No Collusion.So Who Really Looks Like A Total Buffoon Now?,Maxine Waters&Joy Behar.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
So now we wait to hear the "Maxine Waters Response", right? if any of the loons out there were so adamant that the Russians worked with Trump, to the extent that Trump was going to jail over this collusion, its two of the biggest clowns on earth. Maxine and Joy! Remember particularly what Maxine was accusing Trump of over these last two or so years?
Trump is a felon! Trump and Putin colluded together to steal the election !!!
So now we wait to hear from Maxine, anyone wonder what she and her wig has to say now?
:abgg2q.jpg: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh::iyfyus.jpg:
Once they verify that Barr's summary is accurate, the left will turn on Mueller like a Doberman Pinscher.
Confirmed epic meltdown from the blonde heifer on the right! :auiqs.jpg:

Now Whoopie's spinnin'.

Maxine Waters made a jackass of herself when falling for a prank call from the Urkane!
(starts at 11:00) He talks about the Steele dossier, Clinton emails etc at 16:00...double standard in MSM..." that's about to changa" (on Clinton campaign crimes being swept under the rug ) meaning there will soon be a special counsel looking at the other side very soon.
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Madcow cried all over herself when she hear that the Mueller report exonerated Trump.

What a bunch of whinny ass bitches.

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