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No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

If I were a Gazan resident and war was impending I would get my family out of there to where Hamas told me was safe so us innocents wouldn't get caught up in the mayhem. Ooops, wait, um, Hamas don't want to protect the civilians. In fact they rejoice silently when the civilians are dead.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_UBc96u50k]Hamas Barbaric Tactics To Blame Israel For "War Crimes" (GAZA) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0wJXf2nt4Y]Hamas - Human Shield Confession - YouTube[/ame]
This was written April of 2009

"We are told that Parash Hill, near Sderot, with views across lush green fields to Gaza City with the Mediterranean Sea beyond, was full of*Israeli sightseers*during the Gaza assault. They came with their families, binoculars, cameras with zoom lenses, and picnic baskets to watch Israeli F-16s, Apache helicopters, and unmanned drones fire missiles into residential neighborhoods, destroying buildings and slaughtering their terrified inhabitants. They gather on this "Hill of Shame" to view the carnage in the distance, celebrating the death and destruction, justifying the killing of children by saying, "When they grow up they'll also probably be terrorists."

Wide Asleep in America: The Rotten Orchard, April 6, 2009

"WE ARE TOLD" ROFLMAO ------who told you? you got ---at the very least ----
a snap shot of the "celebrations"???? jihado isa respecting dogs get stupider
every day
Amnesty Intl carried out an investigation of Cast Lead and issued a over 100 page report entitled Cast Lead 22 Days of Death and Destruction that can be viewed on their website.

The article below addresses some of their findings.

Amnesty accuses Israel of using human shields in Gaza

By Leigh Baldwin (AFP) –*Jul 1, 2009*

JERUSALEM (AFP) — "Amnesty International on Thursday accused Israeli forces of war crimes, saying they used children as human shields and conducted wanton attacks on civilians during their offensive in the Gaza Strip."

"The London-based human rights group also accused Hamas of war crimes, but said it found no evidence that the Islamist rulers of Gaza used civilians as human shields during the 22-day offensive Israel launched on December 28."

AFP: Amnesty accuses Israel of using human shields in Gaza
The Jews are not Pagans, Jos. They worship the same God I believe in.

The jews do not worship the false deity Jesus like the christian do. . :cool:

Why such an obsession with the Jews? The Jews are not Pagans. This has been established already..

Are you not following a false deity in Issa? You do realize Issa is not Jesus of the bible but a false god right? It is true, Sunni. Issa is the antithesis of Jesus in the Bible. It is a false christ. Issa is not Jesus Christ. It is a false god deity.
#1) I never said or implied that the Jews were Pagans.

#2) Muslim's do not consider Jesus to a deity; nor do they worship Jesus; he was a sinless Prophet and a man......nothing more and nothing less. . :cool:
Amnesty Intl carried out an investigation of Cast Lead and issued a over 100 page report entitled Cast Lead 22 Days of Death and Destruction that can be viewed on their website.

The article below addresses some of their findings.

Amnesty accuses Israel of using human shields in Gaza

By Leigh Baldwin (AFP) –*Jul 1, 2009*

JERUSALEM (AFP) — "Amnesty International on Thursday accused Israeli forces of war crimes, saying they used children as human shields and conducted wanton attacks on civilians during their offensive in the Gaza Strip."

"The London-based human rights group also accused Hamas of war crimes, but said it found no evidence that the Islamist rulers of Gaza used civilians as human shields during the 22-day offensive Israel launched on December 28."

AFP: Amnesty accuses Israel of using human shields in Gaza

That organisation is a complete joke. No credibility at all.
Last edited:
Hamas did not use civilians as human shields in Cast Lead, the claim was investigated and rejected by multiple human rights groups to include Amnesty Intl and HRW and Btselem. The Goldstone Report did not find Hamas using civilians as human shields either.

All of these organizations found Israel unlawfully used Palestinian civilians as human shields. Israel even used children as human shields.

Zionists are addicted to the practice of projecting their very own war crimes onto their victims.
Hamas did not use civilians as human shields in Cast Lead, the claim was investigated and rejected by multiple human rights groups to include Amnesty Intl and HRW and Btselem. The Goldstone Report did not find Hamas using civilians as human shields either.

All of these organizations found Israel unlawfully used Palestinian civilians as human shields. Israel even used children as human shields.

Zionists are addicted to the practice of projecting their very own war crimes onto their victims.

Middle East Policy Council | The Gaza War, Congress and International Humanitarian Law

Alternative Information Center (AIC) - New Human Rights Report: White Flag Deaths?Killings of Palestinian Civilians during Operation Cast Lead
it is a matter of SEMANTICS-----in order to discuss the issue of 'HUMAN SHIELDS" ----
first one would have to DEFINE 'human shields" In order to exonerate the murderous
hamas pigs of using "human shields"-----on would have to LEGALIZE----the creation of an
ARENA OF WAR in areas which are inhabited by civilians. which is what the idiots did----
ie they legalized shooting baby brain smashing bombs FROM the cribs of Gazan infants ---
Amnesty Intl carried out an investigation of Cast Lead and issued a over 100 page report entitled Cast Lead 22 Days of Death and Destruction that can be viewed on their website.

The article below addresses some of their findings.

Amnesty accuses Israel of using human shields in Gaza

By Leigh Baldwin (AFP) –*Jul 1, 2009*

JERUSALEM (AFP) — "Amnesty International on Thursday accused Israeli forces of war crimes, saying they used children as human shields and conducted wanton attacks on civilians during their offensive in the Gaza Strip."

"The London-based human rights group also accused Hamas of war crimes, but said it found no evidence that the Islamist rulers of Gaza used civilians as human shields during the 22-day offensive Israel launched on December 28."

AFP: Amnesty accuses Israel of using human shields in Gaza

That organisation is a complete joke. No credibility at all.

Oh, you say that about everyone who does not suck up to Israel.

BTW, The Goldstone Report found the same thing.
Amnesty Intl carried out an investigation of Cast Lead and issued a over 100 page report entitled Cast Lead 22 Days of Death and Destruction that can be viewed on their website.

The article below addresses some of their findings.

Amnesty accuses Israel of using human shields in Gaza

By Leigh Baldwin (AFP) –*Jul 1, 2009*

JERUSALEM (AFP) — "Amnesty International on Thursday accused Israeli forces of war crimes, saying they used children as human shields and conducted wanton attacks on civilians during their offensive in the Gaza Strip."

"The London-based human rights group also accused Hamas of war crimes, but said it found no evidence that the Islamist rulers of Gaza used civilians as human shields during the 22-day offensive Israel launched on December 28."

AFP: Amnesty accuses Israel of using human shields in Gaza

That organisation is a complete joke. No credibility at all.

Oh, you say that about everyone who does not suck up to Israel.

BTW, The Goldstone Report found the same thing.

Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and war crimes

By Richard Goldstone,April 01, 2011

We know a lot more today about what happened in the Gaza war of 2008-09 than we did when I chaired the fact-finding mission appointed by the U.N. Human Rights Council that produced what has come to be known as the Goldstone Report. If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document.

The allegations of intentionality by Israel were based on the deaths of and injuries to civilians in situations where our fact-finding mission had no evidence on which to draw any other reasonable conclusion.

While the investigations published by the Israeli military and recognized in the U.N. committee’s report have established the validity of some incidents that we investigated in cases involving individual soldiers, they also indicate that civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy.

For example, the most serious attack the Goldstone Report focused on was the killing of some 29 members of the al-Simouni family in their home.

The shelling of the home was apparently the consequence of an Israeli commander’s erroneous interpretation of a drone image, and an Israeli officer is under investigation for having ordered the attack.

While the length of this investigation is frustrating, it appears that an appropriate process is underway, and I am confident that if the officer is found to have been negligent, Israel will respond accordingly.

The purpose of these investigations, as I have always said, is to ensure accountability for improper actions, not to second-guess, with the benefit of hindsight, commanders making difficult battlefield decisions.

Full article here
Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and war crimes - Washington Post
He is a Jew, which explains that article.

The investigation stands, he was not the only contributor to the UN Report.
He is a Jew, which explains that article.

The investigation stands, he was not the only contributor to the UN Report.

Poor sherri remains DESPERATE-------"the investigation stands" as what?????
the investigation was an investigation------it produced DATA-----
in all decent inquiry -----THE DATA STANDS AS DATA-----its interpretation
is always subject to the issues of -----ADDITIONAL DATA

read a decent peer reveiwed journal now and then, sherri
I wonder how many shekels the Israeli juden payed Goldstone to change his report?? . :cool:

And the fact is he really did not and cannot change his report. It was a commissioned report and others contributed to it, as well. Once submitted to the UN by the Commission it was done.
I wonder how many shekels the Israeli juden payed Goldstone to change his report?? . :cool:

The other day you criticized me for what you claimed was a run-on sentence, so I feel i can say I would think that you would be able to spell a simple word like "paid." Now prove to the readers that the Jews paid Goldstone to change his report? Are you privy to Goldstone's bank statements? It is pathetic how the Goldstone report is constantly discussed since during that time period between then and now, so many more Muslims have been murdered by their fellow Muslims. It sounds like the Goldstone Report is the soup du jour for the Jew haters while they ignore what has been going on since then when it comes to the atrocities committed by Muslims. It's almost like we have someone like the "White Widow" along with her fellow believers posting here.
sherri might be clever enough to infiltrate VOM who knows who sherri really is

VOM is a Christian organization that meticulously goes over every application and you have to be interviewed, provide letters of recommendation, provide the name of your church, your pastors contact information, etc. I was a supporting member with VOM for almost 10 years before they contacted me to request I come to work for their Ministry, Rosie. They do not accept volunteers for positions that would give the volunteer access to information that would endanger new converts or put other VOM workers at risk. They promote from within and they look at people who have been members for many years and have a solid record. * I declined the offer from them as I was in prison ministry at the time.

oh thanks for the information Jeremiah-----I had no idea. Does it favor a particular
sect? Sherri has CLAIMED to be a baptist. I find it hard to believe----I have
never met a Baptist who thought the word ZION was invented in 1897. Baptist
churches ROCK with songs that include hebrew words-----very lively. I think
Elvis was a baptist------I have to admit---his pronunciation of the hebrew
words that show up in some of his songs-----NEEDED HELP (of course I should
not talk------there are people who tell me to give up when I try to speak hebrew)

speaking of prisons-----there is an article in AOL news about the christian minister
in an Iranian jail------they seem to have put him in an EVEN WORSE one.
I doubt that sherri will initiate a WORLD WIDE FAST for his release

Yes, well some of the people that Sherri defends are in alliance with those in Iran who persecute Christians such as the Iranian pastor who has been put in a very dangerous jail. Yes.

I do not believe Sherri is a Christian, Rose. I am sorry but by her actions, words and deeds on this board I find no evidence of it. Therein I would not listen to a word she says in her attempts to use the bible to justify her actions here. I believe Paul warned us about those who would use the gospel for evil purposes and she is an example of it. I won't have anything to do with someone who is purposely trying to destroy the reputation of Jesus Christ and His followers. It is an evil thing to do. If she were ever a christian I would have to say 2 Peter 2:20-22 applies and it would have been better for her to have never known the ways of righteousness than to have known it and departed from it for preference of what she has involved herself in now.

It is written: The dog has returned unto his own vomit again, and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. - 2 Peter 2: 22

- Jeri
VOM is a Christian organization that meticulously goes over every application and you have to be interviewed, provide letters of recommendation, provide the name of your church, your pastors contact information, etc. I was a supporting member with VOM for almost 10 years before they contacted me to request I come to work for their Ministry, Rosie. They do not accept volunteers for positions that would give the volunteer access to information that would endanger new converts or put other VOM workers at risk. They promote from within and they look at people who have been members for many years and have a solid record. * I declined the offer from them as I was in prison ministry at the time.

oh thanks for the information Jeremiah-----I had no idea. Does it favor a particular
sect? Sherri has CLAIMED to be a baptist. I find it hard to believe----I have
never met a Baptist who thought the word ZION was invented in 1897. Baptist
churches ROCK with songs that include hebrew words-----very lively. I think
Elvis was a baptist------I have to admit---his pronunciation of the hebrew
words that show up in some of his songs-----NEEDED HELP (of course I should
not talk------there are people who tell me to give up when I try to speak hebrew)

speaking of prisons-----there is an article in AOL news about the christian minister
in an Iranian jail------they seem to have put him in an EVEN WORSE one.
I doubt that sherri will initiate a WORLD WIDE FAST for his release

Yes, well some of the people that Sherri defends are in alliance with those in Iran who persecute Christians such as the Iranian pastor who has been put in a very dangerous jail. Yes.

I do not believe Sherri is a Christian, Rose. I am sorry but by her actions, words and deeds on this board I find no evidence of it. Therein I would not listen to a word she says in her attempts to use the bible to justify her actions here. I believe Paul warned us about those who would use the gospel for evil purposes and she is an example of it. I won't have anything to do with someone who is purposely trying to destroy the reputation of Jesus Christ and His followers. It is an evil thing to do. If she were ever a christian I would have to say 2 Peter 2:20-22 applies and it would have been better for her to have never known the ways of righteousness than to have known it and departed from it for preference of what she has involved herself in now.

It is written: The dog has returned unto his own vomit again, and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. - 2 Peter 2: 22

- Jeri

Sherri is a Muslim, not a Christian.

She said Insah Allah on post 157 on here, and no Christian would wish that.


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