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No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

Jeremiah----sunni does not recognize the G-d to whom you refer. In fact
is taught in the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling-----that the writings
to which you refer are entirely fraudulent------and created and recreated
simply to dispute islam. Thus he is not impressed. His expression is
entirely consistent with his creed. As to BULLYING----it is virtually the essence of
his creed and entirely pleasing to his "god"

I learned about islam from muslims who immediately took me for a christian---
so I learned their view of jews------but candid kid that I was I always corrected
that misapprehension-----then I learned their view of christians. The most
prominent criticism of the christian description of Jesus-----(which proves what liars christians are) is the "turn the cheek" doctrine. Since Jesus was a muslim----
that "turn the cheek" thing MUST BE IMPOSSIBLE------he would have been an
eager rapist and murderer -----in order to be favored by heaven, You would have
had to have been there-----to appreciate the SCORN

I appreciate your sharing your experience, Rosie. I learn alot from you. I also learn alot by the enemies tactics and how he tries to come in - what he uses - how he uses it, etc.

It became apparent to me that Goliath was a bully when I read the account of his challenge to Saul's army. The signs were obvious. The army became immobilized, they were suffering from intimidation, propaganda and lies hurled at their G-d. They were like Elijah in that moment who ran from the bully Jezebel ( because it took a Jehu spirit to take her down! ) not realizing he was under a spiritual attack from baal ( satan ) who was the god Jezebel and her false prophets served.

Jezebel was not a Jew. She married one but she was a Phoenician kings daughter. Her father served Baal as indicated by his name. So did she - Jeze - baal... getting back to Elijah and the spirit intimidating him.. she was a bully!

The satanic spirit indwelling her was after Elijah's anointing and his life and what was the result?

CONFUSION - He cannot think

DEPRESSION - an angel has to come to him to feed him

HOPELESSNESS - he wants to give up

NEGATIVE MINDSET - he thinks he is the only one left and G-d has to tell him I've got 7,000 men who have not bowed their knee to Baal......


HE CANNOT HEAR GOD - final bad news - the absolute worst - he cannot hear the still small voice of God any longer because the enemy has drowned it out through confusion, lies, intimidation - all tactics of the bully - all symptoms of BEING bullied - if one allows it and does not take it on the offense.. WITH THE WRITTEN WORD.

What did David do that the others didn't?

He remembered who His God was and declared it to the enemy. He called on His G-d. He took back what the enemy stole and came up to him full on with the truth that His G-d was greater than the Giant standing in front of him! What was the end result? He killed him with a single stone - because it is "Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit sayeth the LORD"!

Sunni may not know who the G-d of Israel is yet but before this is over I believe there will not be a man, woman or child alive who will not know who the G-d of Israel is nor who His children are. The day is at hand. Even now. G-d will not abandon His own children. He counts it a righteous thing to recompense with trouble those who trouble his anointed. It is recorded in both the old and new testament. It is written: 2 Thessalonians 1: 6

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you.
- 2 Thessalonians 1: 6

Could it be any plainer? No.


Jeremiah----I have a friend---sorta colleague----who is both an orthodox jew and
a neuroscientist. Right under the brow----dead center----is the PITUATARY GLAND

In fact ---surgery in that gland is done----by dissecting directly under the palate---up and
over-----under the upper lip----and UP AND OVER.. Goliath had a pituatary
adenoma. (tumor) which rendered him a victim of GIGANTISM Such people are
around----big, tall, with very prominent jaws-----unmistakable. The theory of my friend is
that the SPOT described as the very spot David got his little rock------is the anatomic
spot of the PITUATARY GLAND. That natural couse of the sickness gigantism---
is that the PITUATARY SELF DESTRUCTS due to a hemorrhage into the pituatary
gland------that often kills the patient. Is that not fascinating? David's little rock brought
about PITUATARY APOPLEXY-------so poetic. Its like the whole affair was a plan---
when little Goliath was in utero and then later----little David was playing with sling-

I just love Divine Providence, Rosie, don't you? :eusa_angel:

I love this story and will have to tell the story to my bible study group. They will be amazed at this discovery! Thank you, Rosie! - Jeri
One of the things that amazed me about Davids brothers is that they thought he was falling into pride! HA! They didn't realize he was boasting in His G-d! I find that amazing because the moment of fear for Saul and his army came was when they "heard" the words of Goliath -

When Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine, they were dismayed, and greatly afraid.
- 1 Samuel 17:11
rule #1 Always listen to Your G-d.

rule #2 Never listen to your enemy.

getting back to David and his brothers - because they had already listened to the enemy they were in unbelief as to how it was going to turn out - they were in fear - so David is speaking faith and they are thinking - he is into pride. That is HIS problem.

Listen to his brother, Eliab! And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spoke unto the men and Eliab's anger kindled against David, and he said, Why did you come down here? and with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know thy pride and the naughtiness of thy heart, for thou has come down so thou mightest see the battle. - 1 Samuel 17: 28

Man! Is David's brother ever off the mark on what is going on! Could he be any more condescending?

Listen to Davids reply!

And David said, What have I done now? Is there not a cause? - 1 Samuel 17: 29

And if that wasn't bad enough, Rosie? The rest of them followed suit with the wrong assumption about David and his motive! Not only that but they went and told King Saul about Davids alleged pride! Typical behavior - there is a lesson in there - some need to figure it out.. - not you though, Rosie -

So what does King Saul do?

He sends for David and says bring him to me! Then what does David tell Saul? And David said unto Saul, Let no man's heart fail because of him, thy servant will go out and fight the Philistine. - 1 Samuel 17: 32

FINALLY! Someone with a backbone! Is ready to do something about this puffed up bully boy giant!

He and King Saul discuss it further, King David tells him about former times the Spirit of the Lord has come upon him in mighty power proving he has the anointing on him ( you don't tear a lamb out of the mouth of a lion and a bear unless G-d is with you ) so David vows to do the same to this Philistine and makes no bones about it. ( in a matter of speech! )

He declares it this way: David said moreover, the LORD that delivereth me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine, And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee. 1 Samuel 17: 37

...........and the rest is history, Rosie! Beautiful story, isn't it? I love these stories and have lived off of them for over 24 years now and I can tell you that today - after many battles - my shield of faith is larger, the Truth is stronger,my spirit is more determined, my soul is more steadfast than it has ever been before! I am enjoying this battle for all it is worth and I believe King David enjoyed the heat of the battle better than anything else too. It's in our blood. G-d put it there. The victory is ours. I like how David always knew he had the victory BEFORE he went into battle. How did he know? G-d told him! That is the way it should be! The Spirit of the Lord is our rear guard! As well as our Guide!

- Jeri
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G-d has reserved 144,000 Hebrew men who have never defiled themselves with a woman

What if they have "Defiled" themselves with men?

Are you now going to accuse God of being a liar in order to justify yourselves? No. These men are holy as the Bible describes them as undefiled. Undefiled means undefiled, Jos. It is not wise to joke about such things. There are warnings against it in Scripture.

You are the liar, not God.

All we see is a Zionist's interpretations of Scripture and I do not call your interpretations truth.
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It is quite obvious that Mrs. Sherri is not interested in what is happening to people elsewhere. I thought the title of this message board was the Middle East Forum, and it is evident that Mrs. Sherri is ohly interested in what is happening in one tiny area of the Middle East (probably only because of Jews) and is not interested in what is happening to Arabs, be they Christians or Muslims, in the rest of the Arab world. Why is that, Frau Sherri? So much has happened and is still happening in the rest of the Middle East, and you appear to have no concern for the people there (perhaps because these countries are ruled by Muslims).

You sound very much like a poster named Hossfly, are you Hossfly?

Do you have a thing to say about the OP?

I have started reading this book on My Kindle and plan to address it further in subsequent posts.

It begins with The Preface and the author addresses how he spent 4 uninterrupted years researching to write the book, from May of 2009 to early 2013. In that time period he lived for months in Ajami, a Palestinian ghetto outside Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem, and Ramallah.
Hossfly is in Washington, DC for the Veterans Day ceremonies. Don't be speculating, motormouth.
It is quite obvious that Mrs. Sherri is not interested in what is happening to people elsewhere. I thought the title of this message board was the Middle East Forum, and it is evident that Mrs. Sherri is ohly interested in what is happening in one tiny area of the Middle East (probably only because of Jews) and is not interested in what is happening to Arabs, be they Christians or Muslims, in the rest of the Arab world. Why is that, Frau Sherri? So much has happened and is still happening in the rest of the Middle East, and you appear to have no concern for the people there (perhaps because these countries are ruled by Muslims).

You sound very much like a poster named Hossfly, are you Hossfly?

Do you have a thing to say about the OP?

I have started reading this book on My Kindle and plan to address it further in subsequent posts.

It begins with The Preface and the author addresses how he spent 4 uninterrupted years researching to write the book, from May of 2009 to early 2013. In that time period he lived for months in Ajami, a Palestinian ghetto outside Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem, and Ramallah.
Hossfly is in Washington, DC for the Veterans Day ceremonies. Don't be speculating, motormouth.

As always, nothing at all to say about the thread topic.
You sound very much like a poster named Hossfly, are you Hossfly?

Do you have a thing to say about the OP?

I have started reading this book on My Kindle and plan to address it further in subsequent posts.

It begins with The Preface and the author addresses how he spent 4 uninterrupted years researching to write the book, from May of 2009 to early 2013. In that time period he lived for months in Ajami, a Palestinian ghetto outside Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem, and Ramallah.
Hossfly is in Washington, DC for the Veterans Day ceremonies. Don't be speculating, motormouth.

As always, nothing at all to say about the thread topic.
If you don't want people going off topic, then don't ask off-topic questions...
Quite simple........

The American media is controlled by the Jews and floods the networks with pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian news propaganda.

So if you think you are seeing the 'truth' reported by any major U.S. network......you are sadly mistaken. . :doubt:

The MSM in the US simply does not report on the daily human rights abuses a part of Israels Occupation of Palestine.

Anyone desiring to know the Truth about Palestine has to go to non MSM US sources to find it.

MSM reporting on Israel/Palestine.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziSTY408h6k]Off the Charts - YouTube[/ame]

Very nice discussion of how US MSM does not report about the conflict fairly.

Alison Weir compares 2001 to 2004 and addresses media reporting of children's deaths and finds great disparities.

In 2001, Israel killed 131 Palestinian children and Palestinians killed 28 Israeli children. The NY Times reported on 125% of Israeli kids deaths (over 100% because same deaths were repetitively reported)and reported only 18% of Palestinian kids deaths. Over 7× reporting of Israeli kids deaths.

In 2004, Israel killed 179 Palestinian kids and Palestinians killed 8 Israeli kids. The Israeli child killing ratio was 22 to 1, compared to Israeli kids killed by Palestinians. ABC reported Israeli kids deaths 9× greater coverage. CBS reported Israeli deaths 13 × greater coverage. NBC reported Israli kids deaths 10× greater reporting.
Chapter 2 of Goliath discusses the peace camp in Israel and their leaders' response to Cast Lead and what happened to the Samoudian family.

This book is brief and concise, the author recites facts he uncovers in his research and he leaves them with the reader to digest.

Chapter 2 The Peace Camp

We learn all the peace camp leaders start out supporting Cast Lead, to include Haim Oron and Amos Oz and David Grossman. Some become wishy washy, at times criticizing the campaign. Not until two weeks into Cast Lead do we see protesters from Peace Now in Israel protesting against Cast Lead.

So much for Israel's peace camp!

We go to Day 7 of Cast Lead, the Givati Brigade invades the densely populated Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City, the goal to turn homes into an IDF base of operations and cut the city off from the rest of the Gaza Strip.

January 4, 2009, the troops burst into the home of Ateya al-Samouni, tossing a percussion grenade into his salon.

Ateya al-Samouni stands with his hands in the air proclaiming himself the owner of the house, he is unarmed and with his Israeli drivers license and ID in his hands. The IDF Forces shoot him and leave him there to bleed to death. 20 family members stand there witnessing all of this, mostly women and children.The IDF opens fire on them, severely wounding a 4 year old child.

About 100 members of the al Samouni family are then carried to a storehouse nearby and forbidden to leave there. The wounded are denied medical care, an ambulance sent by the family is even turned back.

The IDF verifies family members are unarmed and they are told they are bad Arabs. The next day a few family members try to gather firewood and water and are fired upon. Then, the IDF strikes the storehouse with missiles, turning it into rubble. 19 members of the al Samoudi family immediately die and others are bleeding heavily .For 4 days, they are denied medical care and the dead left unattended. When ambulances are finally let in, it is discovered Israel has killed 48 members of the al-Samoudi family. Two children are miraculously dug from under the rubble, still breathing.

Chapter 2 ends addressing how when family members returned to what was left of their homes walls were covered with grafitti. Here are some of the messages left by the IDF "ARabs need 2 die"; "Arabs are pieces of shit"; " 1 is DOWN 999, 999 to go" (last page of Chapter 2).
Imagine if the media reported on all the attacks and murders of Christians in Muslim countries, what an uproar there would be. Basically the only reports people get is from the Internet from Christian organizations operating in the different areas. Mrs. Sherri only seems concerned about what is happening in one tiny part of the world, but imagine if the Christians in American knew what was happening elsewhere.
Chapter 2 of Goliath discusses the peace camp in Israel and their leaders' response to Cast Lead and what happened to the Samoudian family.

This book is brief and concise, the author recites facts he uncovers in his research and he leaves them with the reader to digest.

Chapter 2 The Peace Camp

We learn all the peace camp leaders start out supporting Cast Lead, to include Haim Oron and Amos Oz and David Grossman. Some become wishy washy, at times criticizing the campaign. Not until two weeks into Cast Lead do we see protesters from Peace Now in Israel protesting against Cast Lead.

So much for Israel's peace camp!

We go to Day 7 of Cast Lead, the Givati Brigade invades the densely populated Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City, the goal to turn homes into an IDF base of operations and cut the city off from the rest of the Gaza Strip.

January 4, 2009, the troops burst into the home of Ateya al-Samouni, tossing a percussion grenade into his salon.

Ateya al-Samouni stands with his hands in the air proclaiming himself the owner of the house, he is unarmed and with his Israeli drivers license and ID in his hands. The IDF Forces shoot him and leave him there to bleed to death. 20 family members stand there witnessing all of this, mostly women and children.The IDF opens fire on them, severely wounding a 4 year old child.

About 100 members of the al Samouni family are then carried to a storehouse nearby and forbidden to leave there. The wounded are denied medical care, an ambulance sent by the family is even turned back.

The IDF verifies family members are unarmed and they are told they are bad Arabs. The next day a few family members try to gather firewood and water and are fired upon. Then, the IDF strikes the storehouse with missiles, turning it into rubble. 19 members of the al Samoudi family immediately die and others are bleeding heavily .For 4 days, they are denied medical care and the dead left unattended. When ambulances are finally let in, it is discovered Israel has killed 48 members of the al-Samoudi family. Two children are miraculously dug from under the rubble, still breathing.

Chapter 2 ends addressing how when family members returned to what was left of their homes walls were covered with grafitti. Here are some of the messages left by the IDF "ARabs need 2 die"; "Arabs are pieces of shit"; " 1 is DOWN 999, 999 to go" (last page of Chapter 2).


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Imagine if the media reported on all the attacks and murders of Christians in Muslim countries, what an uproar there would be. Basically the only reports people get is from the Internet from Christian organizations operating in the different areas. Mrs. Sherri only seems concerned about what is happening in one tiny part of the world, but imagine if the Christians in American knew what was happening elsewhere.

Imagine if every American knew about all these crimes against humanity Israel engaged in within Palestine.

Maybe then Americans would demand we stop giving Israel 15 million dollars in aid every single day to kill children and innocent civilians with in Palestine.

All Americans do not close their eyes to these crimes against humanity in Palestine like you do.

Some Americans have a conscience and a heart and a mind and a soul.
You really are a riot, Mrs. Sherri. Here you are obsessing over one tiny, tiny piece of real estate on the planet Earth while some much killing is going on elsewhere. The majority of Americans are for Israel, and they certainly are not for those who send people in to car bomb and suicide bomb innocent people. Leave your house once in a while and go to the nearest large city and ask the people on the street if they are aware of how many Christians are being murdered in Muslim countries, and they will tell you they are not aware of that because it is not covered in our newspapers or on T.V. As for the Palestinians, I wouldn't be surprised if the Shia in Pakistan wouldn't want to trade places with them because they themselves are being car and suicide bombed in their marketplaces, in mosques and at funerals. You certainly do not see this happening to the Palestinians. See, the people who do have a heart and care about others are concerned with what is even happening to Muslims by other Muslims even though they are not Muslims themselves. They are not obsessing over Palestine the way you do because they don't hate the Jews as you do. They try to look at the big picture which covers an awful lot of real estate.
I desire every American know of Israels human rights abuses in Palestine and shall keep doing everything I can think to do to bring these Truths into the Light.

And I am not alone.
  • Thanks
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Chapter 3 of Goliath is entitled Blood For Votes and is all about Israeli elections scheduled in January of 2009.

Obviously, Cast Lead was initiated at the time it was purposefully to use the military operations for support in these elections.

The different parties are discussed and how they used nationalism to try to get votes for their parties.

The candidates all tried to claim they were the toughest on Palestinians.

I am not that interested in the workings of right wing fascist governments, so I am not discussing this chapter further.

Suffice it to say, all candidates vied for each other over who would subject Palestinians to the worse treatment, as if war crimes were a badge of honor to proudly display.

G-d has reserved 144,000 Hebrew men who have never defiled themselves with a woman

What if they have "Defiled" themselves with men?

Are you now going to accuse God of being a liar in order to justify yourselves? No. These men are holy as the Bible describes them as undefiled. Undefiled means undefiled, Jos. It is not wise to joke about such things. There are warnings against it in Scripture.

Your bible babble is like voodoo, it only works if you believe it does, oh and you posted the whole word God :eusa_angel:this time, do you need to say hail mary's or something?:lol:
What if they have "Defiled" themselves with men?

Are you now going to accuse God of being a liar in order to justify yourselves? No. These men are holy as the Bible describes them as undefiled. Undefiled means undefiled, Jos. It is not wise to joke about such things. There are warnings against it in Scripture.

Your bible babble is like voodoo, it only works if you believe it does, oh and you posted the whole word God :eusa_angel:this time, do you need to say hail mary's or something?:lol:

She suffers from membership in the cult called Christian Zionism.

She cannot help herself.

It is sad to see what she does to Scriptures.

Notice, she avoids addressing the thread topic using her babbling about Scriptures to divert from the thread topic.

Best to ignore her babbling.

Chapter 3 of Goliath we see how Zionist leaders in various parties vie with the public to demonstrate who is more blood thirsty, as Cast Lead rages on.

As the killing in Gaza is ongoing, the blood of more Palestinians and the party who will give Zionists their greatest desires fulfilled is who they turn to to support In looming elections.

What is it about killing that always brings out in the public the desire for more blood?

I will never forget the war between Israel and the civilians in Lebanon and the 24/7 news coverage we had on FOX and CNN and MSNBC .

As civilians were dying in Lebanon, you could feel the hate in the air for those being killed in the US.

Such is the power in killing and hate.

But that , thank God , is not how the story ends.
I desire every American know of Israels human rights abuses in Palestine and shall keep doing everything I can think to do to bring these Truths into the Light.

And I am not alone.
If Jesus came back today.....he would side with the Palestinians and destroy the zionist christians and jews. . :cool:

He would destroy your Al-Aqsa Mosque which defiles Israel's holiest area, and all the Islamists will perish. And I can't wait to see that happy day. Islam is a scourge on humanity and needs to be destroyed.
I desire every American know of Israels human rights abuses in Palestine and shall keep doing everything I can think to do to bring these Truths into the Light.

And I am not alone.
If Jesus came back today.....he would side with the Palestinians and destroy the zionist christians and jews. . :cool:

He would destroy your Al-Aqsa Mosque which defiles Israel's holiest area, and all the Islamists will perish. And I can't wait to see that happy day. Islam is a scourge on humanity and needs to be destroyed.
Jesus would welcome Christians such as Sherri to sit at his right hand and dine at the table of righteous people. .. :cool:

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