No Democrat Has a Plan to Cancel Student Loan Debt


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
They just have plans to transfer the debt to people who never agreed to take on that debt.

Meanwhile, most universities have Directors of Lesbian Diversity positions making 6 figures a year.
Dimwingers never need an actual plan. All they have to do is throw some moronic 'IT'S GONNA BE FREE" idea out there and their window licking base laps it up.

If you question how they will pay for it you are a racist, misogynist, yada.....yada......yada.......
Student loan debt should not be canceled. Maybe explore relief. The focus should be moving forward and how the Government and Regulators are going to keep students from getting into so much debt. Need to be more controls.
We just need affordable college. It would be nice to know the costs won’t continue to increase rapidly.
Student loan debt should not be canceled. Maybe explore relief. The focus should be moving forward and how the Government and Regulators are going to keep students from getting into so much debt. Need to be more controls.
They signed up to pay $60K a year to get a degree in Liberal Dance, let them eat cake. At some point you just have to let the kids touch the stove to learn.
We just need affordable college. It would be nice to know the costs won’t continue to increase rapidly.
It will be long time before college is affordable to most people. A good start would be costs not going up as they are already insanely high. But until they start seeing a drop in applicants they can keep raising prices. It's supply and demand.
We just need affordable college. It would be nice to know the costs won’t continue to increase rapidly.
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When government throws money at education, it just drives the cost up. The ones that benefit are the professors the Universities and the Democrats who make them rich by throwing all that money at them. So the quality of education drops as the price skyrockets. And maybe we should face facts that there are millions of kids wasting time and money by even being allowed to go to college. If you have to take remedial reading or math, you're not college material. But in the long run it's the students who get hosed.
The way to solve the student loan debt crisis is for the government to get out of the student loan business altogether, but I don't see that happening, so this problem will continue

Government removed all the things that would normally keep costs of higher education from skyrocketing. Every borrower approved regardless of ability to pay back the loan. Every loan guaranteed against loss so no loan is too risky. Decades long loan repayment periods enslaving students to decades of interest.
Student loan debt should not be canceled. Maybe explore relief. The focus should be moving forward and how the Government and Regulators are going to keep students from getting into so much debt. Need to be more controls.

NOPE on relief......A person's decision is their own responsibility.
What is wrong with going to a community college for two years and then transferring to an in-state public university? If you can't figure out that option, you are probably too stupid to attend college in the first place.
The way to solve the student loan debt crisis is for the government to get out of the student loan business altogether, but I don't see that happening, so this problem will continue

The way to solve the student loan debt crisis is for the government to get out of the student loan business altogether,


Let students borrow the money they need from their university.
If they can't get a job with their LGBTQ underwater poetry degree, let the university eat the loss.
What is wrong with going to a community college for two years and then transferring to an in-state public university? If you can't figure out that option, you are probably too stupid to attend college in the first place.

BINGO......These idiots are too dumb and ignorant to know that our government DOES PROVIDE FREE COLLEGE EDUCATION. They might know that if they completed an income tax statement.
Lets please remember these are mush brain kids signing these stupid student loans and the colleges and universities are predatory.

I can think of no greater threat to the health of our country than enslaving millions of young people to decades of debt and interest payments. Delaying their ability to start families, buy a home, contribute to the economy. The freaking banks are sucking up what little money they have in their 20's and 30's.
What is wrong with going to a community college for two years and then transferring to an in-state public university? If you can't figure out that option, you are probably too stupid to attend college in the first place.

Because the asshole state university refuses to recognize the community college credit hours and forces them to repeat e.g. pay the university a gob of money. Its a racket.
Because the asshole state university refuses to recognize the community college credit hours and forces them to repeat e.g. pay the university a gob of money.

Bullshit. California has specific four-year programs that include transferring all community college credits to its universities.

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