No excuses for Trump and Moscow Mitch


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

For Moscow Mitch to blame impeachment for Trump's early failure to take the Coronavirus seriously is a stretch at best and a bald faced lie at worst.

But for Trump to make that claim, while he was not missing a single round of golf, is about as bad as he gets. Of course, his history of dealing with his is to find someone or something else to blame.

Vintage Trump at his worst!

For Moscow Mitch to blame impeachment for Trump's early failure to take the Coronavirus seriously is a stretch at best and a bald faced lie at worst.

But for Trump to make that claim, while he was not missing a single round of golf, is about as bad as he gets. Of course, his history of dealing with his is to find someone or something else to blame.

Vintage Trump at his worst!
Fact is though that's what was happening. You liars can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw it and we ain't gonna forget!
The notion that impeachment “distracted” the government from the growing coronavirus crisis is nonsense – just another rightwing lie.
Then produce some articles that were published back in December about the attention, concerns and actions being taken by Nancy and her tribe about the growing corona virus starting in China.
So Moscow mitch is admitting that the WH screwed up with the slow response.
He did, that is what mitch is saying.
We were slow to react...…...but I blame (D).

For Moscow Mitch to blame impeachment for Trump's early failure to take the Coronavirus seriously is a stretch at best and a bald faced lie at worst.

But for Trump to make that claim, while he was not missing a single round of golf, is about as bad as he gets. Of course, his history of dealing with his is to find someone or something else to blame.

Vintage Trump at his worst!
Fact is though that's what was happening. You liars can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw it and we ain't gonna forget!

See if you can deny this....

Look at the calendar: the impeachment trial ended on February 5,” Conway stresses. “In reality, it was over before it even started, thanks in large part to McConnell. The only drama was about whether there’d be any witnesses — and that ended on January 31, when the Senate voted not to hear testimony. That left plenty of time to deal with the virus.”

Conway adds, “While some lawyers in the executive branch and Congress were working on impeachment around the clock, impeachment didn’t consume the government. Trump managed to get to Mar-a-Lago at least four times in January and February, working in a few rounds of golf along the way. He held five campaign rallies around the country during the impeachment trial.”

The only thing that T-Rump was distracted by was his dumb ass rallies and golf. I suggest that you read the whole link before you further embarrass yourself with more bizarre bovine excrement

For Moscow Mitch to blame impeachment for Trump's early failure to take the Coronavirus seriously is a stretch at best and a bald faced lie at worst.

But for Trump to make that claim, while he was not missing a single round of golf, is about as bad as he gets. Of course, his history of dealing with his is to find someone or something else to blame.

Vintage Trump at his worst!
Fact is though that's what was happening. You liars can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw it and we ain't gonna forget!
Being distracted is no excuse. Being distracted won't even clear you of responsibility to control your car in a fender bender in this country. Trump had lawyers to handle impeachment, without testifying or even attending. He is just making excuses again, like always. He should have told excuses to a TAC Officer or Drill Instructor. Oh yah, he made excuses to the draft board instead. Been making excuses all his life. Nobody believes him anymore.

For Moscow Mitch to blame impeachment for Trump's early failure to take the Coronavirus seriously is a stretch at best and a bald faced lie at worst.

But for Trump to make that claim, while he was not missing a single round of golf, is about as bad as he gets. Of course, his history of dealing with his is to find someone or something else to blame.

Vintage Trump at his worst!
Fact is though that's what was happening. You liars can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw it and we ain't gonna forget!
Being distracted is no excuse. Being distracted won't even clear you of responsibility to control your car in a fender bender in this country. Trump had lawyers to handle impeachment, without testifying or even attending. He is just making excuses again, like always. He should have told excuses to a TAC Officer or Drill Instructor. Oh yah, he made excuses to the draft board instead. Been making excuses all his life. Nobody believes him anymore.
Being fed from the media, no doubt you are an expert.

For Moscow Mitch to blame impeachment for Trump's early failure to take the Coronavirus seriously is a stretch at best and a bald faced lie at worst.

But for Trump to make that claim, while he was not missing a single round of golf, is about as bad as he gets. Of course, his history of dealing with his is to find someone or something else to blame.

Vintage Trump at his worst!
Fact is though that's what was happening. You liars can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw it and we ain't gonna forget!

See if you can deny this....

Look at the calendar: the impeachment trial ended on February 5,” Conway stresses. “In reality, it was over before it even started, thanks in large part to McConnell. The only drama was about whether there’d be any witnesses — and that ended on January 31, when the Senate voted not to hear testimony. That left plenty of time to deal with the virus.”

Conway adds, “While some lawyers in the executive branch and Congress were working on impeachment around the clock, impeachment didn’t consume the government. Trump managed to get to Mar-a-Lago at least four times in January and February, working in a few rounds of golf along the way. He held five campaign rallies around the country during the impeachment trial.”

The only thing that T-Rump was distracted by was his dumb ass rallies and golf. I suggest that you read the whole link before you further embarrass yourself with more bizarre bovine excrement
Fake news, from a media fed pervert.

For Moscow Mitch to blame impeachment for Trump's early failure to take the Coronavirus seriously is a stretch at best and a bald faced lie at worst.

But for Trump to make that claim, while he was not missing a single round of golf, is about as bad as he gets. Of course, his history of dealing with his is to find someone or something else to blame.

Vintage Trump at his worst!
Fact is though that's what was happening. You liars can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw it and we ain't gonna forget!
Being distracted is no excuse. Being distracted won't even clear you of responsibility to control your car in a fender bender in this country. Trump had lawyers to handle impeachment, without testifying or even attending. He is just making excuses again, like always. He should have told excuses to a TAC Officer or Drill Instructor. Oh yah, he made excuses to the draft board instead. Been making excuses all his life. Nobody believes him anymore.
Being fed from the media, no doubt you are an expert.
No, but I have had experience with traffic cops, Drill Instructors and TAC Officers. The don't listen to excuses for personal negligence or or missing what is important because you let yourself be distracted and neither do I. You shouldn't either. It will simplify and clarify your life, and improve you supervisory and managerial efficiency.

For Moscow Mitch to blame impeachment for Trump's early failure to take the Coronavirus seriously is a stretch at best and a bald faced lie at worst.

But for Trump to make that claim, while he was not missing a single round of golf, is about as bad as he gets. Of course, his history of dealing with his is to find someone or something else to blame.

Vintage Trump at his worst!
Fact is though that's what was happening. You liars can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw it and we ain't gonna forget!

See if you can deny this....

Look at the calendar: the impeachment trial ended on February 5,” Conway stresses. “In reality, it was over before it even started, thanks in large part to McConnell. The only drama was about whether there’d be any witnesses — and that ended on January 31, when the Senate voted not to hear testimony. That left plenty of time to deal with the virus.”

Conway adds, “While some lawyers in the executive branch and Congress were working on impeachment around the clock, impeachment didn’t consume the government. Trump managed to get to Mar-a-Lago at least four times in January and February, working in a few rounds of golf along the way. He held five campaign rallies around the country during the impeachment trial.”

The only thing that T-Rump was distracted by was his dumb ass rallies and golf. I suggest that you read the whole link before you further embarrass yourself with more bizarre bovine excrement
Fake news, from a media fed pervert.
Really? That's all that you have? Can you refute the timeline laid out by Conway, or the fact that The Orange Ogre had plenty of time to play gold and hold rallies during the impeachment? Good fucking god you so called retort is pathetic. You should be embarrassed. However , it seem that you don't even know what a fool you're making of yourself.

For Moscow Mitch to blame impeachment for Trump's early failure to take the Coronavirus seriously is a stretch at best and a bald faced lie at worst.

But for Trump to make that claim, while he was not missing a single round of golf, is about as bad as he gets. Of course, his history of dealing with his is to find someone or something else to blame.

Vintage Trump at his worst!

This from Nancy Botox Pelosi ?

And you want to get behind it ?


For Moscow Mitch to blame impeachment for Trump's early failure to take the Coronavirus seriously is a stretch at best and a bald faced lie at worst.

But for Trump to make that claim, while he was not missing a single round of golf, is about as bad as he gets. Of course, his history of dealing with his is to find someone or something else to blame.

Vintage Trump at his worst!
Fact is though that's what was happening. You liars can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw it and we ain't gonna forget!
Being distracted is no excuse. Being distracted won't even clear you of responsibility to control your car in a fender bender in this country. Trump had lawyers to handle impeachment, without testifying or even attending. He is just making excuses again, like always. He should have told excuses to a TAC Officer or Drill Instructor. Oh yah, he made excuses to the draft board instead. Been making excuses all his life. Nobody believes him anymore.

It was the administration dealing with the Adam Schitt ShitShamShow.

And it does not matter if you are right or wrong, the potential exists.
Granny Dentures has blood on her hands. She needs to be removed from her speaker position immediately for the good of America.
Is that pathetic inane equine excrement supposed to be a rebuttal to the OP?

Who needs to rebutt the OP.

Nancy Pelosi is no Patriot and I doubt you could even call her an American (and you can spare me a response).

Running the shitshamshow we call the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Holding the impeachment articles (which are not worthy to wipe my ass).

Having a moronic signing ceremony.

Then fucking with the stimulus in the name of gamesmanship.

So Fuck her and fuck you for being on her side.

For Moscow Mitch to blame impeachment for Trump's early failure to take the Coronavirus seriously is a stretch at best and a bald faced lie at worst.

But for Trump to make that claim, while he was not missing a single round of golf, is about as bad as he gets. Of course, his history of dealing with his is to find someone or something else to blame.

Vintage Trump at his worst!
Fact is though that's what was happening. You liars can deny it all you want, but the whole world saw it and we ain't gonna forget!

See if you can deny this....

Look at the calendar: the impeachment trial ended on February 5,” Conway stresses. “In reality, it was over before it even started, thanks in large part to McConnell. The only drama was about whether there’d be any witnesses — and that ended on January 31, when the Senate voted not to hear testimony. That left plenty of time to deal with the virus.”

Conway adds, “While some lawyers in the executive branch and Congress were working on impeachment around the clock, impeachment didn’t consume the government. Trump managed to get to Mar-a-Lago at least four times in January and February, working in a few rounds of golf along the way. He held five campaign rallies around the country during the impeachment trial.”

The only thing that T-Rump was distracted by was his dumb ass rallies and golf. I suggest that you read the whole link before you further embarrass yourself with more bizarre bovine excrement
Fake news, from a media fed pervert.
Really? That's all that you have? Can you refute the timeline laid out by Conway, or the fact that The Orange Ogre had plenty of time to play gold and hold rallies during the impeachment? Good fucking god you so called retort is pathetic. You should be embarrassed. However , it seem that you don't even know what a fool you're making of yourself.
Do us all a favor and stop pretending you know something. You don't know shit like just about everyone else, but YOU and other vermin pretend like the fake media is telling you the truth and they ain't. You are either stupid are part of the problem and I vote the latter. And you know as well as I do if I could prove your BS fake, never in a million years would you accept it. Proven a jillion times over, so just shut up.

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