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No Dogs,No Blacks,No Irish

Typical neo Marxist scum that denies the very people who made Britain great and fought for the likes of you to spout your hatred and racism. They are turning in their graves at the thought of you being allowed to carry on as you are. Are you denying that this has happened in the UK only recently, and the pensioners and disabled have had to suffer because of it. Because if you are I will call you a LIAR and produce many links showing just how much you neo Marxist scum will cost the country again if you ever gat any power.
Were you one of those crying because democracy beat you and now want a re-run of the referendum till you get the result you wanted. Here's the rub, dig deep to pay for it as you only get one bite of the cherry at our expense. Democracy is not demanding vote after vote because it went against you, it is accepting with grace that you were wrong and the result stands.
People who fought and died fighting nazi trash like you. They would not recognise your foul views.

People fought and died for FREEDOM, Tommy ... not to have Europe dominate us ! The recent Brexit vote was a demonstration of the fact that we still value our freedom .. a freedom you'd much rather we not have.
People fought Nazis like yourself. Your vision is poison and will be overturned at some point in the next few years. Hate never actually wins.

.. Eh ?? Nazis, Tommy, were people who were freedom-crushers. Nazism swept Europe, not as any sort of liberating force, but to ensure that all countries under its thumb were ruled BY IT, with national autonomy crushed.

The Brexit vote was a vote FOR our autonomy, for freedom from a new European power seeking dominion over its Member States. The difference was that, instead of conquering with tanks, they instead conquered through legislative bureaucracy .. and the implementation of a single currency.

Ask the Greeks if they feel less than massively constrained by EU diktat, Tommy ...

The Greeks were a third world society before joining the EU (EEC) in 1981. They were dirt poor. Prior to joining the EEC, Greece had a GDP per capita in constant PPP dollars of of $9.083 per annum. Today, even after the economic problems Greece has a per capita GDP of $26,000 in constant PPP dollars.

You are such a bunch ignorant pieces of shit it ain't funny. You are truly a bunch of know nothings.

GDP per Capita by Country 1980-2014 - knoema.com

Well, then, I wonder - given the truth of what you say - why they were ever welcomed into the EU 'club' in the first place, if they had no hope of coping with the terms of it.

I can see only one possible answer ... the EU wants power over Nation States, and that is its overriding motivation, its very 'reason for being'. Perhaps in Greece it saw an easy victim ?
Brexit seems much more complicated than simple Nazi epitaphs.

From what I hear, immigration, from other European countries, was a big issue.

It seems though, that there are many who are having second thoughts. I'm curious as to whether anyone here does. In the news, one of the things talked about is an expectation from Britain that they should be able to retain many of the benefits of being an EU member state - ie, freedom of travel, trade benefits etc without the perceived negatives - ie - immigrants which seems rather a "have your cake and eat it too" situation.

One thing though, that is consistent along with the immigration issues is the feeling that EU government is too remote from the people. That might be a hard thing to fix.
Brexit seems much more complicated than simple Nazi epitaphs.

From what I hear, immigration, from other European countries, was a big issue.

It seems though, that there are many who are having second thoughts. I'm curious as to whether anyone here does. In the news, one of the things talked about is an expectation from Britain that they should be able to retain many of the benefits of being an EU member state - ie, freedom of travel, trade benefits etc without the perceived negatives - ie - immigrants which seems rather a "have your cake and eat it too" situation.

One thing though, that is consistent along with the immigration issues is the feeling that EU government is too remote from the people. That might be a hard thing to fix.

Immigration from other European countries was indeed a big issue. Not the only one, but a major one. The UK is an island nation ... we cannot keep on accepting a greater immigration flow than a migration flow indefinitely ... we have finite room, and finite resources. We were getting no sign at all from the EU that it understood that problem, or that it cared about it in the slightest. Rather, they considered the free movement of peoples from one EU Member State to another to be an inviolable principle.

'Brexit' was, and is, our escape from that madness. Except ... that there are those within the EU who insist that if we're to have trading access with their single market, we must, again, accept the free movement of people into the UK !!

I think the more they try and press that case, the greater the feeling will be that the EU is a bad thing, that it insists on foisting harmful diktats on us.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer - himself a 'Remain' campaigner - is trying to paint a 'doom & gloom' picture of the future of our economy. He may, from his efforts, succeed in swaying a greater sentiment to his way of thinking. It's possible. But I say that this is merely a case of sour grapes from a bad loser.

The EU Government is indeed too remote from the people. Why would it be otherwise ? That Government isn't interested in being 'chummy' with its subject peoples ... just interested instead in exerting its influence over them.

The people may actually, eventually, seem rather less remote ... once their takeover of their Member States is complete, and a United States of Europe is born. It'll be less remote, because there'll cease to be the illusion of indigenous Governments to get in the way ....
People who fought and died fighting nazi trash like you. They would not recognise your foul views.

People fought and died for FREEDOM, Tommy ... not to have Europe dominate us ! The recent Brexit vote was a demonstration of the fact that we still value our freedom .. a freedom you'd much rather we not have.
People fought Nazis like yourself. Your vision is poison and will be overturned at some point in the next few years. Hate never actually wins.

.. Eh ?? Nazis, Tommy, were people who were freedom-crushers. Nazism swept Europe, not as any sort of liberating force, but to ensure that all countries under its thumb were ruled BY IT, with national autonomy crushed.

The Brexit vote was a vote FOR our autonomy, for freedom from a new European power seeking dominion over its Member States. The difference was that, instead of conquering with tanks, they instead conquered through legislative bureaucracy .. and the implementation of a single currency.

Ask the Greeks if they feel less than massively constrained by EU diktat, Tommy ...

The Greeks were a third world society before joining the EU (EEC) in 1981. They were dirt poor. Prior to joining the EEC, Greece had a GDP per capita in constant PPP dollars of of $9.083 per annum. Today, even after the economic problems Greece has a per capita GDP of $26,000 in constant PPP dollars.

You are such a bunch ignorant pieces of shit it ain't funny. You are truly a bunch of know nothings.

GDP per Capita by Country 1980-2014 - knoema.com

Well, then, I wonder - given the truth of what you say - why they were ever welcomed into the EU 'club' in the first place, if they had no hope of coping with the terms of it.

I can see only one possible answer ... the EU wants power over Nation States, and that is its overriding motivation, its very 'reason for being'. Perhaps in Greece it saw an easy victim ?

As the growth in GDP per capita shows, they are doing quite well and coping. They went from a third world economy to a first world economy.
Brexit seems much more complicated than simple Nazi epitaphs.

From what I hear, immigration, from other European countries, was a big issue.

It seems though, that there are many who are having second thoughts. I'm curious as to whether anyone here does. In the news, one of the things talked about is an expectation from Britain that they should be able to retain many of the benefits of being an EU member state - ie, freedom of travel, trade benefits etc without the perceived negatives - ie - immigrants which seems rather a "have your cake and eat it too" situation.

One thing though, that is consistent along with the immigration issues is the feeling that EU government is too remote from the people. That might be a hard thing to fix.

Immigration from other European countries was indeed a big issue. Not the only one, but a major one. The UK is an island nation ... we cannot keep on accepting a greater immigration flow than a migration flow indefinitely ... we have finite room, and finite resources. We were getting no sign at all from the EU that it understood that problem, or that it cared about it in the slightest. Rather, they considered the free movement of peoples from one EU Member State to another to be an inviolable principle.

'Brexit' was, and is, our escape from that madness. Except ... that there are those within the EU who insist that if we're to have trading access with their single market, we must, again, accept the free movement of people into the UK !!

I think the more they try and press that case, the greater the feeling will be that the EU is a bad thing, that it insists on foisting harmful diktats on us.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer - himself a 'Remain' campaigner - is trying to paint a 'doom & gloom' picture of the future of our economy. He may, from his efforts, succeed in swaying a greater sentiment to his way of thinking. It's possible. But I say that this is merely a case of sour grapes from a bad loser.

The EU Government is indeed too remote from the people. Why would it be otherwise ? That Government isn't interested in being 'chummy' with its subject peoples ... just interested instead in exerting its influence over them.

The people may actually, eventually, seem rather less remote ... once their takeover of their Member States is complete, and a United States of Europe is born. It'll be less remote, because there'll cease to be the illusion of indigenous Governments to get in the way ....

The UK was a bad thing for the EU. Now the EU can integrate its various states and what will be left of the UK will have to negotiate access to the EU market. You assholes will lose big time.
Europe as a whole needs to take a tougher stance on migration and on multi-cultural relations within its countries.
By discriminating against Black people ?

Would you rather they discriminated against the people who have paid into the system all these years. When you see the amount of racist discrimination shown by migrants in real life you will demand they be curbed and be treated in the same manner. When a migrant pushes you out the way so they can get to the front of the queue for treatment in a busy A&E department, or demands the £6 million mansion because it is more luxury than they are used to then you might start thinking
You are so fucking crazy you give racist shit a bad name. Ask your nurse to change your nappy, it might put you in a better mood.

Typical neo Marxist scum that denies the very people who made Britain great and fought for the likes of you to spout your hatred and racism. They are turning in their graves at the thought of you being allowed to carry on as you are. Are you denying that this has happened in the UK only recently, and the pensioners and disabled have had to suffer because of it. Because if you are I will call you a LIAR and produce many links showing just how much you neo Marxist scum will cost the country again if you ever gat any power.
Were you one of those crying because democracy beat you and now want a re-run of the referendum till you get the result you wanted. Here's the rub, dig deep to pay for it as you only get one bite of the cherry at our expense. Democracy is not demanding vote after vote because it went against you, it is accepting with grace that you were wrong and the result stands.
People who fought and died fighting nazi trash like you. They would not recognise your foul views.

Strange as most people see you and your ilk as the NAZI TRASH, as your views on those who are different are exactly the same. You want Jews eliminating, disabled euthanizing, anti your ideology disappearing and death camps set up so you can achieve your aims.
Brexit seems much more complicated than simple Nazi epitaphs.

From what I hear, immigration, from other European countries, was a big issue.

It seems though, that there are many who are having second thoughts. I'm curious as to whether anyone here does. In the news, one of the things talked about is an expectation from Britain that they should be able to retain many of the benefits of being an EU member state - ie, freedom of travel, trade benefits etc without the perceived negatives - ie - immigrants which seems rather a "have your cake and eat it too" situation.

One thing though, that is consistent along with the immigration issues is the feeling that EU government is too remote from the people. That might be a hard thing to fix.
A lot of people are having doubts. The Brexit leaders have already reneged on their promises and several of them have walked away completely.
People are also shocked that some European immigrants have been told that their are no guarantees that they can stay. They face two years of uncertainty at least. Its a shocking way to treat the people who drive our economy.
The true picture of breit Britain is starting to emerge and the horror of it will see the majority of its supporters want a second referendum on the basis of "you never told us about this".
Only the nazis on the brexit side will argue against this because they want to kick out all the "darkies" and return the country to a never never land as per the OP.
Holy shit man, you're gonna OD on sour grapes!
Why ?
This is the way the world works..

Wanting to kick out a few "paki bastards" is one thing. Seeing your job,pension and future disappear is grown up stuff.

Brexit is doomed.
Man up you spoilt baby :)
Holy shit man, you're gonna OD on sour grapes!
Why ?
This is the way the world works..

Wanting to kick out a few "paki bastards" is one thing. Seeing your job,pension and future disappear is grown up stuff.

Brexit is doomed.

Aren't you at all ashamed of acting like a pissy little child over this? Go find some self respect and deal with it like a man, for crying out loud.
What is wrong with having a desire to employ a Briton rather than a Pole or somebody else and having a right to say this straight without punishment?

Read the article.

Would there be a law against discrimination on the grounds or race or colour?”

“No,” Nigel Farage responds.

Regressive scumbag.

Europe as a whole needs to take a tougher stance on migration and on multi-cultural relations within its countries.
By discriminating against Black people ?

An employer should have a right to choose freely his employees. If he doesn’t want black people to work for him, it is his right. If it is called discrimination, then yes by discriminating against black people.

Wow...and you think racial discrimmination is a good thing????

No, I don’t. But at the same time I don’t think that all that related to migration in Europe is a good thing either. It is not going to have a good final. When two or more different cultures meet each other and one of them wants its rules to be implemented by the others, but some others don’t want to follow these rules, then conflict is inevitable. And I am talking not only about that that has been happening in the last 2 years. No, Europe laid the ground for current troubles several decades ago.

Racial discrimination, segregation and other similar things are bad things. Tolerance in its current form when representatives of some national and religion minorities commit crimes and local authorities hide these crimes from public so as not to fuel anti-immigrant actions; or when these minorities organize riots and the police just stands watching – all that are bad things. I want to find the golden mean, but if you ask me where it lays in this case, I won’t give you an answer. Just because I don’t know.
Read the article.

Would there be a law against discrimination on the grounds or race or colour?”

“No,” Nigel Farage responds.

Regressive scumbag.

Europe as a whole needs to take a tougher stance on migration and on multi-cultural relations within its countries.
By discriminating against Black people ?

An employer should have a right to choose freely his employees. If he doesn’t want black people to work for him, it is his right. If it is called discrimination, then yes by discriminating against black people.

Wow...and you think racial discrimmination is a good thing????
Its the new free UK.

All written by me is my own opinion. It has nothing to do neither with new free UK nor with old enslaved UK.

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