No End to Ukraine Conflict in Sight- U.N.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

This could have been easily predicted. Russia has a bone in their teeth and the Ukraine has no say in the matter.
In any case, the danger of escalation by the Ukraine/America is not being risked to any substantial amount.

Both sides appear to not see any need to demand a line be drawn on the limits afflicted on each other. The established limitations should hold for the foreseeable future at least.

Fwiw, one of the easiest ways to finding out if the UKraine has scored some points if to watch US media for the details. At the moment there's nothing of any real consequence coming out of media.

For an idea on what is being demanded by Zelensky's regime: Is this a practical move or is it going to be found unacceptable?

Does it indicate desperation?

I would only suggest that it doesn't indicate confidence.
If Ukraine will be able to survive in any meaningful form as a sovereign nation, it will follow a way of 'militarization' of the society. Some call it an Israeli model. Maybe it is.

I am not sure that all women will be required for the draft. But some of them will.
If Ukraine will be able to survive in any meaningful form as a sovereign nation, it will follow a way of 'militarization' of the society. Some call it an Israeli model. Maybe it is.

I am not sure that all women will be required for the draft. But some of them will.

This could have been easily predicted. Russia has a bone in their teeth and the Ukraine has no say in the matter.
In any case, the danger of escalation by the Ukraine/America is not being risked to any substantial amount.

Both sides appear to not see any need to demand a line be drawn on the limits afflicted on each other. The established limitations should hold for the foreseeable future at least.

Fwiw, one of the easiest ways to finding out if the UKraine has scored some points if to watch US media for the details. At the moment there's nothing of any real consequence coming out of media.

Both Putin and Zelensky are flunkies of NWO which wants to eliminate the Russian/Ukrainian nation completely
The war will be stop only after the last Russian/Ukrainian dies.
The territorials of stupid idiots will be shared between all neighboring (and not neighboring) countries of course
Both Putin and Zelensky are flunkies of NWO which wants to eliminate the Russian/Ukrainian nation completely
The war will be stop only after the last Russian/Ukrainian dies.
The territorials of stupid idiots will be shared between all neighboring (and not neighboring) countries of course
That's America's plan, but there doesn't seem to be any way to make it happen. China/Russia/the Brics are serious about ending up with all the marbles.

And that's not possible for either side if it has to go nuclear.

A shame we can't have a rational discussion here without all the kids trying to make their dreams come true.
That's America's plan, but there doesn't seem to be any way to make it happen. China/Russia/the Brics are serious about ending up with all the marbles.

And that's not possible for either side if it has to go nuclear.

A shame we can't have a rational discussion here without all the kids trying to make their dreams come true.

The war continues, no one wins, it happens not much except more as 1m soldiers murdered on both sides.
Both Putin and Zelensky are traitors of their peoples
If Putin wanted a victory he didn't murdered or imprisoned his best generals
If Ukraine will be able to survive in any meaningful form as a sovereign nation, it will follow a way of 'militarization' of the society. ...

What do you think why the Baltic Germans became the Prussians which you know from history? About the Prussian army had been said it not had been the army of a country - it had been an army which owned their country.

But the result of this "strategy" is clear: First the Prussians seperated Germany into two different parts - with the help of many other European nations - and then they overtook the bigger part of Germany. This Big Prussia was called from everyone still "Germany" and was a short time later eliminated in two world wars where the Prussians yet suffered a complete genocide while all other Germans are still dying out.
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The war continues, no one wins, it happens not much except more as 1m soldiers murdered on both sides.
Both Putin and Zelensky are traitors of their peoples
If Putin wanted a victory he didn't murdered or imprisoned his best generals

The world could perhaps be a better place if someone would kill you. Are you able to think any little thought which is not only pure bullshit?

Take a view into a mirror and ask yourselve how stupid someone is who is making his own person to a slave of Putin and his totally stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe which he had started in the Ukraine.
The Kyiv Nazis are now close to running out of everything and starting with men . So we are hugely closer to the next step , which is Russia moving to the offensive rather than continue their Meat Grinder strategy which has decimated the UAF . Front line experts report that Russia is already advancing in defined areas and that a huge Russian next strike force is about ready . Equally , every Kyiv and CIA current reaction stinks of defeat and the absurd reports of advances and successes have been thrown into the trash bin . You people have not got the patience of Dear Uncle P and his inner circle and you continue to incorrectly connect dots which should be child’s play to translate .
The Kyiv Nazis are now close to running out of everything and starting with men . So we are hugely closer to the next step , which is Russia moving to the offensive rather than continue their Meat Grinder strategy which has decimated the UAF . Front line experts report that Russia is already advancing in defined areas and that a huge Russian next strike force is about ready . Equally , every Kyiv and CIA current reaction stinks of defeat and the absurd reports of advances and successes have been thrown into the trash bin . You people have not got the patience of Dear Uncle P and his inner circle and you continue to incorrectly connect dots which should be child’s play to translate .

Russian, leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday!

Collect gold, collect jewelry
Tend cattle in your pasture
Dress in fine cloth
Always seek the most precious

Build high thy gate, thy house
Beyond wings far
Demonstrate to us thy power,
With your wealth, your splendor

Be like a maggot in bacon
Always snatch away the greatest
Be arrogant, decadent
No matter what other soul is burning

And so live, heavily loaded
Take all that I have
For in the end there's nothing but trouble
I'll settle the score at the end

So I dance the one
Dance on the bones
The gravedigger's tune
If you hear it you'll never forget

On your way to no man's land
There's nothing left in your hand
When you take your last step
You'll take nothing with you

I'll dance a round with the gaffer
And my bell is beating the beat
The graveyard is my own
Then the earth is firm and at last you're at peace

You grind the lock of many an enemy
You lead the warriors on horseback
You bring the war with your sword
You mercilessly enforce the victory

Robbing children, women, whole countries
Wearing the robes of the ruler
Spinning intrigues and conspiracies
Bringing destruction to the whole world

Greed for power is almost insatiable
For immediately extends immeasurably
But also you only remain annoyance
The reckoning will be at the end

So I dance the one
Dance on the bones
The gravedigger's melody
If you hear it you'll never forget

On your way to no man's land
There's nothing left in your hand
When you take your last step ...
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Russian, leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday!
Former U.S. presidential adviser Fiona Hill has published an article through which details of the Istanbul peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine in spring 2022 have surfaced.

According to Hill, Moscow, in return for concessions from Kiev, agreed to terminate its Strategic Air Defense Forces in early March - early April 2022 and withdraw its troops from the territory of Ukraine.

The article by the former special assistant to the US president for European and Russian affairs was published in the Foreign Policy magazine. It says that the draft of the Istanbul agreements, ready to be signed, was on Joe Biden's desk.
Not much was required of Ukraine: to refuse to join NATO, to enshrine its neutral status in the constitution, after which it would receive security guarantees. If these agreements were signed, according to Hill,
Russia was ending the special military operation at the end of March and beginning of April and was supposed to withdraw its troops from the territory of Ukraine.
As the former official notes, the document was rejected by Biden and then by British Prime Minister Johnson.

They got Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to continue the conflict by promising him full military and media support, as well as prosperity.
"One thing is clear: Russia was taking a very big risk by entering into such peace agreements with Ukraine," Hill points out.
And it took this risk precisely because it was sure of their complete failure. In fact, this was the second attempt to offer the West an agreement. The first one failed at the end of 2021, which forced Russia to launch a special operation. After its beginning, when Russian troops were standing at the gates of Kiev, the second attempt was made. In order to show its serious intentions, Russia even withdrew troops from part of Ukraine's territory. Although the country's top leadership was probably well aware of the consequences of this move. But a big game required big moves.
As the former advisor to the US president emphasizes, the West did not want to negotiate once again.
"Moreover, by mistaking Russia's intentions for weakness, it has once again deceived it. And now the price of this deception will be very high. If then the Russian side agreed to preserve both Ukraine and its ruling regime with some adjustment of foreign and domestic policy, now everything will be different. In fact, Biden and Johnson have simply killed Ukraine in its current form," Hill said.
She adds that "it is now unclear whether such a country will remain on the world map at all, and if it does, what kind of country it will be."
Former U.S. presidential adviser Fiona Hill


has published an article ... The article ... was published in the Foreign Policy magazine ...

Slowly you should try to understand that I am really a German. Why should I care about a Foreign policy magazine of the USA? They are our foreigners and we are their foreigners. Who cares? But you are a Russian. You started a stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine. End this war! Bring your soldiers home! All of them! Yesterday! It makes perhaps more fun to live at home in Russia than to go to hell in the Ukraine only because you like to make the devil happy - also by breaking the hearts of their Russian mothers. Damn stupid asshole - what for heaverns sake makes any sense in this stupid and criminal war? Why do you not end it? NOW!!!

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This could have been over in a matter of days if the European nations had mobilized their armies, sent them into Ukraine, and pushed Russia back to their border right from the get go.
This could have been over in a matter of days if the European nations had mobilized their armies, sent them into Ukraine, and pushed Russia back to their border right from the get go.
Actually, it will just raise the level of conflict to 'regional war', which, according Russian military doctrine is fought by both conventional and nuclear weapons. There are only two nuclear states in Europe, and both will become almost unarmed after the Russian counter-force strike. And conventional European forces of vs nuclear Russian forces is something pretty suicidal.

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