Attention civilized world------the Turkish dogs are AT IT AGAIN-----
committing genocide upon the KURDS!!!!!!!----the dogs have
attacked both in Syria and Iraq---details to follow

They attacked ISIS and the rebel Kurds, PKK's , its good they are helping to destroy ISIS and well they and the US consider the PKK's terrorists.
Attention civilized world------the Turkish dogs are AT IT AGAIN-----
committing genocide upon the KURDS!!!!!!!----the dogs have
attacked both in Syria and Iraq---details to follow

They attacked ISIS and the rebel Kurds, PKK's , its good they are helping to destroy ISIS and well they and the US consider the PKK's terrorists.

bull shit ------- PKK is Turkey only and the US put it on terror list as a kiss on the stinking ass of turkey and the rest of your islamo Nazi pals. Big mistake------
a lick of islamo Nazi shit. <<< not an entirely new phenomenon-----USA has fallen to the stink and filth of islamo Nazism many times----same as licking the shit of saddam, idi amin, Taliban.------the filth of islamo Nazism in the USA government---it always ends badly
Expecting Obozo to do ANYTHING but for Iran? You voted for him?
So you are a "proxy" killer? And you expect the other proxy killer to do something?

Attention civilized world------the Turkish dogs are AT IT AGAIN-----
committing genocide upon the KURDS!!!!!!!----the dogs have
attacked both in Syria and Iraq---details to follow

They attacked ISIS and the rebel Kurds, PKK's , its good they are helping to destroy ISIS and well they and the US consider the PKK's terrorists.

bull shit PKK is Turkey only and the US put it on terror list as a kiss on the stinking ass of turkey and the rest of your islamo Nazi pals. Big mistake------
a lick of islamo Nazi shit. <<< not an entirely new phenomenon-----USA has fallen to the stink and filth of islamo Nazism many times----same as licking the shit of saddam, idi amin, Taliban.------the filth of islamo Nazism in the USA government---it always ends badly

No its rebel Kurds.
Last I heard the Kurds were attacking ISIS with U.S. Air support..............

Nice to have friends in NATO like Turkey.

Expecting Obozo to do ANYTHING but for Iran? You voted for him?
So you are a "proxy" killer? And you expect the other proxy killer to do something?

Attention civilized world------the Turkish dogs are AT IT AGAIN-----
committing genocide upon the KURDS!!!!!!!----the dogs have
attacked both in Syria and Iraq---details to follow

They attacked ISIS and the rebel Kurds, PKK's , its good they are helping to destroy ISIS and well they and the US consider the PKK's terrorists.

bull shit PKK is Turkey only and the US put it on terror list as a kiss on the stinking ass of turkey and the rest of your islamo Nazi pals. Big mistake------
a lick of islamo Nazi shit. <<< not an entirely new phenomenon-----USA has fallen to the stink and filth of islamo Nazism many times----same as licking the shit of saddam, idi amin, Taliban.------the filth of islamo Nazism in the USA government---it always ends badly

No its rebel Kurds.

right----rebel kurds-----they rebelled against your "god" saddam and they rebel against Nazi dog Erdogan and they even have your "gods" the Ayatoilets
on edge. Arabs hate kurds------thus muslims hate kurds --------even though Iranians hate arabs-----they join them in the hatred of kurds. -------whilst all
ADULATE Sala'adin-----the Kurd
obozo wants to bring muslims to the USA----ok with me-----but just the kurds----Kurdish cuisine is sublime
Why does America always have to act? We should spend our money on ourselves be it infrastructure, science, r&d or education. Let China ride in and do something.

matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
obozo wants to bring muslims to the USA----ok with me-----but just the kurds----Kurdish cuisine is sublime

Aren't Kurds really Iranians.

ROFLMAO------I have a "story"-----but I will not post it because I am tired of
shit who use the term "story" to disparage my EXCELLENT EXAMPLES based on my valuable first hand experiences.-----but I will anwer-----NOPE----kurds are kurds-----their language has roots in farsi-----but then----so does the language of
the people of Afghanistan---PASHTUN-------and French hails back to SANSKRIT.
As an ethnic group ----the KURDS have far more right to such a designation than do the "BALESTINIANS"
Why does America always have to act? We should spend our money on ourselves be it infrastructure, science, r&d or education. Let China ride in and do something.

matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.

you may not have noticed, genocidal pig-------I called the ENTIRE CIVILIZED WORLD to attention-------Of course the USA should not have to go up against your islamo Nazi heroes ALONE
Why does America always have to act? We should spend our money on ourselves be it infrastructure, science, r&d or education. Let China ride in and do something.

matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Why does America always have to act? We should spend our money on ourselves be it infrastructure, science, r&d or education. Let China ride in and do something.

matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.

you may not have noticed, genocidal pig-------I called the ENTIRE CIVILIZED WORLD to attention-------Of course the USA should not have to go up against your islamo Nazi heroes ALONE
"Genocidal Pig" ???? ------ Really?

images 8934.png
we are NOT going to act

the prezbo JUST cut a deal

that allows us to land on their airfields

I voted for that idiot-----and now he is kissing the stinking
ass of Nazi pig erdogan?


another disgusting era in US history-------
a stand still whilst KURDISTAN BECOMES

I added Kurdistan to the prayer list for today's USMB prayer meeting. Prayer is what will stop Kurdistan from becoming the killing fields. God is able to do what man cannot do.
Why does America always have to act? We should spend our money on ourselves be it infrastructure, science, r&d or education. Let China ride in and do something.

matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

we are NOT going to act

the prezbo JUST cut a deal

that allows us to land on their airfields

I voted for that idiot-----and now he is kissing the stinking
ass of Nazi pig erdogan?


another disgusting era in US history-------
a stand still whilst KURDISTAN BECOMES

I added Kurdistan to the prayer list for today's USMB prayer meeting. Prayer is what will stop Kurdistan from becoming the killing fields. God is able to do what man cannot do.

the theme of the first book of the bible---GENESIS-----is-----FREEWILL. The planet earth and its inhabitants are infected with a creature -----endowed by its creator with FREE WILL. man has more FREEWILL then do the angels (watta mistake)
Why does America always have to act? We should spend our money on ourselves be it infrastructure, science, r&d or education. Let China ride in and do something.

matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569

ONE BULLET in the head of erdogan--------preferably a large caliber. How much could it cost? We did it with Osama--(finally) Had we done with the Hitler. Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Saddam-------think of all the GOOD that would
have been accomplished
Why does America always have to act? We should spend our money on ourselves be it infrastructure, science, r&d or education. Let China ride in and do something.

matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
Why does America always have to act? We should spend our money on ourselves be it infrastructure, science, r&d or education. Let China ride in and do something.

matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569

ONE BULLET in the head of erdogan--------preferably a large caliber. How much could it cost? We did it with Osama--(finally) Had we done with the Hitler. Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Saddam-------think of all the GOOD that would
have been accomplished
Why does America always have to act? We should spend our money on ourselves be it infrastructure, science, r&d or education. Let China ride in and do something.

matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.

Sit tight-------sorry folks-----but Netanyahu did get it right------we are in the midst of
1938 pre world war II. (ongoing by then) we are now 1915---world war III ongoing----------but if you mention the fact you are a "WAR MONGER". Go ahead------TRIVIALIZE ---------you already have your lines----they were written by
Nazi war criminals in 1935

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