No More Free Rides...Make America Work Again!

You know nothing of what your talking about.

I know exactly what I'm talking about - which is why I'm running circles around you son.

Nope can't see it..

Both Toyota and Pfizer spent over $9 billion just in R&D last year (that's research and development junior). Most corporations spend more than a million in office supplies. You really are a high school kid, aren't you? You're so astoundingly ignorant of business and your belief that a million dollars is a "lot" of money leaves me no other conclusion. Those bonuses wouldn't keep the company alive for another week in America where the taxes are the highest in the world, the regulations are stifling, and the unions are greedy.

These are quarterly bonuses. The company goes through trillions of dollars a year.

I can't possibly guess as to what they thought

And yet you want to act like an authority on the subject. I can tell you exactly what they thought and it was this: "what a nightmare that I have to move my entire operations overseas because the Dumbocrats want to devastate this company with taxes, regulations, and unions".

They didn't move their entire operation over seas. Where did I say that?

Blah.. Blah. BS... BS.. I know everything....

but I saw the consequences of their irresponsible actions and I helped as a tax payer to bail them out, when they mismanaged money.

That's your own fault. You supported the idiot Dumbocrat policies which includes bailing out irresponsible businesses. It's just another exmaple of why the federal government should get the **** out of the free market where they have no business being in the first place.

Your tax dollars paid as well.. So I guess you are part of the "Dumbocrat" policies as well..
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No More Free Rides...Make America Work Again!

Like Hitler did? Forced labor? Works out well for the companies these prospective "employees" will be working for. That's how fascism got started and how it works. All it needs is mouth breathing morons like the OP to beat the "have to work" drum.

Why not just arrest everyone that doesn't have a job? That'll show em!
No More Free Rides...Make America Work Again!

Like Hitler did? Forced labor? Works out well for the companies these prospective "employees" will be working for. That's how fascism got started and how it works. All it needs is mouth breathing morons like the OP to beat the "have to work" drum.

Why not just arrest everyone that doesn't have a job? That'll show em!

That's rich - the party of fascism complaining about "fascism" :lol:
Your tax dollars paid as well.. So I guess you are part of the "Dumbocrat" policies as well..

My tax dollars are taken against my will. My tax dollars are spent against my will. How do you figure that makes me "part of the problem"? :cuckoo:

You're the one who support Dumbocrats. You're the one who votes for Dumbocrats. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Welfare Statistics

Statistic Verification

Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute

Research Date: 9.10.2013

Welfare is the organized public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups. Aid could include general Welfare payments, health care through Medicaid, food stamps, special payments for pregnant women and young mothers, and federal and state housing benefits. The Welfare system in the United States began in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. Opponents of Welfare argue that it affects work incentives.

Welfare Statistics

Total number of Americans on welfare 12,800,000

Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000

Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000

Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion

Welfare Demographics

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %

Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %

Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %

Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %

Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Welfare Statistics

Total amount of money you can make monthly and still receive Welfare $1000

Total Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than an $8 per hour job 39

Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than a $12 per hour job 6

Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. Teacher 8

Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)

Time on AFDC Percent of Recipients

Less than 7 months 19%

7 to 12 months 15.2%

1 to 2 years 19.3%

2 to 5 years 26.9%

Over 5 years 19.6%

Top 10 Hourly Wage Equivalent Welfare States in U.S.
State Hourly Wage Equivalent

Hawaii $17.50
Alaska $15.48
Massachusetts $14.66
Connecticut $14.23
Washington, D.C. $13.99
New York $13.13
New Jersey $12.55
Rhode Island $12.55
California $11.59
Virginia $11.11

Those states listed the recipients have no incentives to work. They make more an hour to stay home and collect all kinds of benefits, never pay you see what is wrong with our system?

Even if the recipients are not in the top paying states, there are still no incentives to work unless we a) start cutting the amount of welfare, b) increase the minimum wage and c) start making EVERYONE pay taxes on what they receive in wages or BENEFITS.

That would apply to the young and abled workers only. The clearly disabled and elderly would not apply.

We have to make America work again.

By damn, I agree.

Let's get those damn rw's to buy their own effing health care insurance instead of forcing us libs to pay their way for them.

Okay, seriously - those figures pale next to corporate welfare. If you want to get some big bucks returned to the American, demand corps pay their own way.

Or, you could just do what the tee pottiers want you to do - blame the least among us who actually account for a mere drop in the bucket.
No More Free Rides...Make America Work Again!

Like Hitler did? Forced labor? Works out well for the companies these prospective "employees" will be working for. That's how fascism got started and how it works. All it needs is mouth breathing morons like the OP to beat the "have to work" drum.

Why not just arrest everyone that doesn't have a job? That'll show em!

That's rich - the party of fascism complaining about "fascism" :lol:

For the gazillionth time, look up the definition of FASCISM.

You'll know you're on the right page because it will say Republican.

Seriously, look it up.

I know you won't cuz if there's one thing the rw's love, its ignorance.

Long live the Party of Stupid.
Okay, seriously - those figures pale next to corporate welfare. If you want to get some big bucks returned to the American, demand corps pay their own way.

Or, you could just do what the tee pottiers want you to do - blame the least among us who actually account for a mere drop in the bucket.

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION] - there is simply no such thing as "corporate welfare". It simply has never existed and it never will. Your the guy who spends most of your weekend researching "bigfoot" on the internet. At some point, you have to stop believing the "fun" liberal conspiracies and join us in the real world.

Now, as far as the bailouts done by liberals (such as George Bush and Barack Obama), your side has no one to blame but themselves. I don't know of a single conservative who ever approved of those. But you guys were looking to purchase more votes by telling the people and the unions "look at the money we threw at you". You also wanted to claim you "saved" jobs but sadly you did the exact opposite.

You send me the petition to stop government bailouts and get the government permanently out of the free market and I guarantee you I will sign on the dotted line. But despite you big words here, I've got a $1,000 that says you wouldn't sign that same petition. You not only like the government neck deep in the free market - you demand it.
No More Free Rides...Make America Work Again!

Like Hitler did? Forced labor? Works out well for the companies these prospective "employees" will be working for. That's how fascism got started and how it works. All it needs is mouth breathing morons like the OP to beat the "have to work" drum.

Why not just arrest everyone that doesn't have a job? That'll show em!

That's rich - the party of fascism complaining about "fascism" :lol:

For the gazillionth time, look up the definition of FASCISM.

You'll know you're on the right page because it will say Republican.

Seriously, look it up.

I know you won't cuz if there's one thing the rw's love, its ignorance.

Long live the Party of Stupid.

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Influenced by national syndicalism, the ...

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION] - dude - if that doesn't define Dumbocrats then nothing does.

Conservatives want a small, weak central government with maximum freedom for the people.

Dumbocrats want everything nationalized (nationalism) via force (authoritarianism).

What part of this is so difficult for you LD? :dunno:
... only thing keeping Americans from working is ...
--their own choice to not work. Anyone can work who wants to and we all know that, so what you're probably thinking about is not how hard it is to work, but how hard it is to get paid for working. There's no problem finding people working, the problem is finding people willing to hire.

Question for the group: why don't you hire? My answer is while I do hire I'm not hiring like I did six years ago and the problem's the tax'n'spend war on business. How's everyone else's hiring going?
Okay, seriously - those figures pale next to corporate welfare. If you want to get some big bucks returned to the American, demand corps pay their own way.

Or, you could just do what the tee pottiers want you to do - blame the least among us who actually account for a mere drop in the bucket.

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION] - there is simply no such thing as "corporate welfare". It simply has never existed and it never will. Your the guy who spends most of your weekend researching "bigfoot" on the internet. At some point, you have to stop believing the "fun" liberal conspiracies and join us in the real world.

Now, as far as the bailouts done by liberals (such as George Bush and Barack Obama), your side has no one to blame but themselves. I don't know of a single conservative who ever approved of those. But you guys were looking to purchase more votes by telling the people and the unions "look at the money we threw at you". You also wanted to claim you "saved" jobs but sadly you did the exact opposite.

You send me the petition to stop government bailouts and get the government permanently out of the free market and I guarantee you I will sign on the dotted line. But despite you big words here, I've got a $1,000 that says you wouldn't sign that same petition. You not only like the government neck deep in the free market - you demand it.

Of course there's corporate welfare. When our govern pays corporations to ship their factories overseas, that's corporate welfare. When they give them tax breaks to build factories that don't end up providing the jobs they were promised, that's corporate welfare. For what Intel got in Dupont many years ago, they could have given everybody in the city minimum wage for 2 years. They were promised thousands of jobs which never materialized. We would have been better off setting up that money and giving it to people off the streets with no background whatsoever to start up their own small businesses.
... only thing keeping Americans from working is ...
--their own choice to not work. Anyone can work who wants to and we all know that, so what you're probably thinking about is not how hard it is to work, but how hard it is to get paid for working. There's no problem finding people working, the problem is finding people willing to hire.

Question for the group: why don't you hire? My answer is while I do hire I'm not hiring like I did six years ago and the problem's the tax'n'spend war on business. How's everyone else's hiring going?

My son graduated from DeVry with a 4.0 on the Dean's list and he can't get a job. Of course he's high functioning autistic so that's a big mark against him. In a normal economy, he could get a job but with hundreds, even thousands of people applying for every job available, even his psychiatrist says he's not gonna get a job. My friend, in her 50's can't find a job. She managed to get one as a maid for a very short time but they wouldn't keep her because she couldn't clean 16 rooms in one hour. Can you clean 16 rooms in one hour? I can't. At my age and with my health, I'm lucky if I can clean 1 room in an hour. That doesn't mean she's not willing to work. That means there's no job for her.

Meanwhile my job went to India. I asked to go with it. I could live a lot better in India on $4.50 an hour than I could here on less than $9.00 an hour. You know what I was told? Those jobs are for their citizens! Why the heck doesn't our government protect jobs for our citizens????
I did 20 years in the military. I get retirement money and since I am considered disabled, 40% of it is not taxed, so i am a disabled retired Vet.

Am I a 'freeloader"? (Please remember, I am also black so I am one of "them".)
I did 20 years in the military. I get retirement money and since I am considered disabled, 40% of it is not taxed, so i am a disabled retired Vet.

Am I a 'freeloader"? (Please remember, I am also black so I am one of "them".)

Thank you for your service!!:salute:
Okay, seriously - those figures pale next to corporate welfare. If you want to get some big bucks returned to the American, demand corps pay their own way.

Or, you could just do what the tee pottiers want you to do - blame the least among us who actually account for a mere drop in the bucket.

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION] - there is simply no such thing as "corporate welfare". It simply has never existed and it never will. Your the guy who spends most of your weekend researching "bigfoot" on the internet. At some point, you have to stop believing the "fun" liberal conspiracies and join us in the real world.

Now, as far as the bailouts done by liberals (such as George Bush and Barack Obama), your side has no one to blame but themselves. I don't know of a single conservative who ever approved of those. But you guys were looking to purchase more votes by telling the people and the unions "look at the money we threw at you". You also wanted to claim you "saved" jobs but sadly you did the exact opposite.

You send me the petition to stop government bailouts and get the government permanently out of the free market and I guarantee you I will sign on the dotted line. But despite you big words here, I've got a $1,000 that says you wouldn't sign that same petition. You not only like the government neck deep in the free market - you demand it.

Sure there's corporate welfare. Our entire military is at the beck and call of corporations that want to do business in countries that hate America. This has been going on for over a hundred years. These corporations are too cheap to fund their own mercenaries so it's US military at their service. All these freebies to corporations don't stop them from trying to pay little or no taxes and they buy politicians to help them out in this matter.
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Agreed, not all corporations are bad, but the larger they become the worse they seem to get. I have worked for some great companies and really intelligent great people and I have worked for some where they have outsourced almost 100k employees in a 8 year period.

And why do you think those 100,000 employees were outsourced? For shits & giggles? For kicks? For laughs? You really believe the CEO sat around with his buddies smoking cigars and whiskey while going "how funny would it be to put 100,000 Americans out of work"? Really? Come on man, grow the fuck up. You seem to be in high school. If you're not, you are really immature.

The cost and headaches a business incurs with severance packages, building new facilities overseas, recruiting, hiring, and training foreigners, etc. - it's all a big fuck'n nightmare which no business ever wants to endure. Unfortunately, it's something the Dumbocrats have forced on the private sector by taking the position that success should be punished and that you owe someone else the results of that success.

Who do you think it was that worked decades to get trade deals like Nafta passed, the girl scouts? . Poor corporations having regulations passed against them so they can't pollute the air, land and water. Poor babies. Profits must come first.
There was a time in the history of this country that corporation had to have serving the public good as part of their philosopy and their charter was for a limited time and their charter could be easily revoked I guess the founders didn't much care for corporations after the East India company and the tea party thing and all. Now we have the corporations funding the tea party to work against the people. They damn near shut the country down a while back too.
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...Those jobs are for their citizens! Why the heck doesn't our government protect jobs for our citizens????
Same in Latin America; President of Mexico was whimpering about how poorly illegal Mexicans were thought of in the US but then warned that in Mexico the policy was to immediately deport all illegals --even those slimy low life illegal gringos.

Why? The reason is because other countries don't need foreigners to vote in their elections because their governments already have plenty of local support from their legal citizens. Seems the United States doesn't have that luxury and is forced to import illegal foreign voters as much as possible.
Of course there's corporate welfare. When our govern give them tax breaks to build factories that don't end up providing the jobs they were promised, that's corporate welfare.

So in your warped mind [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], it is "corporate welfare" for a corporation to be able to keep what it already earned and what was already theirs to begin with?!? :cuckoo:

You're typical Dumbocrat communist position is that the money earned by a corporation is not really theirs - it all belongs to de fürher - and taking a little bit less of it is "welfare" for the corporation... :bang3:

Good grief you people are fuck'n retarded...

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