Why does America always have to act? We should spend our money on ourselves be it infrastructure, science, r&d or education. Let China ride in and do something.

matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.
matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.

Sit tight-------sorry folks-----but Netanyahu did get it right------we are in the midst of
1938 pre world war II. (ongoing by then) we are now 1915---world war III ongoing----------but if you mention the fact you are a "WAR MONGER". Go ahead------TRIVIALIZE ---------you already have your lines----they were written by
Nazi war criminals in 1935
matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

the game plan must include an ALLIANCE of civilized beings
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

the game plan must include an ALLIANCE of civilized beings
Cute .... real cute .......... nice plan ........ I bet you detailed that all by yourself ....... WOW !!! amazing ......
obozo wants to bring muslims to the USA----ok with me-----but just the kurds----Kurdish cuisine is sublime

Aren't Kurds really Iranians.

ROFLMAO------I have a "story"-----but I will not post it because I am tired of
shit who use the term "story" to disparage my EXCELLENT EXAMPLES based on my valuable first hand experiences.-----but I will anwer-----NOPE----kurds are kurds-----their language has roots in farsi-----but then----so does the language of
the people of Afghanistan---PASHTUN-------and French hails back to SANSKRIT.
As an ethnic group ----the KURDS have far more right to such a designation than do the "BALESTINIANS"
So this is a "non-fiction story". Who are the Balestinians? So basically what your saying is the Palestinians are really form the Canaanites who worshipped Baal, is that what your saying.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

the game plan must include an ALLIANCE of civilized beings
Cute .... real cute .......... nice plan ........ I bet you detailed that all by yourself ....... WOW !!! amazing ......

If I have seen further than others,, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of GIANTS--------well---that means people taller than are you
matthew----you are disgusting----it is time for the entire civilized world to act.
We missed the boat too many times-----just in the past 50 years----thruout Africa
and even in asia------genocides in the scores of millions
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

The entire region over there is in War whether you like it or not..............and my actions would be brutal, quick, and cost less money over the long run..........
I would carpet bomb North Syria in ISIS controlled areas..........Most of the people there are gone already and living in refugee camps..............These bombs are cheaper than precision guided bombs and elliminate most of the threat................I would not target the Kurds or Syrians........................I would then tell Syria to mop up and deal with what is left of the territory................I would set up an area in Kurd held areas as off limits to the Syrian army.............cross that line and I'll do to you what I just did to ISIS.....................

And end the damned mess there..............It would still be a mess, but it would get rid of most of the Caliphate.............

Hopefully, ended the endless War there..................

Turkey............given their stance on Israel.................Base closure.............we are out of there..................It is a conflict of interest.........

Iran and Nuclear sites....................Take them out and leave..........

Will Peace an Harmony reign after that..............NOPE..............never has been in the middle east and never will be............
I'm just killing ant beds trying to kill off the mounds I find.............They will come always..........but you can't let them take over the yard unless you are a fool........................

I've served over there.................Had we nipped this shit in the butt in 79............We could have stopped the influence with countries like Iran.
North Korea is because we refused to WIN THE WAR...............and END IT THEN...............Our forces are still there a half a century later to deal with them.................How much has that cost us..................a half a century of having to maintain force levels to deal with North Korea............

How many more men died not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War...................
And then hauling ass allowing ISIS TO GROW at the end of the last one.............
Our foreign policy sucks................and this whole region sucks.............

Your WHAT.................PULL OUT............and let them kill each other endlessly and let whatever happens happens...............having to deal at a later date.....................

If they all attacked Israel..............would you stand back and say OH WELL and allow them to completely wiped out...................what say you.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

the game plan must include an ALLIANCE of civilized beings
Cute .... real cute .......... nice plan ........ I bet you detailed that all by yourself ....... WOW !!! amazing ......

If I have seen further than others,, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of GIANTS--------well---that means people taller than are you
obozo wants to bring muslims to the USA----ok with me-----but just the kurds----Kurdish cuisine is sublime

Aren't Kurds really Iranians.

ROFLMAO------I have a "story"-----but I will not post it because I am tired of
shit who use the term "story" to disparage my EXCELLENT EXAMPLES based on my valuable first hand experiences.-----but I will anwer-----NOPE----kurds are kurds-----their language has roots in farsi-----but then----so does the language of
the people of Afghanistan---PASHTUN-------and French hails back to SANSKRIT.
As an ethnic group ----the KURDS have far more right to such a designation than do the "BALESTINIANS"
So this is a "non-fiction story". Who are the Balestinians? So basically what your saying is the Palestinians are really form the Canaanites who worshipped Baal, is that what your saying.

I clearly stated that the Kurds----the people who dwell in the mountain range which extends all the way from Turkey---thru Syria and Iraq and into Iran constitute a real
ethnic group with a long history. As such they have a right to be a nation----a right they have been denied for more than a millennium. Some people falsely claim that "Palestinian" constitutes a nation---and yet spit in the faces of the Kurds who actually are nation
obozo wants to bring muslims to the USA----ok with me-----but just the kurds----Kurdish cuisine is sublime

Aren't Kurds really Iranians.

ROFLMAO------I have a "story"-----but I will not post it because I am tired of
shit who use the term "story" to disparage my EXCELLENT EXAMPLES based on my valuable first hand experiences.-----but I will anwer-----NOPE----kurds are kurds-----their language has roots in farsi-----but then----so does the language of
the people of Afghanistan---PASHTUN-------and French hails back to SANSKRIT.
As an ethnic group ----the KURDS have far more right to such a designation than do the "BALESTINIANS"
So this is a "non-fiction story". Who are the Balestinians? So basically what your saying is the Palestinians are really form the Canaanites who worshipped Baal, is that what your saying.

I clearly stated that the Kurds----the people who dwell in the mountain range which extends all the way from Turkey---thru Syria and Iraq and into Iran constitute a real
ethnic group with a long history. As such they have a right to be a nation----a right they have been denied for more than a millennium. Some people falsely claim that "Palestinian" constitutes a nation---and yet spit in the faces of the Kurds who actually are nation
If the World did so and established that country...........TURKEY would attack it..............unless the World put a gun to Turkeys head.
I support -----the EAGLE PLAN-------but am not sure that we should enter Iran right now--------leave it for ------next spring
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

The entire region over there is in War whether you like it or not..............and my actions would be brutal, quick, and cost less money over the long run..........
I would carpet bomb North Syria in ISIS controlled areas..........Most of the people there are gone already and living in refugee camps..............These bombs are cheaper than precision guided bombs and elliminate most of the threat................I would not target the Kurds or Syrians........................I would then tell Syria to mop up and deal with what is left of the territory................I would set up an area in Kurd held areas as off limits to the Syrian army.............cross that line and I'll do to you what I just did to ISIS.....................

And end the damned mess there..............It would still be a mess, but it would get rid of most of the Caliphate.............

Hopefully, ended the endless War there..................

Turkey............given their stance on Israel.................Base closure.............we are out of there..................It is a conflict of interest.........

Iran and Nuclear sites....................Take them out and leave..........

Will Peace an Harmony reign after that..............NOPE..............never has been in the middle east and never will be............
I'm just killing ant beds trying to kill off the mounds I find.............They will come always..........but you can't let them take over the yard unless you are a fool........................

I've served over there.................Had we nipped this shit in the butt in 79............We could have stopped the influence with countries like Iran.
North Korea is because we refused to WIN THE WAR...............and END IT THEN...............Our forces are still there a half a century later to deal with them.................How much has that cost us..................a half a century of having to maintain force levels to deal with North Korea............

How many more men died not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War...................
And then hauling ass allowing ISIS TO GROW at the end of the last one.............
Our foreign policy sucks................and this whole region sucks.............

Your WHAT.................PULL OUT............and let them kill each other endlessly and let whatever happens happens...............having to deal at a later date.....................

If they all attacked Israel..............would you stand back and say OH WELL and allow them to completely wiped out...................what say you.
My point is that we are NOT the world's keeper. From past history, we have stuck our nose in and made matters worse. EXAMPLE: Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We go in and accomplish absolutely nothing of benefit. We spend money and sacrifice lives. We destroy countries, then pick up our marbles and come home. We do NOT fight war as war. Go look back through recent history of conflicts we've engaged in since WWII.......... just use common sense, please.....
obozo wants to bring muslims to the USA----ok with me-----but just the kurds----Kurdish cuisine is sublime

Aren't Kurds really Iranians.

ROFLMAO------I have a "story"-----but I will not post it because I am tired of
shit who use the term "story" to disparage my EXCELLENT EXAMPLES based on my valuable first hand experiences.-----but I will anwer-----NOPE----kurds are kurds-----their language has roots in farsi-----but then----so does the language of
the people of Afghanistan---PASHTUN-------and French hails back to SANSKRIT.
As an ethnic group ----the KURDS have far more right to such a designation than do the "BALESTINIANS"
So this is a "non-fiction story". Who are the Balestinians? So basically what your saying is the Palestinians are really form the Canaanites who worshipped Baal, is that what your saying.

I clearly stated that the Kurds----the people who dwell in the mountain range which extends all the way from Turkey---thru Syria and Iraq and into Iran constitute a real
ethnic group with a long history. As such they have a right to be a nation----a right they have been denied for more than a millennium. Some people falsely claim that "Palestinian" constitutes a nation---and yet spit in the faces of the Kurds who actually are nation
If the World did so and established that country...........TURKEY would attack it..............unless the World put a gun to Turkeys head.

Just what is needed -----a gun to the head of Erdogan et al. I do not think that all of turkey is behind that turkey
I support -----the EAGLE PLAN-------but am not sure that we should enter Iran right now--------leave it for ------next spring
FYI - We're NOT the world's keeper. We can't be big brother to the entire world. Hey, do you personally have the money to fund whatever support you think they need/deserve? America is BROKE, and in astronomical debt. Wake up and smell the coffee.
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

The entire region over there is in War whether you like it or not..............and my actions would be brutal, quick, and cost less money over the long run..........
I would carpet bomb North Syria in ISIS controlled areas..........Most of the people there are gone already and living in refugee camps..............These bombs are cheaper than precision guided bombs and elliminate most of the threat................I would not target the Kurds or Syrians........................I would then tell Syria to mop up and deal with what is left of the territory................I would set up an area in Kurd held areas as off limits to the Syrian army.............cross that line and I'll do to you what I just did to ISIS.....................

And end the damned mess there..............It would still be a mess, but it would get rid of most of the Caliphate.............

Hopefully, ended the endless War there..................

Turkey............given their stance on Israel.................Base closure.............we are out of there..................It is a conflict of interest.........

Iran and Nuclear sites....................Take them out and leave..........

Will Peace an Harmony reign after that..............NOPE..............never has been in the middle east and never will be............
I'm just killing ant beds trying to kill off the mounds I find.............They will come always..........but you can't let them take over the yard unless you are a fool........................

I've served over there.................Had we nipped this shit in the butt in 79............We could have stopped the influence with countries like Iran.
North Korea is because we refused to WIN THE WAR...............and END IT THEN...............Our forces are still there a half a century later to deal with them.................How much has that cost us..................a half a century of having to maintain force levels to deal with North Korea............

How many more men died not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War...................
And then hauling ass allowing ISIS TO GROW at the end of the last one.............
Our foreign policy sucks................and this whole region sucks.............

Your WHAT.................PULL OUT............and let them kill each other endlessly and let whatever happens happens...............having to deal at a later date.....................

If they all attacked Israel..............would you stand back and say OH WELL and allow them to completely wiped out...................what say you.

Are you mad, and by that I mean insane!
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

The entire region over there is in War whether you like it or not..............and my actions would be brutal, quick, and cost less money over the long run..........
I would carpet bomb North Syria in ISIS controlled areas..........Most of the people there are gone already and living in refugee camps..............These bombs are cheaper than precision guided bombs and elliminate most of the threat................I would not target the Kurds or Syrians........................I would then tell Syria to mop up and deal with what is left of the territory................I would set up an area in Kurd held areas as off limits to the Syrian army.............cross that line and I'll do to you what I just did to ISIS.....................

And end the damned mess there..............It would still be a mess, but it would get rid of most of the Caliphate.............

Hopefully, ended the endless War there..................

Turkey............given their stance on Israel.................Base closure.............we are out of there..................It is a conflict of interest.........

Iran and Nuclear sites....................Take them out and leave..........

Will Peace an Harmony reign after that..............NOPE..............never has been in the middle east and never will be............
I'm just killing ant beds trying to kill off the mounds I find.............They will come always..........but you can't let them take over the yard unless you are a fool........................

I've served over there.................Had we nipped this shit in the butt in 79............We could have stopped the influence with countries like Iran.
North Korea is because we refused to WIN THE WAR...............and END IT THEN...............Our forces are still there a half a century later to deal with them.................How much has that cost us..................a half a century of having to maintain force levels to deal with North Korea............

How many more men died not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War...................
And then hauling ass allowing ISIS TO GROW at the end of the last one.............
Our foreign policy sucks................and this whole region sucks.............

Your WHAT.................PULL OUT............and let them kill each other endlessly and let whatever happens happens...............having to deal at a later date.....................

If they all attacked Israel..............would you stand back and say OH WELL and allow them to completely wiped out...................what say you.
My point is that we are NOT the world's keeper. From past history, we have stuck our nose in and made matters worse. EXAMPLE: Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We go in and accomplish absolutely nothing of benefit. We spend money and sacrifice lives. We destroy countries, then pick up our marbles and come home. We do NOT fight war as war. Go look back through recent history of conflicts we've engaged in since WWII.......... just use common sense, please.....

right----we need a change of STRATEGY------no more playing footsie with this sect and that sect and then that one over there----A REAL DEFINITIVE PLAN
I support -----the EAGLE PLAN-------but am not sure that we should enter Iran right now--------leave it for ------next spring
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

The entire region over there is in War whether you like it or not..............and my actions would be brutal, quick, and cost less money over the long run..........
I would carpet bomb North Syria in ISIS controlled areas..........Most of the people there are gone already and living in refugee camps..............These bombs are cheaper than precision guided bombs and elliminate most of the threat................I would not target the Kurds or Syrians........................I would then tell Syria to mop up and deal with what is left of the territory................I would set up an area in Kurd held areas as off limits to the Syrian army.............cross that line and I'll do to you what I just did to ISIS.....................

And end the damned mess there..............It would still be a mess, but it would get rid of most of the Caliphate.............

Hopefully, ended the endless War there..................

Turkey............given their stance on Israel.................Base closure.............we are out of there..................It is a conflict of interest.........

Iran and Nuclear sites....................Take them out and leave..........

Will Peace an Harmony reign after that..............NOPE..............never has been in the middle east and never will be............
I'm just killing ant beds trying to kill off the mounds I find.............They will come always..........but you can't let them take over the yard unless you are a fool........................

I've served over there.................Had we nipped this shit in the butt in 79............We could have stopped the influence with countries like Iran.
North Korea is because we refused to WIN THE WAR...............and END IT THEN...............Our forces are still there a half a century later to deal with them.................How much has that cost us..................a half a century of having to maintain force levels to deal with North Korea............

How many more men died not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War...................
And then hauling ass allowing ISIS TO GROW at the end of the last one.............
Our foreign policy sucks................and this whole region sucks.............

Your WHAT.................PULL OUT............and let them kill each other endlessly and let whatever happens happens...............having to deal at a later date.....................

If they all attacked Israel..............would you stand back and say OH WELL and allow them to completely wiped out...................what say you.

Are you mad, and by that I mean insane!

no----if you were a real health care worker----you would know that I have exhibited none of the signs that meet the criteria for a diagnosis of thought disorder according to the DSM V-----or IV or III or II ----or the first DSM. You need a bit of a review------desperately
I support -----the EAGLE PLAN-------but am not sure that we should enter Iran right now--------leave it for ------next spring
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

The entire region over there is in War whether you like it or not..............and my actions would be brutal, quick, and cost less money over the long run..........
I would carpet bomb North Syria in ISIS controlled areas..........Most of the people there are gone already and living in refugee camps..............These bombs are cheaper than precision guided bombs and elliminate most of the threat................I would not target the Kurds or Syrians........................I would then tell Syria to mop up and deal with what is left of the territory................I would set up an area in Kurd held areas as off limits to the Syrian army.............cross that line and I'll do to you what I just did to ISIS.....................

And end the damned mess there..............It would still be a mess, but it would get rid of most of the Caliphate.............

Hopefully, ended the endless War there..................

Turkey............given their stance on Israel.................Base closure.............we are out of there..................It is a conflict of interest.........

Iran and Nuclear sites....................Take them out and leave..........

Will Peace an Harmony reign after that..............NOPE..............never has been in the middle east and never will be............
I'm just killing ant beds trying to kill off the mounds I find.............They will come always..........but you can't let them take over the yard unless you are a fool........................

I've served over there.................Had we nipped this shit in the butt in 79............We could have stopped the influence with countries like Iran.
North Korea is because we refused to WIN THE WAR...............and END IT THEN...............Our forces are still there a half a century later to deal with them.................How much has that cost us..................a half a century of having to maintain force levels to deal with North Korea............

How many more men died not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War...................
And then hauling ass allowing ISIS TO GROW at the end of the last one.............
Our foreign policy sucks................and this whole region sucks.............

Your WHAT.................PULL OUT............and let them kill each other endlessly and let whatever happens happens...............having to deal at a later date.....................

If they all attacked Israel..............would you stand back and say OH WELL and allow them to completely wiped out...................what say you.

Are you mad, and by that I mean insane!

no----if you were a real health care worker----you would know that I have exhibited none of the signs that meet the criteria for a diagnosis of thought disorder according to the DSM V-----or IV or III or II ----or the first DSM. You need a bit of a review------desperately
Brain Melt Down.png
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

The entire region over there is in War whether you like it or not..............and my actions would be brutal, quick, and cost less money over the long run..........
I would carpet bomb North Syria in ISIS controlled areas..........Most of the people there are gone already and living in refugee camps..............These bombs are cheaper than precision guided bombs and elliminate most of the threat................I would not target the Kurds or Syrians........................I would then tell Syria to mop up and deal with what is left of the territory................I would set up an area in Kurd held areas as off limits to the Syrian army.............cross that line and I'll do to you what I just did to ISIS.....................

And end the damned mess there..............It would still be a mess, but it would get rid of most of the Caliphate.............

Hopefully, ended the endless War there..................

Turkey............given their stance on Israel.................Base closure.............we are out of there..................It is a conflict of interest.........

Iran and Nuclear sites....................Take them out and leave..........

Will Peace an Harmony reign after that..............NOPE..............never has been in the middle east and never will be............
I'm just killing ant beds trying to kill off the mounds I find.............They will come always..........but you can't let them take over the yard unless you are a fool........................

I've served over there.................Had we nipped this shit in the butt in 79............We could have stopped the influence with countries like Iran.
North Korea is because we refused to WIN THE WAR...............and END IT THEN...............Our forces are still there a half a century later to deal with them.................How much has that cost us..................a half a century of having to maintain force levels to deal with North Korea............

How many more men died not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War...................
And then hauling ass allowing ISIS TO GROW at the end of the last one.............
Our foreign policy sucks................and this whole region sucks.............

Your WHAT.................PULL OUT............and let them kill each other endlessly and let whatever happens happens...............having to deal at a later date.....................

If they all attacked Israel..............would you stand back and say OH WELL and allow them to completely wiped out...................what say you.
My point is that we are NOT the world's keeper. From past history, we have stuck our nose in and made matters worse. EXAMPLE: Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We go in and accomplish absolutely nothing of benefit. We spend money and sacrifice lives. We destroy countries, then pick up our marbles and come home. We do NOT fight war as war. Go look back through recent history of conflicts we've engaged in since WWII.......... just use common sense, please.....
We have forgotten how to Win a War...........That is our problem.............We fight rules with rules. You don't Win Wars that way..............You do it by being brutal and fight it like a War.

You don't do it by fighting on the enemies terms...................Or long occupations.............You get in, kick their asses and leave.............Don't fight on their terms.............Their culture makes it foolish to stay and Nation build. All we have to do is look at the history of Israel. It never ends.........GIve them nothing to shoot back at. It is Far cheaper and deals with it.

Vietnam. Fought by the advantage to the enemy by fighting on their terms.
Had we launched attacks into the North they couldn't have stopped us..................Not a chance in hell...........but some dumb ass politician said we can't go past the imaginary line..............................Politicians cost us that War.

Iraq...............1st Gulf War..............500,000 troops in place....................FINISH IT................That is what we said back then.............where were you.........
We were saying lets finish this ASSHOLE RIGHT NOW and END IT......................We ditched the Shiites then........Bush Sr. Asked them to RISE UP............They did and they WERE SLAUGHTERED...............WHY? WE DIDN'T FINISH IT.

Afghanistan..................No nation building...............find and kill as many enemies as possible and leave.................would have been my strategy.

and so on....................
I support -----the EAGLE PLAN-------but am not sure that we should enter Iran right now--------leave it for ------next spring
24 sorties a day now. on average...............With Precision guided munitions............which aren't cheap already..............
Turkey hitting targets that we are aiding to kill ISIS is a Stab in the back.......
Just because we are doing a few dozen attacks a day doesn't discount we are paying a butt load of money for it.
Not doing anything allows the caliphate to grow..............and become a larger problem. and cost us even more down the road.

The world as a WHOLE should pitch in and deal with it.......Not just you are correct that we are in debt up to our asses............Had it been taken out in it's infancy, then it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today.................Just as tomorrow the costs to deal with it rise........................................

Do we as a civilized nation stand by and allow the genocide or make a stand to end it................the cost of doing so being high...........The ultimate question is how much will Appeasement cost us down the road...................that being the ultimate question.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

View attachment 45569
You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

The entire region over there is in War whether you like it or not..............and my actions would be brutal, quick, and cost less money over the long run..........
I would carpet bomb North Syria in ISIS controlled areas..........Most of the people there are gone already and living in refugee camps..............These bombs are cheaper than precision guided bombs and elliminate most of the threat................I would not target the Kurds or Syrians........................I would then tell Syria to mop up and deal with what is left of the territory................I would set up an area in Kurd held areas as off limits to the Syrian army.............cross that line and I'll do to you what I just did to ISIS.....................

And end the damned mess there..............It would still be a mess, but it would get rid of most of the Caliphate.............

Hopefully, ended the endless War there..................

Turkey............given their stance on Israel.................Base closure.............we are out of there..................It is a conflict of interest.........

Iran and Nuclear sites....................Take them out and leave..........

Will Peace an Harmony reign after that..............NOPE..............never has been in the middle east and never will be............
I'm just killing ant beds trying to kill off the mounds I find.............They will come always..........but you can't let them take over the yard unless you are a fool........................

I've served over there.................Had we nipped this shit in the butt in 79............We could have stopped the influence with countries like Iran.
North Korea is because we refused to WIN THE WAR...............and END IT THEN...............Our forces are still there a half a century later to deal with them.................How much has that cost us..................a half a century of having to maintain force levels to deal with North Korea............

How many more men died not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War...................
And then hauling ass allowing ISIS TO GROW at the end of the last one.............
Our foreign policy sucks................and this whole region sucks.............

Your WHAT.................PULL OUT............and let them kill each other endlessly and let whatever happens happens...............having to deal at a later date.....................

If they all attacked Israel..............would you stand back and say OH WELL and allow them to completely wiped out...................what say you.

Are you mad, and by that I mean insane!

This is how Wars were fought in the past...................WWI.........WWII..................
ISIS is insane..............................I would bust that regions ass................probably even kill the damned ants there..................
And after..........................Cause more shit and we'll be back....................those still alive might understand we just took off the danged gloves.............
Of course you support those types..................

Who go up to people and go are you ISLAMIC....................if not they kill them and put their heads on pikes..............It's well documented the atrocities going on there....................

I would BUTCHER THEM...............and primarily by flattening the region...................and end it..................
They want a Caliphate..................How about the reverse.............

Do you want to be a did you say...........NO.............BANG.............. the subhuman scum that reside there............YEP........I'M MAD.
Are we in Africa bombing and sending ground troops to take out mass murderers? Is it really our responsibility to protect the known world? Why should we put the world on our shoulders, go bankrupt doing it, and chance ending up in the same boat? Please use common sense. Do we ignore the needs here in the U.S.A., and run around all over the world playing big brother with borrowed money? Please, wake up and smell the coffee. This isn't rocket science.

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You are barking up the wrong tree. I've been a part of the world's police force. I don't like it any better than you do.................but understand that we can not sit on the side lines as well..............Do you kill ant beds as they appear...........or wait until they take over the whole yard........................

The WORLD needs to step up here.........Not just us................

Let it continue to grow and the world faces larger problems later.......had we nipped in the butt early on we wouldn't be at this point...............

In Chad..............AFRICA..................The French sent in military to save the country from extremist................pushed them back north into the mountains.
Egypt is hitting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.........
Jordan hitting ISIS.
Saudi Arabia is fighting Iranian rebels, and ISIS there..........
Kenya and others are fighting the Muslims extremist there as well.

and so on..................the whole region is in flames...................and this doesn't bode well for us and the world whether you like it or not.
So, IF we only do "our" part, the world will be at peace, everything will be lovely, man will live in harmony, and everyone will live happily ever after? Do you have any idea as to what "REALITY" is? Do you honestly believe that "WE" can make everything "right", and that the world will do exactly as we say? And, can you detail your plan to make everything happen as you'd like it to happen? Please, give details on how you believe that the U.S.A. can bring world peace and harmony. I'd love to read your game plan. Thanks.

The entire region over there is in War whether you like it or not..............and my actions would be brutal, quick, and cost less money over the long run..........
I would carpet bomb North Syria in ISIS controlled areas..........Most of the people there are gone already and living in refugee camps..............These bombs are cheaper than precision guided bombs and elliminate most of the threat................I would not target the Kurds or Syrians........................I would then tell Syria to mop up and deal with what is left of the territory................I would set up an area in Kurd held areas as off limits to the Syrian army.............cross that line and I'll do to you what I just did to ISIS.....................

And end the damned mess there..............It would still be a mess, but it would get rid of most of the Caliphate.............

Hopefully, ended the endless War there..................

Turkey............given their stance on Israel.................Base closure.............we are out of there..................It is a conflict of interest.........

Iran and Nuclear sites....................Take them out and leave..........

Will Peace an Harmony reign after that..............NOPE..............never has been in the middle east and never will be............
I'm just killing ant beds trying to kill off the mounds I find.............They will come always..........but you can't let them take over the yard unless you are a fool........................

I've served over there.................Had we nipped this shit in the butt in 79............We could have stopped the influence with countries like Iran.
North Korea is because we refused to WIN THE WAR...............and END IT THEN...............Our forces are still there a half a century later to deal with them.................How much has that cost us..................a half a century of having to maintain force levels to deal with North Korea............

How many more men died not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War...................
And then hauling ass allowing ISIS TO GROW at the end of the last one.............
Our foreign policy sucks................and this whole region sucks.............

Your WHAT.................PULL OUT............and let them kill each other endlessly and let whatever happens happens...............having to deal at a later date.....................

If they all attacked Israel..............would you stand back and say OH WELL and allow them to completely wiped out...................what say you.
My point is that we are NOT the world's keeper. From past history, we have stuck our nose in and made matters worse. EXAMPLE: Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We go in and accomplish absolutely nothing of benefit. We spend money and sacrifice lives. We destroy countries, then pick up our marbles and come home. We do NOT fight war as war. Go look back through recent history of conflicts we've engaged in since WWII.......... just use common sense, please.....
We have forgotten how to Win a War...........That is our problem.............We fight rules with rules. You don't Win Wars that way..............You do it by being brutal and fight it like a War.

You don't do it by fighting on the enemies terms...................Or long occupations.............You get in, kick their asses and leave.............Don't fight on their terms.............Their culture makes it foolish to stay and Nation build. All we have to do is look at the history of Israel. It never ends.........GIve them nothing to shoot back at. It is Far cheaper and deals with it.

Vietnam. Fought by the advantage to the enemy by fighting on their terms.
Had we launched attacks into the North they couldn't have stopped us..................Not a chance in hell...........but some dumb ass politician said we can't go past the imaginary line..............................Politicians cost us that War.

Iraq...............1st Gulf War..............500,000 troops in place....................FINISH IT................That is what we said back then.............where were you.........
We were saying lets finish this ASSHOLE RIGHT NOW and END IT......................We ditched the Shiites then........Bush Sr. Asked them to RISE UP............They did and they WERE SLAUGHTERED...............WHY? WE DIDN'T FINISH IT.

Afghanistan..................No nation building...............find and kill as many enemies as possible and leave.................would have been my strategy.

and so on....................

I am willing to blame it on people who have decided that
the USA is a missionary to the world in the religion of
THOMAS JEFFERSON and democracy. It is a silly idea.
Remember the movie-----TEAHOUSE OF THE AUGUST MOON?
Marlon Brando's finest performance-------sublime
(ps I have absolutely nothing against Thomas Jefferson----it was
not his fault------he confined his philosophy to the USA)

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