No Hebrew, Please — This Is Europe


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No Hebrew, Please — This Is Europe

January 7, 2013
By Bruce Bawer


As Europe’s demography changes, governments have to start systemically educating their citizens that hating Jews is not ok, and that it is unjustifiable. This means going beyond Holocaust education and getting into touchy, hard topics such as Israel and Palestine. If the hate, fear and loathing come from today’s political situation, states have the obligation to make sure their citizens are not being brought up on a diet of racism. That starts with educating each and every child.


No Hebrew, Please
The Bleak Prospects for Europe’s Jews

June 26, 2013
By P. David Hornik


A new report by Dr. Dov Maimon of the Jerusalem-based Jewish People Policy Planning Institute paints a bleak picture for European Jewry. As Maimon puts it delicately, “European Jewish life has quite possibly reached a negative inflexion point.”

Jews in Europe seem to be caught between the hammer of persecution by Muslims and the anvil of “post-multicultural” native-European animosity toward both Jews and Muslims as “outsiders, clinging to backward, unsavory rituals and beliefs.”

Maimon notes some results of a forthcoming large-scale survey of European Jews by an EU agency. One-fourth had experienced anti-Semitic harassment in the year preceding the survey; 7 percent had undergone physical attacks or threats over the past five years.


The raw hatred of Jobbik and Golden Dawn on the one hand, and the “subtle political and legal ejection [of Jewishness] from the public sphere” on the other, are two sides of the same coin. Add the often violent antagonism of the Muslim-immigrant communities, and it’s not a pretty picture.

The Bleak Prospects for Europe?s Jews | FrontPage Magazine
i dont think i unnerstand what this is about ppl are discremenated all the time why is it spesal when it happen to jewish ppl??? i never get that

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