No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

How the fuck can a student walk into school carrying a shotgun?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

He wore a black trenchcoat to school each day, it was a sawed-off shotgun with a pistol grip. That means the stock was sawed off too. Very easy to conceal.


Luckily Texas courts are not going to be lenient , he is going to death row via Huntsville where hopefully he will be buttfucked repeteadly until he is put to death on a faulty electric chair where they will have to zap him several times.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....

Of course not. There's just nothing we can do about these shootings.

Given your viewpoint that the only solution is more laws punishing law-abiding people you are right. But then you knew that already did you not?

You don't know my viewpoint chump. The kid who just killed those people in Texas was a law abiding citizen until he started shooting.
Shit happens, and no amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that...

Funny how that "logic" is only applied to guns.
As soon as the Santa Fe students stand up and say they no longer wish to be shot to death at school, the gun nuts will start calling them bad names.

It's alarmingly sad that when students and other gun violence victims speak their concerns, those enamored in the gun culture circle the wagons and begin demonizing them.

But, it's to be expected from such fearful, gullible people. They fear so they must be armed. They fear so they are compelled by hucksters to build a border wall. They fear so they are led by bigots to expel Muslims. They fear so they demonize gun violence victims. It is just so sad.

But there are too many adults in America to be swayed by such fear. We will not be led, we will not submit to governance by the fearful and the immature haters.

Meme all you like. You have no cogent retort to offer.
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The News Media is complicit in these shootings in a way.

These people who do these things are HUNGRY for attention.....

The Media gives that to them in SPADES....making others craving attention see their path to get theirs.

ALL this media coverage NEEDS TO STOP
The News Media is complicit in these shootings in a way.

These people who do these things are HUNGRY for attention.....

The Media gives that to them in SPADES....making others craving attention see their path to get theirs.

ALL this media coverage NEEDS TO STOP

Stop blaming the media.
The News Media is complicit in these shootings in a way.

These people who do these things are HUNGRY for attention.....

The Media gives that to them in SPADES....making others craving attention see their path to get theirs.

ALL this media coverage NEEDS TO STOP
Good guess but the truth is there’s been amazingly little coordinated study of the psychology behind mass shooters. We do know most mass murders have either been diagnosed with a mental illness or their actions clearly indicated a serious mental problem. We also know mass murders in schools feed off the actions of others. You may see one mass school shooting in a one year and 5 the next and none for several years which does lend credence to your theory that they are starved for attention seek attention of the media.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....

Of course not. There's just nothing we can do about these shootings.

Given your viewpoint that the only solution is more laws punishing law-abiding people you are right. But then you knew that already did you not?

You don't know my viewpoint chump. The kid who just killed those people in Texas was a law abiding citizen until he started shooting.
Shit happens, and no amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that...

Funny how that "logic" is only applied to guns.
Funny how you think guns kill people on their own... that’s your logic
Of course not. There's just nothing we can do about these shootings.

Given your viewpoint that the only solution is more laws punishing law-abiding people you are right. But then you knew that already did you not?

You don't know my viewpoint chump. The kid who just killed those people in Texas was a law abiding citizen until he started shooting.
Shit happens, and no amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that...

Funny how that "logic" is only applied to guns.
Funny how you think guns kill people on their own... that’s your logic
No. What's funny is your utter lack of imagination.

Any problem created by man can be solved by man. Right up until the money from the NRA is factored in. And then man becomes the problem.
Given your viewpoint that the only solution is more laws punishing law-abiding people you are right. But then you knew that already did you not?

You don't know my viewpoint chump. The kid who just killed those people in Texas was a law abiding citizen until he started shooting.
Shit happens, and no amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that...

Funny how that "logic" is only applied to guns.
Funny how you think guns kill people on their own... that’s your logic
No. What's funny is your utter lack of imagination.

Any problem created by man can be solved by man. Right up until the money from the NRA is factored in. And then man becomes the problem.

You leftists are like a puppet on a string. The Democrat party created this phony boogie man and you people buy it hook, line and sinker. The truth of the matter is that we Republican constituents believe in the Constitution and in particular, gun rights. If the NRA closed up tomorrow, the party would not change it's position.
The News Media is complicit in these shootings in a way.

These people who do these things are HUNGRY for attention.....

The Media gives that to them in SPADES....making others craving attention see their path to get theirs.

ALL this media coverage NEEDS TO STOP

Stop blaming the media.

These are all copycat crimes. If we shouldn't blame the media, who should we blame?
That's not what it is at all. It actually has much more to do with being male than either mental health or guns.

So according to you, we should have millions of mass shootings because there are millions of males. Brilliant!

How many of those shooters had mental problems? Serious mental problems. What about them?

No, but there is clearly something specific to males in this. How many of these shooters are male? Like 99%, I'm sure. I'm too lazy to look up the number but I'm pretty confident in that the number of female mass shooters can probably be counted on one hand.

With that in mind, aside from testosterone, why are they pretty much all male (it's not just testosterone, I promise you)? That's the question that needs to be answered.

"Mentally ill" is hard to define. Who counts? People with depression? Then that's an enormous number of people. An enormous number of women. Is it ... what, people with schizophrenia and actual mental illness? Pretty sure most shooters don't have severe mental illness. They are just socially disordered individuals.
Go hang out there you will see. If you are in Cleveland it is not a far drive. I am heart broken the way it is. I grew up there it was some of the best hunting and fishing in the state. You would not believe the size of the deer due to all the corn feilds. You look at the statistics they publish which are bull shit! My mother was a big wig at Human services and was privy to some stats the locals fooled with. Like the fact that there was seventy five rapes commited in a bathroom at east view park. This was not made public and it continued. They finaly caught the guy who had done most of them, but till then they just let mothers send their children into that bathroom. Isee the the face book pleas for prayers of my freinds children that are currently in rehab, i see next to no one in their twenties up town on a friday night because they are laying waisted in some garage on the west side lying in thier own puke.
Firearms have never been the problem, socialist behavior always seems to have its roots into violence.
Unfortunately life aint that simple. Socialism can not be the problem where no socialist exist!
PS it aint the guns either! It is the idiot holding the gun that is at issue! You have noticed I am pro gun rights, right!
Like I said it’s medicated kids in a socialist environment, results in crazies.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul.
We have no real freedom in this country because of socialism…
Unfortunaetly both sides have contributed to the drugging of our children. I blame pharma for that! You can believe this when I tell ya, pharma has spread the money to boith sides of the fence on that one! We have some bi-partisian support to sue pharma in Ohio right now. I believe this is a step in the right direction to sorting this mess out. Unfortunbately we can all look in the mirror and take some responsibilty for this one. Parents, teachers and the governemt has failed thier children on this one. We were all here and share some responsibilty!

The other side of that coin is that there are people suffering dearly because physicians are afraid to prescribe pain killers to those who really need them. In desperation, they do turn to street drugs to get what they used to get from their doctor, and in essence, we create another criminal.
Vicious freaking cycle and there is no way to legislate the situation with out some one paying as you pointed some people actualy need the stuff medicaly. IDK if they ever realy needed aderil which I think has been the gateway drug at least for the younger generation.
Unfortunaetly both sides have contributed to the drugging of our children. I blame pharma for that! You can believe this when I tell ya, pharma has spread the money to boith sides of the fence on that one! We have some bi-partisian support to sue pharma in Ohio right now. I believe this is a step in the right direction to sorting this mess out. Unfortunbately we can all look in the mirror and take some responsibilty for this one. Parents, teachers and the governemt has failed thier children on this one. We were all here and share some responsibilty!

First, find a spellcheck program.

More importantly, what are you going to sue a pharmaceutical company for doing? I do think that like cigarettes and hard alcohol, advertising of prescription drugs should be prohibited.

No, "everyone" is NOT responsible. Children are no longer held accountable for their behavior, nor are their parents. Instead of working to be parents or teachers, GIVE THEM A DRUG!

I hold the government more responsible than anyone. Beginning with the Lyndon Johnson War on Poverty and Great Society we began to reward bad behavior and punish good behavior. We punish married couples and reward single parents, we reward them even more if they have a child, two and even more reward. Although no one cares who raises the kids and who teaches them morals and builds their character.

Saying that we all share some responsibility is a coward way out of holding anyone responsible.
Ya, passing the buck on responsibility makes you a hero! Get bent!
Unfortunaetly both sides have contributed to the drugging of our children. I blame pharma for that! You can believe this when I tell ya, pharma has spread the money to boith sides of the fence on that one! We have some bi-partisian support to sue pharma in Ohio right now. I believe this is a step in the right direction to sorting this mess out. Unfortunbately we can all look in the mirror and take some responsibilty for this one. Parents, teachers and the governemt has failed thier children on this one. We were all here and share some responsibilty!

First, find a spellcheck program.

More importantly, what are you going to sue a pharmaceutical company for doing? I do think that like cigarettes and hard alcohol, advertising of prescription drugs should be prohibited.

No, "everyone" is NOT responsible. Children are no longer held accountable for their behavior, nor are their parents. Instead of working to be parents or teachers, GIVE THEM A DRUG!

I hold the government more responsible than anyone. Beginning with the Lyndon Johnson War on Poverty and Great Society we began to reward bad behavior and punish good behavior. We punish married couples and reward single parents, we reward them even more if they have a child, two and even more reward. Although no one cares who raises the kids and who teaches them morals and builds their character.

Saying that we all share some responsibility is a coward way out of holding anyone responsible.
Ya, passing the buck on responsibility makes you a hero! Get bent!
Don't take my guns??? But you can take my children?? Republicans are bonkers
Unfortunaetly both sides have contributed to the drugging of our children. I blame pharma for that! You can believe this when I tell ya, pharma has spread the money to boith sides of the fence on that one! We have some bi-partisian support to sue pharma in Ohio right now. I believe this is a step in the right direction to sorting this mess out. Unfortunbately we can all look in the mirror and take some responsibilty for this one. Parents, teachers and the governemt has failed thier children on this one. We were all here and share some responsibilty!

First, find a spellcheck program.

More importantly, what are you going to sue a pharmaceutical company for doing? I do think that like cigarettes and hard alcohol, advertising of prescription drugs should be prohibited.

No, "everyone" is NOT responsible. Children are no longer held accountable for their behavior, nor are their parents. Instead of working to be parents or teachers, GIVE THEM A DRUG!

I hold the government more responsible than anyone. Beginning with the Lyndon Johnson War on Poverty and Great Society we began to reward bad behavior and punish good behavior. We punish married couples and reward single parents, we reward them even more if they have a child, two and even more reward. Although no one cares who raises the kids and who teaches them morals and builds their character.

Saying that we all share some responsibility is a coward way out of holding anyone responsible.
Ya, passing the buck on responsibility makes you a hero! Get bent!
Don't take my guns??? But you can take my children?? Republicans are bonkers
What the fuck are you smoking? No one said take our children. You better check your self before you reck your self!You look back thru past posts and you will find that me and Ray and Rustic argue more than we agree. What is different between us is we enjoy argueing and some times agreeing. We do not give a shit about spelling what we care about is the itteration of ideas. Through out the history of all our posts thru out the years we have been chatting not one of us has ever offered our children up for any thing! We do not tow a party line we have our own ideas. Go ahead and ask Ray and Rustic they are commonly on the other side as me! Some times we fall on the same side it's rare but it happens
Unfortunaetly both sides have contributed to the drugging of our children. I blame pharma for that! You can believe this when I tell ya, pharma has spread the money to boith sides of the fence on that one! We have some bi-partisian support to sue pharma in Ohio right now. I believe this is a step in the right direction to sorting this mess out. Unfortunbately we can all look in the mirror and take some responsibilty for this one. Parents, teachers and the governemt has failed thier children on this one. We were all here and share some responsibilty!

First, find a spellcheck program.

More importantly, what are you going to sue a pharmaceutical company for doing? I do think that like cigarettes and hard alcohol, advertising of prescription drugs should be prohibited.

No, "everyone" is NOT responsible. Children are no longer held accountable for their behavior, nor are their parents. Instead of working to be parents or teachers, GIVE THEM A DRUG!

I hold the government more responsible than anyone. Beginning with the Lyndon Johnson War on Poverty and Great Society we began to reward bad behavior and punish good behavior. We punish married couples and reward single parents, we reward them even more if they have a child, two and even more reward. Although no one cares who raises the kids and who teaches them morals and builds their character.

Saying that we all share some responsibility is a coward way out of holding anyone responsible.
Ya, passing the buck on responsibility makes you a hero! Get bent!
Don't take my guns??? But you can take my children?? Republicans are bonkers
What the fuck are you smoking? No one said take our children. You better check your self before you reck your self!You look back thru past posts and you will find that me and Ray and Rustic argue more than we agree. What is different between us is we enjoy argueing and some times agreeing. We do not give a shit about spelling what we care about is the itteration of ideas. Through out the history of all our posts thru out the years we have been chatting not one of us has ever offered our children up for any thing! We do not tow a party line we have our own ideas. Go ahead and ask Ray and Rustic they are commonly on the other side as me! Some times we fall on the same side it's rare but it happens
But all NRA supporters are against anything that might help

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