No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC

...and NO!! It's not hacking the election. It's hacking some dumbass arrogant fools who can't keep their shit safe.


They also hacked Lyndsey Graham who was running against Trump... they were specifically working to help Trump. Do you not get that?

And you know that how exactly? Clapper says the case for Russia supplying the emails to wiki was "weak". But your fantasy; you justify your conclusions. Proof by assertion don't cut it!!!


How do I know Russia hacked Lyndsey Graham?

Yes. A link would be good. I've seen it suggested but not yet proved.


What are you talking about? Graham said the FBI informed him about it awhile ago, and he backed up their assertion.

"I do believe the Russians hacked into the (Democratic National Committee). I do believe they hacked into (John) Podesta's email account. They hacked into my campaign account," he told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room." "I do believe that all the information released publicly hurt Clinton and didn't hurt Trump. I don't think the outcome of the election is in doubt. What we should do is not turn on each other but work as one people to push back on Russia."

Lindsey Graham: Russians hacked my campaign email account -

Russians? WHO? The Gov or just some hackers? I'll await the outcome of investigations IN FULL.

Didn't Obama actually FUND the anti-Bibi forces??

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

Cry me a'll lullaby me to sleep!!


Didn't Reagan help the Contra rebels? What's your point? This isn't a partisan issue.

Foreign interference with elections.


Has the U.S. ever influenced a fair democratic election?

You tell me. I'm a foreigner.


No, in my life time I've never heard of the U.S. influencing a fair democratic election. If they have I'd like to see proof of it.

The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

Now say "Thank you".

They also hacked Lyndsey Graham who was running against Trump... they were specifically working to help Trump. Do you not get that?

And you know that how exactly? Clapper says the case for Russia supplying the emails to wiki was "weak". But your fantasy; you justify your conclusions. Proof by assertion don't cut it!!!


How do I know Russia hacked Lyndsey Graham?

Yes. A link would be good. I've seen it suggested but not yet proved.


What are you talking about? Graham said the FBI informed him about it awhile ago, and he backed up their assertion.

"I do believe the Russians hacked into the (Democratic National Committee). I do believe they hacked into (John) Podesta's email account. They hacked into my campaign account," he told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room." "I do believe that all the information released publicly hurt Clinton and didn't hurt Trump. I don't think the outcome of the election is in doubt. What we should do is not turn on each other but work as one people to push back on Russia."

Lindsey Graham: Russians hacked my campaign email account -

Russians? WHO? The Gov or just some hackers? I'll await the outcome of investigations IN FULL.


They have evidence that puts it directly involved with the Russian government called Russia's GRU Intelligence agency. They used the exact same program to hack the German election offices.
Fucking progressives want to ignore the incompetency of Hildabeast and the DNC, blaming everybody and everything for the fuck up that was their own... :lmao:

Trump supporters always want to ignore the obvious... because they would rather believe the lying piece of shit Trump. :lmao::lmao:
The funny thing is, Hildabeast and the DMC are the ones That got hacked, and the material that was hacked damaged them was their own making. So on two fronts make them absolutely treasonous and incompetent at the same time.... Hildabeast and her supporters deserved the shit storm they found themselves in on election night.
I know your butt hurt and all… Just live with it though you fucking lost. :lmao:
By the way I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd... he gets no respect
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Of course you haven't seen it proved that US hacked to interfere with an election, though really any hacker putz can do it (even the incompetent buffoons we pay to do it.)

That's kind of the point of everyone's skepticism on the "Russian's hacked" - It's /extremely/ hard to nail down a decent hacker. 90% of the time we have NO IDEA who, or where, the attack comes from because everyone on the web is tracked by IP's - which you can fake through virtual IPs, TOR, and even using public access point bouncing.
Didn't Reagan help the Contra rebels? What's your point? This isn't a partisan issue.

Foreign interference with elections.


Has the U.S. ever influenced a fair democratic election?

You tell me. I'm a foreigner.


No, in my life time I've never heard of the U.S. influencing a fair democratic election. If they have I'd like to see proof of it.

The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

Now say "Thank you".


Why would I say thank you? Do you understand the quote I made about how they influenced it? Of course the government has tried to help put democracy in place in other countries. But have they done anything to the level the Russians did with the US? Do you understand the difference between a country like the U.S. and Russia and a country like Guatemala?
Has the U.S. ever influenced a fair democratic election?


Fucking progressives want to ignore the incompetency of Hildabeast and the DNC, blaming everybody and everything for the fuck up that was their own... :lmao:

Trump supporters always want to ignore the obvious... because they would rather believe the lying piece of shit Trump. :lmao::lmao:
The funny thing is, Hildabeast and the DMC are the ones That got hacked, and the material that was hacked damaged them was their making. So on two fronts make them absolutely treasonous and incompetent at the same time.... Hildabeast and her supporters deserved the shit storm they found themselves in on election night.
I know your butt hurt and all… Just live with it though you fucking lost. :lmao:
By the way I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd... he gets no respect

I didn't fucking lose. First she was never my candidate, Bernie was, and we have all lost. Do you NOT understand only one side of the elections was hacked period?
Bassman007, furthermore is not the standard of anything on this issue.

Dismissed until he can actually do something of interest on this subject.
I do not have to do anything asswipe, you have to present evidence of hacking, since you can't you are a turd............sniff sniff
You can't and have never done anything of worth here. The Russians have hacked us, and the GOP Congress is on the hunt, and the public pressure has forced Trump into an intel briefing he does not like. Good. This is only the start.

America is being hacked by Russians, terrorists continue to attack America, China is threatening a trade war, and the trumpelthinskins are infuriated that the great majority of America is worried that Trump will screw it all up.
Fucking progressives want to ignore the incompetency of Hildabeast and the DNC, blaming everybody and everything for the fuck up that was their own... :lmao:

Trump supporters always want to ignore the obvious... because they would rather believe the lying piece of shit Trump. :lmao::lmao:
The funny thing is, Hildabeast and the DMC are the ones That got hacked, and the material that was hacked damaged them was their making. So on two fronts make them absolutely treasonous and incompetent at the same time.... Hildabeast and her supporters deserved the shit storm they found themselves in on election night.
I know your butt hurt and all… Just live with it though you fucking lost. :lmao:
By the way I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd... he gets no respect

I didn't fucking lose. First she was never my candidate, Bernie was, and we have all lost. Do you NOT understand only one side of the elections was hacked period?
I don't think we want the incompetency of the Hildabeast and the DNC in power, they can't even secure server and the material that they were "trying" to protect was treasonous no doubt. It's best those motherfuckers lost...
Fucking progressives want to ignore the incompetency of Hildabeast and the DNC, blaming everybody and everything for the fuck up that was their own... :lmao:

Trump supporters always want to ignore the obvious... because they would rather believe the lying piece of shit Trump. :lmao::lmao:
The funny thing is, Hildabeast and the DMC are the ones That got hacked, and the material that was hacked damaged them was their making. So on two fronts make them absolutely treasonous and incompetent at the same time.... Hildabeast and her supporters deserved the shit storm they found themselves in on election night.
I know your butt hurt and all… Just live with it though you fucking lost. :lmao:
By the way I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd... he gets no respect

I didn't fucking lose. First she was never my candidate, Bernie was, and we have all lost. Do you NOT understand only one side of the elections was hacked period?
I don't think we want the incompetency of the Hildabeast and the DNC in power, they can't even secure server and the material that they were "trying" to protect was treasonous no doubt. It's best those motherfuckers lost...

Well if the people wanted a good candidate they would have fucking voted for one to run against her in the primaries instead of thinking some internet troll was cute and fit to run a country.
But it's not Russia they believe, its Trump. It is still very sad and pathetic.
even the Republicans in the Senate.
You dumbfucks can't think independently or something? If I am not licking the boots of a democrat administration that must mean I am beholden to republicans? Or Russians?

The two of you ignorant government stooges represent the real danger to the republic. All the unnecessary conflicts the US has entered into were initially supported by ignorant fucks like yourselves. And all started in like fashion, with a misrepresentation of the truth or an outright lie.

Why is the US involved in Syria? Yemen? Libya? Ukraine? Are they interconnected? Does Russia represent a potential barrier to US objectives in the ME? Does it then become convenient to the government for Americans to feel threatened by Russia given the potential conflicts in the ME? If our internet security systems were so weak as to allow intrusion so easily why would the government risk undermining public confidence by making it so public? Why wouldn't they just handle business quietly? Why would the government tell us that the hacking was so sophisticated it had to be done with the help of a state actor and then release a report showing how anyone with the knowledge could do it. It's ridiculous really, that anyone would fall for this BS. You dimwits are obviously living inside the matrix.
Wikileaks didn't get the emails from Russia....

Damn you people are gullible....

I already posted a response to this in another thread. If you think Russia was going to give them directly to Wikileaks so Wikileaks knew who did the hacking you are fucking brain dead and need to be taken off life support. now Russia didn't hack the election? Huh......

Dumbass... hacking the DNC and other places is hacking the election. Even if they didn't walk up to the Ecuadorian embassy and hand the emails directly to Wikileaks, they gave them to them so they could release them. It's a done deal. They did it, and everyone with half a brain that isn't fucking listening to lying Trump knows they did it.

Didn't Obama actually FUND the anti-Bibi forces??

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.

In one stunning finding, the subcommittee said OneVoice even told the State Department’s top diplomat in Jerusalem of its plans in an email, but the official, Consul General Michael Ratney, claims never to have seen them.

He said he regularly deleted emails with large attachments — a striking violation of open-records laws for a department already reeling from former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s handling of official government records.

Mr. Netanyahu survived the election, and the U.S. spending was not deemed illegal because the State Department never put any conditions on the money. Investigators also said OneVoice didn’t turn explicitly political until days after the grant period ended.

Cry me a'll lullaby me to sleep!!


Didn't Reagan help the Contra rebels? What's your point? This isn't a partisan issue.
Yes actually, and breaking laws and lying about it the whole time. While Americans sat back and pretended the genocide wasn't happening. They were fighting communism after all. That seems like a good reason to kill people in a foreign country. That is a point for you, well done.
Fucking progressives want to ignore the incompetency of Hildabeast and the DNC, blaming everybody and everything for the fuck up that was their own... :lmao:

Trump supporters always want to ignore the obvious... because they would rather believe the lying piece of shit Trump. :lmao::lmao:
The funny thing is, Hildabeast and the DMC are the ones That got hacked, and the material that was hacked damaged them was their making. So on two fronts make them absolutely treasonous and incompetent at the same time.... Hildabeast and her supporters deserved the shit storm they found themselves in on election night.
I know your butt hurt and all… Just live with it though you fucking lost. :lmao:
By the way I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd... he gets no respect

I didn't fucking lose. First she was never my candidate, Bernie was, and we have all lost. Do you NOT understand only one side of the elections was hacked period?
I don't think we want the incompetency of the Hildabeast and the DNC in power, they can't even secure server and the material that they were "trying" to protect was treasonous no doubt. It's best those motherfuckers lost...

Well if the people wanted a good candidate they would have fucking voted for one to run against her in the primaries instead of thinking some internet troll was cute and fit to run a country.
I would think the Bernie people would be pissed because that they were steamrolled by incompetent piece of shit like the Hildabeast?
Trump supporters always want to ignore the obvious... because they would rather believe the lying piece of shit Trump. :lmao::lmao:
The funny thing is, Hildabeast and the DMC are the ones That got hacked, and the material that was hacked damaged them was their making. So on two fronts make them absolutely treasonous and incompetent at the same time.... Hildabeast and her supporters deserved the shit storm they found themselves in on election night.
I know your butt hurt and all… Just live with it though you fucking lost. :lmao:
By the way I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd... he gets no respect

I didn't fucking lose. First she was never my candidate, Bernie was, and we have all lost. Do you NOT understand only one side of the elections was hacked period?
I don't think we want the incompetency of the Hildabeast and the DNC in power, they can't even secure server and the material that they were "trying" to protect was treasonous no doubt. It's best those motherfuckers lost...

Well if the people wanted a good candidate they would have fucking voted for one to run against her in the primaries instead of thinking some internet troll was cute and fit to run a country.
I would think the Bernie people would be pissed because that they were steamrolled by incompetent piece of shit like the Hildabeast?

Sanders is above being petty like that because he sees that there is a much larger problem in this country, and that is a large number of people in this country are so mad about wanting change they don't give a flying fuck who they voted President, as seen by how so many people voted for Trump just because she wasn't Hillary. As he has said many times, the only way to truly change government is start at the local level and work your way to the top. It's obvious, given the electoral college system, one person's voice isn't worth the same as someone else's, but at the local level and state level it is. And that's where people need to start at.
The funny thing is, Hildabeast and the DMC are the ones That got hacked, and the material that was hacked damaged them was their making. So on two fronts make them absolutely treasonous and incompetent at the same time.... Hildabeast and her supporters deserved the shit storm they found themselves in on election night.
I know your butt hurt and all… Just live with it though you fucking lost. :lmao:
By the way I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd... he gets no respect

I didn't fucking lose. First she was never my candidate, Bernie was, and we have all lost. Do you NOT understand only one side of the elections was hacked period?
I don't think we want the incompetency of the Hildabeast and the DNC in power, they can't even secure server and the material that they were "trying" to protect was treasonous no doubt. It's best those motherfuckers lost...

Well if the people wanted a good candidate they would have fucking voted for one to run against her in the primaries instead of thinking some internet troll was cute and fit to run a country.
I would think the Bernie people would be pissed because that they were steamrolled by incompetent piece of shit like the Hildabeast?

Sanders is above being petty like that because he sees that there is a much larger problem in this country, and that is a large number of people in this country are so mad about wanting change they don't give a flying fuck who they voted President, as seen by how so many people voted for Trump just because she wasn't Hillary. As he has said many times, the only way to truly change government is start at the local level and work your way to the top. It's obvious, given the electoral college system, one person's voice isn't worth the same as someone else's, but at the local level and state level it is. And that's where people need to start at.
Anyone starting out at the local level is going to get caught up in a corrupt system. They will either play by it or they will be kicked out. The first step is to educate yourself. We can demand change now, but we need a majority of independent thinking and informed people to do it.
Bassman007, furthermore is not the standard of anything on this issue.

Dismissed until he can actually do something of interest on this subject.
I do not have to do anything asswipe, you have to present evidence of hacking, since you can't you are a turd............sniff sniff
You can't and have never done anything of worth here. The Russians have hacked us, and the GOP Congress is on the hunt, and the public pressure has forced Trump into an intel briefing he does not like. Good. This is only the start.

America is being hacked by Russians, terrorists continue to attack America, China is threatening a trade war, and the trumpelthinskins are infuriated that the great majority of America is worried that Trump will screw it all up.
Jake, the only way not to be hacked by the Russians or Chinese is for you to take your pills and go back to sleep. Computer manufacturers and providers want you to believe that their wares are safe, but they are not. Much like cars, you can die in a Honda or in a Lambo, nothing is safe. Obama knew this but is only trying to make it tough for Trump to negotiate peace with our foes.

So you want nuclear war with Russia? or progress moving forward?
Sanders is above being petty like that because he sees that there is a much larger problem in this country, and that is a large number of people in this country are so mad about wanting change they don't give a flying fuck who they voted President, as seen by how so many people voted for Trump just because she wasn't Hillary. As he has said many times, the only way to truly change government is start at the local level and work your way to the top. It's obvious, given the electoral college system, one person's voice isn't worth the same as someone else's, but at the local level and state level it is. And that's where people need to start at.

DAMN RIGHT that is why the PEOPLE voted out the lying stinking shit covered thieving dimocrats in most every state in the union AND If you piles of liberal crap think Sanders is so great why don't you take a cue from him and quit being PETTY, CHILDISH, (I WOULD SAY STUPID BUT THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A LIBERAL AS IT IS A REQUIREMENT) DISHONORABLE, TREASONOUS, And really DANGEROUS, I see a new version of terrorisim by liberal shit that will hopefully result in their eradication from the country. The oshitass administration put forth the idea that conservatives were domestic terrorist, I think liberals are. Conservatives have NEVER committed violent acts during a protest, they have reacted to violence, and assaults BY liberals, but have never been violent, they have never carried out any terrorist activities ENMASSE so it is easy to get to who the domestic terrorists are just with a few runs of video tape. You liberals had better start hiding your IP's I am calling for a new group of Federal agents assigned to eradicate domestic terrorisim, at the source, LIBERAL SHIT VOMITERS.
Sanders is above being petty like that because he sees that there is a much larger problem in this country, and that is a large number of people in this country are so mad about wanting change they don't give a flying fuck who they voted President, as seen by how so many people voted for Trump just because she wasn't Hillary. As he has said many times, the only way to truly change government is start at the local level and work your way to the top. It's obvious, given the electoral college system, one person's voice isn't worth the same as someone else's, but at the local level and state level it is. And that's where people need to start at.

DAMN RIGHT that is why the PEOPLE voted out the lying stinking shit covered thieving dimocrats in most every state in the union AND If you piles of liberal crap think Sanders is so great why don't you take a cue from him and quit being PETTY, CHILDISH, (I WOULD SAY STUPID BUT THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A LIBERAL AS IT IS A REQUIREMENT) DISHONORABLE, TREASONOUS, And really DANGEROUS, I see a new version of terrorisim by liberal shit that will hopefully result in their eradication from the country. The oshitass administration put forth the idea that conservatives were domestic terrorist, I think liberals are. Conservatives have NEVER committed violent acts during a protest, they have reacted to violence, and assaults BY liberals, but have never been violent, they have never carried out any terrorist activities ENMASSE so it is easy to get to who the domestic terrorists are just with a few runs of video tape. You liberals had better start hiding your IP's I am calling for a new group of Federal agents assigned to eradicate domestic terrorisim, at the source, LIBERAL SHIT VOMITERS.
Now tell us how you really feel

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