No Matter what Comey says Trumpettes will claim vindication and "nothing new"

Trump just caught in another lie .
Liar: Comey asked me if he can come to dinner.
Trump has never been under investigation.

Russia didn't change any votes.

Trump never put pressure on Comey to alter any investigation.

Looks like once again the Moon Bats had the football jerked out of the way just as they thought they were going to kick it.

Former FBI Director James Comey said former Attorney General Loretta Lynch directed him to refer to the Hillary Clinton email probe as a "matter," not an investigation.

He said the request "confused and concerned" him and led him to the decision to make his independent announcement last July about the case.

He said another deciding factor was reports about a meeting on a tarmac between Bill Clinton and Lynch.

Comey Says He Was Directed by Former AG Lynch Not to Call Hillary Email Probe an 'Investigation'

Damn good thing Comey is being questioned now. Perhaps we'll finally expose high level Demorats.
You're going to be sadly disappointed. More likely Tramp will be impeached than any dem going down..
The Comey Circus. Like most Senate Committee meetings it has a lot of hoopla but doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

Comey is dishonest partisan asshole that is an embarrassment to the FBI . He proved that big time when he let that Crooked Hillary piece of shit off the hook for serious security violations for the silly lame excuse of "no intent".
Trump the lying POS gets no mention by you you fn traitor??

The lying assholes in the government have been that Obama nitwit and that Crooked Hillary piece of shit. I think we all know that. Everybody in the Obama Administration lied out their extreme Left Wing asses. Everybody from the Eric Holder to Loretta Lunch to Susan Rice to John Kerry to Crooked Hillary and to the Kenyan Catastrophe himself. Then we have the Slick Willy legacy of extreme dishonesty. Trump is a novice compared to those despicable assholes.
Like Comey said ""this isn't a hill worth dying on"" Worlds greatest liar to ever step into our WH and you leave that pos out?
The fact is, every single member of the DemNazi party knows that the Russian Narrative is false

Tell everyone what the "Russian narrative" is and how it is fake. Don't be shy because you're speaking really vague on purpose
Could you be more specific? I am not quite clear on what you want.

Another person who when called out they pretend to be stupid as a defense. What do I want? Specifics and not vague generalities. Such as what is the Russian narrative and how is it fake?

Want to go "durrr" another way?

I want specifics from you.

You want to talk about The Russian Narrative.

It's your Narrative, not mine.

18 months of surveillance on the entire Trump team and some GOP candidates.....4 Investigations covering 8 months, 17 Intelligence Agencies and The Head of National Intelligence stating under oath that there was NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION.

Hell there was a multitude of classified Intel being leaked to the press and still Zero evidence was shown.

So you are the one being vague. I am just trying to figure out WTF you are talking about and if you can produce one piece of evidence so we can discuss, YOUR NARRATIVE.

So ask me specific questions about it which are factual, specific, and very detailed.
I'll answer if you are detailed, accurate, very specific about what YOU THINK WAS done, by whom, and provide Hard Evidence to support your allegations.

Hopefully you have a security clearance above and beyond The Head of National Intelligence and you can share the first piece of REAL EVIDENCE the public has ever seen to support your accusations.

Let us know when you have hacked in to THE NSA servers.....MMMKAY?
Last edited:
Trump has never been under investigation.

Russia didn't change any votes.

Trump never put pressure on Comey to alter any investigation.

Looks like once again the Moon Bats had the football jerked out of the way just as they thought they were going to kick it.

View attachment 131734
The question of obstruction of justice is yet to be determined. We're learned Trump lied about everything.
And that sure makes Flash happy. Lol
The fact is, every single member of the DemNazi party knows that the Russian Narrative is false

Tell everyone what the "Russian narrative" is and how it is fake. Don't be shy because you're speaking really vague on purpose
Could you be more specific? I am not quite clear on what you want.

Another person who when called out they pretend to be stupid as a defense. What do I want? Specifics and not vague generalities. Such as what is the Russian narrative and how is it fake?

Want to go "durrr" another way?

I want specifics from you.

You want to talk about The Russian Narrative.
It's your Narrative.
So ask me specific questions about it which are factual, specific, and very detailed.
I'll answer if you are detailed, accurate, very specific about what YOU THINK WAS done, by whom, and provide Hard Evidence to support your allegations.
Doofus doesn't know REPUBLICANS are leading the Trump Russian scandal investigations. Needs to blame everything on Dems. Funny.
This is the pattern. Any news is a win. Trump Campaign under investigation...What a win! Trump himself isn't under investigation! Russia interference? What a win! Trump wants to be friends with them so....WIN!

And no matter what he says their go to always response is nothing new was learned even when new stuff is found. DUCKSPEAK!

Just wait

On that same token, no matter of what Comey says, Democrats are going to scream "SEE! SEE! Trump is guilty of <insert what here>.

Comey testified that in regards to Flynn "I hope you can let this go" (Flynn), and thought that it was an order. If you say to a store clerk "I hope you sell me a winning lottery ticket ", do you believe the clerk assumed it was an order that he MUST sell you a winning ticket? That doesn't sound like very reasonable does it?

Yes, the president is just like someone buying a lottery ticket! I know I've fired many a gas jockey who didn't sell me lottery tickets. Havent you? No?

Stop being a dumbass
No Matter what Comey says Trumphaters will claim vindication and demand further investigations.
Dude. The one who looks like shit today is Trump himself. The whole world knew he was a liar now it's been confirmed many times over live on TV. I'm sure you're proud.
This is the pattern. Any news is a win. Trump Campaign under investigation...What a win! Trump himself isn't under investigation! Russia interference? What a win! Trump wants to be friends with them so....WIN!

And no matter what he says their go to always response is nothing new was learned even when new stuff is found. DUCKSPEAK!

Just wait
so just post something that doesn't.
Still waiting for the OP to hack in to THE NSA SERVERS and produce the First Piece of REAL EVIDENCE regarding RUSSIAN COLLUSION....
I'll probably live for another 30 or 40 maybe The OP will produce it by then.
This is the pattern. Any news is a win. Trump Campaign under investigation...What a win! Trump himself isn't under investigation! Russia interference? What a win! Trump wants to be friends with them so....WIN!

And no matter what he says their go to always response is nothing new was learned even when new stuff is found. DUCKSPEAK!

Just wait

On that same token, no matter of what Comey says, Democrats are going to scream "SEE! SEE! Trump is guilty of <insert what here>.

Comey testified that in regards to Flynn "I hope you can let this go" (Flynn), and thought that it was an order. If you say to a store clerk "I hope you sell me a winning lottery ticket ", do you believe the clerk assumed it was an order that he MUST sell you a winning ticket? That doesn't sound like very reasonable does it?

Yes, the president is just like someone buying a lottery ticket! I know I've fired many a gas jockey who didn't sell me lottery tickets. Havent you? No?

Stop being a dumbass

Ok Mr. Literal, the point I was trying to make is that the term "I hope" isn't an order. No reasonable person would has taken it as such.

So, what you're saying is that you tell one of your employees "I hope you have a good weekend" that you will fire them is they don't?
and if nothing with any meat on its bones is found the libs will claim it to be monumental, shocking and, most importantly, inferring the need for further inquiry to "get the bottom of this" because "the American people deserve the truth" or one of a host of other platitudes to keep right on with more of the same.

their goal is to keep this circus going through the midterms at least and absolutely nothing will move them from that path.

If there's something of merit here, fine, and I'd be the first to say throw his ass out if something he did can actually be proven illegal, but to this point I haven't seen it.
Still waiting for the OP to hack in to THE NSA SERVERS and produce the First Piece of REAL EVIDENCE regarding RUSSIAN COLLUSION....
I'll probably live for another 30 or 40 maybe The OP will produce it by then.

Don't say that, Tree. The Dems would testify you ordered them to hack the servers!
No Matter what Comey says Trumphaters will claim vindication and demand further investigations.
Dude. The one who looks like shit today is Trump himself. The whole world knew he was a liar now it's been confirmed many times over live on TV. I'm sure you're proud.

First off, were you expecting to see Comey make Trump look like a good guy?
Comey was fired by Trump, naturally he's going to paint Trump as being a piece of shit.

I'm not a lover of Trump, but good luck coming up with enough evidence here that Trump broke any laws that would get him impeached.
Still waiting for the OP to hack in to THE NSA SERVERS and produce the First Piece of REAL EVIDENCE regarding RUSSIAN COLLUSION....
I'll probably live for another 30 or 40 maybe The OP will produce it by then.

Don't say that, Tree. The Dems would testify you ordered them to hack the servers!

If he was ordered to stop the Investigation, not only did he fail to report an attempt of Obstructing Justice, He DISOBEYED THE ORDER.

These people are unhiniged. I just keep adding them to my IGNORE LIST.
They are like trash in the street. You just have to ignore them as they blow by.
Trump has never been under investigation.

Russia didn't change any votes.

Trump never put pressure on Comey to alter any investigation.

Looks like once again the Moon Bats had the football jerked out of the way just as they thought they were going to kick it.

View attachment 131734
Did Tramp ask Comey or anyone else to drop the Flynn investigations?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
This is the pattern. Any news is a win. Trump Campaign under investigation...What a win! Trump himself isn't under investigation! Russia interference? What a win! Trump wants to be friends with them so....WIN!

And no matter what he says their go to always response is nothing new was learned even when new stuff is found. DUCKSPEAK!

Just wait
No matter what Comey says, treasonists will have already convicted Trump and will move to impeach.
Trump has never been under investigation.

Russia didn't change any votes.

Trump never put pressure on Comey to alter any investigation.

Looks like once again the Moon Bats had the football jerked out of the way just as they thought they were going to kick it.

View attachment 131734
Did Tramp ask Comey or anyone else to drop the Flynn investigations?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
No evidence has come to light that Trump has asked anyone to drop an investigation.

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