No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

Shit happens, and no amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that...

Funny how that "logic" is only applied to guns.
Funny how you think guns kill people on their own... that’s your logic
No. What's funny is your utter lack of imagination.

Any problem created by man can be solved by man. Right up until the money from the NRA is factored in. And then man becomes the problem.

You leftists are like a puppet on a string. The Democrat party created this phony boogie man and you people buy it hook, line and sinker. The truth of the matter is that we Republican constituents believe in the Constitution and in particular, gun rights. If the NRA closed up tomorrow, the party would not change it's position.
I doubt that. Without the money from the NRA and without the political scorecard they keep, Republicans would recognize the havoc of gun violence and respond responsibly.
Shit for brains, the NRA is not pro gun enough, this country needs to be better armed...
They need to be more protective of personal firearm ownership... and keep fighting for absolute Anonymous firearm ownership.
Gun Owners of America - Wikipedia
Ya, passing the buck on responsibility makes you a hero! Get bent!
Don't take my guns??? But you can take my children?? Republicans are bonkers
What the fuck are you smoking? No one said take our children. You better check your self before you reck your self!You look back thru past posts and you will find that me and Ray and Rustic argue more than we agree. What is different between us is we enjoy argueing and some times agreeing. We do not give a shit about spelling what we care about is the itteration of ideas. Through out the history of all our posts thru out the years we have been chatting not one of us has ever offered our children up for any thing! We do not tow a party line we have our own ideas. Go ahead and ask Ray and Rustic they are commonly on the other side as me! Some times we fall on the same side it's rare but it happens
But all NRA supporters are against anything that might help
Help, help what? I know poor people that still shoot a good percentage of their meat intake. I carried an M-16 around twenty four seven for what seemed like a never ending training period. I got tired of carrying it and cleaning it. Then training was over and I was sent some where that bullets fly. I can attest from experience that when the bullets start flying you want to be able to make some fly your self and hopefully stop them from flying in the other direction. So your solution is to take guns away. Offer a criminal penalty for the possesion of the weapons. These kids that are doing the school shootings are either dying or ending up in prison for life. The penalty for what they have done did not stop them from doing the act nor will a little jail time stop them from getting a gun. They were willing to die, 6 months in jail will stop nothing they will still get thier gun, do the dastardly deed and all you get is the loss of rights and loss of the ability to effect your own destiny! Until the cops have precognition they can opnly punish after the fact. This does not save yours or any ones lives!
TWENTY school shootings this year and it's not even June and there's a fight against checking mental health?? And BTW I do have a marksman medal around my house somewhere ,,Almost made sharpshooter
People kill people firearms have nothing to do with it
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....

How about “law abiding gun owners” secure their guns instead of leaving them lying around for their psycho kid to grab?

Dad should be charged .
You finally said something that makes sense

Dad should definitely be charged. We need to go after anyone who arms these killers, they clearly need an incentive to be more responsible with their arms.
Didn't the courts overturn a law that gun owners needed to secure their weapons (I think it was in D.C.). The courts said you can't tell a man what to do inside his castle. So I don't think holding Dad accountable will fly in the long run.
TBH, I think the Dad will suffer for the rest of his life about this. Imagine if it were your kid who did this. It must be nearly insufferable.
Firearm ownership should be 100% anonymous, the federal government should have zero knowledge on the subject.
Don't take my guns??? But you can take my children?? Republicans are bonkers
What the fuck are you smoking? No one said take our children. You better check your self before you reck your self!You look back thru past posts and you will find that me and Ray and Rustic argue more than we agree. What is different between us is we enjoy argueing and some times agreeing. We do not give a shit about spelling what we care about is the itteration of ideas. Through out the history of all our posts thru out the years we have been chatting not one of us has ever offered our children up for any thing! We do not tow a party line we have our own ideas. Go ahead and ask Ray and Rustic they are commonly on the other side as me! Some times we fall on the same side it's rare but it happens
But all NRA supporters are against anything that might help
Help, help what? I know poor people that still shoot a good percentage of their meat intake. I carried an M-16 around twenty four seven for what seemed like a never ending training period. I got tired of carrying it and cleaning it. Then training was over and I was sent some where that bullets fly. I can attest from experience that when the bullets start flying you want to be able to make some fly your self and hopefully stop them from flying in the other direction. So your solution is to take guns away. Offer a criminal penalty for the possesion of the weapons. These kids that are doing the school shootings are either dying or ending up in prison for life. The penalty for what they have done did not stop them from doing the act nor will a little jail time stop them from getting a gun. They were willing to die, 6 months in jail will stop nothing they will still get thier gun, do the dastardly deed and all you get is the loss of rights and loss of the ability to effect your own destiny! Until the cops have precognition they can opnly punish after the fact. This does not save yours or any ones lives!
TWENTY school shootings this year and it's not even June and there's a fight against checking mental health?? And BTW I do have a marksman medal around my house somewhere ,,Almost made sharpshooter
People kill people firearms have nothing to do with it
And there's no way to at least cut it down ?
Funny how that "logic" is only applied to guns.
Funny how you think guns kill people on their own... that’s your logic
No. What's funny is your utter lack of imagination.

Any problem created by man can be solved by man. Right up until the money from the NRA is factored in. And then man becomes the problem.

You leftists are like a puppet on a string. The Democrat party created this phony boogie man and you people buy it hook, line and sinker. The truth of the matter is that we Republican constituents believe in the Constitution and in particular, gun rights. If the NRA closed up tomorrow, the party would not change it's position.
I doubt that. Without the money from the NRA and without the political scorecard they keep, Republicans would recognize the havoc of gun violence and respond responsibly.
Notice how Trump said he was for all the students at the Texas HS ?? EXCEPT when it comes time to do something
Firearm ownership is none of the fucking federal governments business
No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

Doesn't matter, gun control advocates will still push for gun control which we all know is banning guns and getting rid of the 2nd amendment. They long for total gun bans like other countries have adopted.
When was the last school shooting in Germany, France, UK, Japan, Denmark.... yeah seems like gun laws can really restrict this kind of thing...
Irrelevant, those countries have no right to firearms and certainly have no second amendment...
What the fuck are you smoking? No one said take our children. You better check your self before you reck your self!You look back thru past posts and you will find that me and Ray and Rustic argue more than we agree. What is different between us is we enjoy argueing and some times agreeing. We do not give a shit about spelling what we care about is the itteration of ideas. Through out the history of all our posts thru out the years we have been chatting not one of us has ever offered our children up for any thing! We do not tow a party line we have our own ideas. Go ahead and ask Ray and Rustic they are commonly on the other side as me! Some times we fall on the same side it's rare but it happens
But all NRA supporters are against anything that might help
Help, help what? I know poor people that still shoot a good percentage of their meat intake. I carried an M-16 around twenty four seven for what seemed like a never ending training period. I got tired of carrying it and cleaning it. Then training was over and I was sent some where that bullets fly. I can attest from experience that when the bullets start flying you want to be able to make some fly your self and hopefully stop them from flying in the other direction. So your solution is to take guns away. Offer a criminal penalty for the possesion of the weapons. These kids that are doing the school shootings are either dying or ending up in prison for life. The penalty for what they have done did not stop them from doing the act nor will a little jail time stop them from getting a gun. They were willing to die, 6 months in jail will stop nothing they will still get thier gun, do the dastardly deed and all you get is the loss of rights and loss of the ability to effect your own destiny! Until the cops have precognition they can opnly punish after the fact. This does not save yours or any ones lives!
TWENTY school shootings this year and it's not even June and there's a fight against checking mental health?? And BTW I do have a marksman medal around my house somewhere ,,Almost made sharpshooter
People kill people firearms have nothing to do with it
And there's no way to at least cut it down ?
What you’re saying is like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, Sure it looks like you’re doing something but it helps no one.
These mass shootings are the product of crazy people, these crazy people have been vaccinated, medicated, products of the breakdown of the traditional American family along with social media have made for a perfect storm of fucked up people.
You can’t kill the weeds without killing the root first...
Most firearms are legally owned by law-abiding people, it makes for a safe nation if there is more firearms in this nation legally.
Last edited:
But all NRA supporters are against anything that might help
Help, help what? I know poor people that still shoot a good percentage of their meat intake. I carried an M-16 around twenty four seven for what seemed like a never ending training period. I got tired of carrying it and cleaning it. Then training was over and I was sent some where that bullets fly. I can attest from experience that when the bullets start flying you want to be able to make some fly your self and hopefully stop them from flying in the other direction. So your solution is to take guns away. Offer a criminal penalty for the possesion of the weapons. These kids that are doing the school shootings are either dying or ending up in prison for life. The penalty for what they have done did not stop them from doing the act nor will a little jail time stop them from getting a gun. They were willing to die, 6 months in jail will stop nothing they will still get thier gun, do the dastardly deed and all you get is the loss of rights and loss of the ability to effect your own destiny! Until the cops have precognition they can opnly punish after the fact. This does not save yours or any ones lives!
TWENTY school shootings this year and it's not even June and there's a fight against checking mental health?? And BTW I do have a marksman medal around my house somewhere ,,Almost made sharpshooter
People kill people firearms have nothing to do with it
And there's no way to at least cut it down ?
What you’re saying is like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, Shirt looks like you’re doing something but it helps no one.
These mass shootings are the product of crazy people, these crazy people have been vaccinated, medicated, products of the breakdown of the traditional American family along with social media have made for a perfect storm of fucked up people.
You can’t kill the weeds without killing the root first...
Most firearms are legally owned by law-abiding people, it makes for a seat for nation if there is more firearms in this nation legally.
In the latest killings weren't the weapons owned by the father ? They were legal I'd put the dumb sob in jail with his moron kid
Help, help what? I know poor people that still shoot a good percentage of their meat intake. I carried an M-16 around twenty four seven for what seemed like a never ending training period. I got tired of carrying it and cleaning it. Then training was over and I was sent some where that bullets fly. I can attest from experience that when the bullets start flying you want to be able to make some fly your self and hopefully stop them from flying in the other direction. So your solution is to take guns away. Offer a criminal penalty for the possesion of the weapons. These kids that are doing the school shootings are either dying or ending up in prison for life. The penalty for what they have done did not stop them from doing the act nor will a little jail time stop them from getting a gun. They were willing to die, 6 months in jail will stop nothing they will still get thier gun, do the dastardly deed and all you get is the loss of rights and loss of the ability to effect your own destiny! Until the cops have precognition they can opnly punish after the fact. This does not save yours or any ones lives!
TWENTY school shootings this year and it's not even June and there's a fight against checking mental health?? And BTW I do have a marksman medal around my house somewhere ,,Almost made sharpshooter
People kill people firearms have nothing to do with it
And there's no way to at least cut it down ?
What you’re saying is like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, Shirt looks like you’re doing something but it helps no one.
These mass shootings are the product of crazy people, these crazy people have been vaccinated, medicated, products of the breakdown of the traditional American family along with social media have made for a perfect storm of fucked up people.
You can’t kill the weeds without killing the root first...
Most firearms are legally owned by law-abiding people, it makes for a seat for nation if there is more firearms in this nation legally.
In the latest killings weren't the weapons owned by the father ? They were legal I'd put the dumb sob in jail with his moron kid
Yes, people kill people firearms cannot. More frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul
No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

Doesn't matter, gun control advocates will still push for gun control which we all know is banning guns and getting rid of the 2nd amendment. They long for total gun bans like other countries have adopted.
When was the last school shooting in Germany, France, UK, Japan, Denmark.... yeah seems like gun laws can really restrict this kind of thing...

It has nothing to do with the gun laws unless you can prove a kid in Germany or France wanted to kill everybody in school but was unable to because he couldn't find a gun.
Funny how that "logic" is only applied to guns.
Funny how you think guns kill people on their own... that’s your logic
No. What's funny is your utter lack of imagination.

Any problem created by man can be solved by man. Right up until the money from the NRA is factored in. And then man becomes the problem.

You leftists are like a puppet on a string. The Democrat party created this phony boogie man and you people buy it hook, line and sinker. The truth of the matter is that we Republican constituents believe in the Constitution and in particular, gun rights. If the NRA closed up tomorrow, the party would not change it's position.
I doubt that. Without the money from the NRA and without the political scorecard they keep, Republicans would recognize the havoc of gun violence and respond responsibly.
Notice how Trump said he was for all the students at the Texas HS ?? EXCEPT when it comes time to do something

Do something like what? Schools are run locally and it's up the people of that city, town or state to do something--not the federal government.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....

How about “law abiding gun owners” secure their guns instead of leaving them lying around for their psycho kid to grab?

Dad should be charged .
You finally said something that makes sense

Dad should definitely be charged. We need to go after anyone who arms these killers, they clearly need an incentive to be more responsible with their arms.
Didn't the courts overturn a law that gun owners needed to secure their weapons (I think it was in D.C.). The courts said you can't tell a man what to do inside his castle. So I don't think holding Dad accountable will fly in the long run.
TBH, I think the Dad will suffer for the rest of his life about this. Imagine if it were your kid who did this. It must be nearly insufferable.

You do have a point. If a kid gets into the liquor cabinet at home, gets drunk, and grabs his car getting into a fatal accident, you don't blame the parents because the kid stole booze.
Shit happens, and no amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that...

Funny how that "logic" is only applied to guns.
Funny how you think guns kill people on their own... that’s your logic
No. What's funny is your utter lack of imagination.

Any problem created by man can be solved by man. Right up until the money from the NRA is factored in. And then man becomes the problem.

You leftists are like a puppet on a string. The Democrat party created this phony boogie man and you people buy it hook, line and sinker. The truth of the matter is that we Republican constituents believe in the Constitution and in particular, gun rights. If the NRA closed up tomorrow, the party would not change it's position.
I doubt that. Without the money from the NRA and without the political scorecard they keep, Republicans would recognize the havoc of gun violence and respond responsibly.

How? By implementing commie regulations of the left? I asked this before, but I need to ask it again:

In the past, the left has complained about high capacity magazines, AR's, even all semi-automatic weapons. Now lets say the Republicans acted on that and made all AR's, semi-automatic weapons, and high capacity magazines illegal. Would you be satisfied with the results of this last school shooting? Would you say we did enough, because this kid didn't use an AR, high capacity magazines or a semi-automatic?

Of course not, you would be looking to ban something else; maybe revolvers next. And when the next mass murder takes place, ban another thing.

It's not going to stop because IT'S NOT THE GUNS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, it's the people that are a problem. All gun bans could possibly do is stop a killer from using a particular gun, but that's not going to stop the killer.
Funny how that "logic" is only applied to guns.
Funny how you think guns kill people on their own... that’s your logic
No. What's funny is your utter lack of imagination.

Any problem created by man can be solved by man. Right up until the money from the NRA is factored in. And then man becomes the problem.

You leftists are like a puppet on a string. The Democrat party created this phony boogie man and you people buy it hook, line and sinker. The truth of the matter is that we Republican constituents believe in the Constitution and in particular, gun rights. If the NRA closed up tomorrow, the party would not change it's position.
I doubt that. Without the money from the NRA and without the political scorecard they keep, Republicans would recognize the havoc of gun violence and respond responsibly.

How? By implementing commie regulations of the left? I asked this before, but I need to ask it again:

In the past, the left has complained about high capacity magazines, AR's, even all semi-automatic weapons. Now lets say the Republicans acted on that and made all AR's, semi-automatic weapons, and high capacity magazines illegal. Would you be satisfied with the results of this last school shooting? Would you say we did enough, because this kid didn't use an AR, high capacity magazines or a semi-automatic?

Of course not, you would be looking to ban something else; maybe revolvers next. And when the next mass murder takes place, ban another thing.

It's not going to stop because IT'S NOT THE GUNS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, it's the people that are a problem. All gun bans could possibly do is stop a killer from using a particular gun, but that's not going to stop the killer.
Common sense does not apply to progressives... They’re all a bunch of fucked in the head control freaks
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....

How about “law abiding gun owners” secure their guns instead of leaving them lying around for their psycho kid to grab?

Dad should be charged .
You finally said something that makes sense

Dad should definitely be charged. We need to go after anyone who arms these killers, they clearly need an incentive to be more responsible with their arms.
Didn't the courts overturn a law that gun owners needed to secure their weapons (I think it was in D.C.). The courts said you can't tell a man what to do inside his castle. So I don't think holding Dad accountable will fly in the long run.
TBH, I think the Dad will suffer for the rest of his life about this. Imagine if it were your kid who did this. It must be nearly insufferable.

You do have a point. If a kid gets into the liquor cabinet at home, gets drunk, and grabs his car getting into a fatal accident, you don't blame the parents because the kid stole booze.
But the parents are still responsible for the acts of their minor children
No, but there is clearly something specific to males in this. How many of these shooters are male? Like 99%,

Yes, it's called TESTOSTERONE!

Hard as it is for Progressives to believe, there is a major difference between male and female.

Viva la différence!
Right. Obama was making school officials not do their jobs right after he got done making your boss cancel your health insurance. Obama is hiding behind every bush. Watch out, Obama might pop out and get you!!!

The PROMISE program was praised by the Obama administration and the Broward school district was awarded $54 million in grants from the $4 billion 'Race to the Top' initiative.

On Feb. 28 Sunshine State News reported possible ways the school system's PROMISE Program, and the aims behind it,
may have stopped confessed shooter Nikolas Cruz from being arrested well before he killed 14 students and three teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School -- despite numerous allegations of criminal behavior. The PROMISE Program’s goal is to reduce the number of students arrested for minor infractions. But the pursuit of that goal may have stopped Cruz from entering the criminal justice system before carrying out the massacre on Valentine’s Day.

Are you starting to learn something now, or are you just going to keep making excuses for your Mulatto Prince?

When you have TWO conditional clauses in a sentence, you really don't have an argument.

Either the program stopped Cruz from being arrested, or it didn't.

Or more likely, he just didn't do anything serious enough to get arrested for. Unless they outlawed being a mopey teenager recently.
Unfortunaetly both sides have contributed to the drugging of our children. I blame pharma for that! You can believe this when I tell ya, pharma has spread the money to boith sides of the fence on that one! We have some bi-partisian support to sue pharma in Ohio right now. I believe this is a step in the right direction to sorting this mess out. Unfortunbately we can all look in the mirror and take some responsibilty for this one. Parents, teachers and the governemt has failed thier children on this one. We were all here and share some responsibilty!

First, find a spellcheck program.

More importantly, what are you going to sue a pharmaceutical company for doing? I do think that like cigarettes and hard alcohol, advertising of prescription drugs should be prohibited.

No, "everyone" is NOT responsible. Children are no longer held accountable for their behavior, nor are their parents. Instead of working to be parents or teachers, GIVE THEM A DRUG!

I hold the government more responsible than anyone. Beginning with the Lyndon Johnson War on Poverty and Great Society we began to reward bad behavior and punish good behavior. We punish married couples and reward single parents, we reward them even more if they have a child, two and even more reward. Although no one cares who raises the kids and who teaches them morals and builds their character.

Saying that we all share some responsibility is a coward way out of holding anyone responsible.
Ya, passing the buck on responsibility makes you a hero! Get bent!
Don't take my guns??? But you can take my children?? Republicans are bonkers
What the fuck are you smoking? No one said take our children. You better check your self before you reck your self!You look back thru past posts and you will find that me and Ray and Rustic argue more than we agree. What is different between us is we enjoy argueing and some times agreeing. We do not give a shit about spelling what we care about is the itteration of ideas. Through out the history of all our posts thru out the years we have been chatting not one of us has ever offered our children up for any thing! We do not tow a party line we have our own ideas. Go ahead and ask Ray and Rustic they are commonly on the other side as me! Some times we fall on the same side it's rare but it happens
But all NRA supporters are against anything that might help
There was a time in the 80's and 90's when the NRA did some good ,,showed youngsters how to handle a weapon how to shoot how to take care ,,,, BUT now they're just an arm of the Republican party
There was a time in the 80's and 90's when the NRA did some good ,,showed youngsters how to handle a weapon how to shoot how to take care ,,,, BUT now they're just an arm of the Republican party

I wouldn't go that far. The NRA was a sensible organization up until the 1970's... when it supported common sense gun laws.

Then the nuts like LaPeirre took over.

This was also about the time that hunting started falling out of fashion as a sport, so the gun industry realized that the home protection market was the way to go.

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