NO more EC!

Liberals are screaming how the country needs to scrap the EC because she won the Popular Vote.

No, NO she didn't. Check out the new thread -

Hillary supporters are claiming Hillary won the popular vote by approx. 2 million votes. It is being reported now that approx. 3 million Illegals voted (after Obama encouraged them to do so). Do the Math - Hillary wins by 2 million votes but if you eliminate the illegal vote she loses by approx. 1 million votes in the popular vote.

Libs are arguing to replace the EC with the Popular Vote, which she also lost.


Libs just can't come to grips with the fact that the country REJECTED Hillary...again...for a 2nd time!

The People didn't reject her. The system that is able to ignore the people's choice rejected her.

The States via a weighted average preferred Trump, and that is our system.

The people have their choice in-state, out of State for President, its on a State based weighted average.

Best system ever devised. I’m not a fan of everything the founders did…but they got this one right.
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Just for your edification, since 1952, the GOP has won California more often than the Democrats.

Let me explain why the electoral college makes no sense. It makes no sense because it can cause your vote to be worth ZERO in the most important election our country has,

just because of where you happen to live.

Then don't vote
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Just for your edification, since 1952, the GOP has won California more often than the Democrats.

Let me explain why the electoral college makes no sense. It makes no sense because it can cause your vote to be worth ZERO in the most important election our country has,

just because of where you happen to live.

Then don't vote

So you admit you support a system that effectively disenfranchises millions.
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Just for your edification, since 1952, the GOP has won California more often than the Democrats.

Let me explain why the electoral college makes no sense. It makes no sense because it can cause your vote to be worth ZERO in the most important election our country has,

just because of where you happen to live.

Then don't vote

So you admit you support a system that effectively disenfranchises millions.
How many rural states would it take to cover the votes cast in Cali and NY?
Liberals are screaming how the country needs to scrap the EC because she won the Popular Vote.

No, NO she didn't. Check out the new thread -

Hillary supporters are claiming Hillary won the popular vote by approx. 2 million votes. It is being reported now that approx. 3 million Illegals voted (after Obama encouraged them to do so). Do the Math - Hillary wins by 2 million votes but if you eliminate the illegal vote she loses by approx. 1 million votes in the popular vote.

Libs are arguing to replace the EC with the Popular Vote, which she also lost.


Libs just can't come to grips with the fact that the country REJECTED Hillary...again...for a 2nd time!

The People didn't reject her. The system that is able to ignore the people's choice rejected her.

The States via a weighted average preferred Trump, and that is our system.

The people have their choice in-state, out of State for President, its on a State based weighted average.

It's an undemocratic system.
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Just for your edification, since 1952, the GOP has won California more often than the Democrats.

Let me explain why the electoral college makes no sense. It makes no sense because it can cause your vote to be worth ZERO in the most important election our country has,

just because of where you happen to live.

Then don't vote

So you admit you support a system that effectively disenfranchises millions.
How many rural states would it take to cover the votes cast in Cali and NY?

There are more PEOPLE in NY and CA than in small states. duh.
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Just for your edification, since 1952, the GOP has won California more often than the Democrats.

Let me explain why the electoral college makes no sense. It makes no sense because it can cause your vote to be worth ZERO in the most important election our country has,

just because of where you happen to live.

Then don't vote

So you admit you support a system that effectively disenfranchises millions.
How many rural states would it take to cover the votes cast in Cali and NY?

There are more PEOPLE in NY and CA than in small states. duh.
That's my point. That's also why they get so many more EC votes(cali). Cali ALONE is 1/5 of EC votes to win it all. 1/5th!
Your candidate just sucked ass. Pick your lip up, son.
Liberals are screaming how the country needs to scrap the EC because she won the Popular Vote.

No, NO she didn't. Check out the new thread -

Hillary supporters are claiming Hillary won the popular vote by approx. 2 million votes. It is being reported now that approx. 3 million Illegals voted (after Obama encouraged them to do so). Do the Math - Hillary wins by 2 million votes but if you eliminate the illegal vote she loses by approx. 1 million votes in the popular vote.

Libs are arguing to replace the EC with the Popular Vote, which she also lost.


Libs just can't come to grips with the fact that the country REJECTED Hillary...again...for a 2nd time!

The People didn't reject her. The system that is able to ignore the people's choice rejected her.

The States via a weighted average preferred Trump, and that is our system.

The people have their choice in-state, out of State for President, its on a State based weighted average.

Best system ever devised. I’m not a fan of everything the founders did…but they got this one right.

And remember the States can go away from winner take all, and go with the Nebraska/Maine method of 2 EV's to the State winner, and 1 each to the Congressional District winner.
This still keeps the EV concept while diminishing the wasted vote effect.

Of course there would be issues with districting, but that would work both ways. California and NY would lose their upstate/East parts, but Texas would give up Austin and some southern areas, and states like Georgia would give the Atlanta area to Dems.
Liberals are screaming how the country needs to scrap the EC because she won the Popular Vote.

No, NO she didn't. Check out the new thread -

Hillary supporters are claiming Hillary won the popular vote by approx. 2 million votes. It is being reported now that approx. 3 million Illegals voted (after Obama encouraged them to do so). Do the Math - Hillary wins by 2 million votes but if you eliminate the illegal vote she loses by approx. 1 million votes in the popular vote.

Libs are arguing to replace the EC with the Popular Vote, which she also lost.


Libs just can't come to grips with the fact that the country REJECTED Hillary...again...for a 2nd time!

The People didn't reject her. The system that is able to ignore the people's choice rejected her.

The States via a weighted average preferred Trump, and that is our system.

The people have their choice in-state, out of State for President, its on a State based weighted average.

It's an undemocratic system.

Considering we are not a strict democracy at the federal level, and never have been, your bleat is meaningless.
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Just for your edification, since 1952, the GOP has won California more often than the Democrats.

Let me explain why the electoral college makes no sense. It makes no sense because it can cause your vote to be worth ZERO in the most important election our country has,

just because of where you happen to live.

Then don't vote

So you admit you support a system that effectively disenfranchises millions.

Not at all. Who was disnefranchised?

You said your vote has no value. If that's true then don't vote because there is no point to it. But you do vote because even you think your claim is bogus
Liberals are screaming how the country needs to scrap the EC because she won the Popular Vote.

No, NO she didn't. Check out the new thread -

Hillary supporters are claiming Hillary won the popular vote by approx. 2 million votes. It is being reported now that approx. 3 million Illegals voted (after Obama encouraged them to do so). Do the Math - Hillary wins by 2 million votes but if you eliminate the illegal vote she loses by approx. 1 million votes in the popular vote.

Libs are arguing to replace the EC with the Popular Vote, which she also lost.


Libs just can't come to grips with the fact that the country REJECTED Hillary...again...for a 2nd time!

The People didn't reject her. The system that is able to ignore the people's choice rejected her.

The States via a weighted average preferred Trump, and that is our system.

The people have their choice in-state, out of State for President, its on a State based weighted average.

It's an undemocratic system.

It's not supposed to be democratic. It's a republic of states
This is the fifth time the President has not won the popular vote. Now add Trump to the list:
  • In 1824 Andrew Jackson won the popular vote but got less than 50 percent of the electoral votes. John Quincy Adams became the next president when he was picked by the House of Representatives.

Yeah, that outcome was even more stunning than this election. Jackson won not only the most popular votes, he also won the most electoral votes by far.

And yet the House gave the election to Adams.

Jackson got his revenge in the next election, smashing Adams to bits, and giving birth to the present day Democratic Party.
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Just for your edification, since 1952, the GOP has won California more often than the Democrats.

Let me explain why the electoral college makes no sense. It makes no sense because it can cause your vote to be worth ZERO in the most important election our country has,

just because of where you happen to live.

Then don't vote

So you admit you support a system that effectively disenfranchises millions.
How many rural states would it take to cover the votes cast in Cali and NY?

There are more PEOPLE in NY and CA than in small states. duh.

And they get to decide how their states vote
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Just for your edification, since 1952, the GOP has won California more often than the Democrats.

Let me explain why the electoral college makes no sense. It makes no sense because it can cause your vote to be worth ZERO in the most important election our country has,

just because of where you happen to live.

Then don't vote

So you admit you support a system that effectively disenfranchises millions.

Not at all. Who was disnefranchised?

You said your vote has no value. If that's true then don't vote because there is no point to it. But you do vote because even you think your claim is bogus

Every voter who votes for the losing presidential candidate in his state ends up having his vote count for ZERO. Winner take all renders his vote worthless.
Just for your edification, since 1952, the GOP has won California more often than the Democrats.

Let me explain why the electoral college makes no sense. It makes no sense because it can cause your vote to be worth ZERO in the most important election our country has,

just because of where you happen to live.

Then don't vote

So you admit you support a system that effectively disenfranchises millions.
How many rural states would it take to cover the votes cast in Cali and NY?

There are more PEOPLE in NY and CA than in small states. duh.

And they get to decide how their states vote

They get disadvantaged, vote to vote, by the unfair allocation of electoral votes NOT based on one person one vote,
and by the winner take all way the electoral votes are ultimately cast.

There is no argument that can show that it is FAIR that your vote could have more value than my vote in a presidential election.
And how would you decide who the winner is when one wins the popular and the other wins the EC? Leave it to the House?

Our FF were smart enough to anticipate people like you.....

No, the Founders thought the electoral college would prevent someone thoroughly unqualified from ever being elected president.

Now we KNOW that doesn't work.

Qualifications are subjective analysis. They were concerned with the tyranny of the majority taking rights away from minorities.

If you count up all the ways they excluded Americans from even being able to vote, maybe the first thing to recognize is that these guys were not exactly timeless geniuses whose ideas ought to be worshipped as godlike.

Ok, tear up the longest standing constitution and start over. The elastic clause was put in for amending as needed. Read what that thought of strict democracy and get back to me. And I worship them more than the bulldyke or orange clown, or BO.
the EC was invented to protect the people from

folks like we just beat the tar out of

Then don't vote

So you admit you support a system that effectively disenfranchises millions.
How many rural states would it take to cover the votes cast in Cali and NY?

There are more PEOPLE in NY and CA than in small states. duh.

And they get to decide how their states vote

They get disadvantaged, vote to vote, by the unfair allocation of electoral votes NOT based on one person one vote,
and by the winner take all way the electoral votes are ultimately cast.

There is no argument that can show that it is FAIR that your vote could have more value than my vote in a presidential election.

The E.C. exists so that the majority does not overwhelm rule the minorities.
It's exactly what the libs did in the 60's and 70's and how they got in power for over 40 years.
This is the conservatives and independents movement now. The majority of this nation thinks Washington was headed in the wrong direction.
The left's way is not working for all Americans.
Once again the left is falling for liberal tricks that elminates our freedom. Wanting to get rid of the power to the curruption.

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