No More Free Rides...Make America Work Again!

... only thing keeping Americans from working is ...
--their own choice to not work. Anyone can work who wants to and we all know that, so what you're probably thinking about is not how hard it is to work, but how hard it is to get paid for working. There's no problem finding people working, the problem is finding people willing to hire.

Question for the group: why don't you hire? My answer is while I do hire I'm not hiring like I did six years ago and the problem's the tax'n'spend war on business. How's everyone else's hiring going?

My son graduated from DeVry with a 4.0 on the Dean's list and he can't get a job. Of course he's high functioning autistic so that's a big mark against him. In a normal economy, he could get a job but with hundreds, even thousands of people applying for every job available, even his psychiatrist says he's not gonna get a job. My friend, in her 50's can't find a job. She managed to get one as a maid for a very short time but they wouldn't keep her because she couldn't clean 16 rooms in one hour. Can you clean 16 rooms in one hour? I can't. At my age and with my health, I'm lucky if I can clean 1 room in an hour. That doesn't mean she's not willing to work. That means there's no job for her.

Meanwhile my job went to India. I asked to go with it. I could live a lot better in India on $4.50 an hour than I could here on less than $9.00 an hour. You know what I was told? Those jobs are for their citizens! Why the heck doesn't our government protect jobs for our citizens????

Because sadly [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], Dumbocrats are too busy running jobs out of our country by punishing success, vilifying wealth, and demonizing capitalism.

Dumbocrats want to make sure the jobs leave the nation by telling businesses "you OWE us" and "whatever you earn belongs to US". The Dumbocrats are a bunch of greedy, lazy, hateful communists.

So job creators take their jobs somewhere where they are appreciated. It really is that simple.
I did 20 years in the military. I get retirement money and since I am considered disabled, 40% of it is not taxed, so i am a disabled retired Vet.

Am I a 'freeloader"? (Please remember, I am also black so I am one of "them".)

[MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION], if what you say is true, you earned everything you receive. And (again, if what you say is true), thank you for your selfless service to this nation.

Frankly, I believe our nations military men and women are completely screwed over by the Dumbocrats. They want endless food, housing, and healthcare for crack addict parasites in the hood, but want to cut defense for the people who've made a massive sacrifice for all of us.

We need to drastically increase spending on the military and veterans. They deserve the best healthcare in the world - completely paid for - and they are not getting. Yet that's what the Dumbocrats are trying to guarantee for heroin addicts who did nothing to earn it like our veterans did.
Does reality ever enter the head of you wingnuts? Most people on food stamps work and look around at where items are made. Outsourcing ever occur to any of you? Imports from China? Manufacturing going to other nations? You birdbrains always pick on the victims of current economic thinking while your purchases support a foreign nation.

One example. "Because Ford, GM and Chrysler conduct far more of their research, design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly work in the U.S. than foreign automakers do, buying a Ford, GM, or Chrysler supports almost three times as many jobs as buying the average foreign automobile. Some comparisons are even more striking. Buying a Ford supports 3.5 times more jobs than buying a Hyundai. Comparing a Honda and a Hyundai? Buying a Honda supports more than 2 times more jobs." The Level Field Institute

'The American Way of Poverty: How the Other Half Still Lives' Sasha Abramsky
'The Betrayal of the American Dream Hardcover' Donald L. Barlett, James B. Steele
'To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise' Bethany Moreton
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance' by Robert Proctor, Londa Schiebinger
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway
'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin' Corey Robin
Does reality ever enter the head of you wingnuts? Most people on food stamps work and look around at where items are made. Outsourcing ever occur to any of you? Imports from China? Manufacturing going to other nations? You birdbrains always pick on the victims of current economic thinking while your purchases support a foreign nation.

One example. "Because Ford, GM and Chrysler conduct far more of their research, design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly work in the U.S. than foreign automakers do, buying a Ford, GM, or Chrysler supports almost three times as many jobs as buying the average foreign automobile. Some comparisons are even more striking. Buying a Ford supports 3.5 times more jobs than buying a Hyundai. Comparing a Honda and a Hyundai? Buying a Honda supports more than 2 times more jobs." The Level Field Institute

'The American Way of Poverty: How the Other Half Still Lives' Sasha Abramsky
'The Betrayal of the American Dream Hardcover' Donald L. Barlett, James B. Steele
'To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise' Bethany Moreton
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance' by Robert Proctor, Londa Schiebinger
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway
'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin' Corey Robin


Conservative perceptions of public assistance are predicated solely on ignorance and hate.
I did 20 years in the military. I get retirement money and since I am considered disabled, 40% of it is not taxed, so i am a disabled retired Vet.

Am I a 'freeloader"? (Please remember, I am also black so I am one of "them".)

[MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION], if what you say is true, you earned everything you receive. And (again, if what you say is true), thank you for your selfless service to this nation.

Frankly, I believe our nations military men and women are completely screwed over by the Dumbocrats. They want endless food, housing, and healthcare for crack addict parasites in the hood, but want to cut defense for the people who've made a massive sacrifice for all of us.

We need to drastically increase spending on the military and veterans. They deserve the best healthcare in the world - completely paid for - and they are not getting. Yet that's what the Dumbocrats are trying to guarantee for heroin addicts who did nothing to earn it like our veterans did.

I love the fact that you think all welfare recipients are "crack heads" and "heroin addicts". You have no fucking idea do you?

I know the mental image you have of people on welfare. I really do now. You really have no idea do you?

Oh and I am proud to have served my country for 20 years. Am I a "freeloader"? You almost sound like you dont believe I served. I am open to any question you have about my NEC or my squadrons or any question you have about my military background.

Medals, NEC, Duty Stations etc. Bring it. [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION]

Oh screw it...

84-88 AIMD South Weymouth Ma. 900....GSE and 670 Cal lab
88-92 Fighter squadron in Miramar. Best tour ever...
92-94 E2C squadron...why only 2 years....that is when the marines took over miramar.
94-98 Instructor duty North island my teacher groove on.
98-02 C9 squadron, north island Ca. Best squadron to see the world. had so much fun.
02-04 Helo squadron...dammit, those things could land on A/C I did two week stints occasionally.

Then I retired.

I was a TAR (later called FTS) so I only took out reservists to do ACDUTRA. That means, two weeks at a time and I was fine with that.

Oh and fuck you. I did serve.
Can any of you loons give an example of a country that doesn't have a robust government backed safety net in place and has a low poverty rate?

I mean, you're so sure that if we just remove the safety net for the poor that they will suddenly "become motivated" and climb out of poverty. So how about some examples of this in action.

Hi RDD BDB and RW:
No, it won't take overnight. It would take setting up campuses combining housing with job training and health services.

The Democrat district I live in set up and even passed federal legislation to create such a campus system
that would renovate public housing into sustainable job training and services to move families out of the poverty sector and become independent!

Sounds great right:

Where Congresswoman Lee signed the agreements to renovate this historic district as a campus with democratically elected tenants managing the community along with govt.
her signed agreement is linked here Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

I started volunteering around 1993-1995 thinking this was perfect to fulfill the inclusion and protection of minority interests that Democrats push as a party. And the head of the youth group in the neighborhood I also work with is even elected Chair of the Democrat Precinct.

But guess what?

Democrat administrations undercut the residents, evicted them and demolished the national historic site which was built as a military WWII complex, and destroyed these plans, starting in 1996, so they could subsequently gut historic gravesites and houses. This is a nationally recognized Freed Slave district and landmark to Civil Rights, the only one
like it in the country, in Congresswoman Lee's district. Even the Democrat Mayors oversaw gravesites desecrated and removed, and even demolished a historic Black church and then threatened to take the land away if they didn't pay the demolition lien.

So how much longer has it taken?

Instead of taking 5-10 years starting in 1996, it took 10 years, until 2006 to bring the leader of the group back into the neighborhood, who wrote the campus plan and signed it with SJL. During those 10 years of absence, most of the national district was demolished and blamed on the poor blacks, when those are the ones who DESIGNED and PASSED the plans to renovate public housing by creating sustainable education and training to end welfare!

It has taken me 15-20 years to try to get this scandal to the attention of anyone who will take it seriously as a wrong against taxpayers and demand restitution instead of "blaming the victims" as poor Blacks. The Democrats only care as long as they can control it politically; the Republicans won't touch it because it is the Democrats fault "for keeping blacks in poverty", and they also favor the developers destroying the national history in favor of corporate interests. The Black Republican leader in our neighborhood wrote up the grants for Vet Housing but couldn't get help from the VA, or HUD run by bureaucrats.

So I watched millions of dollars exchange hands while
nobody is protecting these community's rights and taxpayers money.
Or the plans long established for getting "po folk" out of poverty.

And both parties blame the other! They don't want to do the work to fix problems, they just want the money or the office to "blame the other" for why it isn't fixed!

The community that authored the plans are being punished for being poor and black. If the plans worked, that would prove they were right and wrongfully oppressed, so it is politically expedient to destroy the district to hide any remaining evidence that it could have been saved. So everyone can keep blaming the Republicans for being racist and the Democrats for exploiting poor blacks without helping them.

They are too busy competing to make each other wrong, instead of working to make things right. They had the blueprint all written out, but instead of investing in a solution as Republicans claim to support instead of govt, they gave all their money to campaign against each other for govt office. So they are both hypocrites.
And the only national historic district in America of churches, streets and houses built by Freed Slaves is destroyed at taxpayers expense because of kowtowing to corporate interests for political office.

It already takes years to train to get people out of poverty

But even trying to save these plans from being censored and demolished by Democrats
has taken 15-20 yrs (and that was just the time I got involved at the tail end of this fight).
Last edited:
Does reality ever enter the head of you wingnuts? Most people on food stamps work and look around at where items are made. Outsourcing ever occur to any of you? Imports from China? Manufacturing going to other nations? You birdbrains always pick on the victims of current economic thinking while your purchases support a foreign nation.

One example. "Because Ford, GM and Chrysler conduct far more of their research, design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly work in the U.S. than foreign automakers do, buying a Ford, GM, or Chrysler supports almost three times as many jobs as buying the average foreign automobile. Some comparisons are even more striking. Buying a Ford supports 3.5 times more jobs than buying a Hyundai. Comparing a Honda and a Hyundai? Buying a Honda supports more than 2 times more jobs." The Level Field Institute

'The American Way of Poverty: How the Other Half Still Lives' Sasha Abramsky
'The Betrayal of the American Dream Hardcover' Donald L. Barlett, James B. Steele
'To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise' Bethany Moreton
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance' by Robert Proctor, Londa Schiebinger
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway
'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin' Corey Robin

[MENTION=5464]midcan5[/MENTION], what are you babbling about?!? I've never owned a foreign car in my life. My parents never owned a foreign car in their life. My freaking grandparents never owned a foreign car.

But do you know who did? Despicable lying hypocrite Dumbocrat Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Perhaps you might want to rant to her?
Of course there's corporate welfare. When our govern give them tax breaks to build factories that don't end up providing the jobs they were promised, that's corporate welfare.

So in your warped mind [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], it is "corporate welfare" for a corporation to be able to keep what it already earned and what was already theirs to begin with?!? :cuckoo:

You're typical Dumbocrat communist position is that the money earned by a corporation is not really theirs - it all belongs to de fürher - and taking a little bit less of it is "welfare" for the corporation... :bang3:

Good grief you people are fuck'n retarded...

The tax breaks given to Intel were tax breaks on land they purchased. Why should they get a break no one else does? Well, in this case they were suppose to provide a certain number of jobs which failed to materialize. That makes it corporate welfare. Corporate welfare is when the government either gives money or grants tax credits to a corporation with no corresponding benefit to society.
--their own choice to not work. Anyone can work who wants to and we all know that, so what you're probably thinking about is not how hard it is to work, but how hard it is to get paid for working. There's no problem finding people working, the problem is finding people willing to hire.

Question for the group: why don't you hire? My answer is while I do hire I'm not hiring like I did six years ago and the problem's the tax'n'spend war on business. How's everyone else's hiring going?

My son graduated from DeVry with a 4.0 on the Dean's list and he can't get a job. Of course he's high functioning autistic so that's a big mark against him. In a normal economy, he could get a job but with hundreds, even thousands of people applying for every job available, even his psychiatrist says he's not gonna get a job. My friend, in her 50's can't find a job. She managed to get one as a maid for a very short time but they wouldn't keep her because she couldn't clean 16 rooms in one hour. Can you clean 16 rooms in one hour? I can't. At my age and with my health, I'm lucky if I can clean 1 room in an hour. That doesn't mean she's not willing to work. That means there's no job for her.

Meanwhile my job went to India. I asked to go with it. I could live a lot better in India on $4.50 an hour than I could here on less than $9.00 an hour. You know what I was told? Those jobs are for their citizens! Why the heck doesn't our government protect jobs for our citizens????

Because sadly [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], Dumbocrats are too busy running jobs out of our country by punishing success, vilifying wealth, and demonizing capitalism.

Dumbocrats want to make sure the jobs leave the nation by telling businesses "you OWE us" and "whatever you earn belongs to US". The Dumbocrats are a bunch of greedy, lazy, hateful communists.

So job creators take their jobs somewhere where they are appreciated. It really is that simple.

Oh, bulcrap. Both the republicans and the democrats have rewarded corporations for taking jobs overseas and for bringing in guest workers to take the jobs here away from Americans. The job creators forget that without someone to purchase their products, they have nothing. You take the jobs away, Americans can't purchase the products, we are in a depression. American cannot and should not have to compete with slave wages overseas.
Can any of you loons give an example of a country that doesn't have a robust government backed safety net in place and has a low poverty rate?

I mean, you're so sure that if we just remove the safety net for the poor that they will suddenly "become motivated" and climb out of poverty. So how about some examples of this in action.

That's not the gist of the article as I see it.

When welfare pays more than an entry level job what's the point in working?

A better solution would be to require people to work in order to receive benefits then reduce benefits as they earn more to wean them off the system.

People need help for all kinds of reasons and I'm all for giving a hand until they are back on their feet.

For example, Let's say a young woman with 2 children under the age of 2 loses her husband and has no recourse other than welfare.

For simplicity let's use a 2500 a month benefit. She receives the full 2500 for 1 year, then she can put the kids in a subsidized day care and get a part time job. If that job pays 500 a month then her benefits are reduced by 50% of her income or 250 a month.

She is now in a better financial position than she was if she wasn't working. When the kids are in school she can work more and her benefits will gradually be reduced over time as she earns more always leaving her in a better financial position not worse to zero until the kids are 18 or she remarries.

Isn't that better than benefits that provide a disincentive to work?
Can any of you loons give an example of a country that doesn't have a robust government backed safety net in place and has a low poverty rate?
Progressive Liberals actually believe other people don't notice the difference between spending your own money ... versus spending someone else's money.

In short … We are going to screw you over … Screw the poor over … Call it a good thing, while blaming the problems on you … And taking credit for the good things that come from what we steal from you ... And what you have accomplished.

Brilliant ... Now Let's Dance ...


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