NO more EC!

It's a rubbish system. It doesn't allow for democracy. Everyone wanted change a few days ago, now they want status quo. How quickly things change, huh?

It is all about winning. These people have more hate than they do convictions.
Well, they have no convictions at all, so.....

Had Trump been a Republican they'd hate him so much.

This election has exposed many self affirmed evangelicals and capitalists on the right as being frauds.

Trump is a demagogue, so it hard to understand what he really believes amidst his pandering to both sides. Whatever the case, he has given enough reason for just about anybody to hate him.
Well, they have no convictions at all, so.....

Had Trump been a Republican they'd hate him so much.

This election has exposed many self affirmed evangelicals and capitalists on the right as being frauds.

Trump is a demagogue, so it hard to understand what he really believes amidst his pandering to both sides. Whatever the case, he has given enough reason for just about anybody to hate him.

Yeah, it's going to be a tough ride for Republicans for a while.
Yeah, it's going to be a tough ride for Republicans for a while.

Probably not.

They will just take credit for everything good that happens, and find a scapegoat for everything bad that happens. Demigod Donald is going to be revered by his cultists with higher esteem than Saint Reagan.
Well, they have no convictions at all, so.....

Had Trump been a Republican they'd hate him so much.

This election has exposed many self affirmed evangelicals and capitalists on the right as being frauds.

Trump is a demagogue, so it hard to understand what he really believes amidst his pandering to both sides. Whatever the case, he has given enough reason for just about anybody to hate him.

An evangelical voting the lesser of two evils is not a hypocrite, but a realist. They stayed home last time and learned what a mistake it was, from their pov. I'm just glad the notion that evangelicals must control the party or will throw the election is finally shattered. I suspect more independents will lean R as a result.
As if the right hasn't spent the last 8 years crying about a black man being in the White House.

We been crying about obama's policies and the wrong direction he has taken this country. Your "black" comment is nothing more than leftist bullshit. Go play your race card somewhere else.

Oh come on.

President Obama admits he was born in Kenya! And Trump is bad at soccer.

"An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim.

It's the new "Normal" brought to you by the Obama the golfing Muslim."

What's this got to do with Obama's policies?????

Even funnier is that Trump supporters were going on about change.

The Real Change

"Ever one wanted a change in government here's their chance. Elect Trump"

Now they got their "change" they seem rather lacking in the desire to have any change at all. They want things to be exactly the same as they were before. Er... what?

It just seemed that "change" was a convenient way of trying to get other people on their side, people who might have wanted change, rather than an actual conviction in changing anything about the US govt.

Potus's get slammed on bs from the other side all the time. Did people who opposed Bush want him gone because he mangled the English language or was it his policies? We don't give a crap about obama's skin color, clinton's gender, or Pelosi's weird eyes. It's the policies, stupid.

70% of the country knows we're on the wrong track ... that would be the obama/dem/leftist track. Now we have an opportunity to fix your guys shit. Time will tell how successful Trump is.

You don't want to listen to what we're telling you, don't listen, I don't give a shit.

So what in your opinion will control of The Congress and The Executive by the Right Wing change to make America Great Again?
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

What have you ever accomplished in your life?:
  • Did you graduate from high school ( I doubt it)
  • Did you attend College (not ever, IMO)
  • Are you married and do you have kids?
  • Do you have a job, with benefits (doubt that too)
In my opinion, based on your posts, you are more likely to be a teenager living with your parents who has never accomplish a thing in your life.
It boggles my mind how you are exactly the same thing that you always talk shit about. Arent you old? Shouldn't you know your ass from a hole in the ground by now?
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Psst. It's 1/10 of the EC, not 1/5.

You know my biggest disappointment with Clinton's performance? I had been predicting pretty decent sized victories for her. I even went on facebook and made a series of posts with very specific predictions (a tradition of mine every Presidential election to lay out my own hobbyist analysis). And that dumb bitch did such a bad job that she didn't just prove me wrong, I was wrong at nearly every level.

This is why nobody likes you, Hillary. You fuck shit up for the rest of us.
1/5 of whats needed to win and lol most people were like you, I think. Me included, I just didn't say it lol
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Dems get it every time because most of the people there representing 1/5 of the country vote Democratic.

The EC is still an awful system and no president who has been selected by it without the popular vote has ever been successful.
It's a rubbish system. It doesn't allow for democracy. Everyone wanted change a few days ago, now they want status quo. How quickly things change, huh?

Actually it does allow for democracy. ee have election in fifty states and the one who wins the most states wins.

It was designed this way specifically because we aren't a democracy. We are a republic. It shouldnt surprise anyone that put republic doesn't act as a democracy when it was never set up as one. It doesn't act like a dictatorship either
We. Are. NOT. A. Pure. Democracy.

We dont' to be.

Watch. Learn.

No one is a pure democracy. PR isn't pure democracy.

Who is "we"? Republicans who have now benefited twice in 16 years from the Electoral College system? They said the system was rigged two days ago... what happened to that? .

The system isn't rigged when it works exactly how its supposed to work.
It's a rubbish system. It doesn't allow for democracy. Everyone wanted change a few days ago, now they want status quo. How quickly things change, huh?

"It doesn't allow for DEMOCRACY"?

Wow...the lib is strong in you. That is simply bullshit.

What it didn't allow for was a Hillary victory. If our board libs could market their sour grapes they could become rich (and probably conservatives).

As if the right hasn't spent the last 8 years crying about a black man being in the White House.

His skin color had nothing to do with our objection to him. His destructive policies are. People are suffering because of them and you Ignore them so your politicians can glutton themselves on our back
It's a rubbish system. It doesn't allow for democracy. Everyone wanted change a few days ago, now they want status quo. How quickly things change, huh?

Actually it does allow for democracy. ee have election in fifty states and the one who wins the most states wins.

It was designed this way specifically because we aren't a democracy. We are a republic. It shouldnt surprise anyone that put republic doesn't act as a democracy when it was never set up as one. It doesn't act like a dictatorship either

But then again a Republic can be a Democracy. They're not mutually exclusive. Yes, it was designed in a way, but it isn't the most states wins, is it? Wyoming and a few other states only have 3 EC votes, whereas California has, what, 55?

So what were they going for there then?
We. Are. NOT. A. Pure. Democracy.

We dont' to be.

Watch. Learn.

No one is a pure democracy. PR isn't pure democracy.

Who is "we"? Republicans who have now benefited twice in 16 years from the Electoral College system? They said the system was rigged two days ago... what happened to that? .

The system isn't rigged when it works exactly how its supposed to work.

Yeah, it's like saying in North Korea that the election isn't rigged because it works exactly how it's supposed to work....
It's a rubbish system. It doesn't allow for democracy. Everyone wanted change a few days ago, now they want status quo. How quickly things change, huh?

"It doesn't allow for DEMOCRACY"?

Wow...the lib is strong in you. That is simply bullshit.

What it didn't allow for was a Hillary victory. If our board libs could market their sour grapes they could become rich (and probably conservatives).

As if the right hasn't spent the last 8 years crying about a black man being in the White House.

His skin color had nothing to do with our objection to him. His destructive policies are. People are suffering because of them and you Ignore them so your politicians can glutton themselves on our back

Who is "we" in your "our"? Some people have objections simply because he's a Democrat and will be against any Democrat no matter what. However there are people who objected to him because he's black, clearly.
Just monday the big lefty rage was "Clinton is going to kick ass in the EC vote" she loses and the limp wrists want it changed
ATTENTION bedwetters : Almost 1/5 of the EC vote is tied up in ONE state. Dems get it EVERY time. Your candidate just fucking SUCKED. She is a liar, corrupt, goes against the leftist rhetoric of the last 3 decades and a cheater.

Every Republican who won a house or senate seat won because they got more votes than their opponents.
Were they all unfairly elected for some reason?
Its foolish of the Democrats to want to get rid of the Electoral College. I think the winning position is to enhance the requirement to become President Elect by making it to where you must both get the MAJORITY Of the EV (270+) and the PLURALITY of the popular vote. In this day and age of knowing who won the night of the election…it is crazy not to consider the popular choice of the people. It is the democratic thing to do (yes, I know we are a Republic).

And, before you start, no I’m not saying that because I thought the House would pick someone other than President Elect Trump to be POTUS… I’m saying that because I firmly feel it is the best system going forward.

And how would you decide who the winner is when one wins the popular and the other wins the EC? Leave it to the House?

Our FF were smart enough to anticipate people like you.....

No, the Founders thought the electoral college would prevent someone thoroughly unqualified from ever being elected president.

Now we KNOW that doesn't work.
If DEMS want the popular vote to count, they should propose a bill to Congress to get it changed.
Its foolish of the Democrats to want to get rid of the Electoral College. I think the winning position is to enhance the requirement to become President Elect by making it to where you must both get the MAJORITY Of the EV (270+) and the PLURALITY of the popular vote. In this day and age of knowing who won the night of the election…it is crazy not to consider the popular choice of the people. It is the democratic thing to do (yes, I know we are a Republic).

And, before you start, no I’m not saying that because I thought the House would pick someone other than President Elect Trump to be POTUS… I’m saying that because I firmly feel it is the best system going forward.

And how would you decide who the winner is when one wins the popular and the other wins the EC? Leave it to the House?

Our FF were smart enough to anticipate people like you.....

No, the Founders thought the electoral college would prevent someone thoroughly unqualified from ever being elected president.

Now we KNOW that doesn't work.

Qualifications are subjective analysis. They were concerned with the tyranny of the majority taking rights away from minorities.

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