No Jewish-Arab dating please, we’re Israeli racists


Feb 6, 2010
Just in case you’re thinking the apartheid state of Israel can’t get any more racist, think again.

Take a look at this, for example, reported by the Times of Israel. It’s a hotline that has just been launched in Israel enabling members of the public to inform on Jewish women who are dating Arab men “so that they can be persuaded to end the relationship”.

When called, a recording on the Lehava [anti-assimilation organization] hotline says the service is meant to “save the daughters of Israel”. In addition to offering support for women, the line also provides the names and telephone numbers of Arab men that the organization suspects of dating Jewish women.

Callers to the hotline are given a number of choices from a menu in which a recorded voice refers to a non-Jewish man as a “goy”, a derogatory term for a non-Jew.

“If you are in contact with a goy and need assistance, press 1,” is the first option offered by the service, which continues by asking callers if they wish to inform on others.

“If you know a girl who is involved with a goy and you want to help her, press 2,” the voice recording says.

The service then asks for information about non-Jewish men who are in relationships with Jews.

“If you know of a goy who masquerades as a Jew or is harassing Jewish women, or of locations where there is an assimilation problem, press 3”…

The fourth option is for those wanting to donate or help out, while the fifth provides the Hebrew names of several women who, according to the service, are in need of prayers to save them from their relationships with non-Jews…

The recommended prayer… beseeches the Almighty “to put proper understanding in the heart of the woman” and that she should go “from darkness to light, from slavery to redemption”…

According to the chairman of the apartheid Lehava organization, Bentzi Gupstein,Gupstein, since the launch of the hotline 10 Jewish women have been “saved”.
No Jewish-Arab dating please, we?re Israeli racists | Redress Information & Analysis

well we have ten names of israeli girls who put out, Maggy is not one of them
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When a Muslim woman starts dating a Jewish guy, she has about 100% chance to be stoned, tortured, or killed by her husband or father.

you see many Arab men dating Jewish girls, but never the other way around.

No need to ask why is that.

So why don't you go whining someplace else.

The 'racism' you talk about it common to both Arab and Jewish people
When a Muslim woman starts dating a Jewish guy, she has about 100% chance to be stoned, tortured, or killed by her husband or father.

What does your Bible have to say about adultery ?
Dare we even mention that if the people involved are Palestinian and Jew that they're both Semites?

Makes no sense.
When a Muslim woman starts dating a Jewish guy, she has about 100% chance to be stoned, tortured, or killed by her husband or father.

What does your Bible have to say about adultery ?

Many things.

How many Jewish women were going through the punishment mentioned in the Bible for adultery?

Jews don't live in the stone age, anymore. That is saved for other ethnic groups
you see many Arab men dating Jewish girls, but never the other way around.

No need to ask why is that.

Perhaps Arabic women are virtuous and the Jewish girls enjoy a good shagging.
Perhaps Arabic men are better in bed than Jewish men.
Perhaps Jewish men shag around so much, the incidence of HIV is far too great a risk to consider a shag.
Perhaps Jewish girls are simply easier to get to bed so, men being men, the Arabs just fancy a fuck and the Jewish girls drop their knickers on the first date.
Perhaps Jewish men aren't gentlemen and have no idea how to treat a lady properly.
Perhaps there are far too many gay Jewish men so the Jewish women have to go outside their religion to find a man who's penis doesn't taste of bum chocolate.

Of course, I'm being sarcastic; the real reason is probably far simpler.

I suspect Israeli society is sexually more open than Arabic society and women tend to be more open (in the legs area) so Arabic men, just as all men, go when they can get pussy (See any night club in any country).
That and, in a mixed society, people will mix, regardless of their racist government and racist groups within that society.

Racial or religious mixing happens all over the world and, as in Israel, there are groups who hate the people to get together because hate is their thing and love beats hate.
you see many Arab men dating Jewish girls, but never the other way around.

No need to ask why is that.

Perhaps Arabic women are virtuous and the Jewish girls enjoy a good shagging.
Perhaps Arabic men are better in bed than Jewish men.
Perhaps Jewish men shag around so much, the incidence of HIV is far too great a risk to consider a shag.
Perhaps Jewish girls are simply easier to get to bed so, men being men, the Arabs just fancy a fuck and the Jewish girls drop their knickers on the first date.
Perhaps Jewish men aren't gentlemen and have no idea how to treat a lady properly.
Perhaps there are far too many gay Jewish men so the Jewish women have to go outside their religion to find a man who's penis doesn't taste of bum chocolate.

Of course, I'm being sarcastic; the real reason is probably far simpler.

I suspect Israeli society is sexually more open than Arabic society and women tend to be more open (in the legs area) so Arabic men, just as all men, go when they can get pussy (See any night club in any country).
That and, in a mixed society, people will mix, regardless of their racist government and racist groups within that society.

Racial or religious mixing happens all over the world and, as in Israel, there are groups who hate the people to get together because hate is their thing and love beats hate.
Is that you, Indofreud?
you see many Arab men dating Jewish girls, but never the other way around.

No need to ask why is that.

Perhaps Arabic women are virtuous and the Jewish girls enjoy a good shagging.
Perhaps Arabic men are better in bed than Jewish men.
Perhaps Jewish men shag around so much, the incidence of HIV is far too great a risk to consider a shag.
Perhaps Jewish girls are simply easier to get to bed so, men being men, the Arabs just fancy a fuck and the Jewish girls drop their knickers on the first date.
Perhaps Jewish men aren't gentlemen and have no idea how to treat a lady properly.
Perhaps there are far too many gay Jewish men so the Jewish women have to go outside their religion to find a man who's penis doesn't taste of bum chocolate.

Of course, I'm being sarcastic; the real reason is probably far simpler.

I suspect Israeli society is sexually more open than Arabic society and women tend to be more open (in the legs area) so Arabic men, just as all men, go when they can get pussy (See any night club in any country).
That and, in a mixed society, people will mix, regardless of their racist government and racist groups within that society.

Racial or religious mixing happens all over the world and, as in Israel, there are groups who hate the people to get together because hate is their thing and love beats hate.
Could it be, Freddie, that there are parents all over the world who don't want their children dating and/or marrying Muslim men? In fact, I will tell you a true story about a Muslim family living in the New York area. The father is a Muslim from a country in Northern Africa, and the mother is from a Scandanavian country. The father was happy to see his two daughters marry Christian men because he saw how Muslim men treated his daughters when they dated them, and felt the daughters would be better off with Christian men who would treat them so much better (I don't think there are any videos on the Net of Christian, Jewish, Buddhist or Hindu clergymen instructing the men how to beat their wives). As to his son, he didn't care who his son married because at least he felt his daughters were safe from being mistreated. Now, Freddie, perhaps you can tell us why there are Muslim prostitutes in Southeast Asia who cater to Muslim men. I guess they give the Muslim men a good shagging, especially the young ones from Southeast Asia who are imported into Saudi Arabia (that virtuous kingdom) for a good shagging. By the way, folks, on a previous forum covering Pakistan, the Hindu men thought Muslim girls were real easy and they had a good time shagging them. Maybe Freddie just wasn't lucky to be shagging any Muslim girls. Gee, it seems like Freddie Boy must be familiar with a lot of different penises if he says that some taste of burnt chocolate. By the way, Freddie, I wonder if you can tell us why Muslim men kidnap, rape and force young Hindus and Christian girls to convert in Southeast Asia.
This kind of reminds me of a wonderfull movie I watched.."Arranged" which two young girls, an orthodox jew and a muslim became friends, both facing the dilemma of matchmakers and arranged marriages. Good movie, funny poignant and happy ending. :)

I highly recommend it - modern day culture clashes between the values of the elders and modern youngsters.
Could it be, Freddie, that there are parents all over the world who don't want their children dating and/or marrying Muslim men? In fact, I will tell you a true story about a Muslim family living in the New York area. The father is a Muslim from a country in Northern Africa, and the mother is from a Scandanavian country. The father was happy to see his two daughters marry Christian men because he saw how Muslim men treated his daughters when they dated them, and felt the daughters would be better off with Christian men who would treat them so much better.

Some Muslim men are total bastards who treat women as slaves; most are not.
Some Christian men are total bastards who treat women as slaves; most are not.
Some Jewish men are total bastards who treat women as slaves; most are not.

Your stereotype is either based on hatred, stupidity or lack of education.

a husband may beat his wife to prevent her from sinning, which includes cursing him or his parents.
Al Qurán? Nope, Torah. Responsa Binyamin Ze’ev, no. 88

So, what was that about holy books and instructions on wife beating?

I only know of one case (First hand) where a Muslim man beat his wife.
That man was not at all welcome in our village, he couldn't get a job and had to beg the local village leader to allow him to live in his own house.
Hardly an indication. Muslim men beat their wives.

Of course, that doesn't suggest there are very few Muslim men who beat their wives, I'm bloody sure there are lots but I equally suspect the percentage is about the same as Jewish or Christian men who are nasty enough to do it.

Your silly attempt to make out this is a "Muslim"problem is about as pathetic as it is stupid.
Add another possibility to my previous list of sarcasm; maybe Jewish men beat up ladies so the girl hunt for more gentlemanly Arabs.

After all, there is a massive rape culture in Israel so maybe the girls are just trying to avoid being assaulted.
you see many Arab men dating Jewish girls, but never the other way around.

No need to ask why is that.

Perhaps Arabic women are virtuous and the Jewish girls enjoy a good shagging.
Perhaps Arabic men are better in bed than Jewish men.
Perhaps Jewish men shag around so much, the incidence of HIV is far too great a risk to consider a shag.
Perhaps Jewish girls are simply easier to get to bed so, men being men, the Arabs just fancy a fuck and the Jewish girls drop their knickers on the first date.
Perhaps Jewish men aren't gentlemen and have no idea how to treat a lady properly.
Perhaps there are far too many gay Jewish men so the Jewish women have to go outside their religion to find a man who's penis doesn't taste of bum chocolate.

Of course, I'm being sarcastic; the real reason is probably far simpler.

I suspect Israeli society is sexually more open than Arabic society and women tend to be more open (in the legs area) so Arabic men, just as all men, go when they can get pussy (See any night club in any country).
That and, in a mixed society, people will mix, regardless of their racist government and racist groups within that society.

Racial or religious mixing happens all over the world and, as in Israel, there are groups who hate the people to get together because hate is their thing and love beats hate.

love always beats hate.

However, it doesn't beat domestic abuse
you see many Arab men dating Jewish girls, but never the other way around.

No need to ask why is that.

Perhaps Arabic women are virtuous and the Jewish girls enjoy a good shagging.
Perhaps Arabic men are better in bed than Jewish men.
Perhaps Jewish men shag around so much, the incidence of HIV is far too great a risk to consider a shag.
Perhaps Jewish girls are simply easier to get to bed so, men being men, the Arabs just fancy a fuck and the Jewish girls drop their knickers on the first date.
Perhaps Jewish men aren't gentlemen and have no idea how to treat a lady properly.
Perhaps there are far too many gay Jewish men so the Jewish women have to go outside their religion to find a man who's penis doesn't taste of bum chocolate.

Of course, I'm being sarcastic; the real reason is probably far simpler.

I suspect Israeli society is sexually more open than Arabic society and women tend to be more open (in the legs area) so Arabic men, just as all men, go when they can get pussy (See any night club in any country).
That and, in a mixed society, people will mix, regardless of their racist government and racist groups within that society.

Racial or religious mixing happens all over the world and, as in Israel, there are groups who hate the people to get together because hate is their thing and love beats hate.

love always beats hate.

However, it doesn't beat domestic abuse

I disagree, I believe love always wins.
love always beats hate.

However, it doesn't beat domestic abuse

It does not, so I propose an alternative.
Any man convicted of beating his wife or children should face public flogging.
His tears and screams, in full public view, may well remind him what his actions cause.
Perhaps Arabic women are virtuous and the Jewish girls enjoy a good shagging.
Perhaps Arabic men are better in bed than Jewish men.
Perhaps Jewish men shag around so much, the incidence of HIV is far too great a risk to consider a shag.
Perhaps Jewish girls are simply easier to get to bed so, men being men, the Arabs just fancy a fuck and the Jewish girls drop their knickers on the first date.
Perhaps Jewish men aren't gentlemen and have no idea how to treat a lady properly.
Perhaps there are far too many gay Jewish men so the Jewish women have to go outside their religion to find a man who's penis doesn't taste of bum chocolate.

Of course, I'm being sarcastic; the real reason is probably far simpler.

I suspect Israeli society is sexually more open than Arabic society and women tend to be more open (in the legs area) so Arabic men, just as all men, go when they can get pussy (See any night club in any country).
That and, in a mixed society, people will mix, regardless of their racist government and racist groups within that society.

Racial or religious mixing happens all over the world and, as in Israel, there are groups who hate the people to get together because hate is their thing and love beats hate.

love always beats hate.

However, it doesn't beat domestic abuse

I disagree, I believe love always wins.

When you love your husband, but he beats, curses, and rapes you, what does your love worth in that case?
Jews are hardly alone in having deeply religious people object to their daughters marrying outside of their faith.

Then too, there is plenty of anti-non-Jew racism (really its more ethnocentrism, because this prejudice really isn't about RACE, it's about culture) in much of the Jewish community.
love always beats hate.

However, it doesn't beat domestic abuse

It does not, so I propose an alternative.
Any man convicted of beating his wife or children should face public flogging.
His tears and screams, in full public view, may well remind him what his actions cause.

Glad we agree.

Well, I cannot agree. That illustration takes me straight to the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery. She was taken before Jesus to be stoned. He said let the one guilty of no sin throw the first stone. When noone did, he said to the woman go and sin no more.

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