No Matter what Comey says Trumpettes will claim vindication and "nothing new"

This is a monumental waste of time and tax dollars. It's pure Liberal obstruction of the real issues - creating jobs, national security, health care, the economy. Congrats America.
The hearings and investigations are about national security.
This is a monumental waste of time and tax dollars. It's pure Liberal obstruction of the real issues - creating jobs, national security, health care, the economy. Congrats America.

Yeah, like they were doing anything worthy on that.
Truth be told all dump has done is sign a lot of bullshit that haven't been turned into law and the POS even gave away pens
The Comey Circus. Like most Senate Committee meetings it has a lot of hoopla but doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

Comey is dishonest partisan asshole that is an embarrassment to the FBI . He proved that big time when he let that Crooked Hillary piece of shit off the hook for serious security violations for the silly lame excuse of "no intent".
Trump the lying POS gets no mention by you you fn traitor??

The lying assholes in the government have been that Obama nitwit and that Crooked Hillary piece of shit. I think we all know that. Everybody in the Obama Administration lied out their extreme Left Wing asses. Everybody from the Eric Holder to Loretta Lunch to Susan Rice to John Kerry to Crooked Hillary and to the Kenyan Catastrophe himself. Then we have the Slick Willy legacy of extreme dishonesty. Trump is a novice compared to those despicable assholes.
This is the pattern. Any news is a win. Trump Campaign under investigation...What a win! Trump himself isn't under investigation! Russia interference? What a win! Trump wants to be friends with them so....WIN!

And no matter what he says their go to always response is nothing new was learned even when new stuff is found. DUCKSPEAK!

Just wait

Other than to mock them, we really just should ignore these people's nonsense. The worst of the worst of the Right post on a forum like this.

Recall recently their fanatical defense of Gianforte, the thug who beat up the reporter?

HE is apologizing by donating 50,000 to a reporters' fund. It's always funny when the bad guys on the right admit they fucked up,

leaving their nutty defenders holding the shit sandwich.

Bon appetit.
This Comey Circus today is a no never mind for the most part.

Typical of most Senate Committee hearing. Like a Seinfeld episode. A show about nothing

Much to the chagrin of the stupid hateful butt hurt Democrats there is no smoking gun. Just a smoking water pistol.
If Trump had balls he'd just pardon Flynn and end this charade

He doesn't tho

And I'm sure his advisors have put that on the table
Comey was told by the prior AG to refer to the "investigation" into Hillary's e-mail as "a matter", rather than an "investigaion".

So Loretta lynch is actually the one who attempted to obstruct!!!!!!!!

Yeah if calling something by another name stops an investigation then yeah.....but no.
This is the pattern. Any news is a win. Trump Campaign under investigation...What a win! Trump himself isn't under investigation! Russia interference? What a win! Trump wants to be friends with them so....WIN!

And no matter what he says their go to always response is nothing new was learned even when new stuff is found. DUCKSPEAK!

Just wait
They're one trick ponies and extremely predictable. No honor. No integrity and proud of it..
This is the pattern. Any news is a win. Trump Campaign under investigation...What a win! Trump himself isn't under investigation! Russia interference? What a win! Trump wants to be friends with them so....WIN!

And no matter what he says their go to always response is nothing new was learned even when new stuff is found. DUCKSPEAK!

Just wait

I believe this is your attempt to soften the blow, because your conscious says nothing will come of this, and that doesn't sit well with your hide. Damage control, so to speak.
Well when Comey is done write in great detail what new evidence you believe is the smoking gun. Do not wait for Maddow or MSNBC or CNN or the DNC to tell you what to think and write in your own words with using Comey words to support your opinion and if not then pot meet kettle and yes you are both stupid!

LOL............Exactly. Be sure to list them in this thread to add value.
This is the pattern. Any news is a win. Trump Campaign under investigation...What a win! Trump himself isn't under investigation! Russia interference? What a win! Trump wants to be friends with them so....WIN!

And no matter what he says their go to always response is nothing new was learned even when new stuff is found. DUCKSPEAK!

Just wait

So what's new then? So far it's only been Comey wenging on about being fired.
You're so used to lying the fact that Trump lied goes right over your head..
It is hilarious that the liberal left is turning the Russian interference BS into a birther conspiracy. Whow the hypocrisy runs deep.
Oh the Russian scandal is much worse than the right's birther scandal.
Before this is over there will be many of Trump's staff behind bars and possible Trump too..
This is a monumental waste of time and tax dollars. It's pure Liberal obstruction of the real issues - creating jobs, national security, health care, the economy. Congrats America.
The fact is, every single member of the DemNazi party knows that the Russian Narrative is false. They dreamed this up during the campaign, in Collusion with The Obama Regime to try to alter the outcome of The Election. Eventually that is where The Investigation will lead.

They painted themselves in a corner with it, and they have to keep The Big Lie going as long as they can to save face and try to hold on to the little power they have.

They are unfit for office.

Reality Winner is just the first in a long line of Dem Loyalist who will be picked off as this goes along and do time for it.
I believe there is a good possibility charges will be brought against Clinton and Obama at the end for Espionage and Election Tampering.
17 intelligence agencies call you a liar.
Except Comey himself said President Trump is not under investigation now, and has never been.
How many times do you have to be hit over the head with a sledge hammer to be told there was NO COLLUSION?

But then Trump wanted Comey to drop the investigation that wasn't happening, er... why?

Comey also "believed" that when Trump "hoped" for a certain outcome of an investigation, that Trump was directing him to make sure the outcome was in Trumps favor.

Good luck Dimocrats proving that "hoping" is the same as "ordering".
This is the pattern. Any news is a win. Trump Campaign under investigation...What a win! Trump himself isn't under investigation! Russia interference? What a win! Trump wants to be friends with them so....WIN!

And no matter what he says their go to always response is nothing new was learned even when new stuff is found. DUCKSPEAK!

Just wait

On that same token, no matter of what Comey says, Democrats are going to scream "SEE! SEE! Trump is guilty of <insert what here>.

Comey testified that in regards to Flynn "I hope you can let this go" (Flynn), and thought that it was an order. If you say to a store clerk "I hope you sell me a winning lottery ticket ", do you believe the clerk assumed it was an order that he MUST sell you a winning ticket? That doesn't sound like very reasonable does it?
This is the pattern. Any news is a win. Trump Campaign under investigation...What a win! Trump himself isn't under investigation! Russia interference? What a win! Trump wants to be friends with them so....WIN!

And no matter what he says their go to always response is nothing new was learned even when new stuff is found. DUCKSPEAK!

Just wait

IMO, that is unforgivable and they defend the indefensible. I agree with Comey's statement that is not and should not be a partisan issue.

This is an American issue.

As always, I am shocked, angry and completely gobsmacked that RWNJs are so openly against their own country and so openly supportive of an enemy government.

It's actually painful to know our president supports an enemy of America and that RWNJs agree with and support his ending US standing in the world.

I believe trump will damage the US beyond anything that is obvious at this time.

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The fact is, every single member of the DemNazi party knows that the Russian Narrative is false

Tell everyone what the "Russian narrative" is and how it is fake. Don't be shy because you're speaking really vague on purpose
Could you be more specific? I am not quite clear on what you want.

Another person who when called out they pretend to be stupid as a defense. What do I want? Specifics and not vague generalities. Such as what is the Russian narrative and how is it fake?

Want to go "durrr" another way?
This is a monumental waste of time and tax dollars. It's pure Liberal obstruction of the real issues - creating jobs, national security, health care, the economy. Congrats America.
The hearings and investigations are about national security.

Oh yea that's right. I remember the Russian agent in the voting booth with me last November making me vote for Trump. :rolleyes:
Former FBI Director James Comey said former Attorney General Loretta Lynch directed him to refer to the Hillary Clinton email probe as a "matter," not an investigation.

He said the request "confused and concerned" him and led him to the decision to make his independent announcement last July about the case.

He said another deciding factor was reports about a meeting on a tarmac between Bill Clinton and Lynch.

Comey Says He Was Directed by Former AG Lynch Not to Call Hillary Email Probe an 'Investigation'

Damn good thing Comey is being questioned now. Perhaps we'll finally expose high level Demorats.

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