No Evidence

Now the little worm wiggles and has it T^4 - Tcolder^4 instead of the other way around which avoids the negative Pnet. Why the 4th root of the power? If you can`t get it then there is no way to ever get the temperature or temperature difference.....and no there are no TEXTBOOKS with your screwy version of the StB equation, only internet web sites authored by AGW activists have it so. Even if you don`t want to resolve for T there is no such thing as a negative power. Dopeheads like you say there is and call it absorption while any sane person would not even need to reverse the position of the 2 temperatures to specify the amount of power that is absorbed, since it is always the colder body that absorbs the energy, getting warmed from the hotter one.
There is no such system where a hotter body gets warmed by a colder one. At any time the temperature of the hotter one will decrease the only thing that changes is the time it takes to do so.
As if that would mean that the colder body does not emit photons which is the hyperbola you freaks resort to in order to validate your giggle smoke inspired "physics".

But that`s typical for all you libtards. You morph a statement into something else that has not been stated and insist it has been said.

Wow, you are always so ill tempered. You and SSDD truly don't understand the SB law. When you are challenged you both go into caustic invectives to do what? Prove your point? You curse everybody as though they invented the SB law. Why don't you shout symbolic curses at Stefan and Boltzmann. It will make you feel better and you can then chill out.
I just bought a lathe and a milling machine to amuse myself instead of responding to an idiot like that whenever he demands "Link" etc. Is he too stupid to look it up himself or what?

What an asshole you are. You accuse Todd of making a statement, when he disavows it and asks for proof that he said it, you just run away.

Just like you have run away from my direct questions, dozens of times.
A hit-and-run troll.
This is where water vapor is the major player and Conduction and Convection have the major roll. When you consider that CO2 looses its energy at a 300,000,000/1 ratio due to kinetic transfer, LWIR has very little to do with it, absent water vapor to collide with and warm, as cooling increases with increased levels of CO2. The exact opposite of the AGW hypothesis.

CO2 absorbs ALL surface 15 micron radiation within the first few metres. It then mixes that energy with the rest of the atmospheric molecules by molecular collision. It warms the lower atmosphere.

CO2 also absorbs kinetic energy high up in the atmosphere and converts it into escaping 15 micron radiation.

The surface is warmer and therefore produces more 15 micron radiation than the cold atmosphere where 15 micron radiation finally escapes.

There is a positive influx of energy via 15 micron radiation.

I don't mind talking about H2O in its various phases if you want. But let's resolve CO2 first.
explain how the surface gets warmer?
too funny, you think the atmosphere makes the surface warmer. Then can't explain how it does that. Gotcha!!

The Sun makes the surface warmer. The atmosphere affects the rate of surface energy loss.

In the past I have gone over this in excruciating detail. You couldn't understand then, I am extremely doubtful that another attempt today would make any difference .
too funny, you think the atmosphere makes the surface warmer. Then can't explain how it does that. Gotcha!!

The Sun makes the surface warmer. The atmosphere affects the rate of surface energy loss.

In the past I have gone over this in excruciating detail. You couldn't understand then, I am extremely doubtful that another attempt today would make any difference .

He thinks ice makes his coffee warmer......
Surely PolarBear does not buy into SSDD's nonsense that the Earth is heated by the compression of its atmosphere. Then what does he believe keeps us above the blackbody temp?
too funny, you think the atmosphere makes the surface warmer. Then can't explain how it does that. Gotcha!!

The Sun makes the surface warmer. The atmosphere affects the rate of surface energy loss.

In the past I have gone over this in excruciating detail. You couldn't understand then, I am extremely doubtful that another attempt today would make any difference .

He thinks ice makes his coffee warmer......
That’s your claim! Ice did nothing but melt in my experiment coffee cooled to room temperature as expected. Still waiting on your experiment that makes it warmer. When you posting that?
too funny, you think the atmosphere makes the surface warmer. Then can't explain how it does that. Gotcha!!

The Sun makes the surface warmer. The atmosphere affects the rate of surface energy loss.

In the past I have gone over this in excruciating detail. You couldn't understand then, I am extremely doubtful that another attempt today would make any difference .

He thinks ice makes his coffee warmer......
That’s your claim! Ice did nothing but melt in my experiment coffee cooled to room temperature as expected. Still waiting on your experiment that makes it warmer. When you posting that?

That’s your claim!

You're lying. I never said ice would make your coffee warmer.
That's Billy-level stupid.
too funny, you think the atmosphere makes the surface warmer. Then can't explain how it does that. Gotcha!!

The Sun makes the surface warmer. The atmosphere affects the rate of surface energy loss.

In the past I have gone over this in excruciating detail. You couldn't understand then, I am extremely doubtful that another attempt today would make any difference .

So where is the tropospheric hot spot that would be the inevitable result of increased CO2 causing slower cooling?
too funny, you think the atmosphere makes the surface warmer. Then can't explain how it does that. Gotcha!!

The Sun makes the surface warmer. The atmosphere affects the rate of surface energy loss.

In the past I have gone over this in excruciating detail. You couldn't understand then, I am extremely doubtful that another attempt today would make any difference .

He thinks ice makes his coffee warmer......
That’s your claim! Ice did nothing but melt in my experiment coffee cooled to room temperature as expected. Still waiting on your experiment that makes it warmer. When you posting that?

That’s your claim!

You're lying. I never said ice would make your coffee warmer.
That's Billy-level stupid.
neither did I. so unclear why you said I did. I guess you lied. You're right you claim the atmosphere makes the surface warmer. analogy is similar. But you keep making shit up, you look so distinguished doing so.
In the troposphere above the tropics, right where it's supposed to be.
can't make this shit up.
JC, do you believe there is no heat transfer from the atmosphere to the surface? I know you buy SSDD's smart photons insanity, but why could air not conduct energy to the surface with which it is in contact? When you turn the heater on in your car or in your house, how is it that your skin becomes warmed?
JC, do you believe there is no heat transfer from the atmosphere to the surface? I know you buy SSDD's smart photons insanity, but why could air not conduct energy to the surface with which it is in contact? When you turn the heater on in your car or in your house, how is it that your skin becomes warmed?
Crick, I believe I have been clear on that. I do not believe there is a greenhouse effect because no one has proven it exists. What do you supposed my answer is with that statement? again, you publish where CO2 is hot. still waiting. fk six years now. CrusaderFrank I know you've been asking, any feedback you've received? nope!!!
Does a heater blowing hot air on your skin warm your skin? Yes or no.
Yep, the electricity makes it warmer. don't know your point, there isn't a heater in the atmosphere blowing heat. feel free to post.
too funny, you think the atmosphere makes the surface warmer. Then can't explain how it does that. Gotcha!!

The Sun makes the surface warmer. The atmosphere affects the rate of surface energy loss.

In the past I have gone over this in excruciating detail. You couldn't understand then, I am extremely doubtful that another attempt today would make any difference .

He thinks ice makes his coffee warmer......
That’s your claim! Ice did nothing but melt in my experiment coffee cooled to room temperature as expected. Still waiting on your experiment that makes it warmer. When you posting that?

That’s your claim!

You're lying. I never said ice would make your coffee warmer.
That's Billy-level stupid.
neither did I. so unclear why you said I did. I guess you lied. You're right you claim the atmosphere makes the surface warmer. analogy is similar. But you keep making shit up, you look so distinguished doing so.

neither did I.

Then why did you try to prove it did? Are you daft?

You're right you claim the atmosphere makes the surface warmer.

How the hell would it do that?
The Sun makes the surface warmer. The atmosphere affects the rate of surface energy loss.

In the past I have gone over this in excruciating detail. You couldn't understand then, I am extremely doubtful that another attempt today would make any difference .

He thinks ice makes his coffee warmer......
That’s your claim! Ice did nothing but melt in my experiment coffee cooled to room temperature as expected. Still waiting on your experiment that makes it warmer. When you posting that?

That’s your claim!

You're lying. I never said ice would make your coffee warmer.
That's Billy-level stupid.
neither did I. so unclear why you said I did. I guess you lied. You're right you claim the atmosphere makes the surface warmer. analogy is similar. But you keep making shit up, you look so distinguished doing so.

neither did I.

Then why did you try to prove it did? Are you daft?

You're right you claim the atmosphere makes the surface warmer.

How the hell would it do that?
Then why did you try to prove it did? Are you daft?

To prove that ice doesn't have magic as simulation to the atmosphere that you all keep insisting heats up the surface. I'm still waiting on your evidence of surface warming due to greenhouse gases. any day right? The only daft is you all with that nonsense.

How the hell would it do that?

It won't, been telling you all that for six years now. are you saying now the atmospheric greenhouse doesn't exist? hmmmmm

maybe you can post those silly cartoons on the greenhouse gases doubling the surface energy again. hahahaahahahha

Or cold warming a warm object. still like that one.

I get it, you're embarrassed.

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