No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC

The first isn't news at at all. It was an opinion. The second is as yet undetermined, though it's telling that there's a full-court press to suppress any investigation.
It is telling that it is the Obama WH that is trying to suppress a Congressional investigation.
It's telling that you're trying to deflect the conversation. Hijacking a thread is against board TOS. The full-court press is becoming more and more obvious with every new post.
And you are babbling, and violating this users right to free speech. Now go jerk off again
Speech on a board like this is governed by its TOS, not the bloviations of an apologist for selling out the country to an unreconstructed secret policeman.
Have you ever seen the evidence that Russia hacks the U.S. every day? No, you haven't, but you believe that. Now, if you do believe that Russia hacks the U.S. every day... then why would you all of a sudden think that the government who knows when Russia hacks the U.S. every day... can't tell that it was Russia that hacked the DNC?

Ok Einstein... go!

Again if you do not know that Russia hacks the USA constantly, you believed that Hillary could not lose. Look kid at some point you have to accept that you are and were wrong. You are not arguing with me no matter how much you might want to be. You are arguing with reality, and it just will not shape itself to suit your imagination.

The Russians and Chinese especially are constantly hacking the USA,
This was 2008..................LOL you are really fun to play with
2008 cyberattack on United States - Wikipedia

Dipshit, I never said I knew Hillary would win. (Strawman) You create these every thread you are confronted with an actual argument.

I never said that Russia doesn't hack the U.S. every day. I asked you a simple questions. You say the U.S. gets hacked by Russia every day, but have you ever been shown actual evidence? Yet you believe that. Now, the same government that knows that Russia is hacking them every day... why would they all of a sudden NOT know that it was Russia that hacked the DNC? Now remember, you just said that Russia hacks the U.S. every day.

Do you understand?

Yea, I actually have complete control of the US cyber command at the NSA headquarters at Fort Meade Maryland....................

Kid, I have never been to the Moon, but I know that it has 5/6 the gravity of the Earth. From your ignorant perspective I must be on the Moon to know this.

Keep babbling, you are sounding just like your Mom

I asked you simple fucking questions, and you can't answer them. You said you believe that Russia hacks the U.S. EVERY DAY. How do you know? Have you been provided evidence?

If the U.S. knows that Russia hacks them EVERY DAY, then why would they not be able to tell if it was Russia that hacked the DNC? Why would they have to give you evidence to prove that hack, when you believed all the other hacks without evidence?

Kid it;s common knowledge that someone or group in Russia is hacking the USA every day.

Are you actually from the Earth, or did you just arrive here?

It's common knowledge? You believe that without evidence?

AGAIN... if the U.S. can tell when Russia hacks the U.S. every day... then why do you question them and want evidence when they say Russia hacked the DNC? Simple fucking question. Please answer or go crawl into a hole.
The first isn't news at at all. It was an opinion. The second is as yet undetermined, though it's telling that there's a full-court press to suppress any investigation.
It is telling that it is the Obama WH that is trying to suppress a Congressional investigation.
It's telling that you're trying to deflect the conversation. Hijacking a thread is against board TOS. The full-court press is becoming more and more obvious with every new post.
And you are babbling, and violating this users right to free speech. Now go jerk off again
Speech on a board like this is governed by its TOS, not the bloviations of an apologist for selling out the country to an unreconstructed secret policeman.
Bibble bubble babble
Here this may help...

You do not even know what the word hack means. Hacking means network intrusion, claiming that he Russians hacked voting booths is ignorant, if they did, we let them. Obama is scared shitless and already has his escape plan to Dubai in place

You just keep kicking the can changing the situation to fit your argument. The debate has not been about the Russians hacking voting booths and changing the results of the election. You're a moron.

2008 cyberattack on United States - Wikipedia

The Russians have been hacking the USA since they bought their first computer, so it's not new kid.

Try again

Slow down,youre missing the point. Try reading my last statement slower, your response changes the subject and makes no sense

Actually Obumma has not said exactly what the Russians did, just that they did it, and we are supposed to believe him. So did everyone who signed up for Obummacare get to keep their doctor. Obumma tells just as much truth as Cliton, which is none

Campaigning about a policy position that has yet to be written and passed by congress versus speaking about the conclusions of intelligence reports, are two very different things. You're one of the worst debaters I've ever come accross. You lie and can't make a valid point
Last edited:
Did you geniuses ever consider the likely possibility that the evidence may reveal classified information and compromise intelligence assets?

It comes down to a simple decision. Do you trust the word of our intelligence agencies or not? Apparently many of you don't... the fact that some of you are taking a bigger step by taking the Russians side over ours, is quite sad.
Do I trust the federal govt? Not even remotely. As many have pointed out, please show me the evidence that Iraq had WMB. "Some one close to the investigation" thinks so.
Yeah they got the WMDs wrong... do you have any clue what they have gotten right? Do you have any respect for the work that so many Americans in our armed forces and intelligence services do, risking their lives to keep us safe? Do you have any respect for the many that do this kind of classified work that never get credit or recognition for because the news of it never reaches your judgement little eyes???
I understand all of that, do I trust what their political bosses allow them to tell me? Not for a second. Who told you or me that Iraq had WMD? A politician, what did the security services tell the politicians? You and I will never know.
It's fine to be skeptical... but don't be naïve
Back at you.

My govt has lied to me so many times for so long I am beyond a skeptic. Believe nothing of what they say.
The first isn't news at at all. It was an opinion. The second is as yet undetermined, though it's telling that there's a full-court press to suppress any investigation.
It is telling that it is the Obama WH that is trying to suppress a Congressional investigation.
It's telling that you're trying to deflect the conversation. Hijacking a thread is against board TOS. The full-court press is becoming more and more obvious with every new post.
And you are babbling, and violating this users right to free speech. Now go jerk off again
Speech on a board like this is governed by its TOS, not the bloviations of an apologist for selling out the country to an unreconstructed secret policeman.
Bibble bubble babble
One of the more intelligent things you've said lately. No wonder you're a Trump fan.
Again if you do not know that Russia hacks the USA constantly, you believed that Hillary could not lose. Look kid at some point you have to accept that you are and were wrong. You are not arguing with me no matter how much you might want to be. You are arguing with reality, and it just will not shape itself to suit your imagination.

The Russians and Chinese especially are constantly hacking the USA,
This was 2008..................LOL you are really fun to play with
2008 cyberattack on United States - Wikipedia

Dipshit, I never said I knew Hillary would win. (Strawman) You create these every thread you are confronted with an actual argument.

I never said that Russia doesn't hack the U.S. every day. I asked you a simple questions. You say the U.S. gets hacked by Russia every day, but have you ever been shown actual evidence? Yet you believe that. Now, the same government that knows that Russia is hacking them every day... why would they all of a sudden NOT know that it was Russia that hacked the DNC? Now remember, you just said that Russia hacks the U.S. every day.

Do you understand?

Yea, I actually have complete control of the US cyber command at the NSA headquarters at Fort Meade Maryland....................

Kid, I have never been to the Moon, but I know that it has 5/6 the gravity of the Earth. From your ignorant perspective I must be on the Moon to know this.

Keep babbling, you are sounding just like your Mom

I asked you simple fucking questions, and you can't answer them. You said you believe that Russia hacks the U.S. EVERY DAY. How do you know? Have you been provided evidence?

If the U.S. knows that Russia hacks them EVERY DAY, then why would they not be able to tell if it was Russia that hacked the DNC? Why would they have to give you evidence to prove that hack, when you believed all the other hacks without evidence?

Kid it;s common knowledge that someone or group in Russia is hacking the USA every day.

Are you actually from the Earth, or did you just arrive here?

It's common knowledge? You believe that without evidence?

AGAIN... if the U.S. can tell when Russia hacks the U.S. every day... then why do you question them and want evidence when they say Russia hacked the DNC? Simple fucking question. Please answer or go crawl into a hole.

Yes this is common knowledge, Chinese individuals and groups are doing the same thing. All you are doing here is jerking yourself off in public
It is telling that it is the Obama WH that is trying to suppress a Congressional investigation.
It's telling that you're trying to deflect the conversation. Hijacking a thread is against board TOS. The full-court press is becoming more and more obvious with every new post.
And you are babbling, and violating this users right to free speech. Now go jerk off again
Speech on a board like this is governed by its TOS, not the bloviations of an apologist for selling out the country to an unreconstructed secret policeman.
Bibble bubble babble
One of the more intelligent things you've said lately. No wonder you're a Trump fan.
Now that was clever, not as clever as this though........................


Did you geniuses ever consider the likely possibility that the evidence may reveal classified information and compromise intelligence assets?

It comes down to a simple decision. Do you trust the word of our intelligence agencies or not? Apparently many of you don't... the fact that some of you are taking a bigger step by taking the Russians side over ours, is quite sad.
Do I trust the federal govt? Not even remotely. As many have pointed out, please show me the evidence that Iraq had WMB. "Some one close to the investigation" thinks so.
Yeah they got the WMDs wrong... do you have any clue what they have gotten right? Do you have any respect for the work that so many Americans in our armed forces and intelligence services do, risking their lives to keep us safe? Do you have any respect for the many that do this kind of classified work that never get credit or recognition for because the news of it never reaches your judgement little eyes???
I understand all of that, do I trust what their political bosses allow them to tell me? Not for a second. Who told you or me that Iraq had WMD? A politician, what did the security services tell the politicians? You and I will never know.
It's fine to be skeptical... but don't be naïve
Back at you.

My govt has lied to me so many times for so long I am beyond a skeptic. Believe nothing of what they say.
You must live a very frustrated life then. I feel bad for you
Dipshit, I never said I knew Hillary would win. (Strawman) You create these every thread you are confronted with an actual argument.

I never said that Russia doesn't hack the U.S. every day. I asked you a simple questions. You say the U.S. gets hacked by Russia every day, but have you ever been shown actual evidence? Yet you believe that. Now, the same government that knows that Russia is hacking them every day... why would they all of a sudden NOT know that it was Russia that hacked the DNC? Now remember, you just said that Russia hacks the U.S. every day.

Do you understand?

Yea, I actually have complete control of the US cyber command at the NSA headquarters at Fort Meade Maryland....................

Kid, I have never been to the Moon, but I know that it has 5/6 the gravity of the Earth. From your ignorant perspective I must be on the Moon to know this.

Keep babbling, you are sounding just like your Mom

I asked you simple fucking questions, and you can't answer them. You said you believe that Russia hacks the U.S. EVERY DAY. How do you know? Have you been provided evidence?

If the U.S. knows that Russia hacks them EVERY DAY, then why would they not be able to tell if it was Russia that hacked the DNC? Why would they have to give you evidence to prove that hack, when you believed all the other hacks without evidence?

Kid it;s common knowledge that someone or group in Russia is hacking the USA every day.

Are you actually from the Earth, or did you just arrive here?

It's common knowledge? You believe that without evidence?

AGAIN... if the U.S. can tell when Russia hacks the U.S. every day... then why do you question them and want evidence when they say Russia hacked the DNC? Simple fucking question. Please answer or go crawl into a hole.

Yes this is common knowledge, Chinese individuals and groups are doing the same thing. All you are doing here is jerking yourself off in public

So you won't answer my question. Ok then. You've just admitted how big of an idiot you are.
Funny how the traitorous RWers are trying to quash the story. The funniest part is that they're calling it fake news - when they've cornered the market on fake news.

Why don't the traitors have the balls to admit that they love Russia and hate America?
Gran: when did the Reaganites suddenly LOSE the Cold War??

WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE OF THE RUSSIANS HACKING THE DNC? IF THERE WAS EVIDENCE WE WOULD SEE IT JUST AS WE HAVE SEEN THE REPORT I POSTED. WE HAVE NOT SEEN IT YET. THEREFORE we know they have hacked all of the countries in the world, we have hacked all of the countries in the world, and Korea is the best hacker of all. BUT we do not know that Russia hacked the DNC, WE do know that WikiLeaks did, BUT they have their OWN professional hackers and they act independently of ANY GOVERNMENT. I would suppose that on occasion if they are requested to hack something by their PROTECTORS they do. But any conjecture as to the Russians hacking for TRUMP is just that and another talking point lie that liberal shit and the dimocrat shit machine are pumping out of their lie sewer. As for the Republican congress not giving Trump what he wants, DREAM ON They are going to wipe boplentys entire legacy OUT and more. When the dimshits jump up and try to stop them they just have to fall back on the way oshitcare got to the floor under reeds rule, The nuclear option. They can take a 51 vote suspend the rules and vote 51 majority to prevent a filibuster The dimshits opened the precedent, and the Repubs can use it to wipe out any block by the dimshitscum using their own method. Welcome to payback and wipe the floor. Why don't you dims just crawl in your hole and cover yourselves up to die. All of the wild reaching to try to stop the steamroller is useless, it is coming fast and IS going to do what it was fired up to do, Stop the destruction of this country and the subjugation of it's people to a worldwide ruling class group of socialist scum.
Yea, I actually have complete control of the US cyber command at the NSA headquarters at Fort Meade Maryland....................

Kid, I have never been to the Moon, but I know that it has 5/6 the gravity of the Earth. From your ignorant perspective I must be on the Moon to know this.

Keep babbling, you are sounding just like your Mom

I asked you simple fucking questions, and you can't answer them. You said you believe that Russia hacks the U.S. EVERY DAY. How do you know? Have you been provided evidence?

If the U.S. knows that Russia hacks them EVERY DAY, then why would they not be able to tell if it was Russia that hacked the DNC? Why would they have to give you evidence to prove that hack, when you believed all the other hacks without evidence?

Kid it;s common knowledge that someone or group in Russia is hacking the USA every day.

Are you actually from the Earth, or did you just arrive here?

It's common knowledge? You believe that without evidence?

AGAIN... if the U.S. can tell when Russia hacks the U.S. every day... then why do you question them and want evidence when they say Russia hacked the DNC? Simple fucking question. Please answer or go crawl into a hole.

Yes this is common knowledge, Chinese individuals and groups are doing the same thing. All you are doing here is jerking yourself off in public

So you won't answer my question. Ok then. You've just admitted how big of an idiot you are.

And you believe that I must obey you..............................

Kid there is only one idiot here, and it's you.

Stomp all you want, Trump is still the man and you are shit................

if there was any evidence, wouldnt we have any video of the russians messin with the paper ballots?
WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE OF THE RUSSIANS HACKING THE DNC? IF THERE WAS EVIDENCE WE WOULD SEE IT JUST AS WE HAVE SEEN THE REPORT I POSTED. WE HAVE NOT SEEN IT YET. THEREFORE we know they have hacked all of the countries in the world, we have hacked all of the countries in the world, and Korea is the best hacker of all. BUT we do not know that Russia hacked the DNC, WE do know that WikiLeaks did, BUT they have their OWN professional hackers and they act independently of ANY GOVERNMENT. I would suppose that on occasion if they are requested to hack something by their PROTECTORS they do. But any conjecture as to the Russians hacking for TRUMP is just that and another talking point lie that liberal shit and the dimocrat shit machine are pumping out of their lie sewer. As for the Republican congress not giving Trump what he wants, DREAM ON They are going to wipe boplentys entire legacy OUT and more. When the dimshits jump up and try to stop them they just have to fall back on the way oshitcare got to the floor under reeds rule, The nuclear option. They can take a 51 vote suspend the rules and vote 51 majority to prevent a filibuster The dimshits opened the precedent, and the Repubs can use it to wipe out any block by the dimshitscum using their own method. Welcome to payback and wipe the floor. Why don't you dims just crawl in your hole and cover yourselves up to die. All of the wild reaching to try to stop the steamroller is useless, it is coming fast and IS going to do what it was fired up to do, Stop the destruction of this country and the subjugation of it's people to a worldwide ruling class group of socialist scum.
Again Wikileaks is a guy under house arrest, there is no they and Assange is no hacker
I asked you simple fucking questions, and you can't answer them. You said you believe that Russia hacks the U.S. EVERY DAY. How do you know? Have you been provided evidence?

If the U.S. knows that Russia hacks them EVERY DAY, then why would they not be able to tell if it was Russia that hacked the DNC? Why would they have to give you evidence to prove that hack, when you believed all the other hacks without evidence?

Kid it;s common knowledge that someone or group in Russia is hacking the USA every day.

Are you actually from the Earth, or did you just arrive here?

It's common knowledge? You believe that without evidence?

AGAIN... if the U.S. can tell when Russia hacks the U.S. every day... then why do you question them and want evidence when they say Russia hacked the DNC? Simple fucking question. Please answer or go crawl into a hole.

Yes this is common knowledge, Chinese individuals and groups are doing the same thing. All you are doing here is jerking yourself off in public

So you won't answer my question. Ok then. You've just admitted how big of an idiot you are.

And you believe that I must obey you..............................

Kid there is only one idiot here, and it's you.

Stomp all you want, Trump is still the man and you are shit................


Look at the little brat stomp off after his temper tantrum...

Funny how the traitorous RWers are trying to quash the story. The funniest part is that they're calling it fake news - when they've cornered the market on fake news.

Why don't the traitors have the balls to admit that they love Russia and hate America?

/----- Where is the evidence?
Kid it;s common knowledge that someone or group in Russia is hacking the USA every day.

Are you actually from the Earth, or did you just arrive here?

It's common knowledge? You believe that without evidence?

AGAIN... if the U.S. can tell when Russia hacks the U.S. every day... then why do you question them and want evidence when they say Russia hacked the DNC? Simple fucking question. Please answer or go crawl into a hole.

Yes this is common knowledge, Chinese individuals and groups are doing the same thing. All you are doing here is jerking yourself off in public

So you won't answer my question. Ok then. You've just admitted how big of an idiot you are.

And you believe that I must obey you..............................

Kid there is only one idiot here, and it's you.

Stomp all you want, Trump is still the man and you are shit................


Look at the little brat stomp off after his temper tantrum...


Your Abilify is wearing off.......................

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