No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

That would be your reply to post #662, not post #259.

Like I said, and like you have been unable to disprove, you ran away from 259.
As I correctly said to rebut your lie, my response to your asinine question is ALSO found in my post.

No matter how you try to spin it, bitch, you stand exposed as the liar you are.

Go play on the freeway.
May? They delayed the official proceeding as everyone had to be evacuated and the Capitol needed to be cleared of these idiots.

Did overrunning the Capitol obstruct or impede the official proceeding?
Seriously? This is the post you have been whining and crying about for 20 pages?

Get a life, Loser.
So you didn’t directly respond to post #259. Like I fucking said.

You ran away from it like the little bitch you are.

Stop wetting your panties like that. You got exposed as the compulsive liar you are. That’s all. No damage to your credibility. You don’t have any.

But you could work on that. You could give honesty a chance someday. 👍

But I doubt you ever will.

Now, go play in traffic.

Stop wetting your panties like that. You got exposed as the compulsive liar you are. That’s all. No damage to your credibility. You don’t have any.

But you could work on that. You could give honesty a chance someday. 👍

But I doubt you ever will.

Now, go play in traffic.
Still no response to post #259 I see.

Whoops, looks like you ran away from that one. Like I fucking said.
So you didn’t directly respond to post #259. Like I fucking said.

You ran away from it like the little bitch you are.
Ah. I see your latest quibble. You imagine you’re entitled to a direct response.

But you’re not.

And what you’ve said (numerous times) is not that I failed to respond “directly.” Your lie was that inhasnt replied — period. But I had.

And you’ve persisted in your lies (and now quibbles) ever since. You liars lie. It’s what you liars do.

Maybe you can lie (down) some more, now like on a freeway. 👍

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