Baofengs, rations, medical kit, maps, extra ammo, batteries] -- sheer Rambo Hollywood romanticism, but also signals that you're not just there for a peaceful protest.

Your best defense is to say that you thought AntiFa would be there with guns, or something. Lots of luck with that one.

It would be very interesting to ask each participant, what they thought they would accomplish by invading Congress? (The ones who knew they weren't just being taken on a nice escorted tour.)

Did they seriously think that a mob of Trump supporters would frighten Congressmen into voting the way Trump wanted? Seriously? I mean, ok, we've got some stupid people on our side, just like the other side does, but really ...

No, this was a spontaneous stupid thing, not an organized, planned stupid thing.

Like pronouncements of Mr Trump, it was just an unthoughtout spontaneous action, maybe helped on by infiltrators, who may have been part of an orchestrated plot by the other side, but who were probably just using their own initiative. ... their spontaneity taking advantage of ours.

And it doesn't matter. Do stupid things, get stupid prizes. Hundreds of our people in prison, millions of dollars to the lawyers, Mr and Mrs Middle America repelled in horror, and the Left unable to believe their luck -- all memories of the much more violent summer riots wiped out. Of course the Left will take advantage of this. They'd be fools not to. We would do the same to them, I hope.

Plus, they can now pretend to be indignant patriots-- "Ohhh,, an attack on our horrible racist capitalist government ... errrr.. I mean our wonderful Constitutional Democracy... and where's the flag for me to wave .. oops, forgot, I burned it last month...".

In serious struggle, defeats and setbacks are inevitable. Learn from them.

In the meantime, you take care of your people wounded in combat, even if they got their wounds in a futile action.

The imprisoned patriots are our own. At a minimum, every patriot should send a couple of dozen letters to them over the next few days. You can get their names and addresses in prison from the Patriot Mail Project, whose web address you can find by Googling.
Nope.......he was coerced by a heavy handed sentence and offered a 'gift' from the prosecution and used as the evil face of the event to the gullible American Trump haters.
You realize he was coerced into to waiving his right to appeal the 'gift'?
They knew he'd win on appeal.....that's why.
Isn't it illegal for you to share information about his case?

He broke the law as many others did, but the sentence didn't fit the crime.

I agree the sentence doesn't fit the crime, but that's a different argument.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck, Dumbfuck?

Looks like Fawnboi is too stupid to zoom in on the photo and see the end of his flag pole that doesn’t have a scary pointy thing.

Maybe the cops give out scary pointy flag pole things with every guided tour.

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