NO more EC!

This election, if it were have been decided by a popular vote would have required a recount. Yes, it was that close.

How many months/years would that have taken? How many ballots would have been challenged? How many lawsuits would have to be settled before a winner declared?

You folks are absolutely crazy.

What states election law would apply nationwide? Votes cat early count, or don't count at all?

Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Just for your edification, since 1952, the GOP has won California more often than the Democrats.

Let me explain why the electoral college makes no sense. It makes no sense because it can cause your vote to be worth ZERO in the most important election our country has,

just because of where you happen to live.
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

What have you ever accomplished in your life?:
  • Did you graduate from high school ( I doubt it)
  • Did you attend College (not ever, IMO)
  • Are you married and do you have kids?
  • Do you have a job, with benefits (doubt that too)
In my opinion, based on your posts, you are more likely to be a teenager living with your parents who has never accomplish a thing in your life.
It boggles my mind how you are exactly the same thing that you always talk shit about. Arent you old? Shouldn't you know your ass from a hole in the ground by now?

Do you have an adult question you'd like answered?
Its foolish of the Democrats to want to get rid of the Electoral College. I think the winning position is to enhance the requirement to become President Elect by making it to where you must both get the MAJORITY Of the EV (270+) and the PLURALITY of the popular vote. In this day and age of knowing who won the night of the election…it is crazy not to consider the popular choice of the people. It is the democratic thing to do (yes, I know we are a Republic).

And, before you start, no I’m not saying that because I thought the House would pick someone other than President Elect Trump to be POTUS… I’m saying that because I firmly feel it is the best system going forward.

And how would you decide who the winner is when one wins the popular and the other wins the EC? Leave it to the House?

Our FF were smart enough to anticipate people like you.....

No, the Founders thought the electoral college would prevent someone thoroughly unqualified from ever being elected president.

Now we KNOW that doesn't work.

Qualifications are subjective analysis. They were concerned with the tyranny of the majority taking rights away from minorities.

If you count up all the ways they excluded Americans from even being able to vote, maybe the first thing to recognize is that these guys were not exactly timeless geniuses whose ideas ought to be worshipped as godlike.
We are not a direct democracy, we are a Republic under the Constitution.

The electoral college is not perfect but it's the best way we have to insure the minority is not trampled by the will of the majority.

It's important that we heard the voices of those struggling in the rust belt and elsewhere. Whether or not Trump is really going to help them, remains to be seen.
This election, if it were have been decided by a popular vote would have required a recount. Yes, it was that close.

How many months/years would that have taken? How many ballots would have been challenged? How many lawsuits would have to be settled before a winner declared?

You folks are absolutely crazy.

What states election law would apply nationwide? Votes cat early count, or don't count at all?


Not to mention that if it's the POPULAR VOTE that counts, a completely different strategy would have been used by both candidates.

They would only need to go to Cali, New York, Texas and Florida to campaign.
Imagine that a country was composed of only 4 states -

California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.

California has 55 electoral votes. The other 3 states have 54 combined, total.

Every election in that country, under the electoral system, would be decided by California. The other 3 states wouldn't even need to hold the election. Their popular vote would be meaningless.

Sound fair?
We are not a direct democracy, we are a Republic under the Constitution.

The electoral college is not perfect but it's the best way we have to insure the minority is not trampled by the will of the majority.

It's important that we heard the voices of those struggling in the rust belt and elsewhere. Whether or not Trump is really going to help them, remains to be seen.

The electoral college has nothing to do with 'direct democracy'. In a direct democracy, you would have no Congress.
This election, if it were have been decided by a popular vote would have required a recount. Yes, it was that close.

How many months/years would that have taken? How many ballots would have been challenged? How many lawsuits would have to be settled before a winner declared?

You folks are absolutely crazy.

What states election law would apply nationwide? Votes cat early count, or don't count at all?


What a twisted post of illogical nonsense ^^^. Your guy won, and soon enough social media will be aflame with what you and other fools have created.

The majority didn't rule, and if my guess is correct, those fooled who have integrity will soon have voter remorse and write about it for all the world to read. Trump made promises, as all snake oil salespersons do, but his claims are the words of a demagogue and a charlatan and not to be believed.

Putting a bust of Churchill is nothing more than part of his show, we can expect more side shows; however no one knows - and that includes Trump - what levers the man behind the curtain will pull day by day until January of 2020.
We are not a direct democracy, we are a Republic under the Constitution.

The electoral college is not perfect but it's the best way we have to insure the minority is not trampled by the will of the majority.

It's important that we heard the voices of those struggling in the rust belt and elsewhere. Whether or not Trump is really going to help them, remains to be seen.

But why does a person in Wyoming have 2.5 higher voice than someone in California or Texas...

This is fundamentally wrong and is the reason nearly every other country has rejected it in favour of a popular vote with either a run off or Alternative Vote...

We have said it before and will continue saying it... What is the US obsession with one man one vote (first past the post)... It is unfair, it allows the majority to terrorise the minority... Why do you think when you set up democracies you would not use first past the post, because it is crap...

Learn about Alternative Vote and compare it to your EC system...

The funny thing is I don't think Trump or Clinton would have got elected with this system...

What this promotes is a
  • Reduction in the importance of the primaries and being primaried
  • Better choice
  • Being a moderate deal maker more important than energising the base
  • Reduces negative attacks
  • Candidates are trying to reach out so that to get next preference votes rather than defend there own
Liberals are screaming how the country needs to scrap the EC because she won the Popular Vote.

No, NO she didn't. Check out the new thread -

Hillary supporters are claiming Hillary won the popular vote by approx. 2 million votes. It is being reported now that approx. 3 million Illegals voted (after Obama encouraged them to do so). Do the Math - Hillary wins by 2 million votes but if you eliminate the illegal vote she loses by approx. 1 million votes in the popular vote.

Libs are arguing to replace the EC with the Popular Vote, which she also lost.


Libs just can't come to grips with the fact that the country REJECTED Hillary...again...for a 2nd time!
Liberals are screaming how the country needs to scrap the EC because she won the Popular Vote.

No, NO she didn't. Check out the new thread -

Hillary supporters are claiming Hillary won the popular vote by approx. 2 million votes. It is being reported now that approx. 3 million Illegals voted (after Obama encouraged them to do so). Do the Math - Hillary wins by 2 million votes but if you eliminate the illegal vote she loses by approx. 1 million votes in the popular vote.

Libs are arguing to replace the EC with the Popular Vote, which she also lost.


Libs just can't come to grips with the fact that the country REJECTED Hillary...again...for a 2nd time!

Remember the responsible republics here...

You voted for a dipshit like this into the White House....
This is the fifth time the President has not won the popular vote. Now add Trump to the list:
  • In 1824 Andrew Jackson won the popular vote but got less than 50 percent of the electoral votes. John Quincy Adams became the next president when he was picked by the House of Representatives.
  • In 1876 Samuel Tilden won the popular vote but lost the election when Rutherford B. Hayes got 185 electoral votes to Tilden’s 184.
  • In 1888 Grover Cleveland won the popular vote but lost the election when Benjamin Harrison got 233 electoral votes to Cleveland’s 168.
  • In 2000 Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the election to George Bush. In the most highly contested election in modern history, the U.S. Supreme Court stopped the Florida recount of ballots, giving Bush the state’s 25 electoral votes for a total of 271 to Gore’s 255.
The popular vote elects every other leader in this country. It's weird that the President is different, but no one likes playing with the Holy Constitution.

The difference is found in the original federal nature of the Constitutional Union. People identified far more with their State than with the Country at the time, and while the Constitution was far stronger than the Articles of Confederation, it was still a document binding STATES together in a union, not directly the PEOPLE of the States.

Over time identity has shifted more towards a national identity, and changes have been made to weaken the federal nature of the country, such as direct election of Senators, but the underlying construct is a collection of Sovereign States in a perpetual Union under the Constitution.
You voted for a dipshit like this into the White House....
No, we voted against a criminal, sexual deviant-enabling, terrorist-supporting, self-serving criminal who was so bad she couldn't defeat the 'dipshit' who beat her ass to win the WH.
Liberals are screaming how the country needs to scrap the EC because she won the Popular Vote.

No, NO she didn't. Check out the new thread -

Hillary supporters are claiming Hillary won the popular vote by approx. 2 million votes. It is being reported now that approx. 3 million Illegals voted (after Obama encouraged them to do so). Do the Math - Hillary wins by 2 million votes but if you eliminate the illegal vote she loses by approx. 1 million votes in the popular vote.

Libs are arguing to replace the EC with the Popular Vote, which she also lost.


Libs just can't come to grips with the fact that the country REJECTED Hillary...again...for a 2nd time!

The People didn't reject her. The system that is able to ignore the people's choice rejected her.
We are not a direct democracy, we are a Republic under the Constitution.

The electoral college is not perfect but it's the best way we have to insure the minority is not trampled by the will of the majority.

It's important that we heard the voices of those struggling in the rust belt and elsewhere. Whether or not Trump is really going to help them, remains to be seen.

But why does a person in Wyoming have 2.5 higher voice than someone in California or Texas...

This is fundamentally wrong and is the reason nearly every other country has rejected it in favour of a popular vote with either a run off or Alternative Vote...

We have said it before and will continue saying it... What is the US obsession with one man one vote (first past the post)... It is unfair, it allows the majority to terrorise the minority... Why do you think when you set up democracies you would not use first past the post, because it is crap...

Learn about Alternative Vote and compare it to your EC system...

The funny thing is I don't think Trump or Clinton would have got elected with this system...

What this promotes is a
  • Reduction in the importance of the primaries and being primaried
  • Better choice
  • Being a moderate deal maker more important than energising the base
  • Reduces negative attacks
  • Candidates are trying to reach out so that to get next preference votes rather than defend there own

I'll ask the same to you. Why do 9 at the Supreme Court have more say than 10s of millions of others?

We have a series of checks and balances. The EC and the USSC are two of those.

Get one of one, you must get rid of both.
We are not a direct democracy, we are a Republic under the Constitution.

The electoral college is not perfect but it's the best way we have to insure the minority is not trampled by the will of the majority.

It's important that we heard the voices of those struggling in the rust belt and elsewhere. Whether or not Trump is really going to help them, remains to be seen.

Hazlnut, you have gained so much respect from me during this whole thing, I just must express it publicly.

Being a minority is the same rather that status is because of your skin color or the state you live.

You get that, not many do. Good for you!
Its foolish of the Democrats to want to get rid of the Electoral College. I think the winning position is to enhance the requirement to become President Elect by making it to where you must both get the MAJORITY Of the EV (270+) and the PLURALITY of the popular vote. In this day and age of knowing who won the night of the election…it is crazy not to consider the popular choice of the people. It is the democratic thing to do (yes, I know we are a Republic).

And, before you start, no I’m not saying that because I thought the House would pick someone other than President Elect Trump to be POTUS… I’m saying that because I firmly feel it is the best system going forward.

And how would you decide who the winner is when one wins the popular and the other wins the EC? Leave it to the House?

Our FF were smart enough to anticipate people like you.....

No, the Founders thought the electoral college would prevent someone thoroughly unqualified from ever being elected president.

Now we KNOW that doesn't work.

Clinton won't be president. Seems to work as intended to me
Liberals are screaming how the country needs to scrap the EC because she won the Popular Vote.

No, NO she didn't. Check out the new thread -

Hillary supporters are claiming Hillary won the popular vote by approx. 2 million votes. It is being reported now that approx. 3 million Illegals voted (after Obama encouraged them to do so). Do the Math - Hillary wins by 2 million votes but if you eliminate the illegal vote she loses by approx. 1 million votes in the popular vote.

Libs are arguing to replace the EC with the Popular Vote, which she also lost.


Libs just can't come to grips with the fact that the country REJECTED Hillary...again...for a 2nd time!

The People didn't reject her. The system that is able to ignore the people's choice rejected her.

The States via a weighted average preferred Trump, and that is our system.

The people have their choice in-state, out of State for President, its on a State based weighted average.

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