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No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

If Jesus came back today.....he would side with the Palestinians and destroy the zionist christians and jews. . :cool:

He would destroy your Al-Aqsa Mosque which defiles Israel's holiest area, and all the Islamists will perish. And I can't wait to see that happy day. Islam is a scourge on humanity and needs to be destroyed.
Jesus would welcome Christians such as Sherri to sit at his right hand and dine at the table of righteous people. .. :cool:

Sherri symbolizes what a 'real' christian should represent to the world.

And like Jesus, she is mocked and ridiculed for standing up for the poor and oppressed people. . :cool:
Sherri symbolizes what a 'real' christian should represent to the world.

And like Jesus, she is mocked and ridiculed for standing up for the poor and oppressed people. . :cool:

Sherri is not Christian, she is a Muslim. It is obvious to everyone but you.
Sherri is on the side of Jesus and the righteous.

Of that there is no doubt......... :cool:

Seeing as you don't have a clue about a lot of things, evident from your views on here, then you will excuse us if we consider your view of Sherri a load of crap.
Sherri is on the side of Jesus and the righteous.

Of that there is no doubt......... :cool:

Seeing as you don't have a clue about a lot of things, evident from your views on here, then you will excuse us if we consider your view of Sherri a load of crap.
...............^^^ the Juden hate any Christian who isn't a rabid zionist. . :cool:
"...She suffers from membership in the cult called Christian Zionism..."
Better than Christian Islamism.

"...She cannot help herself..."
Neither can Christian-Islamists.

"...It is sad to see what she does to Scriptures..."
Ditto for the hypocrisy manifested by Christian-Islamists.

"...Notice, she avoids addressing the thread topic using her babbling about Scriptures to divert from the thread topic..."
That's OK. Christian-Islamists divert from the thread-topic by insulting and belaboring their colleagues, too.

"...Best to ignore her babbling..."

But even better to ignore the babblings of Christian-Islamists.

At least Christian-Zionists are not Fifth Columnists and cannot be considered turncoats against their own people and their friends.

"...Chapter 3 of Goliath we see how Zionist leaders in various parties vie with the public to demonstrate who is more blood thirsty, as Cast Lead rages on. As the killing in Gaza is ongoing, the blood of more Palestinians and the party who will give Zionists their greatest desires fulfilled is who they turn to to support In looming elections..."
Sounds like this Goliath-interpreter is experiencing difficulty keeping his-or-her feet on the ground and not giving way to heady flights of paranoia-fancy.

"...What is it about killing that always brings out in the public the desire for more blood?..."
Depends on who's getting killed, I'm sure.

If it's Good Guys, the public grieves.

If it's Bad-Guys, the public either shrugs or rejoices, depending on how Bad they are.

Much of the public assented or rejoiced in seeing the destruction and killing of Palestinian rocket launchers and launch-teams and border-tunnels and militia units and militia bases and leadership cadre after so foolishly choosing to cancel a truce between Hamas and the IDF.

The public is usually right about such things.

It's always unfortunate when civilians are killed alongside the Organized Bad Guys but when Hamas et al place their war-assets and personnel in such close proximity to their civilians on such an intentional and cowardly basis, well, you're gonna inflict civilian casualties when you're eventually forced to go after them, and the destruction of those war-targets is an imperative, worth some collateral casualties on the Bad Guy side of the fence rather than suffering more civilian casualties on your own side.

Of course, coldly, callously, and with prior malevolent calculation, the Hamas Bad Guys intentionally placed those war-assets amongst its civilian population, and with tremendous post facto malevolent persistence and spin-doctoring, the Bad Guys and their Useful Tools will make great political grist out of the deaths of their own civilians, for the sake of imagery and public relations and The Cause - hypocritically cloaking their cold, calculating propaganda in a false and easily penetrable veil of righteousness and indignant outrage.

"...I will never forget the war between Israel and the civilians in Lebanon and the 24/7 news coverage we had on FOX and CNN and MSNBC..."
I was not aware that Hezbollah in Lebanon were considered 'civilians'; rather, I was under the impression that the US, the UK, the EU and others classified Hezbollah as an armed militia and terror organization, but I could be wrong.

"...As civilians were dying in Lebanon, you could feel the hate in the air for those being killed in the US..."
As Hezbollah militia units were being destroyed, most sane people who understand the dangers inherent in such terror organizations, were, indeed, confident that a disagreeable but necessary thing was being done in order to prune-back Hezbollah and cull the herd of the (then) current crop of terrorists and their supporters.

"...Such is the power in killing and hate..."
Indeed. It is oftentimes turned back upon you, when you provoke and initiate, such as Hezbollah and Hamas are oftentimes wont to do.

The comical aspect unfolds later, as these Haters and Killers - Hamas and Hezbollah - get their asses kicked, and then piss and moan and whine about it interminably and petulantly, for years on-end afterwards, while they're resting up as prelude to starting trouble and getting their asses kicked all over again.

"...But that , thank God , is not how the story ends."

The Israeli Good Guys put the Hezbollah Bad Guys in their place during the past several over-the-bordern incursions or interventions, and the Israeli Good Guys put the Hamas Bad Guys in their place during the course of Operation Cast Lead and other interventions.

Thank God... as God wills it (that's "Inshallah" in your parlance).
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Sherri's christian example and demeanor should be a role model for all of the christians on the board. .. :thup:

I'm sure that Muslims would like nothing better than for the entire Christian world to go docile and bend-over and 'take one' from the Muslims, or to stand idly by while the Muslims slaughter the Jews.

Jesus will just have to understand and forgive the Christians for standing their ground against Militant Islam.
Sherri's christian example and demeanor should be a role model for all of the christians on the board. .. :thup:

I'm sure that Muslims would like nothing better than for the entire Christian world to go docile and bend-over and 'take one' from the Muslims, or to stand idly by while the Muslims slaughter the Jews.

Jesus will just have to understand and forgive the Christians for standing their ground against Militant Islam.
And, a special shout-out to Sunni Man...

For neg-repping me for the above post...

That serves to inform me that I struck a nerve of some kind and that it was probably just about the right level of resistance to a suggestion that the Christian world should all lie down like meek lambs and accept whatever the Muslims care to dish-out to the Jews (and beyond).

Not the first time that I've seen a Muslim chide Christians for not following the Never-Commit-Violence teachings of their Founder while overlooking the OK-to-Commit-Violence-Under-Condition-A-or-B teachings of Islam's Founder, in an attempt to hamstring those within Christendom (The West) who would advocate resistance in the face of such attempts at subversion of Western willpower.

I'll wear that little piece of Neg-Rep like a badge of honor, gratefully. Much obliged.

Our alliance with and support for Israel is merely one facet of that broader culture-clash between The West and Militant Islam, and, of course, provides us (The West, in general, and the US, specifically) with an Early Warning System and tripwire, and advance storage-depots and staging-bases, to meet more serious threats from Militant Islam as these continue to emerge in the region. Part of a regime of 'preventive medicine'.

That worthwhile alliance includes support for the Israelis when they counterstrike against Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

From both an Israeli and Western perspective, that's more like Pest Control than anything else.
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I'm sure that Muslims would like nothing better than for the entire Christian world to go docile and bend-over and 'take one' from the Muslims, or to stand idly by while the Muslims slaughter the Jews.

Jesus will just have to understand and forgive the Christians for standing their ground against Militant Islam.

That serves to inform me that I struck a nerve of some kind and that it was probably just about the right level of resistance to a suggestion that the Christian world should all lie down like meek lambs and accept whatever the Muslims care to dish-out to the Jews (and beyond).

Not the first time that I've seen a Muslim chide Christians for not following the Never-Commit-Violence teachings of their Founder while overlooking the OK-to-Commit-Violence-Under-Condition-A-or-B teachings of Islam's Founder, in an attempt to hamstring those within Christendom (The West) who would advocate resistance in the face of such attempts at subversion of Western willpower.

EXCELLENT INSIGHT kondor. LONG LONG ago ----when I was young:(

once I informed the muslims I encountered (new comers to the USA) that
I am a jew------I got to hear their insight on christians-----UTTER SCORN!!!!
mostly because of that utterly CONTEMPTABLE ---'turn the cheek doctrine"
Interestingly enough-----Adolf abu ali expressed the same notion -----
complaining "IT'S SO JEWISH"

Maybe you noticed-----for about the past 25 years there is a concerted
effort for meccaists to struggle to COZY up ----to christians-----.
Obviously that means no longer spitting on everything reported in the
new testament as the words of Jesus-----PUBLICALLY.

The cozy up between american and european nazis and meccaists is
nothing new-------nor is the idea that Jesus was really a muslim new.
What is VERY NEW-----is the SUDDEN acceptance of words found in
the new testament . When I first encountered muslims-----and first
entered a mosque the CONSENSUS was that the new testament is
a pile of excrement and -----the REAL JESUS would spit on it (--actually--
in the mosques, such remains the teaching)
"...Not the first time that I've seen a Muslim chide Christians for not following the Never-Commit-Violence teachings of their Founder while overlooking the OK-to-Commit-Violence-Under-Condition-A-or-B teachings of Islam's Founder, in an attempt to hamstring those within Christendom (The West) who would advocate resistance in the face of such attempts at subversion of Western willpower..."
Excellent insight Kondor...
Thanks... every once-in-a-while I get lucky.
What if they have "Defiled" themselves with men?

Are you now going to accuse God of being a liar in order to justify yourselves? No. These men are holy as the Bible describes them as undefiled. Undefiled means undefiled, Jos. It is not wise to joke about such things. There are warnings against it in Scripture.
The so called 144,000 undefiled jewish men is a Christian fantasy supposedly written in a book by an unknown man named John and based on a vivid dream. . :cool:

Actually John writes of these Jews in of the final book of the New Testament, Sunni. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Not based on a vivid dream at all. It's bible prophecy.
I desire every American know of Israels human rights abuses in Palestine and shall keep doing everything I can think to do to bring these Truths into the Light.

And I am not alone.

You're not? Please show me another Christian on this board that is doing what you are doing, Sherri. You cannot. Do you understand why that is? Because Christians are not to defend the House of Esau in its persecution of the House of Jacob. Christians are supposed to be sharing the love of Jesus Christ with others and preaching the truth from the Word of God. Not promoting hatred and violence against the Jewish people. We are to have no part in the works of darkness but are called to expose and reprove them, Sherri. I can find no example of a Christian in the bible doing what you are doing here. None.

Our focus is not to be on a nation or a people group or any other thing but Jesus Christ. You were called to defend the truth, to contend for the faith, to preach the Word. Not to defend and excuse terrorism against the Lords brethren in Israel. This is not something Jesus would approve of. This is not something ANY bible believing Christian would approve in. Therein you are alone. You're in error here. If you did not claim to be a believer I would not point it out to you but as you claim to be one I am commanded by scripture to do so. - Jeri
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sunni----are you still there? Jeremiah does give us the benefit of
her erudition on the bible.------I learned something-----I thought
the book was written by JOHN THE BAPTIST-------I was very wrong.
---its another john-------and according to wikki-----was written in GREEK
originally. It is not clear to me what that "DEFILED" means One
would have to know greek. ----and a bit about the POV of the John
who wrote the book

Since Jeremiah is so generious with her stuff------how about you SHARE---
and tell us how the KHUTBAH JUMAAT went yesterday. There are some
people in my town who are very generous with SHARING------one of the
attendants at the local gas station SHARES khutbah info with hubby all the

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