No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC

It's common knowledge? You believe that without evidence?

AGAIN... if the U.S. can tell when Russia hacks the U.S. every day... then why do you question them and want evidence when they say Russia hacked the DNC? Simple fucking question. Please answer or go crawl into a hole.

Yes this is common knowledge, Chinese individuals and groups are doing the same thing. All you are doing here is jerking yourself off in public

So you won't answer my question. Ok then. You've just admitted how big of an idiot you are.

And you believe that I must obey you..............................

Kid there is only one idiot here, and it's you.

Stomp all you want, Trump is still the man and you are shit................


Look at the little brat stomp off after his temper tantrum...


Your Abilify is wearing off.......................

Awww poor baby!

Yes this is common knowledge, Chinese individuals and groups are doing the same thing. All you are doing here is jerking yourself off in public

So you won't answer my question. Ok then. You've just admitted how big of an idiot you are.

And you believe that I must obey you..............................

Kid there is only one idiot here, and it's you.

Stomp all you want, Trump is still the man and you are shit................


Look at the little brat stomp off after his temper tantrum...


Your Abilify is wearing off.......................

Awww poor baby!


Where did you get the video of Hillary on election night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Have you always had a persecution complex?

Last edited:
Do I trust the federal govt? Not even remotely. As many have pointed out, please show me the evidence that Iraq had WMB. "Some one close to the investigation" thinks so.
Yeah they got the WMDs wrong... do you have any clue what they have gotten right? Do you have any respect for the work that so many Americans in our armed forces and intelligence services do, risking their lives to keep us safe? Do you have any respect for the many that do this kind of classified work that never get credit or recognition for because the news of it never reaches your judgement little eyes???
I understand all of that, do I trust what their political bosses allow them to tell me? Not for a second. Who told you or me that Iraq had WMD? A politician, what did the security services tell the politicians? You and I will never know.
It's fine to be skeptical... but don't be naïve
Back at you.

My govt has lied to me so many times for so long I am beyond a skeptic. Believe nothing of what they say.
You must live a very frustrated life then. I feel bad for you
No just reality. Tell me, we're still winning the Vietnam war right? The govt told me we are.
Way to go...........................So if the CIA says it, it's true, because the CIA is above lying to achieve a political goal.

OK now I understand.
The FBI and CIA work DIRECTLY for Obama, so get your facts straight kid.........................

Once trump is the President, these shits go to jail and the real Americans in these agencies can tell the truth without fear of reprisal from Oshitba

Okay, so now you're getting into your conspiracy theories again. They work so much for Obama they threw Hillary under the bus. Do you know how hard it would be to convince hundreds of CIA and FBI members to be on the same page? Your scenario is pathetic.
The FBI and CIA work DIRECTLY for Obama, so get your facts straight kid.........................

Once trump is the President, these shits go to jail and the real Americans in these agencies can tell the truth without fear of reprisal from Oshitba

Okay, so now you're getting into your conspiracy theories again. They work so much for Obama they threw Hillary under the bus. Do you know how hard it would be to convince hundreds of CIA and FBI members to be on the same page? Your scenario is pathetic.

We're going to have to wait until AFTER the investigation, Doc. I hate conclusion jumping. Still; sounds like crap to me.

The FBI and CIA work DIRECTLY for Obama, so get your facts straight kid.........................

Once trump is the President, these shits go to jail and the real Americans in these agencies can tell the truth without fear of reprisal from Oshitba

Okay, so now you're getting into your conspiracy theories again. They work so much for Obama they threw Hillary under the bus. Do you know how hard it would be to convince hundreds of CIA and FBI members to be on the same page? Your scenario is pathetic.
Do you know how hard it is to get thousands of US media members to tell the same lie, that Trump has no chance to win the election?

You have a zero chance of victory against me, because you are battling the truth, which is fully on my side.

So tell me again that Trump has no mathematical path to victory, then finish jerking off.

The FBI and CIA work DIRECTLY for Obama, so get your facts straight kid.........................

Once trump is the President, these shits go to jail and the real Americans in these agencies can tell the truth without fear of reprisal from Oshitba

Okay, so now you're getting into your conspiracy theories again. They work so much for Obama they threw Hillary under the bus. Do you know how hard it would be to convince hundreds of CIA and FBI members to be on the same page? Your scenario is pathetic.
So it's a conspiracy theory that the CIA and NSA are government agencies under control of the President.

Are you new on the Earth too? or are you just a democrap
The FBI and CIA work DIRECTLY for Obama, so get your facts straight kid.........................

Once trump is the President, these shits go to jail and the real Americans in these agencies can tell the truth without fear of reprisal from Oshitba

Okay, so now you're getting into your conspiracy theories again. They work so much for Obama they threw Hillary under the bus. Do you know how hard it would be to convince hundreds of CIA and FBI members to be on the same page? Your scenario is pathetic.
So it's a conspiracy theory that the CIA and NSA are government agencies under control of the President.

Are you new on the Earth too? or are you just a democrap

Look Assman... EVERY major intelligence agency said Russia hacked the DNC. EVERY one of them.
The FBI and CIA work DIRECTLY for Obama, so get your facts straight kid.........................

Once trump is the President, these shits go to jail and the real Americans in these agencies can tell the truth without fear of reprisal from Oshitba

Okay, so now you're getting into your conspiracy theories again. They work so much for Obama they threw Hillary under the bus. Do you know how hard it would be to convince hundreds of CIA and FBI members to be on the same page? Your scenario is pathetic.
So it's a conspiracy theory that the CIA and NSA are government agencies under control of the President.

Are you new on the Earth too? or are you just a democrap

Look Assman... EVERY major intelligence agency said Russia hacked the DNC. EVERY one of them.


WikiLeaks on Twitter

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
US Intelligence Chief James Clapper Claims Wikileaks Connection With Russian Cyber Attacks is Weak


Re-posting one of my other posts

Our Government's own claims are /proven/ crap, and worse it's not even their own damn research they're huranging Russia with. We're a laughing stock in the underground web - thanks for letting the entire world know Obama Administration! Christ...

December 30, 2016 - Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

April 15, 2016 - Lone wolf claims responsibility for DNC hack, dumps purported Trump smear file

In an intriguing follow-up to Tuesday's report that Russian hackers gained access to Democratic National Committee servers, an anonymous blogger has claimed he alone was responsible for the breach and backed up the claim by publishing what purport to be authentic DNC documents taken during the online heist.

In a blog post published Wednesday, someone with the handle Guccifer 2.0 published hundreds of pages of documents that the author claimed were taken during a lone-wolf hack of the DNC servers. One 231-page document purports to be opposition research into Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee. Other files purport to be spreadsheets that include the names and dollar amounts of large DNC donors. Yet another document purportedly came from the computer of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state.


Guccifer 2.0 is an allusion to the Romanian man who in 2013 shattered the privacy of the family of former presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush after breaking into private e-mail accounts that contained personal communications and pictures. Guccifer also exposed e-mails sent to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a former member of the US joint chiefs of staff and a former presidential advisor. A cab driver whose real name is Marcel Lehel, Guccifer is now in US custody and faces federal charges.

Our government is above the following sage advice... At least when it suits their political agendas:

The incidents over the past 24 hours are a powerful reminder of the perils of using incomplete or circumstantial evidence to attribute breaches to specific groups or individuals. It's possible that hacking tools known to belong to a group can be stolen or otherwise appropriated and that IP addresses and other signs of origin can be faked by attackers attempting to cover their tracks. Ars should have included this oft-repeated disclaimer in Tuesday's report, but didn't. Ars also should have made clear that given the potentially high value of information stored by major presidential candidates, it would be surprising if the DNC, its Republican counterpart, and both major candidates weren't regularly targeted and on occasion successfully breached by hackers motivated by political espionage, financial gain, or both.

How strange, NEITHER Guccifer is Russian... I'm actually surprised this information is still public as it doesn't fit the Russian blame agenda - Guccifer - Wikipedia

Marcel Lazăr Lehel (born in 1971/1972[1]), known as Guccifer, is a Romanian hacker responsible for a number of high-level computer security breaches in the U.S. and Romania. Lehel targeted celebrities, Romanian and U.S. government officials, and other prominent persons.

That's Guiccifer, then there's Guiccifer 2.0 - Guccifer 2.0 - Wikipedia

On June 21, 2016, in an interview with Vice "Guccifer 2.0" stated that he is Romanian.[30][31]

Meh that doesn't matter! Besides, they have two other "agents" some folks think are Russian

December 30, 2016 - GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

On October 7, 2016, the Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) issued a joint statement on election security compromises. DHS has released a Joint Analysis Report (JAR) attributing those compromises to Russian malicious cyber activity, designated as GRIZZLY STEPPE.

The JAR package offers technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services (RIS).

Deeper, into the PDF release of "evidence" - STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

The U.S. Government confirms that two different RIS actors participated in the intrusion into a U.S. political party. The first actor group, known as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 29, entered into the party’s systems in summer 2015, while the second, known as APT28, entered in spring 2016.

Both groups have historically targeted government organizations, think tanks, universities, and corporations around the world. APT29 has been observed crafting targeted spearphishing campaigns leveraging web links to a malicious dropper; once executed, the code delivers Remote Access Tools (RATs) and evades detection using a range of techniques. APT28 is known for leveraging domains that closely mimic those of targeted organizations and tricking potential victims into entering legitimate credentials. APT28 actors relied heavily on shortened URLs in their spearphishing email campaigns. Once APT28 and APT29 have access to victims, both groups exfiltrate and analyze information to gain intelligence value. These groups use this information to craft highly targeted spearphishing campaigns. These actors set up operational infrastructure to obfuscate their source infrastructure, host domains and malware for targeting organizations, establish command and control nodes, and harvest credentials and other valuable information from their targets.

The groups – and how our government is totally cool with letting private companies dictate the story and do the work /we/ pay them for with our taxes

Advanced Persistent Threat 28 - aka Fancy Bear -- Fancy Bear - Wikipedia

Fancy Bear (also known as APT28, Pawn Storm, Sofacy Group, Sednit and STRONTIUM) is a cyber espionage group. Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has said with a medium level of confidence that it is associated with the Russian military intelligence agency GRU.[2] Security firms SecureWorks,[3] ThreatConnect,[4] and Fireeye's Mandiant[5] have also said the group is sponsored by the Russian government.

Likely operating since the mid-2000s, Fancy Bear's methods are consistent with the capabilities of nation-state actors. The threat group is known to target government, military, and security organizations, especially Transcaucasian and NATO-aligned states. Fancy Bear is thought to be responsible for cyber attacks on the German parliament, the French television station TV5Monde, the White House, NATO, and the Democratic National Committee.

Fancy Bear's behaviour has been classified as an advanced persistent threat. They employ zero-day vulnerabilities and use spear phishing and malware to compromise targets.

Advanced Persistent Threat 29 – aka Cozy Bear -- Cozy Bear - Wikipedia

Cozy Bear, classified as advanced persistent threat APT29, are a Russian hacker group believed to be associated with Russian intelligence. Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has suggested that it may be associated with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB).[1] The group was given other nicknames by other cybersecurity firms, including Office Monkeys, CozyCar,[2] The Dukes (by Volexity), and CozyDuke (by F-Secure).

Methods and technical capability

Kaspersky Lab determined that the earliest samples of Miniduke are from 2008.[3] The original Miniduke malware was written in assembler.[4] Symantec believes that Cozy Bear had been compromising diplomatic organizations and governments since at least 2010.[5] Cozy Bear appears to have different projects, with different user groups. The focus of its project "Nemesis Gemina" is military, government, energy, diplomatic and telecom sectors.[4]

The CozyDuke malware utilises a backdoor and a dropper. The malware exfiltrates data to a command and control server. Attackers may tailor the malware to the environment.[3] The backdoor components of Cozy Bear's malware are updated over time with modifications to cryptography, trojan functionality, and anti-detection. The speed at which Cozy Bear develops and deploys its components is reminiscent of the toolset of Fancy Bear, which also uses the tools CHOPSTICK and CORESHELL.[6]

Cozy Bear's CozyDuke malware toolset is structurally and functionally similar to second stage components used in early Miniduke, Cosmicduke, and OnionDuke operations. A second stage module of the CozyDuke malware, Show.dll, appears to have been built onto the same platform as OnionDuke, suggesting that the authors are working together or are the same people.[6] The campaigns and the malware toolsets they use are referred to as the Dukes, including Cosmicduke, Cozyduke, and Miniduke.[5] CozyDuke is connected to the MiniDuke and CosmicDuke campaigns, as well as to the OnionDuke cyberespionage campaign. Each threat group tracks their targets and use toolsets that were likely created and updated by Russian speakers.[3] Following exposure of the MiniDuke in 2013, updates to the malware were written in C/C++ and it was packed with a new obfuscator.[4]

Cozy Bear is suspected of being behind the 'HAMMERTOSS' remote access tool which uses commonly visited websites like Twitter and GitHub to relay command data.[7]

Seaduke is a highly configurable, low-profile Trojan only used for a small set of high-value targets. Typically, Seaduke is installed on systems already infected with the much more widely distributed CozyDuke.[5]

Deeper into the utter embarrassment of just how little /anyone/ actually knows what's going on (because of TOR untraceable anonymous IPs etc - nature of the beast)

4/29/2015 -- WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

On December 18, 2015, the Democratic National Committee and Bernie 2016 appeared in United States District Court on Bernie 2016's indication that it would be seeking an injunction in the breach of contract action it filed against the DNC earlier that day. The Sanders campaign alleged that the DNC wrongfully terminated its access to the party-administered voter file system, VoteBuilder, following DNC's discovery that Sanders campaign personnel had discovered a flaw in system security and had accessed Clinton campaign proprietary score data.

The parties proceeded in the course of the hearing to settle the immediate issue before the Court. The DNC agreed to restore access to VoteBuilder by the next day, and the campaign agreed to cooperate in an independent investigation of the data breach. The Sanders campaign also agreed as part of this investigation to assume a share of the costs of the investigation. The DNC and the Sanders campaign agreed on the retention of CrowdStrike to conduct the investigation.

Over a five-week period and the commitment to the work of 128 hours, CrowdStrike examined user activity within VoteBuilder by three Democratic Presidential campaigns: Hillary for America, Bernie 2016, and O'Malley for President. Additionally, CrowdStrike conducted a forensic examination of two systems belonging to the Bernie 2016 campaign. The investigation sought to first identify whether any campaigns' users accessed data via the VoteBuilder system in an unauthorized fashion and then determine the nature of any unauthorized access that did occur.

The cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has concluded the independent investigation agreed to by the DNC and Bernie 2016. It identified evidence of unauthorized access via four user accounts from the Bernie 2016 campaign. All unauthorized access occurred during a one-hour period from 10:41 to 11:42 EST on December 16, 2015.

During that time, the four users conducted 25 searches using proprietary Hillary for America score data across 11 states. All of the results of these searches were saved within the VoteBuilder system, with the exception of one instance where a user exported a statistical summary of a search using HFA scoring in New Hampshire.

June 14, 2015 - Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump

“The purpose of such intelligence gathering is to understand the target’s proclivities,” said Robert Deitz, former senior councillor to the CIA director and a former general counsel at the National Security Agency. “Trump’s foreign investments, for example, would be relevant to understanding how he would deal with countries where he has those investments” should he be elected, Deitz said. “They may provide tips for understanding his style of negotiating. In short, this sort of intelligence could be used by Russia, for example, to indicate where it can get away with foreign adventurism.”

Other analysts noted that any dirt dug up in opposition research is likely to be made public anyway. Nonetheless, DNC leadership acted quickly after the intrusion’s discovery to contain the damage.


One group, which CrowdStrike had dubbed Cozy Bear, had gained access last summer and was monitoring the DNC’s email and chat communications, Alperovitch [He is CrowdStrike's Co-founder and CTO -]said.

The other, which the firm had named Fancy Bear, broke into the network in late April and targeted the opposition research files. It was this breach that set off the alarm. The hackers stole two files, Henry said. And they had access to the computers of the entire research staff — an average of about several dozen on any given day.

The computers contained research going back years on Trump. “It’s a huge job” to dig into the dealings of somebody who has never run for office before, Dacey said.

CrowdStrike is not sure how the hackers got in. The firm suspects they may have targeted DNC employees with “spearphishing” emails. These are communications that appear legitimate — often made to look like they came from a colleague or someone trusted — but that contain links or attachments that when clicked on deploy malicious software that enables a hacker to gain access to a computer. “But we don’t have hard evidence,” Alperovitch said.

The two groups did not appear to be working together, Alperovitch said. Fancy Bear is believed to work for the GRU, or Russia’s military intelligence service, he said. CrowdStrike is less sure of whom Cozy Bear works for but thinks it might be the Federal Security Service, or FSB, the country’s powerful security agency, which was once headed by Putin.


Our government cyber division is completely fucking worthless. They were told about /all/ this shit 9 months ago. Oh, but /now/ it’s politically beneficial to make it a big deal.

How fucking pathetic…
The FBI and CIA work DIRECTLY for Obama, so get your facts straight kid.........................

Once trump is the President, these shits go to jail and the real Americans in these agencies can tell the truth without fear of reprisal from Oshitba

Okay, so now you're getting into your conspiracy theories again. They work so much for Obama they threw Hillary under the bus. Do you know how hard it would be to convince hundreds of CIA and FBI members to be on the same page? Your scenario is pathetic.
So it's a conspiracy theory that the CIA and NSA are government agencies under control of the President.

Are you new on the Earth too? or are you just a democrap

Look Assman... EVERY major intelligence agency said Russia hacked the DNC. EVERY one of them.


WikiLeaks on Twitter

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
US Intelligence Chief James Clapper Claims Wikileaks Connection With Russian Cyber Attacks is Weak



Do you understand what that means? They are just saying they don't have good evidence on how Wikileaks got the hacked emails from Russia and if Russia had anything to do with how the emails were released... NOT that Russia hacked the DNC. Damn you people are gullible.
The FBI and CIA work DIRECTLY for Obama, so get your facts straight kid.........................

Once trump is the President, these shits go to jail and the real Americans in these agencies can tell the truth without fear of reprisal from Oshitba

Okay, so now you're getting into your conspiracy theories again. They work so much for Obama they threw Hillary under the bus. Do you know how hard it would be to convince hundreds of CIA and FBI members to be on the same page? Your scenario is pathetic.
So it's a conspiracy theory that the CIA and NSA are government agencies under control of the President.

Are you new on the Earth too? or are you just a democrap

Look Assman... EVERY major intelligence agency said Russia hacked the DNC. EVERY one of them.


WikiLeaks on Twitter

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
US Intelligence Chief James Clapper Claims Wikileaks Connection With Russian Cyber Attacks is Weak



Do you understand what that means? They are just saying they don't have good evidence on how Wikileaks got the hacked emails from Russia and if Russia had anything to do with how the emails were released... NOT that Russia hacked the DNC. Damn you people are gullible.
Wikileaks didn't get the emails from Russia....

Damn you people are gullible....
Okay, so now you're getting into your conspiracy theories again. They work so much for Obama they threw Hillary under the bus. Do you know how hard it would be to convince hundreds of CIA and FBI members to be on the same page? Your scenario is pathetic.
So it's a conspiracy theory that the CIA and NSA are government agencies under control of the President.

Are you new on the Earth too? or are you just a democrap

Look Assman... EVERY major intelligence agency said Russia hacked the DNC. EVERY one of them.


WikiLeaks on Twitter

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
US Intelligence Chief James Clapper Claims Wikileaks Connection With Russian Cyber Attacks is Weak



Do you understand what that means? They are just saying they don't have good evidence on how Wikileaks got the hacked emails from Russia and if Russia had anything to do with how the emails were released... NOT that Russia hacked the DNC. Damn you people are gullible.
Wikileaks didn't get the emails from Russia....

Damn you people are gullible....

I already posted a response to this in another thread. If you think Russia was going to give them directly to Wikileaks so Wikileaks knew who did the hacking you are fucking brain dead and need to be taken off life support.
So it's a conspiracy theory that the CIA and NSA are government agencies under control of the President.

Are you new on the Earth too? or are you just a democrap

Look Assman... EVERY major intelligence agency said Russia hacked the DNC. EVERY one of them.


WikiLeaks on Twitter

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
US Intelligence Chief James Clapper Claims Wikileaks Connection With Russian Cyber Attacks is Weak



Do you understand what that means? They are just saying they don't have good evidence on how Wikileaks got the hacked emails from Russia and if Russia had anything to do with how the emails were released... NOT that Russia hacked the DNC. Damn you people are gullible.
Wikileaks didn't get the emails from Russia....

Damn you people are gullible....

I already posted a response to this in another thread. If you think Russia was going to give them directly to Wikileaks so Wikileaks knew who did the hacking you are fucking brain dead and need to be taken off life support. now Russia didn't hack the election? Huh......
Look Assman... EVERY major intelligence agency said Russia hacked the DNC. EVERY one of them.


WikiLeaks on Twitter

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
US Intelligence Chief James Clapper Claims Wikileaks Connection With Russian Cyber Attacks is Weak



Do you understand what that means? They are just saying they don't have good evidence on how Wikileaks got the hacked emails from Russia and if Russia had anything to do with how the emails were released... NOT that Russia hacked the DNC. Damn you people are gullible.
Wikileaks didn't get the emails from Russia....

Damn you people are gullible....

I already posted a response to this in another thread. If you think Russia was going to give them directly to Wikileaks so Wikileaks knew who did the hacking you are fucking brain dead and need to be taken off life support. now Russia didn't hack the election? Huh......

Dumbass... hacking the DNC and other places is hacking the election. Even if they didn't walk up to the Ecuadorian embassy and hand the emails directly to Wikileaks, they gave them to them so they could release them. It's a done deal. They did it, and everyone with half a brain that isn't fucking listening to lying Trump knows they did it.

WikiLeaks on Twitter



Do you understand what that means? They are just saying they don't have good evidence on how Wikileaks got the hacked emails from Russia and if Russia had anything to do with how the emails were released... NOT that Russia hacked the DNC. Damn you people are gullible.
Wikileaks didn't get the emails from Russia....

Damn you people are gullible....

I already posted a response to this in another thread. If you think Russia was going to give them directly to Wikileaks so Wikileaks knew who did the hacking you are fucking brain dead and need to be taken off life support. now Russia didn't hack the election? Huh......

Dumbass... hacking the DNC and other places is hacking the election. Even if they didn't walk up to the Ecuadorian embassy and hand the emails directly to Wikileaks, they gave them to them so they could release them. It's a done deal. They did it, and everyone with half a brain that isn't fucking listening to lying Trump knows they did it.
Seth Rich (a non Russian) would beg to differ...but democrats killed him....
Do you understand what that means? They are just saying they don't have good evidence on how Wikileaks got the hacked emails from Russia and if Russia had anything to do with how the emails were released... NOT that Russia hacked the DNC. Damn you people are gullible.
Wikileaks didn't get the emails from Russia....

Damn you people are gullible....

I already posted a response to this in another thread. If you think Russia was going to give them directly to Wikileaks so Wikileaks knew who did the hacking you are fucking brain dead and need to be taken off life support. now Russia didn't hack the election? Huh......

Dumbass... hacking the DNC and other places is hacking the election. Even if they didn't walk up to the Ecuadorian embassy and hand the emails directly to Wikileaks, they gave them to them so they could release them. It's a done deal. They did it, and everyone with half a brain that isn't fucking listening to lying Trump knows they did it.
Seth Rich (a non Russian) would beg to differ...but democrats killed him....

Sure, use some dead guy as a scape goat after the fact. Remember when Wikileaks was leaking information that they were going to tell the source as soon as they got out of the country to somewhere safe... and yadda yadda yadda? Yeah that was after Rich got robbed and killed. It was all BS.
Furthermore since the emails that were presented were relayed thru Wikileaks, there is no way to say where Wiki got the emails from. Since Assange has not implicated Russia there again is no way to say that Russia did anything.

If I am wrong, and I might be, you will need to present evidence to prove that,

Since I am never wrong, you have no evidence.

Please prove me wrong.

The CIA says the Russians hacked the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Donald Trump's opponent's campaign manager. The CIA reports to the president, not people on internet forums.

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