No Convention Bounce For Biden... He loses points in all polls

This reminds me of 2012

Incumbent President with large base support running against a lackluster opposition candidate that nobody really likes.

His base is not big enough to win. Biden's disapproval ratings are better than 10 points LOWER than Clinton's.
So Chortle and Guffaw! Maybe a dozen posters post Anti-Biden, illiterate incoherence. They they post, "Look at the polls, even:" In a link that has none(?)!



So, contrary to the OP, this is in the link in the OP:

"BIDEN HAS RECEIVED GENERALLY HIGH MARKS FOR HIS ACCEPTANCE SPEACH ON THURSDAY NIGHT. Between those strong reviews and the smooth operations of a complicated and irregular convention — the anecdotal media coverage has been mostly positive, which could feed into any improvement in Biden’s poll numbers.+

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This there is: Matt 25: 14-30!)
dumb fuck when you attack people and call them illiterate make fucking sure what you post is spotless
And the dirty POS trump you support is spotless ? The pos is pure filth as are most of his supporters
shrugs bug when you supported the former piece of shit you shouldn't bash president Trump
The former President was the best in your lifetime Too bad you had a shit life with him as president ,,Bet you had the same under GWB

The best what? Liar? Con man? Democrat token?
The best for our country,,A man who knew how to speak to friend and foe Not like the uneducated pos trump who paid someone to take his SAT's and paid off prostitutes You pay them off too?

The best for our country in what way? Sluggish economy, botched public health, wasted money funneled to his cronies, foreign policy that left Americans dead and unavenged, and inflamed racial division . . .

Only a leftist could think that's "best for the country", because only a leftist would be narcissistic enough to think "What I personally want is what's best for the country."

The more you talk about how you and your party are so superior and we should all feel ashamed for supporting Trump, the more you demonstrate how beneath contempt you are.

I wouldn't trade President Trump for ten of your worthless, lying token Messiah.

On a side note, the more you rant and froth about how "horrible" and "immoral" President Trump's sex life is, the more I wonder if you have some unresolved sexual issues of your own. I mean, let's face it. A man having sex with women and giving them money, while disreputable, has been very standard human behavior since . . . forever. There's a reason they call prostitution "the oldest profession", after all. And this unreasoning condemnation you have for it as though it's the most vile sin possible, when you support a party that demands the normalization of far more abnormal sexual behavior, makes me think perhaps you have something you need to discuss with a good therapist.
I got your therapist right here

Really no need to be so hostile about coming out of the closet. This is 2020, and we're far too busy judging you for being an evil, hypocritical piece of shit to bother judging you for your sexual dysfunction.
You see I don't mind you thinking that of me What baffles me is why you don't think the same for the lying scum bag leading our nation into his sewer

What baffles me is why you think anyone is obligated to take your viewpoint as objective fact. Is your narcissism so strong that it never crosses your mind that everyone doesn't share your opinion?

Let me see if I can explain this in terms even the likes of you will understand. It's not that I'm judging you and not judging Trump; it's that I judged you both and decided that you are far, far worse as a human being than Trump is. He's a bombastic NY boor; lots of people are. You, however, are an actual malignant cancer on the ass of humanity.

Next time you want to hold forth on how Trump isn't holding up to your standards, take a moment to ask yourself: "What use have I ever been to the world, that I feel qualified to impose standards on anyone?" I suspect that's far too much introspection and self-honesty from any leftist, though. If you had to see yourself as you really are, we'd be back to your family having to hide the sharp implements.
I decided to revisit this again today and found that only one poll, ABC/IPSO, had any positive ratings for the DNC... And Now Slow Joe is going to continue hiding in his basement until election day...

I guess he knows already he wont win and is conceding it.....

The fact is that the national polls were not very good for Trump.

Aug 21
CBS News/YouGov Biden 52 Trump 42

Aug 19
Rasmussen Reports Biden 48, Trump 44
Economist/YouGov Biden 50, Trump 40 Biden +10
The Hill/HarrisX Biden 45, Trump 39
No good news here. The closest is Rasmussen which had Republicans up by 1 in the generic ballot in 2018. Democrats won by nearly 8 which means they got the margin wrong and the party wrong.

The fact is, you're whistling past the graveyard.
So Chortle and Guffaw! Maybe a dozen posters post Anti-Biden, illiterate incoherence. They they post, "Look at the polls, even:" In a link that has none(?)!



So, contrary to the OP, this is in the link in the OP:

"BIDEN HAS RECEIVED GENERALLY HIGH MARKS FOR HIS ACCEPTANCE SPEACH ON THURSDAY NIGHT. Between those strong reviews and the smooth operations of a complicated and irregular convention — the anecdotal media coverage has been mostly positive, which could feed into any improvement in Biden’s poll numbers.+

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This there is: Matt 25: 14-30!)
dumb fuck when you attack people and call them illiterate make fucking sure what you post is spotless
And the dirty POS trump you support is spotless ? The pos is pure filth as are most of his supporters
shrugs bug when you supported the former piece of shit you shouldn't bash president Trump
The former President was the best in your lifetime Too bad you had a shit life with him as president ,,Bet you had the same under GWB

The best what? Liar? Con man? Democrat token?
The best for our country,,A man who knew how to speak to friend and foe Not like the uneducated pos trump who paid someone to take his SAT's and paid off prostitutes You pay them off too?

The best for our country in what way? Sluggish economy, botched public health, wasted money funneled to his cronies, foreign policy that left Americans dead and unavenged, and inflamed racial division . . .

Only a leftist could think that's "best for the country", because only a leftist would be narcissistic enough to think "What I personally want is what's best for the country."

The more you talk about how you and your party are so superior and we should all feel ashamed for supporting Trump, the more you demonstrate how beneath contempt you are.

I wouldn't trade President Trump for ten of your worthless, lying token Messiah.

On a side note, the more you rant and froth about how "horrible" and "immoral" President Trump's sex life is, the more I wonder if you have some unresolved sexual issues of your own. I mean, let's face it. A man having sex with women and giving them money, while disreputable, has been very standard human behavior since . . . forever. There's a reason they call prostitution "the oldest profession", after all. And this unreasoning condemnation you have for it as though it's the most vile sin possible, when you support a party that demands the normalization of far more abnormal sexual behavior, makes me think perhaps you have something you need to discuss with a good therapist.
I got your therapist right here

Really no need to be so hostile about coming out of the closet. This is 2020, and we're far too busy judging you for being an evil, hypocritical piece of shit to bother judging you for your sexual dysfunction.
You see I don't mind you thinking that of me What baffles me is why you don't think the same for the lying scum bag leading our nation into his sewer

What baffles me is why you think anyone is obligated to take your viewpoint as objective fact. Is your narcissism so strong that it never crosses your mind that everyone doesn't share your opinion?

Let me see if I can explain this in terms even the likes of you will understand. It's not that I'm judging you and not judging Trump; it's that I judged you both and decided that you are far, far worse as a human being than Trump is. He's a bombastic NY boor; lots of people are. You, however, are an actual malignant cancer on the ass of humanity.

Next time you want to hold forth on how Trump isn't holding up to your standards, take a moment to ask yourself: "What use have I ever been to the world, that I feel qualified to impose standards on anyone?" I suspect that's far too much introspection and self-honesty from any leftist, though. If you had to see yourself as you really are, we'd be back to your family having to hide the sharp implements.
Why do you use the word obligated to take my viewpoint Don't you think I'm smart enough to know people like you ,bri etc etc etc will never change your minds ?You're stupid people Evidently not. You go vote for the moron If that's your standard ,so be it
Matt Gaetz roasted Biden the moment he got on stage at the RNC!


he would be the first gaey president!
So Chortle and Guffaw! Maybe a dozen posters post Anti-Biden, illiterate incoherence. They they post, "Look at the polls, even:" In a link that has none(?)!



So, contrary to the OP, this is in the link in the OP:

"BIDEN HAS RECEIVED GENERALLY HIGH MARKS FOR HIS ACCEPTANCE SPEACH ON THURSDAY NIGHT. Between those strong reviews and the smooth operations of a complicated and irregular convention — the anecdotal media coverage has been mostly positive, which could feed into any improvement in Biden’s poll numbers.+

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This there is: Matt 25: 14-30!)
dumb fuck when you attack people and call them illiterate make fucking sure what you post is spotless
And the dirty POS trump you support is spotless ? The pos is pure filth as are most of his supporters
shrugs bug when you supported the former piece of shit you shouldn't bash president Trump
The former President was the best in your lifetime Too bad you had a shit life with him as president ,,Bet you had the same under GWB

The best what? Liar? Con man? Democrat token?
The best for our country,,A man who knew how to speak to friend and foe Not like the uneducated pos trump who paid someone to take his SAT's and paid off prostitutes You pay them off too?

The best for our country in what way? Sluggish economy, botched public health, wasted money funneled to his cronies, foreign policy that left Americans dead and unavenged, and inflamed racial division . . .

Only a leftist could think that's "best for the country", because only a leftist would be narcissistic enough to think "What I personally want is what's best for the country."

The more you talk about how you and your party are so superior and we should all feel ashamed for supporting Trump, the more you demonstrate how beneath contempt you are.

I wouldn't trade President Trump for ten of your worthless, lying token Messiah.

On a side note, the more you rant and froth about how "horrible" and "immoral" President Trump's sex life is, the more I wonder if you have some unresolved sexual issues of your own. I mean, let's face it. A man having sex with women and giving them money, while disreputable, has been very standard human behavior since . . . forever. There's a reason they call prostitution "the oldest profession", after all. And this unreasoning condemnation you have for it as though it's the most vile sin possible, when you support a party that demands the normalization of far more abnormal sexual behavior, makes me think perhaps you have something you need to discuss with a good therapist.
I got your therapist right here

Really no need to be so hostile about coming out of the closet. This is 2020, and we're far too busy judging you for being an evil, hypocritical piece of shit to bother judging you for your sexual dysfunction.
You see I don't mind you thinking that of me What baffles me is why you don't think the same for the lying scum bag leading our nation into his sewer

What baffles me is why you think anyone is obligated to take your viewpoint as objective fact. Is your narcissism so strong that it never crosses your mind that everyone doesn't share your opinion?

Let me see if I can explain this in terms even the likes of you will understand. It's not that I'm judging you and not judging Trump; it's that I judged you both and decided that you are far, far worse as a human being than Trump is. He's a bombastic NY boor; lots of people are. You, however, are an actual malignant cancer on the ass of humanity.

Next time you want to hold forth on how Trump isn't holding up to your standards, take a moment to ask yourself: "What use have I ever been to the world, that I feel qualified to impose standards on anyone?" I suspect that's far too much introspection and self-honesty from any leftist, though. If you had to see yourself as you really are, we'd be back to your family having to hide the sharp implements.
Why do you use the word obligated to take my viewpoint Don't you think I'm smart enough to know people like you ,bri etc etc etc will never change your minds ?You're stupid people Evidently not. You go vote for the moron If that's your standard ,so be it
Wrong misleading and outright lies last night seems to suit you well Cecilie
So Chortle and Guffaw! Maybe a dozen posters post Anti-Biden, illiterate incoherence. They they post, "Look at the polls, even:" In a link that has none(?)!



So, contrary to the OP, this is in the link in the OP:

"BIDEN HAS RECEIVED GENERALLY HIGH MARKS FOR HIS ACCEPTANCE SPEACH ON THURSDAY NIGHT. Between those strong reviews and the smooth operations of a complicated and irregular convention — the anecdotal media coverage has been mostly positive, which could feed into any improvement in Biden’s poll numbers.+

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This there is: Matt 25: 14-30!)
dumb fuck when you attack people and call them illiterate make fucking sure what you post is spotless
And the dirty POS trump you support is spotless ? The pos is pure filth as are most of his supporters
shrugs bug when you supported the former piece of shit you shouldn't bash president Trump
The former President was the best in your lifetime Too bad you had a shit life with him as president ,,Bet you had the same under GWB

The best what? Liar? Con man? Democrat token?
The best for our country,,A man who knew how to speak to friend and foe Not like the uneducated pos trump who paid someone to take his SAT's and paid off prostitutes You pay them off too?

The best for our country in what way? Sluggish economy, botched public health, wasted money funneled to his cronies, foreign policy that left Americans dead and unavenged, and inflamed racial division . . .

Only a leftist could think that's "best for the country", because only a leftist would be narcissistic enough to think "What I personally want is what's best for the country."

The more you talk about how you and your party are so superior and we should all feel ashamed for supporting Trump, the more you demonstrate how beneath contempt you are.

I wouldn't trade President Trump for ten of your worthless, lying token Messiah.

On a side note, the more you rant and froth about how "horrible" and "immoral" President Trump's sex life is, the more I wonder if you have some unresolved sexual issues of your own. I mean, let's face it. A man having sex with women and giving them money, while disreputable, has been very standard human behavior since . . . forever. There's a reason they call prostitution "the oldest profession", after all. And this unreasoning condemnation you have for it as though it's the most vile sin possible, when you support a party that demands the normalization of far more abnormal sexual behavior, makes me think perhaps you have something you need to discuss with a good therapist.
I got your therapist right here

Really no need to be so hostile about coming out of the closet. This is 2020, and we're far too busy judging you for being an evil, hypocritical piece of shit to bother judging you for your sexual dysfunction.
You see I don't mind you thinking that of me What baffles me is why you don't think the same for the lying scum bag leading our nation into his sewer

What baffles me is why you think anyone is obligated to take your viewpoint as objective fact. Is your narcissism so strong that it never crosses your mind that everyone doesn't share your opinion?

Let me see if I can explain this in terms even the likes of you will understand. It's not that I'm judging you and not judging Trump; it's that I judged you both and decided that you are far, far worse as a human being than Trump is. He's a bombastic NY boor; lots of people are. You, however, are an actual malignant cancer on the ass of humanity.

Next time you want to hold forth on how Trump isn't holding up to your standards, take a moment to ask yourself: "What use have I ever been to the world, that I feel qualified to impose standards on anyone?" I suspect that's far too much introspection and self-honesty from any leftist, though. If you had to see yourself as you really are, we'd be back to your family having to hide the sharp implements.
Why do you use the word obligated to take my viewpoint Don't you think I'm smart enough to know people like you ,bri etc etc etc will never change your minds ?You're stupid people Evidently not. You go vote for the moron If that's your standard ,so be it

Dear God, can you really be this obtuse?

You keep stating your opinion as though it's settled, accepted fact, and then you wonder why I say that you think others are obligated to your viewpoint? You tell me you're "baffled" that I don't think the same of Trump as I do of you, and cite your opinion of Trump as the reason why I should, and then you wonder why I say that you think others are obligated to your viewpoint?

Thank you for granting your unneeded, unsolicited, and unvalued permission to vote for someone who, whatever his faults, is still better than garbage like you and your potted plant candidate and his whore running mate. Please know that your permission had every bit as much relevance to and effect on the world as you do.
I decided to revisit this again today and found that only one poll, ABC/IPSO, had any positive ratings for the DNC... And Now Slow Joe is going to continue hiding in his basement until election day...

I guess he knows already he wont win and is conceding it.....

The fact is that the national polls were not very good for Trump.

Aug 21
CBS News/YouGov Biden 52 Trump 42

Aug 19
Rasmussen Reports Biden 48, Trump 44
Economist/YouGov Biden 50, Trump 40 Biden +10
The Hill/HarrisX Biden 45, Trump 39
No good news here. The closest is Rasmussen which had Republicans up by 1 in the generic ballot in 2018. Democrats won by nearly 8 which means they got the margin wrong and the party wrong.

The fact is, you're whistling past the graveyard.
You are the one who is in denial.
I decided to revisit this again today and found that only one poll, ABC/IPSO, had any positive ratings for the DNC... And Now Slow Joe is going to continue hiding in his basement until election day...

I guess he knows already he wont win and is conceding it.....

The fact is that the national polls were not very good for Trump.

Aug 21
CBS News/YouGov Biden 52 Trump 42

Aug 19
Rasmussen Reports Biden 48, Trump 44
Economist/YouGov Biden 50, Trump 40 Biden +10
The Hill/HarrisX Biden 45, Trump 39
No good news here. The closest is Rasmussen which had Republicans up by 1 in the generic ballot in 2018. Democrats won by nearly 8 which means they got the margin wrong and the party wrong.

The fact is, you're whistling past the graveyard.
You are the one who is in denial.

Coming from you, that means I'm on the right track.

"Biden is up in the polls, that means he's winning, because polls are everything! No, wait, Biden is down, that still means he's winning, because polls are crap!"

Whistling past the graveyard. Your desperation makes me laugh.
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention
Biden campaign says 122 million viewers watched Democratic convention
By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News

It remains to be seen if Joe Biden gets a bounce in the polls coming out of the Democratic National Convention, but the party’s presidential nominee did get boost in his fundraising.

The former vice president’s campaign announced on Friday that it, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and their joint fundraising committees brought in $70 million in fundraising this week, during the 4-day quadrennial national convention. The Biden campaign held numerous grassroots and high dollar fundraising events during through out the week.

The staggering haul comes a week after the Biden campaign announced that it raised $48 million in the 48 hours after Biden announced Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his running mate.

The campaign also touted on Friday that the convention was watched by roughly 122 million viewers -- including 85.1 million on TV and 35.5 million livestream views. After the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation – which has prevented large gatherings of people in order to limit the spread of the virus, the Democratic Party scrapped their plans for a tradition convention held in a packed arena full of officials, lawmakers, delegates and activists – and instead held a nearly entirely virtual event.
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention

Hillary outraised and outspent the Donald in 2016 by a margin of 2 to 1.

How did that work out for you?

donny got $billions in free tv time - 'cause he was ratings gold.

Election 2016: Trump’s free media helped keep cost down, but fewer donors provided more of the cash
Election 2016: Trump's free media helped keep cost down
It was all negative coverage too, and he still won hugely.

not hugely.

not at all.

not even bigley.

75K votes from a nation with millons & millions of people?

speaking of millions - donny lost by millions in that there popular vote for a reason Q boy.

Another Democrat simpleton who thinks if you go back and change the rules that it wouldn't affect the outcome.

Not exactly a college grad, are you?

I do appreciate though you pointed out that Hillary ran for the popular vote. Wow, she was wayyyyy too dumb to be President. How did she not know about the electoral college? She ran for the popular vote? Seriously? Just wow

i'm not a (D), dimbulb.

that's your first mistake.

& i never said she RAN for the pop vote either.

lol ... you're dismissed.

You are a Dimocrat, WTF. Why do you lie?

And you said Hillary won the popular vote. That means that you think changing the rules AFTER the event would yield the same result and she ran for that. How stupid do you think Hillary is? She freaking ran for President and you think she didn't know the rules of our elections.

I like how after you say you're not a Dim you melt down defending Hillary and you're pumping she won something that isn't even how we conduct elections. That was pretty funny

i am not a (D) have voted the spectrum, & am not a partisin stooge. just cause you are, don't ASSume everyone is like *you*.

hillary ran to win. winning the oval office requires the EC. you seem to have a problem understanding that i didn't say otherwise.

she won the pop vote - meaning if the EC were not in the equation - people who voted, voted MORE for her than donny. i'm no fan of hillary - never was ... & i didn't even vote for slick willy ... but it was a vote against trump. i learned in 2000 what a 3rd part vote did to this country.

And are you aware that everyone knew the rules and that would have changed who showed up if the rules are different.

That's why I said you never went to college. No basic logic

you are screwed in the head & i think you actually believe yer own delusons.

I'm screwed in the had because I think people are affected by the rules of the game. You're a complete simpleton, my dear. I come from a family of strong women, but in your case, let your husband make your choices for you. He can't do any worse

did you vote for trump?


No, I voted for Gary Johnson. I am going to vote for Trump in November though


& there's no doubt that you are into trump.
So Chortle and Guffaw! Maybe a dozen posters post Anti-Biden, illiterate incoherence. They they post, "Look at the polls, even:" In a link that has none(?)!



So, contrary to the OP, this is in the link in the OP:

"BIDEN HAS RECEIVED GENERALLY HIGH MARKS FOR HIS ACCEPTANCE SPEACH ON THURSDAY NIGHT. Between those strong reviews and the smooth operations of a complicated and irregular convention — the anecdotal media coverage has been mostly positive, which could feed into any improvement in Biden’s poll numbers.+

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This there is: Matt 25: 14-30!)
dumb fuck when you attack people and call them illiterate make fucking sure what you post is spotless
And the dirty POS trump you support is spotless ? The pos is pure filth as are most of his supporters
shrugs bug when you supported the former piece of shit you shouldn't bash president Trump
The former President was the best in your lifetime Too bad you had a shit life with him as president ,,Bet you had the same under GWB

The best what? Liar? Con man? Democrat token?
The best for our country,,A man who knew how to speak to friend and foe Not like the uneducated pos trump who paid someone to take his SAT's and paid off prostitutes You pay them off too?

The best for our country in what way? Sluggish economy, botched public health, wasted money funneled to his cronies, foreign policy that left Americans dead and unavenged, and inflamed racial division . . .

Only a leftist could think that's "best for the country", because only a leftist would be narcissistic enough to think "What I personally want is what's best for the country."

The more you talk about how you and your party are so superior and we should all feel ashamed for supporting Trump, the more you demonstrate how beneath contempt you are.

I wouldn't trade President Trump for ten of your worthless, lying token Messiah.

On a side note, the more you rant and froth about how "horrible" and "immoral" President Trump's sex life is, the more I wonder if you have some unresolved sexual issues of your own. I mean, let's face it. A man having sex with women and giving them money, while disreputable, has been very standard human behavior since . . . forever. There's a reason they call prostitution "the oldest profession", after all. And this unreasoning condemnation you have for it as though it's the most vile sin possible, when you support a party that demands the normalization of far more abnormal sexual behavior, makes me think perhaps you have something you need to discuss with a good therapist.
I got your therapist right here

Really no need to be so hostile about coming out of the closet. This is 2020, and we're far too busy judging you for being an evil, hypocritical piece of shit to bother judging you for your sexual dysfunction.
You see I don't mind you thinking that of me What baffles me is why you don't think the same for the lying scum bag leading our nation into his sewer

What baffles me is why you think anyone is obligated to take your viewpoint as objective fact. Is your narcissism so strong that it never crosses your mind that everyone doesn't share your opinion?

Let me see if I can explain this in terms even the likes of you will understand. It's not that I'm judging you and not judging Trump; it's that I judged you both and decided that you are far, far worse as a human being than Trump is. He's a bombastic NY boor; lots of people are. You, however, are an actual malignant cancer on the ass of humanity.

Next time you want to hold forth on how Trump isn't holding up to your standards, take a moment to ask yourself: "What use have I ever been to the world, that I feel qualified to impose standards on anyone?" I suspect that's far too much introspection and self-honesty from any leftist, though. If you had to see yourself as you really are, we'd be back to your family having to hide the sharp implements.
Why do you use the word obligated to take my viewpoint Don't you think I'm smart enough to know people like you ,bri etc etc etc will never change your minds ?You're stupid people Evidently not. You go vote for the moron If that's your standard ,so be it

add kaz to that list.
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention
Biden campaign says 122 million viewers watched Democratic convention
By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News

It remains to be seen if Joe Biden gets a bounce in the polls coming out of the Democratic National Convention, but the party’s presidential nominee did get boost in his fundraising.

The former vice president’s campaign announced on Friday that it, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and their joint fundraising committees brought in $70 million in fundraising this week, during the 4-day quadrennial national convention. The Biden campaign held numerous grassroots and high dollar fundraising events during through out the week.

The staggering haul comes a week after the Biden campaign announced that it raised $48 million in the 48 hours after Biden announced Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his running mate.

The campaign also touted on Friday that the convention was watched by roughly 122 million viewers -- including 85.1 million on TV and 35.5 million livestream views. After the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation – which has prevented large gatherings of people in order to limit the spread of the virus, the Democratic Party scrapped their plans for a tradition convention held in a packed arena full of officials, lawmakers, delegates and activists – and instead held a nearly entirely virtual event.
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention

Hillary outraised and outspent the Donald in 2016 by a margin of 2 to 1.

How did that work out for you?

donny got $billions in free tv time - 'cause he was ratings gold.

Election 2016: Trump’s free media helped keep cost down, but fewer donors provided more of the cash
Election 2016: Trump's free media helped keep cost down
It was all negative coverage too, and he still won hugely.

not hugely.

not at all.

not even bigley.

75K votes from a nation with millons & millions of people?

speaking of millions - donny lost by millions in that there popular vote for a reason Q boy.

Another Democrat simpleton who thinks if you go back and change the rules that it wouldn't affect the outcome.

Not exactly a college grad, are you?

I do appreciate though you pointed out that Hillary ran for the popular vote. Wow, she was wayyyyy too dumb to be President. How did she not know about the electoral college? She ran for the popular vote? Seriously? Just wow

i'm not a (D), dimbulb.

that's your first mistake.

& i never said she RAN for the pop vote either.

lol ... you're dismissed.

You are a Dimocrat, WTF. Why do you lie?

And you said Hillary won the popular vote. That means that you think changing the rules AFTER the event would yield the same result and she ran for that. How stupid do you think Hillary is? She freaking ran for President and you think she didn't know the rules of our elections.

I like how after you say you're not a Dim you melt down defending Hillary and you're pumping she won something that isn't even how we conduct elections. That was pretty funny

i am not a (D) have voted the spectrum, & am not a partisin stooge. just cause you are, don't ASSume everyone is like *you*.

hillary ran to win. winning the oval office requires the EC. you seem to have a problem understanding that i didn't say otherwise.

she won the pop vote - meaning if the EC were not in the equation - people who voted, voted MORE for her than donny. i'm no fan of hillary - never was ... & i didn't even vote for slick willy ... but it was a vote against trump. i learned in 2000 what a 3rd part vote did to this country.

And are you aware that everyone knew the rules and that would have changed who showed up if the rules are different.

That's why I said you never went to college. No basic logic

you are screwed in the head & i think you actually believe yer own delusons.

I'm screwed in the had because I think people are affected by the rules of the game. You're a complete simpleton, my dear. I come from a family of strong women, but in your case, let your husband make your choices for you. He can't do any worse

did you vote for trump?


No, I voted for Gary Johnson. I am going to vote for Trump in November though


& there's no doubt that you are into trump.

I just said I was voting for Trump in November. What's wrong with you? Seriously?
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention
Biden campaign says 122 million viewers watched Democratic convention
By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News

It remains to be seen if Joe Biden gets a bounce in the polls coming out of the Democratic National Convention, but the party’s presidential nominee did get boost in his fundraising.

The former vice president’s campaign announced on Friday that it, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and their joint fundraising committees brought in $70 million in fundraising this week, during the 4-day quadrennial national convention. The Biden campaign held numerous grassroots and high dollar fundraising events during through out the week.

The staggering haul comes a week after the Biden campaign announced that it raised $48 million in the 48 hours after Biden announced Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his running mate.

The campaign also touted on Friday that the convention was watched by roughly 122 million viewers -- including 85.1 million on TV and 35.5 million livestream views. After the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation – which has prevented large gatherings of people in order to limit the spread of the virus, the Democratic Party scrapped their plans for a tradition convention held in a packed arena full of officials, lawmakers, delegates and activists – and instead held a nearly entirely virtual event.
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention

Hillary outraised and outspent the Donald in 2016 by a margin of 2 to 1.

How did that work out for you?

donny got $billions in free tv time - 'cause he was ratings gold.

Election 2016: Trump’s free media helped keep cost down, but fewer donors provided more of the cash
Election 2016: Trump's free media helped keep cost down
It was all negative coverage too, and he still won hugely.

not hugely.

not at all.

not even bigley.

75K votes from a nation with millons & millions of people?

speaking of millions - donny lost by millions in that there popular vote for a reason Q boy.

Another Democrat simpleton who thinks if you go back and change the rules that it wouldn't affect the outcome.

Not exactly a college grad, are you?

I do appreciate though you pointed out that Hillary ran for the popular vote. Wow, she was wayyyyy too dumb to be President. How did she not know about the electoral college? She ran for the popular vote? Seriously? Just wow

i'm not a (D), dimbulb.

that's your first mistake.

& i never said she RAN for the pop vote either.

lol ... you're dismissed.

You are a Dimocrat, WTF. Why do you lie?

And you said Hillary won the popular vote. That means that you think changing the rules AFTER the event would yield the same result and she ran for that. How stupid do you think Hillary is? She freaking ran for President and you think she didn't know the rules of our elections.

I like how after you say you're not a Dim you melt down defending Hillary and you're pumping she won something that isn't even how we conduct elections. That was pretty funny

i am not a (D) have voted the spectrum, & am not a partisin stooge. just cause you are, don't ASSume everyone is like *you*.

hillary ran to win. winning the oval office requires the EC. you seem to have a problem understanding that i didn't say otherwise.

she won the pop vote - meaning if the EC were not in the equation - people who voted, voted MORE for her than donny. i'm no fan of hillary - never was ... & i didn't even vote for slick willy ... but it was a vote against trump. i learned in 2000 what a 3rd part vote did to this country.

And are you aware that everyone knew the rules and that would have changed who showed up if the rules are different.

That's why I said you never went to college. No basic logic

you are screwed in the head & i think you actually believe yer own delusons.

I'm screwed in the had because I think people are affected by the rules of the game. You're a complete simpleton, my dear. I come from a family of strong women, but in your case, let your husband make your choices for you. He can't do any worse

did you vote for trump?


No, I voted for Gary Johnson. I am going to vote for Trump in November though


& there's no doubt that you are into trump.

I just said I was voting for Trump in November. What's wrong with you? Seriously?
Why vote for the blabbering idiot ?? WTF has he done for you or America ?? Perhaps you have a death wish for America?,,,BTW 18 year old is better than 12 and AAPL soars
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention
Biden campaign says 122 million viewers watched Democratic convention
By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News

It remains to be seen if Joe Biden gets a bounce in the polls coming out of the Democratic National Convention, but the party’s presidential nominee did get boost in his fundraising.

The former vice president’s campaign announced on Friday that it, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and their joint fundraising committees brought in $70 million in fundraising this week, during the 4-day quadrennial national convention. The Biden campaign held numerous grassroots and high dollar fundraising events during through out the week.

The staggering haul comes a week after the Biden campaign announced that it raised $48 million in the 48 hours after Biden announced Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his running mate.

The campaign also touted on Friday that the convention was watched by roughly 122 million viewers -- including 85.1 million on TV and 35.5 million livestream views. After the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation – which has prevented large gatherings of people in order to limit the spread of the virus, the Democratic Party scrapped their plans for a tradition convention held in a packed arena full of officials, lawmakers, delegates and activists – and instead held a nearly entirely virtual event.
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention

Hillary outraised and outspent the Donald in 2016 by a margin of 2 to 1.

How did that work out for you?

donny got $billions in free tv time - 'cause he was ratings gold.

Election 2016: Trump’s free media helped keep cost down, but fewer donors provided more of the cash
Election 2016: Trump's free media helped keep cost down
It was all negative coverage too, and he still won hugely.

not hugely.

not at all.

not even bigley.

75K votes from a nation with millons & millions of people?

speaking of millions - donny lost by millions in that there popular vote for a reason Q boy.

Another Democrat simpleton who thinks if you go back and change the rules that it wouldn't affect the outcome.

Not exactly a college grad, are you?

I do appreciate though you pointed out that Hillary ran for the popular vote. Wow, she was wayyyyy too dumb to be President. How did she not know about the electoral college? She ran for the popular vote? Seriously? Just wow

i'm not a (D), dimbulb.

that's your first mistake.

& i never said she RAN for the pop vote either.

lol ... you're dismissed.

You are a Dimocrat, WTF. Why do you lie?

And you said Hillary won the popular vote. That means that you think changing the rules AFTER the event would yield the same result and she ran for that. How stupid do you think Hillary is? She freaking ran for President and you think she didn't know the rules of our elections.

I like how after you say you're not a Dim you melt down defending Hillary and you're pumping she won something that isn't even how we conduct elections. That was pretty funny

i am not a (D) have voted the spectrum, & am not a partisin stooge. just cause you are, don't ASSume everyone is like *you*.

hillary ran to win. winning the oval office requires the EC. you seem to have a problem understanding that i didn't say otherwise.

she won the pop vote - meaning if the EC were not in the equation - people who voted, voted MORE for her than donny. i'm no fan of hillary - never was ... & i didn't even vote for slick willy ... but it was a vote against trump. i learned in 2000 what a 3rd part vote did to this country.

And are you aware that everyone knew the rules and that would have changed who showed up if the rules are different.

That's why I said you never went to college. No basic logic

you are screwed in the head & i think you actually believe yer own delusons.

I'm screwed in the had because I think people are affected by the rules of the game. You're a complete simpleton, my dear. I come from a family of strong women, but in your case, let your husband make your choices for you. He can't do any worse

did you vote for trump?


No, I voted for Gary Johnson. I am going to vote for Trump in November though


& there's no doubt that you are into trump.

I just said I was voting for Trump in November. What's wrong with you? Seriously?
Why vote for the blabbering idiot ?? WTF has he done for you or America ?? Perhaps you have a death wish for America?,,,BTW 18 year old is better than 12 and AAPL soars

You need to run better candidates. Seriously, why do you keep picking those losers? Dementia Joe is just terrible.

At least Trump is on our side
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention
Biden campaign says 122 million viewers watched Democratic convention
By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News

It remains to be seen if Joe Biden gets a bounce in the polls coming out of the Democratic National Convention, but the party’s presidential nominee did get boost in his fundraising.

The former vice president’s campaign announced on Friday that it, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and their joint fundraising committees brought in $70 million in fundraising this week, during the 4-day quadrennial national convention. The Biden campaign held numerous grassroots and high dollar fundraising events during through out the week.

The staggering haul comes a week after the Biden campaign announced that it raised $48 million in the 48 hours after Biden announced Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his running mate.

The campaign also touted on Friday that the convention was watched by roughly 122 million viewers -- including 85.1 million on TV and 35.5 million livestream views. After the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation – which has prevented large gatherings of people in order to limit the spread of the virus, the Democratic Party scrapped their plans for a tradition convention held in a packed arena full of officials, lawmakers, delegates and activists – and instead held a nearly entirely virtual event.
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention

Hillary outraised and outspent the Donald in 2016 by a margin of 2 to 1.

How did that work out for you?

donny got $billions in free tv time - 'cause he was ratings gold.

Election 2016: Trump’s free media helped keep cost down, but fewer donors provided more of the cash
Election 2016: Trump's free media helped keep cost down
It was all negative coverage too, and he still won hugely.

not hugely.

not at all.

not even bigley.

75K votes from a nation with millons & millions of people?

speaking of millions - donny lost by millions in that there popular vote for a reason Q boy.

Another Democrat simpleton who thinks if you go back and change the rules that it wouldn't affect the outcome.

Not exactly a college grad, are you?

I do appreciate though you pointed out that Hillary ran for the popular vote. Wow, she was wayyyyy too dumb to be President. How did she not know about the electoral college? She ran for the popular vote? Seriously? Just wow

i'm not a (D), dimbulb.

that's your first mistake.

& i never said she RAN for the pop vote either.

lol ... you're dismissed.

You are a Dimocrat, WTF. Why do you lie?

And you said Hillary won the popular vote. That means that you think changing the rules AFTER the event would yield the same result and she ran for that. How stupid do you think Hillary is? She freaking ran for President and you think she didn't know the rules of our elections.

I like how after you say you're not a Dim you melt down defending Hillary and you're pumping she won something that isn't even how we conduct elections. That was pretty funny

i am not a (D) have voted the spectrum, & am not a partisin stooge. just cause you are, don't ASSume everyone is like *you*.

hillary ran to win. winning the oval office requires the EC. you seem to have a problem understanding that i didn't say otherwise.

she won the pop vote - meaning if the EC were not in the equation - people who voted, voted MORE for her than donny. i'm no fan of hillary - never was ... & i didn't even vote for slick willy ... but it was a vote against trump. i learned in 2000 what a 3rd part vote did to this country.

And are you aware that everyone knew the rules and that would have changed who showed up if the rules are different.

That's why I said you never went to college. No basic logic

you are screwed in the head & i think you actually believe yer own delusons.

I'm screwed in the had because I think people are affected by the rules of the game. You're a complete simpleton, my dear. I come from a family of strong women, but in your case, let your husband make your choices for you. He can't do any worse

did you vote for trump?


No, I voted for Gary Johnson. I am going to vote for Trump in November though


& there's no doubt that you are into trump.

I just said I was voting for Trump in November. What's wrong with you? Seriously?
Why vote for the blabbering idiot ?? WTF has he done for you or America ?? Perhaps you have a death wish for America?,,,BTW 18 year old is better than 12 and AAPL soars

You need to run better candidates. Seriously, why do you keep picking those losers? Dementia Joe is just terrible.

At least Trump is on our side
Kaz you're not a dummy Surely you know Trump is on nobodies side except his own? He gets 4 more America is in deep shit imho He is so unprepared for the job and he shows it in so many ways
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention
Biden campaign says 122 million viewers watched Democratic convention
By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News

It remains to be seen if Joe Biden gets a bounce in the polls coming out of the Democratic National Convention, but the party’s presidential nominee did get boost in his fundraising.

The former vice president’s campaign announced on Friday that it, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and their joint fundraising committees brought in $70 million in fundraising this week, during the 4-day quadrennial national convention. The Biden campaign held numerous grassroots and high dollar fundraising events during through out the week.

The staggering haul comes a week after the Biden campaign announced that it raised $48 million in the 48 hours after Biden announced Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his running mate.

The campaign also touted on Friday that the convention was watched by roughly 122 million viewers -- including 85.1 million on TV and 35.5 million livestream views. After the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation – which has prevented large gatherings of people in order to limit the spread of the virus, the Democratic Party scrapped their plans for a tradition convention held in a packed arena full of officials, lawmakers, delegates and activists – and instead held a nearly entirely virtual event.
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention

Hillary outraised and outspent the Donald in 2016 by a margin of 2 to 1.

How did that work out for you?

donny got $billions in free tv time - 'cause he was ratings gold.

Election 2016: Trump’s free media helped keep cost down, but fewer donors provided more of the cash
Election 2016: Trump's free media helped keep cost down
It was all negative coverage too, and he still won hugely.

not hugely.

not at all.

not even bigley.

75K votes from a nation with millons & millions of people?

speaking of millions - donny lost by millions in that there popular vote for a reason Q boy.

Another Democrat simpleton who thinks if you go back and change the rules that it wouldn't affect the outcome.

Not exactly a college grad, are you?

I do appreciate though you pointed out that Hillary ran for the popular vote. Wow, she was wayyyyy too dumb to be President. How did she not know about the electoral college? She ran for the popular vote? Seriously? Just wow

i'm not a (D), dimbulb.

that's your first mistake.

& i never said she RAN for the pop vote either.

lol ... you're dismissed.

You are a Dimocrat, WTF. Why do you lie?

And you said Hillary won the popular vote. That means that you think changing the rules AFTER the event would yield the same result and she ran for that. How stupid do you think Hillary is? She freaking ran for President and you think she didn't know the rules of our elections.

I like how after you say you're not a Dim you melt down defending Hillary and you're pumping she won something that isn't even how we conduct elections. That was pretty funny

i am not a (D) have voted the spectrum, & am not a partisin stooge. just cause you are, don't ASSume everyone is like *you*.

hillary ran to win. winning the oval office requires the EC. you seem to have a problem understanding that i didn't say otherwise.

she won the pop vote - meaning if the EC were not in the equation - people who voted, voted MORE for her than donny. i'm no fan of hillary - never was ... & i didn't even vote for slick willy ... but it was a vote against trump. i learned in 2000 what a 3rd part vote did to this country.

And are you aware that everyone knew the rules and that would have changed who showed up if the rules are different.

That's why I said you never went to college. No basic logic

you are screwed in the head & i think you actually believe yer own delusons.

I'm screwed in the had because I think people are affected by the rules of the game. You're a complete simpleton, my dear. I come from a family of strong women, but in your case, let your husband make your choices for you. He can't do any worse

did you vote for trump?


No, I voted for Gary Johnson. I am going to vote for Trump in November though


& there's no doubt that you are into trump.

I just said I was voting for Trump in November. What's wrong with you? Seriously?
Why vote for the blabbering idiot ?? WTF has he done for you or America ?? Perhaps you have a death wish for America?,,,BTW 18 year old is better than 12 and AAPL soars

You need to run better candidates. Seriously, why do you keep picking those losers? Dementia Joe is just terrible.

At least Trump is on our side
Kaz you're not a dummy Surely you know Trump is on nobodies side except his own? He gets 4 more America is in deep shit imho He is so unprepared for the job and he shows it in so many ways

And Biden is a brainless shell of a human being, just a cardboard cutout. That you don't like Trump isn't going to make me vote for a loser like Biden. That would put us in trouble. An empty vassal of the left

You realize that you have Trump Derangement Syndrome isn't really an argument you can use to convince other people, right? You know that?
A negative outcome for Joe Biden post convention is sending shock waves through the democrat party. Biden actually lost points in every single poll done on Friday. Democrats are apoplectic and scared shitless.

C'mon man, we know that Biden will win in a lanndslide. Heck the Progs tell us this everyday.
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention
Biden campaign says 122 million viewers watched Democratic convention
By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News

It remains to be seen if Joe Biden gets a bounce in the polls coming out of the Democratic National Convention, but the party’s presidential nominee did get boost in his fundraising.

The former vice president’s campaign announced on Friday that it, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and their joint fundraising committees brought in $70 million in fundraising this week, during the 4-day quadrennial national convention. The Biden campaign held numerous grassroots and high dollar fundraising events during through out the week.

The staggering haul comes a week after the Biden campaign announced that it raised $48 million in the 48 hours after Biden announced Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his running mate.

The campaign also touted on Friday that the convention was watched by roughly 122 million viewers -- including 85.1 million on TV and 35.5 million livestream views. After the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation – which has prevented large gatherings of people in order to limit the spread of the virus, the Democratic Party scrapped their plans for a tradition convention held in a packed arena full of officials, lawmakers, delegates and activists – and instead held a nearly entirely virtual event.
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention

Hillary outraised and outspent the Donald in 2016 by a margin of 2 to 1.

How did that work out for you?

donny got $billions in free tv time - 'cause he was ratings gold.

Election 2016: Trump’s free media helped keep cost down, but fewer donors provided more of the cash
Election 2016: Trump's free media helped keep cost down
It was all negative coverage too, and he still won hugely.

not hugely.

not at all.

not even bigley.

75K votes from a nation with millons & millions of people?

speaking of millions - donny lost by millions in that there popular vote for a reason Q boy.

Another Democrat simpleton who thinks if you go back and change the rules that it wouldn't affect the outcome.

Not exactly a college grad, are you?

I do appreciate though you pointed out that Hillary ran for the popular vote. Wow, she was wayyyyy too dumb to be President. How did she not know about the electoral college? She ran for the popular vote? Seriously? Just wow

i'm not a (D), dimbulb.

that's your first mistake.

& i never said she RAN for the pop vote either.

lol ... you're dismissed.

You are a Dimocrat, WTF. Why do you lie?

And you said Hillary won the popular vote. That means that you think changing the rules AFTER the event would yield the same result and she ran for that. How stupid do you think Hillary is? She freaking ran for President and you think she didn't know the rules of our elections.

I like how after you say you're not a Dim you melt down defending Hillary and you're pumping she won something that isn't even how we conduct elections. That was pretty funny

i am not a (D) have voted the spectrum, & am not a partisin stooge. just cause you are, don't ASSume everyone is like *you*.

hillary ran to win. winning the oval office requires the EC. you seem to have a problem understanding that i didn't say otherwise.

she won the pop vote - meaning if the EC were not in the equation - people who voted, voted MORE for her than donny. i'm no fan of hillary - never was ... & i didn't even vote for slick willy ... but it was a vote against trump. i learned in 2000 what a 3rd part vote did to this country.

And are you aware that everyone knew the rules and that would have changed who showed up if the rules are different.

That's why I said you never went to college. No basic logic

you are screwed in the head & i think you actually believe yer own delusons.

I'm screwed in the had because I think people are affected by the rules of the game. You're a complete simpleton, my dear. I come from a family of strong women, but in your case, let your husband make your choices for you. He can't do any worse

did you vote for trump?


No, I voted for Gary Johnson. I am going to vote for Trump in November though


& there's no doubt that you are into trump.

I just said I was voting for Trump in November. What's wrong with you? Seriously?
Why vote for the blabbering idiot ?? WTF has he done for you or America ?? Perhaps you have a death wish for America?,,,BTW 18 year old is better than 12 and AAPL soars

You need to run better candidates. Seriously, why do you keep picking those losers? Dementia Joe is just terrible.

At least Trump is on our side
Kaz you're not a dummy Surely you know Trump is on nobodies side except his own? He gets 4 more America is in deep shit imho He is so unprepared for the job and he shows it in so many ways

And Biden is a brainless shell of a human being, just a cardboard cutout. That you don't like Trump isn't going to make me vote for a loser like Biden. That would put us in trouble. An empty vassal of the left

You realize that you have Trump Derangement Syndrome isn't really an argument you can use to convince other people, right? You know that?
And your Democrat derangement syndrome should be forgotten?? You republicans spewed the same BS about Hillary in 2016 and sad but true you'll spew the same bs over any dem possibility from now to the end of time
A negative outcome for Joe Biden post convention is sending shock waves through the democrat party. Biden actually lost points in every single poll done on Friday. Democrats are apoplectic and scared shitless.

C'mon man, we know that Biden will win in a lanndslide. Heck the Progs tell us this everyday.
From your mouth to Gods ear About time we get the jackass out
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention
Biden campaign says 122 million viewers watched Democratic convention
By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News

It remains to be seen if Joe Biden gets a bounce in the polls coming out of the Democratic National Convention, but the party’s presidential nominee did get boost in his fundraising.

The former vice president’s campaign announced on Friday that it, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and their joint fundraising committees brought in $70 million in fundraising this week, during the 4-day quadrennial national convention. The Biden campaign held numerous grassroots and high dollar fundraising events during through out the week.

The staggering haul comes a week after the Biden campaign announced that it raised $48 million in the 48 hours after Biden announced Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his running mate.

The campaign also touted on Friday that the convention was watched by roughly 122 million viewers -- including 85.1 million on TV and 35.5 million livestream views. After the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation – which has prevented large gatherings of people in order to limit the spread of the virus, the Democratic Party scrapped their plans for a tradition convention held in a packed arena full of officials, lawmakers, delegates and activists – and instead held a nearly entirely virtual event.
Biden campaign hauls in $70 million during Democratic convention

Hillary outraised and outspent the Donald in 2016 by a margin of 2 to 1.

How did that work out for you?

donny got $billions in free tv time - 'cause he was ratings gold.

Election 2016: Trump’s free media helped keep cost down, but fewer donors provided more of the cash
Election 2016: Trump's free media helped keep cost down
It was all negative coverage too, and he still won hugely.

not hugely.

not at all.

not even bigley.

75K votes from a nation with millons & millions of people?

speaking of millions - donny lost by millions in that there popular vote for a reason Q boy.

Another Democrat simpleton who thinks if you go back and change the rules that it wouldn't affect the outcome.

Not exactly a college grad, are you?

I do appreciate though you pointed out that Hillary ran for the popular vote. Wow, she was wayyyyy too dumb to be President. How did she not know about the electoral college? She ran for the popular vote? Seriously? Just wow

i'm not a (D), dimbulb.

that's your first mistake.

& i never said she RAN for the pop vote either.

lol ... you're dismissed.

You are a Dimocrat, WTF. Why do you lie?

And you said Hillary won the popular vote. That means that you think changing the rules AFTER the event would yield the same result and she ran for that. How stupid do you think Hillary is? She freaking ran for President and you think she didn't know the rules of our elections.

I like how after you say you're not a Dim you melt down defending Hillary and you're pumping she won something that isn't even how we conduct elections. That was pretty funny

i am not a (D) have voted the spectrum, & am not a partisin stooge. just cause you are, don't ASSume everyone is like *you*.

hillary ran to win. winning the oval office requires the EC. you seem to have a problem understanding that i didn't say otherwise.

she won the pop vote - meaning if the EC were not in the equation - people who voted, voted MORE for her than donny. i'm no fan of hillary - never was ... & i didn't even vote for slick willy ... but it was a vote against trump. i learned in 2000 what a 3rd part vote did to this country.

And are you aware that everyone knew the rules and that would have changed who showed up if the rules are different.

That's why I said you never went to college. No basic logic

you are screwed in the head & i think you actually believe yer own delusons.

I'm screwed in the had because I think people are affected by the rules of the game. You're a complete simpleton, my dear. I come from a family of strong women, but in your case, let your husband make your choices for you. He can't do any worse

did you vote for trump?


No, I voted for Gary Johnson. I am going to vote for Trump in November though


& there's no doubt that you are into trump.

I just said I was voting for Trump in November. What's wrong with you? Seriously?
Why vote for the blabbering idiot ?? WTF has he done for you or America ?? Perhaps you have a death wish for America?,,,BTW 18 year old is better than 12 and AAPL soars

You need to run better candidates. Seriously, why do you keep picking those losers? Dementia Joe is just terrible.

At least Trump is on our side
Kaz you're not a dummy Surely you know Trump is on nobodies side except his own? He gets 4 more America is in deep shit imho He is so unprepared for the job and he shows it in so many ways

And Biden is a brainless shell of a human being, just a cardboard cutout. That you don't like Trump isn't going to make me vote for a loser like Biden. That would put us in trouble. An empty vassal of the left

You realize that you have Trump Derangement Syndrome isn't really an argument you can use to convince other people, right? You know that?
And your Democrat derangement syndrome should be forgotten?? You republicans spewed the same BS about Hillary in 2016 and sad but true you'll spew the same bs over any dem possibility from now to the end of time

eddiew: I have nothing, kaz, I'm going to parrot back to you what you said to me

Hillary was the worst candidate ever, a thoroughly unpleasant limousine authoritarian leftist. What a dumb ass pick.

And addle brained Joe is obviously completely lost. Running him is elder abuse.

Criticizing Trump is irrelevant unless you can show you have a better choice, and you keep picking choices that are worse

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