No matter who wins will they hand the other party the WH in 2020?

By 2020, the demographic problem for republicans grows even deeper .. and many red, formerly republican states will become more diverse .. some becoming minority-majority.

This is well-known, and why this election is more crucial for republicans then democrats.

As America continues to get browner, republicans will grow more powerless.

For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says
For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says

Is Trump destroying the GOP? This new poll will terrify Republicans

Not long after Donald Trump delivered his acceptance speech at the festival of rage, hate, and megalomania otherwise known as the GOP convention, leading Never Trump conservatives despaired that the GOP’s nomination of Trump could cost the party a generation of young voters. As former Jeb Bush adviser Tim Miller pointed out, the two conventions did not give the average 18-year-old any reason to be a Republican. Miller added: “We’re giving away a generation.”

A new USA Today/Rock the Vote poll released today will not do much to assuage those fears.

The new poll’s toplines are alarming enough for Republicans: They show that Hillary Clinton is beating Trump by 56-20 among voters under 35. By contrast, according to exit polls, John McCain won 32 percent of voters aged 18-30 in 2008 and Mitt Romney won 36 percent of them in 2012, though this is an imperfect comparison of age groups.

Here’s what this all means, per the USA Today article accompanying the poll:

The findings have implications for politics long past the November election. If the trend continues, the Democratic Party will have scored double-digit victories among younger voters in three consecutive elections, the first time that has happened since such data became readily available in 1952. That could shape the political affiliations of the largest generation in American history for years to follow.

And here is what the new poll finds in terms of which party young voters are now identifying with:

In the new survey, half of those under 35 say they identify with or lean toward the Democrats; just 20% identify with or lean toward the Republicans. Seventeen percent are independents, and another 12% either identify with another party or don’t know
Is Trump destroying the GOP? This new poll will terrify Republicans.

Republicans are correct .. if they lose this election .. and they already have .. the Republican Party is in serious trouble and not positioned to win the White House in 2020 either.

Unfortunate for America that politicians

Rand Paul did a great job at minority outreach during the primaries. If the GOP were smart enough to nominate him...

I don't disagree with you on Paul's outreach to minorities .. however I don't think America will ever be ready for the libertarian point of view.

Paul is kind of "libertarian light" but you may be right. His immediate hurdle is if the GOP base is ready for his point of view.

That may be a bigger hurdle for him then convincing America on libertarianism.

That being said, after trump, the GOP will have to re-invent itself .. less focused on social issues, more focused on the economy. That could be Paul's opportunity within the party.
Last edited:
By 2020, the demographic problem for republicans grows even deeper .. and many red, formerly republican states will become more diverse .. some becoming minority-majority.

This is well-known, and why this election is more crucial for republicans then democrats.

As America continues to get browner, republicans will grow more powerless.

For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says
For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says

Is Trump destroying the GOP? This new poll will terrify Republicans

Not long after Donald Trump delivered his acceptance speech at the festival of rage, hate, and megalomania otherwise known as the GOP convention, leading Never Trump conservatives despaired that the GOP’s nomination of Trump could cost the party a generation of young voters. As former Jeb Bush adviser Tim Miller pointed out, the two conventions did not give the average 18-year-old any reason to be a Republican. Miller added: “We’re giving away a generation.”

A new USA Today/Rock the Vote poll released today will not do much to assuage those fears.

The new poll’s toplines are alarming enough for Republicans: They show that Hillary Clinton is beating Trump by 56-20 among voters under 35. By contrast, according to exit polls, John McCain won 32 percent of voters aged 18-30 in 2008 and Mitt Romney won 36 percent of them in 2012, though this is an imperfect comparison of age groups.

Here’s what this all means, per the USA Today article accompanying the poll:

The findings have implications for politics long past the November election. If the trend continues, the Democratic Party will have scored double-digit victories among younger voters in three consecutive elections, the first time that has happened since such data became readily available in 1952. That could shape the political affiliations of the largest generation in American history for years to follow.

And here is what the new poll finds in terms of which party young voters are now identifying with:

In the new survey, half of those under 35 say they identify with or lean toward the Democrats; just 20% identify with or lean toward the Republicans. Seventeen percent are independents, and another 12% either identify with another party or don’t know
Is Trump destroying the GOP? This new poll will terrify Republicans.

Republicans are correct .. if they lose this election .. and they already have .. the Republican Party is in serious trouble and not positioned to win the White House in 2020 either.
dude is doing.
Rand Paul did a great job at minority outreach during the primaries. If the GOP were smart enough to nominate him...

I don't disagree with you on Paul's outreach to minorities .. however I don't think America will ever be ready for the libertarian point of view.

I disagree. Rand's father seemed to gain more traction in 2012 than his son did in 2016. Rand thinks that pandering more to the Republican base will garner him more supporters. I say stick to your father's ideology. You know that's how he truly thinks anyways. He doesn't believe in half of the GOP bullshit. Ron Paul opened the door for Libertarians to have a real voice. Rand preached those ideals to a lesser degree. Now we have Gary Johnson, and I have no idea what this dude is doing.
Both parties nominated the two most unlikable candidates in recent history. Almost any other Republican could have beaten Hillary, and almost any other Democrat could have beaten Trump. It seems almost certain that whichever party loses they could handily defeat the incumbent in 2020. Will our next President almost certainly be a one term President?
If Trump wins the scum of the country will riot allowing him to declare martial law and there will be no more elections for president which is fine with me

If Clinton wins the GOP will be a pathetic wimpering nothing of a party mostly because they failed to back their candidate WE the people wanted and WE the people won't be crawling back to vote for their next candidate!

Trump didn't even have the support of half of his own party. You aren't "we the people". This isn't your country.
He had enough support from Primary voters to win the nomination! His "party" are cucks,RINO'S and Tea party tards. NONE of which want Trump to win. Oh and yes this is MY country since YOU and YOUR ILK want to destroy what my founding fathers fought for and gave ME. Your kind has no right to my country since you want to destroy exactly the kind of nation our founders wanted. I will fight and die and take this country down in flames before I allow fucking Anti American Anti White traitors like you take it over and run it into the ground.

You can always move to Sweden when Hillary wins. Almost no black people.
Both parties nominated the two most unlikable candidates in recent history. Almost any other Republican could have beaten Hillary, and almost any other Democrat could have beaten Trump. It seems almost certain that whichever party loses they could handily defeat the incumbent in 2020. Will our next President almost certainly be a one term President?
If Trump wins the scum of the country will riot allowing him to declare martial law and there will be no more elections for president which is fine with me

If Clinton wins the GOP will be a pathetic wimpering nothing of a party mostly because they failed to back their candidate WE the people wanted and WE the people won't be crawling back to vote for their next candidate!

Trump didn't even have the support of half of his own party. You aren't "we the people". This isn't your country.
He had enough support from Primary voters to win the nomination! His "party" are cucks,RINO'S and Tea party tards. NONE of which want Trump to win. Oh and yes this is MY country since YOU and YOUR ILK want to destroy what my founding fathers fought for and gave ME. Your kind has no right to my country since you want to destroy exactly the kind of nation our founders wanted. I will fight and die and take this country down in flames before I allow fucking Anti American Anti White traitors like you take it over and run it into the ground.

Your hate of everybody only benefits him and his point of view.

.. just sayin'
Both parties nominated the two most unlikable candidates in recent history. Almost any other Republican could have beaten Hillary, and almost any other Democrat could have beaten Trump. It seems almost certain that whichever party loses they could handily defeat the incumbent in 2020. Will our next President almost certainly be a one term President?
If Trump wins the scum of the country will riot allowing him to declare martial law and there will be no more elections for president which is fine with me

If Clinton wins the GOP will be a pathetic wimpering nothing of a party mostly because they failed to back their candidate WE the people wanted and WE the people won't be crawling back to vote for their next candidate!

Trump didn't even have the support of half of his own party. You aren't "we the people". This isn't your country.
He had enough support from Primary voters to win the nomination! His "party" are cucks,RINO'S and Tea party tards. NONE of which want Trump to win. Oh and yes this is MY country since YOU and YOUR ILK want to destroy what my founding fathers fought for and gave ME. Your kind has no right to my country since you want to destroy exactly the kind of nation our founders wanted. I will fight and die and take this country down in flames before I allow fucking Anti American Anti White traitors like you take it over and run it into the ground.

You can always move to Sweden when Hillary wins. Almost no black people.
You go right ahead. I have no Swedish ancestry and no interest in moving there. I ain't going anywhere. If I could it would be Poland. Can't afford it anyways. I will bide my time and prepare just like my forefathers did.
Both parties nominated the two most unlikable candidates in recent history. Almost any other Republican could have beaten Hillary, and almost any other Democrat could have beaten Trump. It seems almost certain that whichever party loses they could handily defeat the incumbent in 2020. Will our next President almost certainly be a one term President?

The GOP has just announced who will run in 2020, assuming there is still a country, that is.

Here is a picture.

By 2020, the demographic problem for republicans grows even deeper .. and many red, formerly republican states will become more diverse .. some becoming minority-majority.

This is well-known, and why this election is more crucial for republicans then democrats.

As America continues to get browner, republicans will grow more powerless.

For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says
For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says

Is Trump destroying the GOP? This new poll will terrify Republicans

Not long after Donald Trump delivered his acceptance speech at the festival of rage, hate, and megalomania otherwise known as the GOP convention, leading Never Trump conservatives despaired that the GOP’s nomination of Trump could cost the party a generation of young voters. As former Jeb Bush adviser Tim Miller pointed out, the two conventions did not give the average 18-year-old any reason to be a Republican. Miller added: “We’re giving away a generation.”

A new USA Today/Rock the Vote poll released today will not do much to assuage those fears.

The new poll’s toplines are alarming enough for Republicans: They show that Hillary Clinton is beating Trump by 56-20 among voters under 35. By contrast, according to exit polls, John McCain won 32 percent of voters aged 18-30 in 2008 and Mitt Romney won 36 percent of them in 2012, though this is an imperfect comparison of age groups.

Here’s what this all means, per the USA Today article accompanying the poll:

The findings have implications for politics long past the November election. If the trend continues, the Democratic Party will have scored double-digit victories among younger voters in three consecutive elections, the first time that has happened since such data became readily available in 1952. That could shape the political affiliations of the largest generation in American history for years to follow.

And here is what the new poll finds in terms of which party young voters are now identifying with:

In the new survey, half of those under 35 say they identify with or lean toward the Democrats; just 20% identify with or lean toward the Republicans. Seventeen percent are independents, and another 12% either identify with another party or don’t know
Is Trump destroying the GOP? This new poll will terrify Republicans.

Republicans are correct .. if they lose this election .. and they already have .. the Republican Party is in serious trouble and not positioned to win the White House in 2020 either.
dude is doing.
Rand Paul did a great job at minority outreach during the primaries. If the GOP were smart enough to nominate him...

I don't disagree with you on Paul's outreach to minorities .. however I don't think America will ever be ready for the libertarian point of view.

I disagree. Rand's father seemed to gain more traction in 2012 than his son did in 2016. Rand thinks that pandering more to the Republican base will garner him more supporters. I say stick to your father's ideology. You know that's how he truly thinks anyways. He doesn't believe in half of the GOP bullshit. Ron Paul opened the door for Libertarians to have a real voice. Rand preached those ideals to a lesser degree. Now we have Gary Johnson, and I have no idea what this dude is doing.

I hear you brother .. but again, I disagree. Rand's father was a bit of a loon and unnecessarily controversial. I interviewed the guy who used to be Ron Paul's campaign manager before they hated each other. He developed a large following outside of his small Texas district .. but Ron Paul was going nowhere.

I think Rand would do well to distance himself from his father on several fronts. To make libertarianism more palatable to the American people, it will have to include an element of compassion for people that is outside the bounds of laissez faire philosophy. Many republicans may buy it without that component, but the American people will not.
By 2020, the demographic problem for republicans grows even deeper .. and many red, formerly republican states will become more diverse .. some becoming minority-majority.

This is well-known, and why this election is more crucial for republicans then democrats.

As America continues to get browner, republicans will grow more powerless.

For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says
For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says

Is Trump destroying the GOP? This new poll will terrify Republicans

Not long after Donald Trump delivered his acceptance speech at the festival of rage, hate, and megalomania otherwise known as the GOP convention, leading Never Trump conservatives despaired that the GOP’s nomination of Trump could cost the party a generation of young voters. As former Jeb Bush adviser Tim Miller pointed out, the two conventions did not give the average 18-year-old any reason to be a Republican. Miller added: “We’re giving away a generation.”

A new USA Today/Rock the Vote poll released today will not do much to assuage those fears.

The new poll’s toplines are alarming enough for Republicans: They show that Hillary Clinton is beating Trump by 56-20 among voters under 35. By contrast, according to exit polls, John McCain won 32 percent of voters aged 18-30 in 2008 and Mitt Romney won 36 percent of them in 2012, though this is an imperfect comparison of age groups.

Here’s what this all means, per the USA Today article accompanying the poll:

The findings have implications for politics long past the November election. If the trend continues, the Democratic Party will have scored double-digit victories among younger voters in three consecutive elections, the first time that has happened since such data became readily available in 1952. That could shape the political affiliations of the largest generation in American history for years to follow.

And here is what the new poll finds in terms of which party young voters are now identifying with:

In the new survey, half of those under 35 say they identify with or lean toward the Democrats; just 20% identify with or lean toward the Republicans. Seventeen percent are independents, and another 12% either identify with another party or don’t know
Is Trump destroying the GOP? This new poll will terrify Republicans.

Republicans are correct .. if they lose this election .. and they already have .. the Republican Party is in serious trouble and not positioned to win the White House in 2020 either.

Unfortunate for America that politicians

Rand Paul did a great job at minority outreach during the primaries. If the GOP were smart enough to nominate him...

I don't disagree with you on Paul's outreach to minorities .. however I don't think America will ever be ready for the libertarian point of view.

Paul is kind of "libertarian light" but you may be right. His immediate hurdle is if the GOP base is ready for his point of view.

That may be a bigger hurdle for him then convincing America on libertarianism.

That being said, after trump, the GOP will have to re-invent itself .. less focused on social issues, more focused on the economy. That could be Paul's opportunity within the party.
By 2020, the demographic problem for republicans grows even deeper .. and many red, formerly republican states will become more diverse .. some becoming minority-majority.

This is well-known, and why this election is more crucial for republicans then democrats.

As America continues to get browner, republicans will grow more powerless.

For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says
For U.S. Children, Minorities Will Be The Majority By 2020, Census Says

Is Trump destroying the GOP? This new poll will terrify Republicans

Not long after Donald Trump delivered his acceptance speech at the festival of rage, hate, and megalomania otherwise known as the GOP convention, leading Never Trump conservatives despaired that the GOP’s nomination of Trump could cost the party a generation of young voters. As former Jeb Bush adviser Tim Miller pointed out, the two conventions did not give the average 18-year-old any reason to be a Republican. Miller added: “We’re giving away a generation.”

A new USA Today/Rock the Vote poll released today will not do much to assuage those fears.

The new poll’s toplines are alarming enough for Republicans: They show that Hillary Clinton is beating Trump by 56-20 among voters under 35. By contrast, according to exit polls, John McCain won 32 percent of voters aged 18-30 in 2008 and Mitt Romney won 36 percent of them in 2012, though this is an imperfect comparison of age groups.

Here’s what this all means, per the USA Today article accompanying the poll:

The findings have implications for politics long past the November election. If the trend continues, the Democratic Party will have scored double-digit victories among younger voters in three consecutive elections, the first time that has happened since such data became readily available in 1952. That could shape the political affiliations of the largest generation in American history for years to follow.

And here is what the new poll finds in terms of which party young voters are now identifying with:

In the new survey, half of those under 35 say they identify with or lean toward the Democrats; just 20% identify with or lean toward the Republicans. Seventeen percent are independents, and another 12% either identify with another party or don’t know
Is Trump destroying the GOP? This new poll will terrify Republicans.

Republicans are correct .. if they lose this election .. and they already have .. the Republican Party is in serious trouble and not positioned to win the White House in 2020 either.
dude is doing.
Rand Paul did a great job at minority outreach during the primaries. If the GOP were smart enough to nominate him...

I don't disagree with you on Paul's outreach to minorities .. however I don't think America will ever be ready for the libertarian point of view.

I disagree. Rand's father seemed to gain more traction in 2012 than his son did in 2016. Rand thinks that pandering more to the Republican base will garner him more supporters. I say stick to your father's ideology. You know that's how he truly thinks anyways. He doesn't believe in half of the GOP bullshit. Ron Paul opened the door for Libertarians to have a real voice. Rand preached those ideals to a lesser degree. Now we have Gary Johnson, and I have no idea what this dude is doing.

He is currently taking a bong hit on the peak of Mt. Everest.
Both parties nominated the two most unlikable candidates in recent history. Almost any other Republican could have beaten Hillary, and almost any other Democrat could have beaten Trump. It seems almost certain that whichever party loses they could handily defeat the incumbent in 2020. Will our next President almost certainly be a one term President?

4 yrs is a long time. One who is hated today can be loved tomorrow and vice versa.
Both parties nominated the two most unlikable candidates in recent history. Almost any other Republican could have beaten Hillary, and almost any other Democrat could have beaten Trump. It seems almost certain that whichever party loses they could handily defeat the incumbent in 2020. Will our next President almost certainly be a one term President?

4 yrs is a long time. One who is hated today can be loved tomorrow and vice versa.

I agree. Either may do things that their party or Independents favor over the next four years, and be considered great Presidents in their eyes. What I wonder though is if there's a candidate who comes along who is even a bit closer to their beliefs, and a smidgeon more likable. There are many from both parties. People may disagree with it, but the Presidential race really is popularity contest, and we're working with two very unpopular candidates.

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