NO more EC!

When the Democrats lose the popular vote to the Electoral College they call for change, and why?

Simple, a state like California can throw the election in their favor every time...

Isn't funny if you subtract the California results Trump win the popular vote but add in California and Clinton win by the smallest margin since Bush won!?!

Electoral College is perfect in many ways and if it would have given Clinton the win I would write the same damn thing!

The pop vote "margin" is still being tallied. And it's the size of just ONE medium Amer. City. It's an anomaly in the 2nd digit to the right of a decimal point. But keep fighting it out.

Johnson missed the 5% mark didn't he?

I know here in Texas he got over 3% which is strong for a Libertarian Candidate, and wonder what the future hold for the LP?

We did fine. Gary was unprepared for a campaign where he actually GOT the attention and the media coverage we always wished for. We were OVER 5% in about 8 or 9 states. JUST under in another 10.. Which is disappointing, but support dropped off when the whole freak show reverted to folks voting out of fear.. .
unprepared? Is that a way of saying "he didn't know WTF was going on"
"WTF is a POTUS?" ---- Johnson

Gary was too active in triathalon and not a couch potato watching hours of Cable TV everyday like "SOME" folks we know on USMB.. So are do'ers.. Others are critics.. :rolleyes:
yea yea excuses excuses
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

When the Democrats lose the popular vote to the Electoral College they call for change, and why?

Simple, a state like California can throw the election in their favor every time...

Isn't funny if you subtract the California results Trump win the popular vote but add in California and Clinton win by the smallest margin since Bush won!?!

Electoral College is perfect in many ways and if it would have given Clinton the win I would write the same damn thing!

The pop vote "margin" is still being tallied. And it's the size of just ONE medium Amer. City. It's an anomaly in the 2nd digit to the right of a decimal point. But keep fighting it out.

Johnson missed the 5% mark didn't he?

I know here in Texas he got over 3% which is strong for a Libertarian Candidate, and wonder what the future hold for the LP?

We did fine. Gary was unprepared for a campaign where he actually GOT the attention and the media coverage we always wished for. We were OVER 5% in about 8 or 9 states. JUST under in another 10.. Which is disappointing, but support dropped off when the whole freak show reverted to folks voting out of fear.. .

I will never understand why people vote out of fear or can not pull themselves from the mindset it is either the Republican or the Democratic choice...

I wonder will the LP bring Johnson back in 2020 if he want to run again, and if not what direction ( candidate selection ) will the LP go?

Asking for your opinion because I am interested...

Should discuss over in the Johnson forum.. But I FEAR -- the "purest" wing of the LParty will knock "realists" like me to the curb. And probably no more tickets with recycled Repubs or even Demos. What you'll get is fire-brand principles and lectures on "living free" and minimalist govt. MIGHT work -- if things gets desperate enough. But no one's gonna vote for a policy geek who denies the realities of how this country is run right now.
As if the right hasn't spent the last 8 years crying about a black man being in the White House.

We been crying about obama's policies and the wrong direction he has taken this country. Your "black" comment is nothing more than leftist bullshit. Go play your race card somewhere else.

Oh come on.

President Obama admits he was born in Kenya! And Trump is bad at soccer.

"An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim.

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?????

Even funnier is that Trump supporters were going on about change.

The Real Change

"Ever one wanted a change in government here's their chance. Elect Trump"

Now they got their "change" they seem rather lacking in the desire to have any change at all. They want things to be exactly the same as they were before. Er... what?

It just seemed that "change" was a convenient way of trying to get other people on their side, people who might have wanted change, rather than an actual conviction in changing anything about the US govt.
We. Are. NOT. A. Pure. Democracy.

We dont' to be.

Watch. Learn.

No one is a pure democracy. PR isn't pure democracy.

Who is "we"? Republicans who have now benefited twice in 16 years from the Electoral College system? They said the system was rigged two days ago... what happened to that? .

The system was rigged against Bernie Sanders. That's not even debatable. Trump said what he said just to put Crooked Hillary on notice that we're watching. Pretty smart tactic.

So what? I don't see why people have a problem with this. Sanders wasn't a Democrat. The Democrats are perfectly entitled to choose their own presidential candidate, aren't they? Why they even bother with primaries is beyond me.
It's a rubbish system. It doesn't allow for democracy. Everyone wanted change a few days ago, now they want status quo. How quickly things change, huh?
We don't want Democracy. Democracy is mob rue and it leads to socialism. Socialists are the scum of the earth.
It's a rubbish system. It doesn't allow for democracy. Everyone wanted change a few days ago, now they want status quo. How quickly things change, huh?

You don't want democracy, it's apparent you want a self serving hybrid of democracy.

In a democracy there is no need for a Supreme Court. Or, at a minimum the Supreme Court would be elected, and even then, their decisions could be overturned by referendum


How do you suppose minorities and gays would fare under that system?

You're telling me what I think huh?

I'm not talking about "pure democracy". The Supreme Court is democratic in a sense, as the members are chosen by the other two parts of the government.

I'm talking about real democracy in Congress especially. A change in the two party system to one where people actually have a say. Right now most people feel they have two choices, the Republicans or the Democrats, no matter how much these parties don't represent them. In a country of 300 million people, you can't have just two views on something. You need more.

In countries with PR you have at least 6 viable parties to vote for. That's 6 different views on things.
We. Are. NOT. A. Pure. Democracy.

We dont' to be.

Watch. Learn.

No one is a pure democracy. PR isn't pure democracy.

Who is "we"? Republicans who have now benefited twice in 16 years from the Electoral College system? They said the system was rigged two days ago... what happened to that? .

The system was rigged against Bernie Sanders. That's not even debatable. Trump said what he said just to put Crooked Hillary on notice that we're watching. Pretty smart tactic.

So what? I don't see why people have a problem with this. Sanders wasn't a Democrat. The Democrats are perfectly entitled to choose their own presidential candidate, aren't they? Why they even bother with primaries is beyond me.

I'm a Republican so if Democrats want to fuck over their base then go right ahead. Just don't do it in the general which was Trump's point.
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

What have you ever accomplished in your life?:
  • Did you graduate from high school ( I doubt it)
  • Did you attend College (not ever, IMO)
  • Are you married and do you have kids?
  • Do you have a job, with benefits (doubt that too)
In my opinion, based on your posts, you are more likely to be a teenager living with your parents who has never accomplish a thing in your life.
We. Are. NOT. A. Pure. Democracy.

We dont' to be.

Watch. Learn.

No one is a pure democracy. PR isn't pure democracy.

Who is "we"? Republicans who have now benefited twice in 16 years from the Electoral College system? They said the system was rigged two days ago... what happened to that? .

The system was rigged against Bernie Sanders. That's not even debatable. Trump said what he said just to put Crooked Hillary on notice that we're watching. Pretty smart tactic.

So what? I don't see why people have a problem with this. Sanders wasn't a Democrat. The Democrats are perfectly entitled to choose their own presidential candidate, aren't they? Why they even bother with primaries is beyond me.

I'm a Republican so if Democrats want to fuck over their base then go right ahead. Just don't do it in the general which was Trump's point.

Well, Trump shouted and screamed that the election was rigged, and he won, even won when he didn't get the most votes, was it rigged? No, it wasn't. Yet so many people decided that Trump's shit he flung was true, because they wanted to believe.

So, Trump's point, as often is, is that flinging shit might stick.
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

What have you ever accomplished in your life?:
  • Did you graduate from high school ( I doubt it)
  • Did you attend College (not ever, IMO)
  • Are you married and do you have kids?
  • Do you have a job, with benefits (doubt that too)
In my opinion, based on your posts, you are more likely to be a teenager living with your parents who has never accomplish a thing in your life.

It's funny. If the democrat's candidate sucked, but got more votes than her opponent, what does this say about her opponent?
As if the right hasn't spent the last 8 years crying about a black man being in the White House.

We been crying about obama's policies and the wrong direction he has taken this country. Your "black" comment is nothing more than leftist bullshit. Go play your race card somewhere else.

Oh come on.

President Obama admits he was born in Kenya! And Trump is bad at soccer.

"An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim.

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?????

Even funnier is that Trump supporters were going on about change.

The Real Change

"Ever one wanted a change in government here's their chance. Elect Trump"

Now they got their "change" they seem rather lacking in the desire to have any change at all. They want things to be exactly the same as they were before. Er... what?

It just seemed that "change" was a convenient way of trying to get other people on their side, people who might have wanted change, rather than an actual conviction in changing anything about the US govt.

Potus's get slammed on bs from the other side all the time. Did people who opposed Bush want him gone because he mangled the English language or was it his policies? We don't give a crap about obama's skin color, clinton's gender, or Pelosi's weird eyes. It's the policies, stupid.

70% of the country knows we're on the wrong track ... that would be the obama/dem/leftist track. Now we have an opportunity to fix your guys shit. Time will tell how successful Trump is.

You don't want to listen to what we're telling you, don't listen, I don't give a shit.
Last edited:
As if the right hasn't spent the last 8 years crying about a black man being in the White House.

We been crying about obama's policies and the wrong direction he has taken this country. Your "black" comment is nothing more than leftist bullshit. Go play your race card somewhere else.

Oh come on.

President Obama admits he was born in Kenya! And Trump is bad at soccer.

"An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim.

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?????

Even funnier is that Trump supporters were going on about change.

The Real Change

"Ever one wanted a change in government here's their chance. Elect Trump"

Now they got their "change" they seem rather lacking in the desire to have any change at all. They want things to be exactly the same as they were before. Er... what?

It just seemed that "change" was a convenient way of trying to get other people on their side, people who might have wanted change, rather than an actual conviction in changing anything about the US govt.

Potus's get slammed on bs from the other side all the time. Did people who opposed Bush want him gone because he mangled the English language or was it his policies? We don't give a crap about obama's skin color, clinton's gender, or Pelosi's weird eyes. It's the policies, stupid.

70% of the country knows we're on the wrong track ... that would be the obama/dem/leftist track. Now we have an opportunity to fix your guys shit. Time will tell how successful Trump is.

You don't want to listen to what you're telling you, don't listen, I don't give a shit.

Who is "we"?

Clearly there are plenty of people who care about his skin color. There are people who care about Clinton's gender, there are people who just want their team to win in a petty team sport kind of thing. There are lots of different reasons. Who do you represent exactly?
As if the right hasn't spent the last 8 years crying about a black man being in the White House.

We been crying about obama's policies and the wrong direction he has taken this country. Your "black" comment is nothing more than leftist bullshit. Go play your race card somewhere else.

Oh come on.

President Obama admits he was born in Kenya! And Trump is bad at soccer.

"An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim.

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?????

Even funnier is that Trump supporters were going on about change.

The Real Change

"Ever one wanted a change in government here's their chance. Elect Trump"

Now they got their "change" they seem rather lacking in the desire to have any change at all. They want things to be exactly the same as they were before. Er... what?

It just seemed that "change" was a convenient way of trying to get other people on their side, people who might have wanted change, rather than an actual conviction in changing anything about the US govt.

Potus's get slammed on bs from the other side all the time. Did people who opposed Bush want him gone because he mangled the English language or was it his policies? We don't give a crap about obama's skin color, clinton's gender, or Pelosi's weird eyes. It's the policies, stupid.

70% of the country knows we're on the wrong track ... that would be the obama/dem/leftist track. Now we have an opportunity to fix your guys shit. Time will tell how successful Trump is.

You don't want to listen to what you're telling you, don't listen, I don't give a shit.

Who is "we"?

Clearly there are plenty of people who care about his skin color. There are people who care about Clinton's gender, there are people who just want their team to win in a petty team sport kind of thing. There are lots of different reasons. Who do you represent exactly?

The 70%
As if the right hasn't spent the last 8 years crying about a black man being in the White House.

We been crying about obama's policies and the wrong direction he has taken this country. Your "black" comment is nothing more than leftist bullshit. Go play your race card somewhere else.

Oh come on.

President Obama admits he was born in Kenya! And Trump is bad at soccer.

"An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim.

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?????

Even funnier is that Trump supporters were going on about change.

The Real Change

"Ever one wanted a change in government here's their chance. Elect Trump"

Now they got their "change" they seem rather lacking in the desire to have any change at all. They want things to be exactly the same as they were before. Er... what?

It just seemed that "change" was a convenient way of trying to get other people on their side, people who might have wanted change, rather than an actual conviction in changing anything about the US govt.

Potus's get slammed on bs from the other side all the time. Did people who opposed Bush want him gone because he mangled the English language or was it his policies? We don't give a crap about obama's skin color, clinton's gender, or Pelosi's weird eyes. It's the policies, stupid.

70% of the country knows we're on the wrong track ... that would be the obama/dem/leftist track. Now we have an opportunity to fix your guys shit. Time will tell how successful Trump is.

You don't want to listen to what you're telling you, don't listen, I don't give a shit.

Who is "we"?

Clearly there are plenty of people who care about his skin color. There are people who care about Clinton's gender, there are people who just want their team to win in a petty team sport kind of thing. There are lots of different reasons. Who do you represent exactly?

The 70%

What is it today with short posts. I'm not bothering with this nonsense.
It's a rubbish system. It doesn't allow for democracy. Everyone wanted change a few days ago, now they want status quo. How quickly things change, huh?

You don't want democracy, it's apparent you want a self serving hybrid of democracy.

In a democracy there is no need for a Supreme Court. Or, at a minimum the Supreme Court would be elected, and even then, their decisions could be overturned by referendum


How do you suppose minorities and gays would fare under that system?

You're telling me what I think huh?

I'm not talking about "pure democracy". The Supreme Court is democratic in a sense, as the members are chosen by the other two parts of the government.

I'm talking about real democracy in Congress especially. A change in the two party system to one where people actually have a say. Right now most people feel they have two choices, the Republicans or the Democrats, no matter how much these parties don't represent them. In a country of 300 million people, you can't have just two views on something. You need more.

In countries with PR you have at least 6 viable parties to vote for. That's 6 different views on things.

You want a hybrid democracy. A self serving hybrid.

Guess what, the founders knew that crybaby unicorn chasing fools would desire that.

Rejected then, rejected now
It's a rubbish system. It doesn't allow for democracy. Everyone wanted change a few days ago, now they want status quo. How quickly things change, huh?

You don't want democracy, it's apparent you want a self serving hybrid of democracy.

In a democracy there is no need for a Supreme Court. Or, at a minimum the Supreme Court would be elected, and even then, their decisions could be overturned by referendum


How do you suppose minorities and gays would fare under that system?

You're telling me what I think huh?

I'm not talking about "pure democracy". The Supreme Court is democratic in a sense, as the members are chosen by the other two parts of the government.

I'm talking about real democracy in Congress especially. A change in the two party system to one where people actually have a say. Right now most people feel they have two choices, the Republicans or the Democrats, no matter how much these parties don't represent them. In a country of 300 million people, you can't have just two views on something. You need more.

In countries with PR you have at least 6 viable parties to vote for. That's 6 different views on things.

You want a hybrid democracy. A self serving hybrid.

Guess what, the founders knew that crybaby unicorn chasing fools would desire that.

Rejected then, rejected now

Are you asking me, or are you telling me?

Because it really annoys me when people claim to know what I'm thinking when they clearly don't have a clue.
It's a rubbish system. It doesn't allow for democracy. Everyone wanted change a few days ago, now they want status quo. How quickly things change, huh?

You don't want democracy, it's apparent you want a self serving hybrid of democracy.

In a democracy there is no need for a Supreme Court. Or, at a minimum the Supreme Court would be elected, and even then, their decisions could be overturned by referendum


How do you suppose minorities and gays would fare under that system?

You're telling me what I think huh?

I'm not talking about "pure democracy". The Supreme Court is democratic in a sense, as the members are chosen by the other two parts of the government.

I'm talking about real democracy in Congress especially. A change in the two party system to one where people actually have a say. Right now most people feel they have two choices, the Republicans or the Democrats, no matter how much these parties don't represent them. In a country of 300 million people, you can't have just two views on something. You need more.

In countries with PR you have at least 6 viable parties to vote for. That's 6 different views on things.

You want a hybrid democracy. A self serving hybrid.

Guess what, the founders knew that crybaby unicorn chasing fools would desire that.

Rejected then, rejected now

Are you asking me, or are you telling me?

Because it really annoys me when people claim to know what I'm thinking when they clearly don't have a clue.

No, I clearly do know.

You love the idea of democracy. You just don't love the idea of democracy.

What's not to understand?
It's a rubbish system. It doesn't allow for democracy. Everyone wanted change a few days ago, now they want status quo. How quickly things change, huh?

You don't want democracy, it's apparent you want a self serving hybrid of democracy.

In a democracy there is no need for a Supreme Court. Or, at a minimum the Supreme Court would be elected, and even then, their decisions could be overturned by referendum


How do you suppose minorities and gays would fare under that system?

You're telling me what I think huh?

I'm not talking about "pure democracy". The Supreme Court is democratic in a sense, as the members are chosen by the other two parts of the government.

I'm talking about real democracy in Congress especially. A change in the two party system to one where people actually have a say. Right now most people feel they have two choices, the Republicans or the Democrats, no matter how much these parties don't represent them. In a country of 300 million people, you can't have just two views on something. You need more.

In countries with PR you have at least 6 viable parties to vote for. That's 6 different views on things.

You want a hybrid democracy. A self serving hybrid.

Guess what, the founders knew that crybaby unicorn chasing fools would desire that.

Rejected then, rejected now

Are you asking me, or are you telling me?

Because it really annoys me when people claim to know what I'm thinking when they clearly don't have a clue.

No, I clearly do know.

You love the idea of democracy. You just don't love the idea of democracy.

What's not to understand?

Why you think you know me better than I know me. You don't even know my name, gender, nationality, or anything else, yet claim to know how I think.
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Psst. It's 1/10 of the EC, not 1/5.

You know my biggest disappointment with Clinton's performance? I had been predicting pretty decent sized victories for her. I even went on facebook and made a series of posts with very specific predictions (a tradition of mine every Presidential election to lay out my own hobbyist analysis). And that dumb bitch did such a bad job that she didn't just prove me wrong, I was wrong at nearly every level.

This is why nobody likes you, Hillary. You fuck shit up for the rest of us.

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