No Matter what Comey says Trumpettes will claim vindication and "nothing new"

Trump has never been under investigation.

Russia didn't change any votes.

Trump never put pressure on Comey to alter any investigation.

Looks like once again the Moon Bats had the football jerked out of the way just as they thought they were going to kick it.

View attachment 131734
Did Tramp ask Comey or anyone else to drop the Flynn investigations?

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No evidence has come to light that Trump has asked anyone to drop an investigation.
What would suffice as evidence for you?

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Trump has never been under investigation.

Russia didn't change any votes.

Trump never put pressure on Comey to alter any investigation.

Looks like once again the Moon Bats had the football jerked out of the way just as they thought they were going to kick it.

View attachment 131734
Did Tramp ask Comey or anyone else to drop the Flynn investigations?

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No evidence has come to light that Trump has asked anyone to drop an investigation.
What would suffice as evidence for you?

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A tape recording of Donald Trump speaking the words, "I want you to drop this investigation"

You have that?
The filthy Democrats were expecting to get Trump today but that pretty much fizzled out. Instead the big story is the Obama Administration pressuring the FBI to change the nature of the Clinton criminal investigation.
and if nothing with any meat on its bones is found the libs will claim it to be monumental, shocking and, most importantly, inferring the need for further inquiry to "get the bottom of this" because "the American people deserve the truth" or one of a host of other platitudes to keep right on with more of the same.

their goal is to keep this circus going through the midterms at least and absolutely nothing will move them from that path.

If there's something of merit here, fine, and I'd be the first to say throw his ass out if something he did can actually be proven illegal, but to this point I haven't seen it.

and right on cue:

"Sen. Warner says there are still a lot of unanswered questions in his final remarks.

It's important for Americans to know the threat of the Russians

'We must find out the full story,' says Sen. Mark Warner"

lol. didn't even have to watch it to know what these people were going to say.
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Former FBI Director James Comey said former Attorney General Loretta Lynch directed him to refer to the Hillary Clinton email probe as a "matter," not an investigation.

He said the request "confused and concerned" him and led him to the decision to make his independent announcement last July about the case.

He said another deciding factor was reports about a meeting on a tarmac between Bill Clinton and Lynch.

Comey Says He Was Directed by Former AG Lynch Not to Call Hillary Email Probe an 'Investigation'

Damn good thing Comey is being questioned now. Perhaps we'll finally expose high level Demorats.
You're going to be sadly disappointed. More likely Tramp will be impeached than any dem going down..

Impeached for what?
Trump has never been under investigation.

Russia didn't change any votes.

Trump never put pressure on Comey to alter any investigation.

Looks like once again the Moon Bats had the football jerked out of the way just as they thought they were going to kick it.

View attachment 131734
Did Tramp ask Comey or anyone else to drop the Flynn investigations?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
No evidence has come to light that Trump has asked anyone to drop an investigation.
What would suffice as evidence for you?

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A tape recording of Donald Trump speaking the words, "I want you to drop this investigation"

You have that?

Actually, we have much more than that. We have him on camera saying that he fired Comey in hopes of stopping the investigation into the incredibly long and involved relationship he and his minions/family have with Russia.

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I want specifics from you.

You want to talk about The Russian Narrative.

It's your Narrative, not mine

So again, what is my Russian narrative and how is it fake?

I don't know what The Original Tree means by that phrase but we've known for quite a long time that Russia worked to influence the election, that trump openly invited Russia into our election and into the running of the US and, most of all, trumps intimate relationship with Pooting.

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With Comey's admission that the Obama's DOJ was actively trying to influence/obstruct the Hillary e-mail investigation, why would we not revisit the investigation right now? How can he possibly say that he felt the AG was working with the DNC and Hillary campaign and know that his own investigation was not flawed and subject to influence?
With Comey's admission that the Obama's DOJ was actively trying to influence/obstruct the Hillary e-mail investigation, why would we not revisit the investigation right now? How can he possibly say that he felt the AG was working with the DNC and Hillary campaign and know that his own investigation was not flawed and subject to influence?

Pretending that calling an investigation something else is obstruction while defending the President telling the guy he fired to drop an investigation is not obstruction takes some serious balls. How hypocritical can you get? Naming something something different is worse than asking someone to drop a case then firing him when he doesn't? When? On opposite day?
A Trumpette is Triggered Suddenly

Trumps impeachment will be coming soon , right after Dick Cheney's indictment no doubt......

Liberal douchebags....... lol
This is the pattern. Any news is a win. Trump Campaign under investigation...What a win! Trump himself isn't under investigation! Russia interference? What a win! Trump wants to be friends with them so....WIN!

And no matter what he says their go to always response is nothing new was learned even when new stuff is found. DUCKSPEAK!

Just wait

IMO, that is unforgivable and they defend the indefensible. I agree with Comey's statement that is not and should not be a partisan issue.

This is an American issue.

As always, I am shocked, angry and completely gobsmacked that RWNJs are so openly against their own country and so openly supportive of an enemy government.

It's actually painful to know our president supports an enemy of America and that RWNJs agree with and support his ending US standing in the world.

I believe trump will damage the US beyond anything that is obvious at this time.

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Where were you when Obama sent an airplane full of small bills to pay off Iran?

Where were you when the Russians were given a reset button by Obama and Hillary?

Where were you when Obama promised the Russians he would be more flexible after the elections?

Your outrage is way before there is evidence of wrong doing.
Except Comey himself said President Trump is not under investigation now, and has never been.
How many times do you have to be hit over the head with a sledge hammer to be told there was NO COLLUSION?

But then Trump wanted Comey to drop the investigation that wasn't happening, er... why?

Comey also "believed" that when Trump "hoped" for a certain outcome of an investigation, that Trump was directing him to make sure the outcome was in Trumps favor.

Good luck Dimocrats proving that "hoping" is the same as "ordering".

Well, that's the way of things isn't it? You put pressure on someone, but make the language a little vague to try and cover your back. That doesn't mean that what was done was ethical. But then you'd back Trump no matter what, right?

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