No Labels + more primary challenges are needed for better elections


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
We are headed towards yet another Presidential Election where too many voters will be voting against another candidate rather than for candidate. This will definitely be the case if we end up with Trump vs. Biden Harris.

I would like to see viable Independents play a force to shape the elections and positively impact Democrat and Republican platforms.

We are headed towards yet another Presidential Election where too many voters will be voting against another candidate rather than for candidate. This will definitely be the case if we end up with Trump vs. Biden Harris.

I would like to see viable Independents play a force to shape the elections and positively impact Democrat and Republican platforms.

You can’t get more challengers and reduce the influence of parties without solving the money hurdle problem. Without being beholden to someone, a candidate can’t usually get the kind of funding they need, so you get party stalwarts or narcissistic billionaires.
We are headed towards yet another Presidential Election where too many voters will be voting against another candidate rather than for candidate. This will definitely be the case if we end up with Trump vs. Biden Harris.

I would like to see viable Independents play a force to shape the elections and positively impact Democrat and Republican platforms.

I would like to see Americans vote for a vision, principles, for what is good for America and Americans. That is what got Trump elected the first time. And because he actually did or was in the process of doing what he said he would do, many will vote for him again.

He is not ideological or partisan and yes, sometimes he is petulant, obnoxious, unlikable. But he delivered on his campaign promises to accomplish good things for America and Americans. If people voted for principles and policy instead of personality or party, voted for results and effect instead of partisanship, we would all be far better off.
I would like to see Americans vote for a vision, principles, for what is good for America and Americans.

You won't find that in the "No Labels" bunch.....They're as narcissistic and authoritarian a bunch as you'll find, not-so-cleverly wrapped in plain brown paper.
If people voted for principles and vision instead of personality or party, voted for results and effect instead of partisanship, we would all be far better off.
Those people aren't even allowed to speak...Look what they did to Ron Paul in '12.
I would like to see Americans vote for a vision, principles, for what is good for America and Americans. That is what got Trump elected the first time. And because he actually did or was in the process of doing what he said he would do, many will vote for him again.

He is not ideological or partisan and yes, sometimes he is petulant, obnoxious, unlikable. But he delivered on his campaign promises to accomplish good things for America and Americans. If people voted for principles and policy instead of personality or party, voted for results and effect instead of partisanship, we would all be far better off.
If he’d concentrated on ‘repeal and replace’ instead of a border wall, he might still be president.
This is the only no label I want

We are headed towards yet another Presidential Election where too many voters will be voting against another candidate rather than for candidate. This will definitely be the case if we end up with Trump vs. Biden Harris.

I would like to see viable Independents play a force to shape the elections and positively impact Democrat and Republican platforms.

No labels is a republican run spoiler operation, not a third party.
"No labels" = the same milquetoast soft authoritrian drips who stand for nothing, who made a Trump possible.
Call it no labels or true Independent…. Without influence from either Democrats or Republicans.
Call it no labels or true Independent…. Without influence from either Democrats or Republicans.
They're not "true independents"....They're a bunch of milksop lefty republicans, with a few lefty drips like Manchin and Lieberman thrown in as "diversity" tokens.

Hogan, Collins, Huntsman are all remarkable in their unremarkability and mediocrity.....Hardly the kind of people who are going to be at the center of any great political groundswell.
You won't find that in the "No Labels" bunch.....They're as narcissistic and authoritarian a bunch as you'll find, not-so-cleverly wrapped in plain brown paper.

Those people aren't even allowed to speak...Look what they did to Ron Paul in '12.
I am not a party person as such though right now, as bad as they are, I do believe the GOP would not be as destructive to America and Americans as the Democrats have been so I will be voting straight ticket in 2024.

Trump is equally hated by Democrats and old guard Republicans because he actually did what he said he would do, something we haven't seen for quite some time. If he didn't succeed on the first try he kept trying until he found a solution, something else American politicians almost never do. They try once and if they fail they put that on the shelf with a shrug and a "I tried."

The only thing Biden/his regime keep pushing are mostly things that most Americans don't want. But most Americans aren't informed about that as most MSM reports only what they are told to report and protect the downsides of the current administration as much as they can.

When you have a non political, non partisan, non ideological upstart like Donald Trump come in and do what those others said could not be done, things they did not have the will or courage to do, and the results were fantastically good, they resent that person mightily. Even hate him. They will use immoral, indefensible, even illegal means to destroy/nullify him.

I wish Trump wasn't so sometimes obnoxious and even unlikable at times, but America--everybody in the world--needs more people with his will to actually accomplish good things for the people, the country, the world instead of looking to their own interests. But again the MSM did not inform the people of what he was being accomplished because they report only what they are told to report by the Democrats, old guard GOP, deep state.
But it didn’t get him re-elected.
If we had a free and objective press, Biden would have gotten maybe 10% of the vote. But we don't. So those who want to believe Trump was terrible were told that again and again and again by a dishonest MSM and knew little or nothing of what he actually accomplished for all of us.
I am not a party person as such though right now, as bad as they are, I do believe the GOP would not be as destructive to America and Americans as the Democrats have been so I will be voting straight ticket in 2024.

Trump is equally hated by Democrats and old guard Republicans because he actually did what he said he would do, something we haven't seen for quite some time. If he didn't succeed on the first try he kept trying until he found a solution, something else American politicians never do. They try once and if they fail they put that on the shelf with a shrug and a "I tried."

The only thing Biden/his regime keep pushing are mostly things that most Americans don't want. But most Americans aren't informed about that as most MSM reports only what they are told to report and protect the downsides of the current administration as much as they can.

When you have a non political, non partisan, non ideological upstart like Donald Trump come in and do what those others said could not be done, things they did not have the will or courage to do, and the results were fantastically good, they resent that person mightily. Even hate him. Go to immoral, indefensible, even illegal means to destroy/nullify him.

I wish Trump wasn't so sometimes obnoxious and even unlikable at times, but America--everybody in the world--needs more people with his will to actually accomplish good things for the people, the country, the world instead of looking to their own interests. But again the MSM did not inform the people of what he was being accomplished because they report only what they are told to report by the Democrats, old guard GOP, deep state.
The obnoxiousness is part of the draw, IMO.

In my completely unscientific query of my Trumpster bar customers, his willingness to punch back at people who go after him charted very high in the reasons that he was supported.

Not saying it's right or wrong, it's just the answer I often got.
I would like to see Americans vote for a vision, principles, for what is good for America and Americans. That is what got Trump elected the first time. And because he actually did or was in the process of doing what he said he would do, many will vote for him again.

He is not ideological or partisan and yes, sometimes he is petulant, obnoxious, unlikable. But he delivered on his campaign promises to accomplish good things for America and Americans. If people voted for principles and policy instead of personality or party, voted for results and effect instead of partisanship, we would all be far better off.
I believe all of that ^^^ to be blind partisan nonsense. So, you won't get over this hurdle with many voters. :dunno: Best of luck.
The obnoxiousness is part of the draw, IMO.

In my completely unscientific query of my Trumpster bar customers, his willingness to punch back at people who go after him charted very high in the reasons that he was supported.

Not saying it's right or wrong, it's just the answer I often got.
Yes, many hard core Patriots like and defend his demeanor. But far too many tend to rate stage presence, demeanor, personality as being more important as more difficult things to quantify like policy, vision, intuition, aptitude, agenda. And to those people who are more shallow in their perspective tend to find Trump's demeanor off putting.
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I am not a party person as such though right now, as bad as they are, I do believe the GOP would not be as destructive to America and Americans as the Democrats have been so I will be voting straight ticket in 2024
Then to me, you are a party person.
We are headed towards yet another Presidential Election where too many voters will be voting against another candidate rather than for candidate. This will definitely be the case if we end up with Trump vs. Biden Harris.

I would like to see viable Independents play a force to shape the elections and positively impact Democrat and Republican platforms.

If a third party can't win then they have zero influence over who is elected, which is what has already been happening for decades and even centuries. And, political platforms are nothing but a pile of horse shit.

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