"No Loud Farts From Females Please!"

On the serious side, speaking of smells, the other day I read an article about this new trend among singles called "pheromone parties." A group of single men and women stick a sweaty Tshirt they've worn for like two days in a plastic bag and show up. The women sit in a circle proceed to smell each bag, and see if it turns them on, and how the smell makes them feel. If they like it, they ask who's it is and get a chance to meet or go out with that person. There's also an online version of this, where you get to see a video clip of the person who's smell turned you on and then decide if you want to go out. It's like dating sites but based on science and chemistry.
Well, what will they ban next ?? Even farts by females are not allowed! Very impressive.


An Islamic city council in the Indonesian province of Aceh, which follows Sharia, has banned female citizens from passing gas.

Sayyid Yahia, mayor of the city, told media that a ban was needed, as farting does not go well with the Islamic values of modesty. “Muslim women are not allowed to fart with sound, it’s against Islamic teachings,” he said. Meanwhile, the Indonesian Feminists Association told local media they will attempt to block the smelly law as they deem it discriminatory. Talking to The Wadiyan, mayor Sayyid Yahia said the law aims to save people’s morals and behaviors. “When you see woman fart loud, she appears like a man. But if she sit sideways and pass it quietly, she looks like a woman,” Sayyid said.

Although the proposed law does not ban “quiet fart,” passing gas with sound is actually not uncommon in Southeast Asia, particularly for women consuming potatoes and peas. Obviously, women maintain that they feel healthier, farting loud. Fathima Khan, a medical doctor at the Al Banni Islamic Hospital in Aceh’s capital is critical of the proposed law: “There is no need to question this practice, let alone regulate it, because people do it for their health and safety,” she said. The mayor declined to give The Wadiyan details of what the punishment would be for violators. While another member at the City council, who wished not to be named, said if convicted by the sharia court, the offender could receive 20 lashes for small farts and up to 3 months prison time for larger ones.

Read more...Islamic city council bans female flatulence in Indonesia | THE WADIYAN


Is it permissible to queef?

Damn good point-----I thought this question was going to come up in the "maximum effort" discussion. It would really suck if you gotta busted for farting and it was merely an innocent queef.

Islamic city council bans female flatulence in Indonesia

Jasmin Mathew PhD · Mar 8th, 2013 · 36 Comments

An Islamic city council in the Indonesian province of Aceh, which follows Sharia, has banned female citizens from passing gas.


Islamic city council bans female flatulence in Indonesia | THE WADIYAN

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On the serious side, speaking of smells, the other day I read an article about this new trend among singles called "pheromone parties." A group of single men and women stick a sweaty Tshirt they've worn for like two days in a plastic bag and show up. The women sit in a circle proceed to smell each bag, and see if it turns them on, and how the smell makes them feel. If they like it, they ask who's it is and get a chance to meet or go out with that person. There's also an online version of this, where you get to see a video clip of the person who's smell turned you on and then decide if you want to go out. It's like dating sites but based on science and chemistry.

So what did you get? A fat sweating hairy guy?
On the serious side, speaking of smells, the other day I read an article about this new trend among singles called "pheromone parties." A group of single men and women stick a sweaty Tshirt they've worn for like two days in a plastic bag and show up. The women sit in a circle proceed to smell each bag, and see if it turns them on, and how the smell makes them feel. If they like it, they ask who's it is and get a chance to meet or go out with that person. There's also an online version of this, where you get to see a video clip of the person who's smell turned you on and then decide if you want to go out. It's like dating sites but based on science and chemistry.

So what did you get? A fat sweating hairy guy?
Pamela Anderson.
I used to joke that if a Jew farted in the desert the Muslims would cry foul and riot. However, I had it wrong. It was women. If a woman farted in the desert, the Muslims cry foul and beat the piss out of the arrogant bitch.
I used to joke that if a Jew farted in the desert the Muslims would cry foul and riot. However, I had it wrong. It was women. If a woman farted in the desert, the Muslims cry foul and beat the piss out of the arrogant bitch.

I would have thought that in the desert no-one can smell one, being like it is out in the open air etc.

In the desert, you can fart away cos there ain't no-one who can give you no pain, lala la la lalalala lala la la la.

After 2 days I let the horse run free cos the desert had turned to sea.
On the serious side, speaking of smells, the other day I read an article about this new trend among singles called "pheromone parties." A group of single men and women stick a sweaty Tshirt they've worn for like two days in a plastic bag and show up. The women sit in a circle proceed to smell each bag, and see if it turns them on, and how the smell makes them feel. If they like it, they ask who's it is and get a chance to meet or go out with that person. There's also an online version of this, where you get to see a video clip of the person who's smell turned you on and then decide if you want to go out. It's like dating sites but based on science and chemistry.

Hmm never heard of that.
"So, what are you in for?"

"Murder, armed robbery. You?"

"Farted loud during prayer"

She should have been praying for a louder prayer.

On the serious side, speaking of smells, the other day I read an article about this new trend among singles called "pheromone parties." A group of single men and women stick a sweaty Tshirt they've worn for like two days in a plastic bag and show up. The women sit in a circle proceed to smell each bag, and see if it turns them on, and how the smell makes them feel. If they like it, they ask who's it is and get a chance to meet or go out with that person. There's also an online version of this, where you get to see a video clip of the person who's smell turned you on and then decide if you want to go out. It's like dating sites but based on science and chemistry.

So what did you get? A fat sweating hairy guy?
Pamela Anderson.

You chose the bag of clothes that smelled of stale male cumshots?
On the serious side, speaking of smells, the other day I read an article about this new trend among singles called "pheromone parties." A group of single men and women stick a sweaty Tshirt they've worn for like two days in a plastic bag and show up. The women sit in a circle proceed to smell each bag, and see if it turns them on, and how the smell makes them feel. If they like it, they ask who's it is and get a chance to meet or go out with that person. There's also an online version of this, where you get to see a video clip of the person who's smell turned you on and then decide if you want to go out. It's like dating sites but based on science and chemistry.

It might have been the same article I read. Of course it's been known for a very long time that scent has a bearing on attraction.
20 lashing for a small fart and 3 months in jail for a large one! LOL, how do you tell the difference?

This is hiliarious (if it wasn't true).

The funny thing is, if someone points out that the entire cult of Islam is the problem, not just the Islamist themselves, they point to the 'moderate' Indonesia! 20 lashing for a small fart isn't too moderate to me!

There are no "moderate" Islamic countries.

Those are up there with recreational meth users. They're an illusive bunch.
20 lashes for a small fart, possible 3 month jail time for a large one...uhhh...lol.

So...what happens to a woman who ends up sharting while trying to let one go ever so quietly..yanno, like a lady???

Stoning? Beheading?

Talk about an ass-backward bunch of control freaks...
Well, what will they ban next ?? Even farts by females are not allowed! Very impressive.


An Islamic city council in the Indonesian province of Aceh, which follows Sharia, has banned female citizens from passing gas.

Sayyid Yahia, mayor of the city, told media that a ban was needed, as farting does not go well with the Islamic values of modesty. “Muslim women are not allowed to fart with sound, it’s against Islamic teachings,” he said. Meanwhile, the Indonesian Feminists Association told local media they will attempt to block the smelly law as they deem it discriminatory. Talking to The Wadiyan, mayor Sayyid Yahia said the law aims to save people’s morals and behaviors. “When you see woman fart loud, she appears like a man. But if she sit sideways and pass it quietly, she looks like a woman,” Sayyid said.

Although the proposed law does not ban “quiet fart,” passing gas with sound is actually not uncommon in Southeast Asia, particularly for women consuming potatoes and peas. Obviously, women maintain that they feel healthier, farting loud. Fathima Khan, a medical doctor at the Al Banni Islamic Hospital in Aceh’s capital is critical of the proposed law: “There is no need to question this practice, let alone regulate it, because people do it for their health and safety,” she said. The mayor declined to give The Wadiyan details of what the punishment would be for violators. While another member at the City council, who wished not to be named, said if convicted by the sharia court, the offender could receive 20 lashes for small farts and up to 3 months prison time for larger ones.

Read more...Islamic city council bans female flatulence in Indonesia | THE WADIYAN

So loud and odourless is forbidden, but silent and deadly is a-okay? Got it!

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