No Evidence

I have always wondered how a gas, that can not interact with LWIR, can stop anything. If the gas is incapable of interacting and is transparent to it, then it passes unabated... CO2 is incapable of stopping 99.6% of LWIR in our atmosphere as it is transparent to it. So how do they reconcile this loss? Trenbreth made this calculation mistake as well

What a friggin' moron. Wrong, plus he always exaggerates the precision.

Anyone who has seen a Planck curve for average surface temp, or the average surface temp plus or minus 50C, knows that the 15 micron (and wings) band that CO2 absorbs or right in the heart of the power output. I have heard it estimated at 8% of the total and that looks about right.

Where BillyBoob got his 0.4% number is a mystery. Judging from past performance he won't be explaining himself either.
Maybe from somebody who actually measured it like this one:
The Climate Catastrophe - A Spectroscopic Artifact
"The radiative forcing for doubling can be calculated by using this figure. If we allocate an absorption of 32 W/m2 [14] over 180º steradiant to the total integral (area) of the n3 band as observed from satellite measurements (Hanel et al., 1971) and applied to a standard atmosphere, and take an increment of 0.17%, the absorption is 0.054 W/m2 - and not 4.3 W/m2.
This is roughly 80 times less than IPCC's radiative forcing."
To which I may add that as far as spectroscopy, remote sensing and various other detection systems is concerned, this is how I made a living in the employ of Bristol aerospace and similar companies and the US + Canadian Government . I can assure you that all of them would have designed a sensor that does not have to use cumbersome spectroscopy to determine ppm CO2 if temperature were driven by CO2 to the degree the so called "settled science" claims it does.
Instead there would be a simple sensor that would use a Wheatstone bridge thermocouple reference calibrated in ppm over a zero CO2 reference. But there is not ! Why not ? Because it can not detect the difference in temperature rise per 100 ppm or even 500 ppm as opposed to an irradiated cuvette with zero ppm CO2. You have to be in the > 10 % not the ppm range before a Wheatstone bridge thermistor could detect anything...just like in these idiotic bottle full of CO2 in the sun experiments can not if you had one with 200 and another with 400 ppm CO2. It`s nothing more than a silly a stunt to fool the naive public how CO2 heats the planet using several % and often 100% CO2 in a closed bottle baking in the sun as "scientific proof" and dress it up as back-radiation in terms of the StB equation.

Just to clear up confusion...

You are agreeing that CO2 absorbs surface produced radiation in the 15 micron band and wings. And that this energy warms the near surface atmosphere.

You are only arguing the size of the effect, and how it should be calculated. You are in total disagreement with SSDDs bizarre version of atmospheric physics.
I have always wondered how a gas, that can not interact with LWIR, can stop anything. If the gas is incapable of interacting and is transparent to it, then it passes unabated... CO2 is incapable of stopping 99.6% of LWIR in our atmosphere as it is transparent to it. So how do they reconcile this loss? Trenbreth made this calculation mistake as well

What a friggin' moron. Wrong, plus he always exaggerates the precision.

Anyone who has seen a Planck curve for average surface temp, or the average surface temp plus or minus 50C, knows that the 15 micron (and wings) band that CO2 absorbs or right in the heart of the power output. I have heard it estimated at 8% of the total and that looks about right.

Where BillyBoob got his 0.4% number is a mystery. Judging from past performance he won't be explaining himself either.
Maybe from somebody who actually measured it like this one:
The Climate Catastrophe - A Spectroscopic Artifact
"The radiative forcing for doubling can be calculated by using this figure. If we allocate an absorption of 32 W/m2 [14] over 180º steradiant to the total integral (area) of the n3 band as observed from satellite measurements (Hanel et al., 1971) and applied to a standard atmosphere, and take an increment of 0.17%, the absorption is 0.054 W/m2 - and not 4.3 W/m2.
This is roughly 80 times less than IPCC's radiative forcing."
To which I may add that as far as spectroscopy, remote sensing and various other detection systems is concerned, this is how I made a living in the employ of Bristol aerospace and similar companies and the US + Canadian Government . I can assure you that all of them would have designed a sensor that does not have to use cumbersome spectroscopy to determine ppm CO2 if temperature were driven by CO2 to the degree the so called "settled science" claims it does.
Instead there would be a simple sensor that would use a Wheatstone bridge thermocouple reference calibrated in ppm over a zero CO2 reference. But there is not ! Why not ? Because it can not detect the difference in temperature rise per 100 ppm or even 500 ppm as opposed to an irradiated cuvette with zero ppm CO2. You have to be in the > 10 % not the ppm range before a Wheatstone bridge thermistor could detect anything...just like in these idiotic bottle full of CO2 in the sun experiments can not if you had one with 200 and another with 400 ppm CO2. It`s nothing more than a silly a stunt to fool the naive public how CO2 heats the planet using several % and often 100% CO2 in a closed bottle baking in the sun as "scientific proof" and dress it up as back-radiation in terms of the StB equation.

You know, the experimental apparatus used by Dr Hug in your linked article sounds very similar to the experimental apparatus that Billy_Bob claimed to have set up and run.

Then, there are the review comments to Dr Hug's paper:

  • Subject: RE: Spectroscopic sensation
    Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 10:46:55 -0500
    From: "Spencer, Roy" <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected], "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
    CC: (large mailing list)

    Thanks for making available the interesting paper by Hug. I certainly applaud any critical examination of even our most strongly held scientific beliefs. However, in this case, I think the conclusions of this paper can not be supported. Here is why:

    It appears Hug bases his conclusions on the opacity of the whole atmospheric column in one of the CO2 absorption bands (around 15 microns). What he has neglected is the VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION of the change in radiative processes due to a doubling of CO2. For instance, the strong upper stratospheric cooling (peaking near 2 mb) in response to increasing CO2 would, by itself, require warming at some lower level in order to maintain radiative balance, even if the entire atmospheric column is essentially opaque. This upper level cooling (observationally documented by Kokin & Lysenko, 1994, J. Atmos. Terrest. Phys., pp. 1035-1040) and lower level warming is a common feature of all greenhouse atmospheres that are subjected to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. The equilibrium temperature change at any specific level (including the surface) can NOT be determined by intuition. It requires time-dependent radiative transfer calculations throughout the entire atmospheric profile. This has been performed by many people (including ourselves).

    Of course, the nature of the vertical distribution of temperature change also depends upon feedbacks, which are ignored in this whole discussion. I believe that feedbacks still remain the area of largest uncertainty about how the tropospheric temperature profile will change in response to CO2 increases.


    Roy W. Spencer
    Senior Scientist for Climate Studies
    977 Explorer Boulevard
    Huntsville, Alabama 35806
    Fax: (205)922-5788
    Voice: (205)922-5960

    • Subject: AW: Spectroscopic sensation
      Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 14:11:13 +0200
      From: "Volz, Dr. Hartwig" <[email protected]>
      To: "'John Daly'" <[email protected]>, [email protected]
      CC: (large list)

      Dear John,

      please find attached my discussion of the Hug draft paper. For your information I attach excerpts of a letter which I wrote in a context similar to Hug’s publication in November 1997.

      Greenhouse physics based on absorption considerations alone are meaningless and the corresponding conclusions are wrong. Funny enough, I learned only a few weeks after having written this letter of the corresponding contribution of Braterman (citation [7] in the Hug draft paper), who invented the same “perpetuum mobile” as described below and who uses the same physical arguments as in my letter,
      though in different wording. Having had some correspondence regarding this subject already in the past, I am not overly optimistic that a “normal” natural scientist will ever understand greenhouse physics without
      studying energy transfer by radiation. Nonetheless, this contribution is another attempt to put some
      contrarians on a higher level of understanding on the learning curve.

      As Braterman writes: “However one may view the debate over global warming, .... (my addition: Hug’s)
      argument is not a useful contribution to that debate.” The radiative and anthropogenic forcing calculations in the IPCC reports have been verified by me and are basically correct. There do exist quite some good
      physical arguments against established IPCC climatic science, but these arguments are more sophisticated than those put forward by Hug.

      It seems to me that my understanding of greenhouse physics is completely different from yours. I would like to remind you of the well-known method to measure the temperature of flames. A zirconium dioxide lamp (black body radiator) is placed behind a flame and the black body radiance is measured by a spectrometer through the flame. If the temperature of flame is lower than the lamp's, you will see absorption lines in the black body spectrum. If the flame is hotter, you will see peaks on the black body spectrum at the same wave number positions; if the temperature of lamp and flame equal each other, you will see the ideal black body spectrum.

      A similar experiment: in the spectrum of the sun you see Fraunhofer lines (absorption lines). During an
      eclipse you see emission lines in the chromosphere at the very same wave numbers of the Fraunhofer lines. In both experiments thermodynamics and quantum mechanics are closely interconnected. If you replace the hot lamp by the black radiator earth and the excited states in the flame by the vibration/rotation of gases in the atmosphere, you are in the correct greenhouse physics.

      A summary of the correct physics is given in this figure:

      [graphics unavailable]

      For example, if you climb into a balloon and measure from an altitude of 100 m to ground, the measured
      spectrum would be case 3, not something similar to case 1. I know from experience that this is hard to digest for many scientists. Nonetheless, from a thermodynamic and quantum mechanics point of view it is trivial. With low energy sources (like earth) you are not allowed to consider absorption without taking emission into account. Greenhouse physics cannot be understood by absorption alone, but by both, absorption and emission of the gaseous phase, which both are mathematically described by radiative transfer equations. In the above spectra in all cases the transferred energy is the integral of the shaded areas. Please note that in case 3 no energy is transferred at all. A statement like“everything that can be absorbed, will be absorbed within a few hundred meters above ground” is bluntly wrong in greenhouse physics. Naturally in spectroscopy, with high energy sources, this is different. That’s why spectroscopic results have to be transferred with caution into greenhouse physics considerations.

      I attach spectrums of the original publication of Hanel et al. (Journal of Geophysical Research, 77, 1972, p. 2629/41) that are very close to case 3 (Greenland) and to case 2 (Antarctica; in fig. 12d the air in the sinking whirl is warmer than the ground) as well as to case 1 (North Africa).


      I would like to close this letter with my invention of a "perpetuum mobile" (thermodynamic paradoxon). In an evacuated black room hangs a hollow ball, with walls transmissable to infrared radiation and filled with CO2. If something similar to my case 1 happened (absorption without emission and/or complete absorption within a few meters of the gaseous phase), the gaseous phase would warm by the radiation of the outer black wall and you could, for example, create electricity with a Peltier element between (cooler) outer black wall and (warmer) inner gas phase. Unfortunately, if case 3 was correct, you couldn't.

      Best regards

      H. Volz

      Dr. Hartwig Volz - Labor Wietze - RWE-DEA AG - Industriestr. 2 -
      D-29323 Wietze
      Tel: ++49 5146 89230 Fax: ++49 5146 89275 e-mail:
      [email protected]

      • Subject: Re: Spectroscopic sensation
        Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 11:50:39 CST6CDT
        From: "PAUL BRATERMAN" <[email protected]>
        Organization: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
        To: [email protected], Paul S Braterman <[email protected]>, [email protected] (P. Dietze)
        CC: (large CC list)

        Barrett's paper cited here with approval is erroneous, ignores an important term, and thus violates the second law of thermodynamics, as I have shown (Spectrochim Acta, '97).

        The present contribution (unless and until it is accepted by a reputable journal, it should not be referred to as a "paper") appears to commit similar errors, and to ignore, or claim with no evidence to supersede, the voluminous experimental studies on the spectrum of carbon dioxide.

        Are we being faced with yet another media pseudo-event?

        Paul S. Braterman,
        Regents Professor of Chemistry,
        Department of Chemistry,
        Masters Hall (Avenue C and Sycamore),
        University of North Texas,
        Denton, TX 76203

        [email protected] Tel: 940-565-2357, fax 940-565-4824

      • From: [email protected] (Mark Schoeberl)
        Re: Spectroscopic sensation

        Having looked at the paper and the responses, including the response by Dr. Hug, I think that there are good reasons to dismiss this paper as incorrect and poor science. Pushing a paper like this onto the open web for debate among non-technical experts before a thorough peer review smacks of political motivation and moves us away from seeking the truth - which should be the goal of scientific study and debate. The argument (by Hug) that the peer review system would not give this paper a fair shake is specious. The peer review system is essentially honest and has worked well over the last 150 years. Those that criticize the peer review system are usually those whose "scientific" findings cannot be supported or justified (e.g. creationists). The practice of web publishing (and including statements like "sensational") prior to review reduces the credibility of this research. I am sorry you have done this.

        - Mark Schoeberl

        • Subject: WG: Hug paper; Hug and Dietze comment
          Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 12:52:09 +0200
          From: "Volz, Dr. Hartwig" <[email protected]>
          To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>

          Comments to Mr. Dietze,

          having read the final version of the Hug paper as well as some comments, it seems appropriate to me to discuss some elements of radiative transfer and radiative forcing in the context of the statements and opinions put forward by you both. It is my conviction that greenhouse physics and radiative forcing cannot be understood without some basic knowledge in energy transfer by radiation.

          [Edited for length]

          Concluding remarks - Having read for years some literature about the greenhouse effect, with laymen as well as scientists as target group, it seems justified for me to state that frequently one reads quite some scientific oddities in this context. There are additional errors in Dr. Hug's paper, reflecting some of these oddities. The objective of this communication was to concentrate on the prime misconception in the context of radiative forcing. I do not intend to discuss peripheral subjects raised in your contribution now or later. Feeling as contrarian by preference, none-the-less I feel as scientist in the first place. I do like good science, I dislike poor science, whatever the result may be.


          Hartwig Volz

          Dr. Hartwig Volz - Labor Wietze - RWE-DEA AG -
          Industriestr. 2 - D-29323 Wietze
          Tel: ++49 5146 89230
          Fax: ++49 5146 89275
          e-mail: [email protected]
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I have always wondered how a gas, that can not interact with LWIR, can stop anything. If the gas is incapable of interacting and is transparent to it, then it passes unabated... CO2 is incapable of stopping 99.6% of LWIR in our atmosphere as it is transparent to it. So how do they reconcile this loss? Trenbreth made this calculation mistake as well

What a friggin' moron. Wrong, plus he always exaggerates the precision.

Anyone who has seen a Planck curve for average surface temp, or the average surface temp plus or minus 50C, knows that the 15 micron (and wings) band that CO2 absorbs or right in the heart of the power output. I have heard it estimated at 8% of the total and that looks about right.

Where BillyBoob got his 0.4% number is a mystery. Judging from past performance he won't be explaining himself either.
Maybe from somebody who actually measured it like this one:
The Climate Catastrophe - A Spectroscopic Artifact
"The radiative forcing for doubling can be calculated by using this figure. If we allocate an absorption of 32 W/m2 [14] over 180º steradiant to the total integral (area) of the n3 band as observed from satellite measurements (Hanel et al., 1971) and applied to a standard atmosphere, and take an increment of 0.17%, the absorption is 0.054 W/m2 - and not 4.3 W/m2.
This is roughly 80 times less than IPCC's radiative forcing."
To which I may add that as far as spectroscopy, remote sensing and various other detection systems is concerned, this is how I made a living in the employ of Bristol aerospace and similar companies and the US + Canadian Government . I can assure you that all of them would have designed a sensor that does not have to use cumbersome spectroscopy to determine ppm CO2 if temperature were driven by CO2 to the degree the so called "settled science" claims it does.
Instead there would be a simple sensor that would use a Wheatstone bridge thermocouple reference calibrated in ppm over a zero CO2 reference. But there is not ! Why not ? Because it can not detect the difference in temperature rise per 100 ppm or even 500 ppm as opposed to an irradiated cuvette with zero ppm CO2. You have to be in the > 10 % not the ppm range before a Wheatstone bridge thermistor could detect anything...just like in these idiotic bottle full of CO2 in the sun experiments can not if you had one with 200 and another with 400 ppm CO2. It`s nothing more than a silly a stunt to fool the naive public how CO2 heats the planet using several % and often 100% CO2 in a closed bottle baking in the sun as "scientific proof" and dress it up as back-radiation in terms of the StB equation.

You know, the experimental apparatus used by Dr Hug in your linked article sounds very similar to the experimental apparatus that Billy_Bob claimed to have set up and run.
You simply cant handle the facts.. CO2 is incapable of doing anything in our atmosphere.. We simply refined the experiment to rule out atmospheric influences. There are many sources for our experiment and its precise reasoning...
"The radiative forcing for doubling can be calculated by using this figure. If we allocate an absorption of 32 W/m2 [14] over 180º steradiant to the total integral (area) of the n3 band as observed from satellite measurements (Hanel et al., 1971) and applied to a standard atmosphere, and take an increment of 0.17%, the absorption is 0.054 W/m2 - and not 4.3 W/m2. This is roughly 80 times less than IPCC's radiative forcing."

Its amazing where the facts, which totally destroy the IPCC and the AGW meme are. Dr Hug is one of many sources we used. Thank you for posting his work. I didn't realize this was still in the published domain but I have now archived its location.
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From Hug-


Originally the CO2 greenhouse effect obviously was considered from the 'normal' infrared (IR) absorption [1]. Supposed with today's concentration it would exist a decadic extinction of E = 4 which means the transmission T = I/Io = 10-E has been reduced to 0.0001 (in the vicinity of the maximum peak of 15 µm). Every scientisct who is familiar with basic IR spectroscopy from analytic chemistry would agree that there is a noticeabletemperature increase for a CO2 doubling. But indeed today's transmission is less by several magnitudes. According to Jack Barrett [2] the possible maximum greenhouse effect occurs within a 100 m layer near ground.
According to Jack Barrett [2] the possible maximum greenhouse effect occurs within a 100 m layer near ground.
This is where water vapor is the major player and Conduction and Convection have the major roll. When you consider that CO2 looses its energy at a 300,000,000/1 ratio due to kinetic transfer, LWIR has very little to do with it, absent water vapor to collide with and warm, as cooling increases with increased levels of CO2. The exact opposite of the AGW hypothesis.

Dr Hug also explained why a spectral shift, of just 1um in the UV/IR bands, can have dire consequences. Dr Hug's work also discredits the IPCC"s expectation of a Tropospheric Hot spot happening at 30,000-60,000 feet when its primary effect is at ground level.
This is where water vapor is the major player and Conduction and Convection have the major roll. When you consider that CO2 looses its energy at a 300,000,000/1 ratio due to kinetic transfer, LWIR has very little to do with it, absent water vapor to collide with and warm, as cooling increases with increased levels of CO2. The exact opposite of the AGW hypothesis.

CO2 absorbs ALL surface 15 micron radiation within the first few metres. It then mixes that energy with the rest of the atmospheric molecules by molecular collision. It warms the lower atmosphere.

CO2 also absorbs kinetic energy high up in the atmosphere and converts it into escaping 15 micron radiation.

The surface is warmer and therefore produces more 15 micron radiation than the cold atmosphere where 15 micron radiation finally escapes.

There is a positive influx of energy via 15 micron radiation.

I don't mind talking about H2O in its various phases if you want. But let's resolve CO2 first.
Those two demonstrations made no attempt whatsoever at quantitative measurements. This is a strawman argument. And no one to my knowledge is using a sensor to directly measure heating from CO2. It is simply calculated from spectral measurements.
It is simply calculated from spectral measurements? Really ?
Okay then show these measurements ! If they exist it should be simple to produce a graph 0 to 1000 ppm CO2 on the x-axis and the temperature on the Y axis for a constant path length for a Nitrogen/Oxygen mixture.
But there are no such graphs, only tons of this shit where the X-axis is the time in years and the temperature is a so called global average that no one can verify reliably and is expanded on the Y axis to make a fraction of a degree look like the thermometer went tilt/condition red-alert at 400 ppm, duck and cover because the thing will blow up and the mercury will shoot out the top at a few more ppm CO2. The wording they use for miniscule T-anomalies are just like that: "ALARMING -UNPRECEDENTET..." etc. Some "science" it is totally ridiculous !!!
Its easy to get the relative humidity with a wet and dry bulb thermometer and it should be just as easy to get the number of ppm CO2 with a zero reference and ambient air by irradiating both samples. Today we have extremely low drift differential amplifiers and dc power sources + equally sensitive thermistors that could be used instead of the preferred method "calculating" the temperature for x-ppm CO2. It is preferred because there are six ways to sunday to cheat with a "global average temperature" and conceal the cheat.
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I have always wondered how a gas, that can not interact with LWIR, can stop anything. If the gas is incapable of interacting and is transparent to it, then it passes unabated... CO2 is incapable of stopping 99.6% of LWIR in our atmosphere as it is transparent to it. So how do they reconcile this loss? Trenbreth made this calculation mistake as well

What a friggin' moron. Wrong, plus he always exaggerates the precision.

Anyone who has seen a Planck curve for average surface temp, or the average surface temp plus or minus 50C, knows that the 15 micron (and wings) band that CO2 absorbs or right in the heart of the power output. I have heard it estimated at 8% of the total and that looks about right.

Where BillyBoob got his 0.4% number is a mystery. Judging from past performance he won't be explaining himself either.
Maybe from somebody who actually measured it like this one:
The Climate Catastrophe - A Spectroscopic Artifact
"The radiative forcing for doubling can be calculated by using this figure. If we allocate an absorption of 32 W/m2 [14] over 180º steradiant to the total integral (area) of the n3 band as observed from satellite measurements (Hanel et al., 1971) and applied to a standard atmosphere, and take an increment of 0.17%, the absorption is 0.054 W/m2 - and not 4.3 W/m2.
This is roughly 80 times less than IPCC's radiative forcing."
To which I may add that as far as spectroscopy, remote sensing and various other detection systems is concerned, this is how I made a living in the employ of Bristol aerospace and similar companies and the US + Canadian Government . I can assure you that all of them would have designed a sensor that does not have to use cumbersome spectroscopy to determine ppm CO2 if temperature were driven by CO2 to the degree the so called "settled science" claims it does.
Instead there would be a simple sensor that would use a Wheatstone bridge thermocouple reference calibrated in ppm over a zero CO2 reference. But there is not ! Why not ? Because it can not detect the difference in temperature rise per 100 ppm or even 500 ppm as opposed to an irradiated cuvette with zero ppm CO2. You have to be in the > 10 % not the ppm range before a Wheatstone bridge thermistor could detect anything...just like in these idiotic bottle full of CO2 in the sun experiments can not if you had one with 200 and another with 400 ppm CO2. It`s nothing more than a silly a stunt to fool the naive public how CO2 heats the planet using several % and often 100% CO2 in a closed bottle baking in the sun as "scientific proof" and dress it up as back-radiation in terms of the StB equation.

This is roughly 80 times less

Does this bother anyone else, or is it just me?

If you start with 800, for instance, 50% less is 400, 99% less is 8. 100% less is 0.

What's 8000% less, (-63,200)?

Can't people just say 1/80th?
It`s perfectly okay for Dr.Heinz Hug to say 80 times less in German and he never claimed to have a PhD in English. I am certain you would have no idea how to say 1/80th in German. Nobody in Germany would say "ein actzigstel" they would all opt for 80 times less. Strange what you base credibility on, as if it should matter how good or bad Hug`s English teacher was but I am sure his English is way better than your German. While you are at it go find some more faux pas other Germans like Einstein made when writing something in English and ridicule it. It might make you look uber smart (in your opinion)
I have always wondered how a gas, that can not interact with LWIR, can stop anything. If the gas is incapable of interacting and is transparent to it, then it passes unabated... CO2 is incapable of stopping 99.6% of LWIR in our atmosphere as it is transparent to it. So how do they reconcile this loss? Trenbreth made this calculation mistake as well

What a friggin' moron. Wrong, plus he always exaggerates the precision.

Anyone who has seen a Planck curve for average surface temp, or the average surface temp plus or minus 50C, knows that the 15 micron (and wings) band that CO2 absorbs or right in the heart of the power output. I have heard it estimated at 8% of the total and that looks about right.

Where BillyBoob got his 0.4% number is a mystery. Judging from past performance he won't be explaining himself either.
Maybe from somebody who actually measured it like this one:
The Climate Catastrophe - A Spectroscopic Artifact
"The radiative forcing for doubling can be calculated by using this figure. If we allocate an absorption of 32 W/m2 [14] over 180º steradiant to the total integral (area) of the n3 band as observed from satellite measurements (Hanel et al., 1971) and applied to a standard atmosphere, and take an increment of 0.17%, the absorption is 0.054 W/m2 - and not 4.3 W/m2.
This is roughly 80 times less than IPCC's radiative forcing."
To which I may add that as far as spectroscopy, remote sensing and various other detection systems is concerned, this is how I made a living in the employ of Bristol aerospace and similar companies and the US + Canadian Government . I can assure you that all of them would have designed a sensor that does not have to use cumbersome spectroscopy to determine ppm CO2 if temperature were driven by CO2 to the degree the so called "settled science" claims it does.
Instead there would be a simple sensor that would use a Wheatstone bridge thermocouple reference calibrated in ppm over a zero CO2 reference. But there is not ! Why not ? Because it can not detect the difference in temperature rise per 100 ppm or even 500 ppm as opposed to an irradiated cuvette with zero ppm CO2. You have to be in the > 10 % not the ppm range before a Wheatstone bridge thermistor could detect anything...just like in these idiotic bottle full of CO2 in the sun experiments can not if you had one with 200 and another with 400 ppm CO2. It`s nothing more than a silly a stunt to fool the naive public how CO2 heats the planet using several % and often 100% CO2 in a closed bottle baking in the sun as "scientific proof" and dress it up as back-radiation in terms of the StB equation.

Just to clear up confusion...

You are agreeing that CO2 absorbs surface produced radiation in the 15 micron band and wings. And that this energy warms the near surface atmosphere.

You are only arguing the size of the effect, and how it should be calculated. You are in total disagreement with SSDDs bizarre version of atmospheric physics.
Confirmed. But I am not on the up and up with SSDD`s version and have no desire to argue with some of what I did read concerning it. Why would I ? None of this IPCC crap is science. It`s a propaganda war and we can not afford to quarrel among ourselves while the AGW frauds in this forum watch with glee and focus in driving a wedge into a simple crack or mistake he may or may not have made. Have you not noticed that they have nothing else to brag about? Meanwhile they make some of the most ridiculous statements, far more than "intelligent photons". Especially so this "Wuwei" who comes up with negative numbers for energy that can not be computed....or does endless cut&paste quotes of stuff he has no real understanding of but grandstands with it to no end. He reminds me of that Aussie cartoonist fraudser who won all the arguments against a physicist he impersonated.
That you can't handle a negative response tells me you never set foot in school after the 8th grade.
"Wuwei" who comes up with negative numbers for energy that can not be computed.

It's not my equation. It is in physics text books that derive the net power. You never answered this post. It already addressed your current question.

Because your nut job equation makes it possible for you to need the 4th power of a negative number..

This is like talking to a fence post. By now it should have dawned on you how idiotic it is to calculate P for a negative T difference and get a negative P....which in turn can not be resolved for T.
You had to check your own calculator to see if it can?.....Hahaha anybody with just a minimal math ed would have known that it can`t.

Isn`t it funny though how this guy is deluding himself that his refusal to acknowledge the stupidity of his negative power concept is preventing anyone from seeing right through his lame attempts to grand stand as some sort of science guy. He would have no idea how to solve any real world heat exchange problem unless its been an example posted on some sort of physics for dummies web site.
People like Wuwei and his ✔️ clickers are of no consequence and leave no legacy beyond their digital chicken tracks on the internet. While I had to come up with real solutions for real (engineering) problems that better were 100% correct or else....,.to make a living these kind of people lived of my taxes which paid for the dope they use to "chill out".

Why would you ever want to take the fourth root of this equation
Pnet = e sigma A(T⁴ - Tc⁴)

You can take the fourth root of this equation to get emission temperature
P = e sigma A T⁴

You get total nonsense if you take the fourth root of this equation which is the power absorbed.
Pc = e sigma A Tc
That is because the SB law refers to emission NOT absorption. Yes it will give you something in units of temperature, but that "temperature" is meaningless. The "Power absorbed" could be identical with a warm source up close compared to a very hot source further away.

You get even more nonsense if you take the fourth root of this equation even if T > Tc.
Pnet = e sigma A(T⁴ - Tc⁴)
The idea of the fourth root is to get the emission power from a known temperature. This equation will not give you anything that is meaningful.

If you think the fourth root of equations that include absorption means something, tell me what you think it is.

Given the power emitted from an object you can take the fourth root of this equation to get emission temperature
P = e sigma A T⁴

Why would you ever think the fourth root of the power in this equation has any meaning? It simply doesn't.
Pnet = e sigma A(T⁴ - Tc⁴)
If you think it has meaning tell me what it is.

I have always wondered how a gas, that can not interact with LWIR, can stop anything. If the gas is incapable of interacting and is transparent to it, then it passes unabated... CO2 is incapable of stopping 99.6% of LWIR in our atmosphere as it is transparent to it. So how do they reconcile this loss? Trenbreth made this calculation mistake as well

What a friggin' moron. Wrong, plus he always exaggerates the precision.

Anyone who has seen a Planck curve for average surface temp, or the average surface temp plus or minus 50C, knows that the 15 micron (and wings) band that CO2 absorbs or right in the heart of the power output. I have heard it estimated at 8% of the total and that looks about right.

Where BillyBoob got his 0.4% number is a mystery. Judging from past performance he won't be explaining himself either.
Maybe from somebody who actually measured it like this one:
The Climate Catastrophe - A Spectroscopic Artifact
"The radiative forcing for doubling can be calculated by using this figure. If we allocate an absorption of 32 W/m2 [14] over 180º steradiant to the total integral (area) of the n3 band as observed from satellite measurements (Hanel et al., 1971) and applied to a standard atmosphere, and take an increment of 0.17%, the absorption is 0.054 W/m2 - and not 4.3 W/m2.
This is roughly 80 times less than IPCC's radiative forcing."
To which I may add that as far as spectroscopy, remote sensing and various other detection systems is concerned, this is how I made a living in the employ of Bristol aerospace and similar companies and the US + Canadian Government . I can assure you that all of them would have designed a sensor that does not have to use cumbersome spectroscopy to determine ppm CO2 if temperature were driven by CO2 to the degree the so called "settled science" claims it does.
Instead there would be a simple sensor that would use a Wheatstone bridge thermocouple reference calibrated in ppm over a zero CO2 reference. But there is not ! Why not ? Because it can not detect the difference in temperature rise per 100 ppm or even 500 ppm as opposed to an irradiated cuvette with zero ppm CO2. You have to be in the > 10 % not the ppm range before a Wheatstone bridge thermistor could detect anything...just like in these idiotic bottle full of CO2 in the sun experiments can not if you had one with 200 and another with 400 ppm CO2. It`s nothing more than a silly a stunt to fool the naive public how CO2 heats the planet using several % and often 100% CO2 in a closed bottle baking in the sun as "scientific proof" and dress it up as back-radiation in terms of the StB equation.

This is roughly 80 times less

Does this bother anyone else, or is it just me?

If you start with 800, for instance, 50% less is 400, 99% less is 8. 100% less is 0.

What's 8000% less, (-63,200)?

Can't people just say 1/80th?
It`s perfectly okay for Dr.Heinz Hug to say 80 times less in German and he never claimed to have a PhD in English. I am certain you would have no idea how to say 1/80th in German. Nobody in Germany would say "ein actzigstel" they would all opt for 80 times less. Strange what you base credibility on, as if it should matter how good or bad Hug`s English teacher was but I am sure his English is way better than your German. While you are at it go find some more faux pas other Germans like Einstein made when writing something in English and ridicule it. It might make you look uber smart (in your opinion)

Strange what you base credibility on

I'm not basing anyone's credibility on it.
It's fucking annoying. Whether English is your first language or not.
No, I don't know how to say 1/80th in German.
He doesn't know how to say it in English.
I guess we're even.
You know, the experimental apparatus used by Dr Hug in your linked article sounds very similar to the experimental apparatus that Billy_Bob claimed to have set up and run.

You simply cant handle the facts.. CO2 is incapable of doing anything in our atmosphere.. We simply refined the experiment to rule out atmospheric influences. There are many sources for our experiment and its precise reasoning...

Have YOU read the reviews Dr Hug received?

"CO2 is incapable of doing anything in our atmosphere."

1) Do you believe the greenhouse effect is responsible for the 33C warming of our planet above its black body temperature?
2) If so, do you believe water vapor is responsible for some portion of that warming?
3) If so, what qualitative difference exists between the IR absorption of water vapor and that of CO2
Deep inside the clouds of jupiter, the temperatures reach upwards of 40,000F...rationalize that with your greenhouse is due to pressure which you claim can't produce heat even though the ideal gas LAW says that it can...

What the gas law tells us is that if you compress gas, it becomes hotter than when it started. It does NOT say that being in a compressed state, or being in ANY state, will cause the gase to somehow maintain that temperature. The compression provides the energy that heats the gas. Once the pressure change is complete, no new energy is added to the system. If the gas were perfectly insulated, it could remain hot for some time. If it was not - as in an atmosphere for instance - the heat of compression will radiate/convect/conduct away and will become irrelevant to its temperature in the future. If we wanted to believe you, we would have to wonder why all our scuba tanks or acetylene tanks or nitrogren tanks weren't all roasting away. You are creating energy just as in other places you believe you can destroy energy. You cannot.

Because in your scuba tanks, the gas is an atmosphere, that is not so...the gas heats due to compression then the warm air moves upwards and is replaced with depending cold air..which is compressed and moves upward...interesting that you believe that a scuba tank is analogous to the atmosphere...first the atmosphere is like a it is like a scuba tank...good enough to fool you...right?

The fact is that on those planets, there is no greenhouse effect and yet, the temperatures are higher than here...and like it or not...the temperatures are due to pressure...
Those two demonstrations made no attempt whatsoever at quantitative measurements. This is a strawman argument. And no one to my knowledge is using a sensor to directly measure heating from CO2. It is simply calculated from spectral measurements.

Translation...these two don't believe our failed models...gaia will destroy them for their disrespect...
You certainly worry about movement in the glass tubes used in demonstrations we've all watched lately. And I assure you the air in my scuba tank moves. All of it undergoes Brownian motion appropriate to its absolute temperature and the tank is often subject to uneven heating, from sun shining on parts, from immersion in cold water, exposure to hot decks and engine wells. Your contention is nonsense.

Gas does heat when it is compressed. But guess what happens when it is decompressed you fucking idiot?

You have claimed that the Earth's atmosphere has been heated by compression since it formed ~4 billion years ago. My scuba tank and a thousand other common observations clearly show your contention to be absolute nonsense. You are either a complete idiot or a dedicated troll. There are no other options.
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"Wuwei" who comes up with negative numbers for energy that can not be computed.

It's not my equation. It is in physics text books that derive the net power. You never answered this post. It already addressed your current question.

Because your nut job equation makes it possible for you to need the 4th power of a negative number..

This is like talking to a fence post. By now it should have dawned on you how idiotic it is to calculate P for a negative T difference and get a negative P....which in turn can not be resolved for T.
You had to check your own calculator to see if it can?.....Hahaha anybody with just a minimal math ed would have known that it can`t.

Isn`t it funny though how this guy is deluding himself that his refusal to acknowledge the stupidity of his negative power concept is preventing anyone from seeing right through his lame attempts to grand stand as some sort of science guy. He would have no idea how to solve any real world heat exchange problem unless its been an example posted on some sort of physics for dummies web site.
People like Wuwei and his ✔️ clickers are of no consequence and leave no legacy beyond their digital chicken tracks on the internet. While I had to come up with real solutions for real (engineering) problems that better were 100% correct or else....,.to make a living these kind of people lived of my taxes which paid for the dope they use to "chill out".

Why would you ever want to take the fourth root of this equation
Pnet = e sigma A(T⁴ - Tc⁴)

You can take the fourth root of this equation to get emission temperature
P = e sigma A T⁴

You get total nonsense if you take the fourth root of this equation which is the power absorbed.
Pc = e sigma A Tc
That is because the SB law refers to emission NOT absorption. Yes it will give you something in units of temperature, but that "temperature" is meaningless. The "Power absorbed" could be identical with a warm source up close compared to a very hot source further away.

You get even more nonsense if you take the fourth root of this equation even if T > Tc.
Pnet = e sigma A(T⁴ - Tc⁴)
The idea of the fourth root is to get the emission power from a known temperature. This equation will not give you anything that is meaningful.

If you think the fourth root of equations that include absorption means something, tell me what you think it is.

Given the power emitted from an object you can take the fourth root of this equation to get emission temperature
P = e sigma A T⁴

Why would you ever think the fourth root of the power in this equation has any meaning? It simply doesn't.
Pnet = e sigma A(T⁴ - Tc⁴)
If you think it has meaning tell me what it is.


The SB equations say nothing about Pnet....that is a fabrication based on your nutty version of the equation where the cooler background becomes the radiator.....
You certainly worry about movement in the glass tubes used in demonstrations we've all watched lately. And I assure the air in my scuba tank moves. All of it undergoes Brownian motion appropriate to its absolute temperature and the tank is often subject to uneven heating, from sun shining on parts, from immersion in cold water, exposure to hot decks and engine wells. Your contention is nonsense.

Gas does heat when it is compressed. But guess what happens when it is decompressed you fucking idiot?

You have claimed that the Earth's atmosphere has been heated by compression since it formed ~4 billion years ago. My scuba tank and a thousand other common observations clearly show your contention to be absolute nonsense. You are either a complete idiot or a dedicated troll. There are no other options.

So you do think that that brownian motion in a gas bottle is analagous to the chaotic movement of air in the atmosphere? The two are the same to you? Really? The more you talk, the reasons you are a dupe become more clear.

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