No More Free Rides...Make America Work Again!

You are such a stupid ****.

We know from the last election that the US Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats. Try to fit that in with your delusions moron.

You just proved my point friend. The Chamber of Commerce tries to create jobs (like Republicans). The Dumbocrats try to destroy jobs by attacking success. So of course they give way more to Republicans. They are trying to save and create jobs. That fits in perfectly with what I said, stupid. It would only make sense of the chamber was donating to Dumbocrats (and the fact that you don't realize that what you just said proves my point really makes me wonder about your IQ).

Why are you getting so angry? Are facts the facts proving that everything you were brainwashed to believe is horribly wrong? This is a very simple question [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] and I'll ask it again:

Would ANY business in U.S. history move their operations overseas if it were cheaper to keep the business here?

No they should not move it regardless of the expense.. for the same reason a military official would not sell secrets to the highest paying government. It is not the right thing to do!!

In all seriousness [MENTION=43615]shikaki[/MENTION] - come back when you've graduated from high school and we can discuss this further. This is absolutely so absurd, it defies logic.

The only (the absolutely only) reason a business exists is to make money. Not to serve their country. Not to provide you with a job. Not to generate tax revenue for the government. To make money.

And you Dumbocrats have put them out of business by punishing success and rewarding sloth. It's the same idiot policies which collapsed the U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc.
You just proved my point friend. The Chamber of Commerce tries to create jobs (like Republicans). The Dumbocrats try to destroy jobs by attacking success. So of course they give way more to Republicans. They are trying to save and create jobs. That fits in perfectly with what I said, stupid. It would only make sense of the chamber was donating to Dumbocrats (and the fact that you don't realize that what you just said proves my point really makes me wonder about your IQ).

Why are you getting so angry? Are facts the facts proving that everything you were brainwashed to believe is horribly wrong? This is a very simple question [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] and I'll ask it again:

Would ANY business in U.S. history move their operations overseas if it were cheaper to keep the business here?

No they should not move it regardless of the expense.. for the same reason a military official would not sell secrets to the highest paying government. It is not the right thing to do!! The business is allowed to grow and flourish, then they sell out the employees that helped them to grow to the highest bidder/cheapest worker around the globe. Can you not see how unbelievably un-American and greedy that is?

What happened to the idea that a company grows, not by selling out, but by being efficient and innovative?

The military does not exist to make money and are permanently funded no matter what. A business does not have the luxury. If a business does not make money, they go out of business. How dumb are you exactly to make such an apples-to-ratchet comparison?!? This is so stupid and nonsensical, it defies logic.

A corporation does not exist to serve it's nation. There is a term for those that do - it's called communism. And you're nonsensical rant here is further proof that the lot of you are bunch of whiny, helpless, pro-communists who want government to coddle you from cradle to grave.

Lastly, it is you communist idiots who have forbidden corporations from being "efficient" and "innovative" [MENTION=43615]shikaki[/MENTION] because you believe they should be punished for their success. You've smashed them with the highest corporate tax rate in the world. You've regulated many of them out of business. And the rest you've destroyed with extortion through unions.

Are you saying something? T R O L L... Your comments really add no value and are only meant to agitate...
You just proved my point friend. The Chamber of Commerce tries to create jobs (like Republicans). The Dumbocrats try to destroy jobs by attacking success. So of course they give way more to Republicans. They are trying to save and create jobs. That fits in perfectly with what I said, stupid. It would only make sense of the chamber was donating to Dumbocrats (and the fact that you don't realize that what you just said proves my point really makes me wonder about your IQ).

Why are you getting so angry? Are facts the facts proving that everything you were brainwashed to believe is horribly wrong? This is a very simple question [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] and I'll ask it again:

Would ANY business in U.S. history move their operations overseas if it were cheaper to keep the business here?

No they should not move it regardless of the expense.. for the same reason a military official would not sell secrets to the highest paying government. It is not the right thing to do!!

In all seriousness [MENTION=43615]shikaki[/MENTION] - come back when you've graduated from high school and we can discuss this further. This is absolutely so absurd, it defies logic.

The only (the absolutely only) reason a business exists is to make money. Not to serve their country. Not to provide you with a job. Not to generate tax revenue for the government. To make money.

And you Dumbocrats have put them out of business by punishing success and rewarding sloth. It's the same idiot policies which collapsed the U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc.

Instead of nonsense and self deluded thoughts of grandeur, name ONE company that has been put out of business because the of government?
I get it. You think we should live 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias like they do in China. And a tard calls others "mongoloid". Hilarious!

So then you do admit [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] that it is the Dumbocrat policies that you support which have shipped all of the jobs overseas?

There isn't an American company in history that wanted the cost and the headaches of moving their organization overseas. Sadly, it was a necessity due to the left-wing anti-capitalist policies. Tax. Regulate. Extort. For over 100 years. Lather. Rinse Repeat.

But like always, after creating the problem, the Dumbocrats cry the loudest about it and then try to place the blame for in on the people who are actually trying to create the jobs. It's unbelievable.

By the way stupid - China employs Dumbocrat communist policies. One again you blame the other side for YOUR policies which create the problem. I don't believe you should have 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias. I believe you should sit down, shut the fuck up, leave people the fuck alone, and figure out how to survive on your own like a big boy. After all, if a fuck'n deer in the woods can figure out how to survive without being cared for by government, surely even your dumb ass can do it. No?

How many companies would've went bankrupt if they didn't offshore? You can't name any because there were none. They went for profit. Slave wages and lack of environmental controls. Sometimes I think you republicans would feel more at home in China. They have more republican freedoms like treating the workers like crap and screw the environment if there's a profit to be made. They even execute more people than USA does which is hard to do. Sounds like a republican shangri la.

Exactly dumb-ass. The Dumbocrat policies you support were preventing them from turning a profit. If a business doesn't turn a profit, they go out of business.

This is not rocket science. Even a simpleton Dumbocrat should be able to follow along.
No they should not move it regardless of the expense.. for the same reason a military official would not sell secrets to the highest paying government. It is not the right thing to do!!

In all seriousness [MENTION=43615]shikaki[/MENTION] - come back when you've graduated from high school and we can discuss this further. This is absolutely so absurd, it defies logic.

The only (the absolutely only) reason a business exists is to make money. Not to serve their country. Not to provide you with a job. Not to generate tax revenue for the government. To make money.

And you Dumbocrats have put them out of business by punishing success and rewarding sloth. It's the same idiot policies which collapsed the U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc.

Instead of nonsense and self deluded thoughts of grandeur, name ONE company that has been put out of business because the of government?

The list would literally crash the USMB servers. But here are a few of them in response to your VERY stupid questions:

3D Realms
A1 Grand Prix Operations
Allied Carpets
Apex Silver Mines
Babcock & Brown
Berkhamsted Town F.C.
Boater's World
Borders UK
Central Park Media
Charter Communications
Christian Lacroix
CIT Group
Colonial Bancgroup
Crabtree & Evelyn
Darlington F.C.
Denver Newspaper Agency
Empire Direct
Extended Stay Hotels
Fisher Athletic F.C.
First Quench Retailing
Fleetwood Enterprises
Goody's Family Clothing
G.I. Joe's
Journal Register Company
KB Toys
Land of Leather
LDV Group
FK Lyn
Magna Entertainment Corp.
Midway Games
Monaco Coach Corporation
Peanut Corporation of America
Philadelphia Media Holdings
Reader's Digest Association
R. H. Donnelley
Ritz Camera Centers
Send the Light
SETA Corporation
Setanta Sports
Silicon Graphics
Smurfit-Stone Container
Spectrum Brands
SsangYong Motor Company
Stanford Financial Group
Station Casinos
Steve & Barry's
Sun-Times Media Group
Taylor, Bean & Whitaker
Trump Entertainment Resorts
Waterford Wedgwood
Young Broadcasting
Adams Childrenswear
Air America Radio
HFC Haarlem
Hollywood Video
AMR Corporation
Borders Group
Focus DIY
HomeForm Group
Syms Corporation
Ultimate Electronics
Cimber Sterling
Comet Group
Fashion Bug
JJB Sports PLC
Malév Hungarian Airlines
Old HB
Eike Batista's companies

Is that enough for you? Want to do your own homework now? Oh wait - that's right - Dumbocrats don't do any work. And they sure as hell don't take personal responsibility.
No they should not move it regardless of the expense.. for the same reason a military official would not sell secrets to the highest paying government. It is not the right thing to do!! The business is allowed to grow and flourish, then they sell out the employees that helped them to grow to the highest bidder/cheapest worker around the globe. Can you not see how unbelievably un-American and greedy that is?

What happened to the idea that a company grows, not by selling out, but by being efficient and innovative?

The military does not exist to make money and are permanently funded no matter what. A business does not have the luxury. If a business does not make money, they go out of business. How dumb are you exactly to make such an apples-to-ratchet comparison?!? This is so stupid and nonsensical, it defies logic.

A corporation does not exist to serve it's nation. There is a term for those that do - it's called communism. And you're nonsensical rant here is further proof that the lot of you are bunch of whiny, helpless, pro-communists who want government to coddle you from cradle to grave.

Lastly, it is you communist idiots who have forbidden corporations from being "efficient" and "innovative" [MENTION=43615]shikaki[/MENTION] because you believe they should be punished for their success. You've smashed them with the highest corporate tax rate in the world. You've regulated many of them out of business. And the rest you've destroyed with extortion through unions.

Are you saying something? T R O L L... Your comments really add no value and are only meant to agitate...

My comments add no value?!? :lmao:

Says the idiot who claims a business should act like the military and serve the nation.... (even though the military is permanently funded through government force, while a business has no such luxury) :lmao:

What's the matter bitch - can't handle the FACTS?
What is this? This list is useless:
SeaFrance was a ferry company based in France, wholly owned by the French railways, SNCF, which operated ferry services between Calais, France, and Dover, England.

Figures you would not produce anything of accuracy. Took the lazy way out and just pulled some nonsense of Google. That is exactly why I refuse to let you do my work, I will get fired.

By the way, just because a company goes bankrupt or out of business, might mean some idiot is running it, may have nothing to do with the government.
The military does not exist to make money and are permanently funded no matter what. A business does not have the luxury. If a business does not make money, they go out of business. How dumb are you exactly to make such an apples-to-ratchet comparison?!? This is so stupid and nonsensical, it defies logic.

A corporation does not exist to serve it's nation. There is a term for those that do - it's called communism. And you're nonsensical rant here is further proof that the lot of you are bunch of whiny, helpless, pro-communists who want government to coddle you from cradle to grave.

Lastly, it is you communist idiots who have forbidden corporations from being "efficient" and "innovative" [MENTION=43615]shikaki[/MENTION] because you believe they should be punished for their success. You've smashed them with the highest corporate tax rate in the world. You've regulated many of them out of business. And the rest you've destroyed with extortion through unions.

Are you saying something? T R O L L... Your comments really add no value and are only meant to agitate...

My comments add no value?!? :lmao:

Says the idiot who claims a business should act like the military and serve the nation.... (even though the military is permanently funded through government force, while a business has no such luxury) :lmao:

What's the matter ***** - can't handle the FACTS?

I think American's should have pride in their country, whether they are serving in the military or running a successful business. I guess I'm a little older than you, so the principles I grew up with are a bit different.
I appreciate your thoughts, but the people that get screwed in the equation is the American people. The hard working, trying to get through this life people that are willing to do what is necessary to make it work. They are losing their jobs. Yes that seems un-American.
I personally can't think of one company that the government has burdened, examples? Small businesses maybe, but the tax payer bailed out some of the worst offenders for outsourcing, what up with that?

I feel the reason most of this is happening is due to greed. When I grew up having a million dollars what the top of the heap, now there are millionaires everywhere trying to reach billionaire status, at least on paper. What is wrong with making a good living and being happy? GREED won't allow it.

Examples ... Cannot help you much there.

I had a business in the states as Quality Consultant and Federal Regulatory Liaison with a few different companies.
It is against the law for me to cite specific companies and their particular circumstances ... But that evidence would be antidotal at best anyway.

The most I can say is that businesses ... Especially corporations ... Are not all bad.
I mean when a company volunteers to destroy $2.3 million of tested and usable finished product ... Because someone forgot to sign their initials on the control chain documentation for a crucial raw material used in human injectables ... It isn't about greed.

Thanks for your comments though ... And they are easy enough to understand.
I can also see where "greed" can present itself in a business environment ... But it doesn't mean that it has to be the driving factor at all.

For instance ... Because a great number of people drive to a bar and then attempt to drive home drunk ... Doesn't mean that everyone drives drunk or even drinks to start with.

Personally ... Ambition, challenge and desire are far better motivators than greed.
There are far more decent honest business people out there than the ones who get bailed out ... Bankrupt their investors ... Loot their employee retirement funds and whatnot.
As someone in business ... I never really care about what other people think as far as running my business is concerned ... If they can do it better all I can do is wish them good luck in their endeavors.
If people think I will just sit around and feel guilty because I attempt to build something worthwhile ... At a location that wants to actually help me succeed in doing so ... So the government, the people and I all see good returns ... Don't hold your breath.

I still pay taxes here in the states ... I write them an annual check that gets bigger every year ... But it certainly isn't from anything the government is providing me with.

Examples ... Cannot help you much there.

I had a business in the states as Quality Consultant and Federal Regulatory Liaison with a few different companies.
It is against the law for me to cite specific companies and their particular circumstances ... But that evidence would be antidotal at best anyway.

The most I can say is that businesses ... Especially corporations ... Are not all bad.
I mean when a company volunteers to destroy $2.3 million of tested and usable finished product ... Because someone forgot to sign their initials on the control chain documentation for a crucial raw material used in human injectables ... It isn't about greed.

Thanks for your comments though ... And they are easy enough to understand.
I can also see where "greed" can present itself in a business environment ... But it doesn't mean that it has to be the driving factor at all.

Agreed, not all corporations are bad, but the larger they become the worse they seem to get. I have worked for some great companies and really intelligent great people and I have worked for some where they have outsourced almost 100k employees in a 8 year period.

For instance ... Because a great number of people drive to a bar and then attempt to drive home drunk ... Doesn't mean that everyone drives drunk or even drinks to start with.

Personally ... Ambition, challenge and desire are far better motivators than greed.
There are far more decent honest business people out there than the ones who get bailed out ... Bankrupt their investors ... Loot their employee retirement funds and whatnot.
As someone in business ... I never really care about what other people think as far as running my business is concerned ... If they can do it better all I can do is wish them good luck in their endeavors.
If people think I will just sit around and feel guilty because I attempt to build something worthwhile ... At a location that wants to actually help me succeed in doing so ... So the government, the people and I all see good returns ... Don't hold your breath.

I still pay taxes here in the states ... I write them an annual check that gets bigger every year ... But it certainly isn't from anything the government is providing me with.

I completely agree that Ambition, challenge and desire are far better motivators than greed, they are for me. And I agree there are a lot of decent honest business people. The problem as I see are the huge companies that take thousands out of jobs with each layoff or re-org. They are also the ones big enough to influence political decisions in their favor. These are the monsters I despise, not the companies trying to make an honest living and working hard.
Are you saying something? T R O L L... Your comments really add no value and are only meant to agitate...

My comments add no value?!? :lmao:

Says the idiot who claims a business should act like the military and serve the nation.... (even though the military is permanently funded through government force, while a business has no such luxury) :lmao:

What's the matter ***** - can't handle the FACTS?

I think American's should have pride in their country, whether they are serving in the military or running a successful business. I guess I'm a little older than you, so the principles I grew up with are a bit different.

A little older? Dude, you're a fuck'n child who tried to compare the military (a full funded entity which exists solely to protect the United States) with a private corporation (an unfunded entity which exists solely for the purpose of turning a profit). It was the most idiotic post I've seen on USMB and that's saying a lot.

Furthermore, you didn't say that a business should take "pride". You said they owed it to the U.S. to go out of business :cuckoo:

Name one company that went out of business which you can guarantee was not the result of government interference (taxes, regulations, etc.). You can't do it.

No business owner or CEO on earth wants the headache of moving their operations overseas. It's done because the Dumnocrats gave them no choice. You taxed & regulated jobs out of the country. It was your decision to do that. Own it.
A little older? Dude, you're a ****'n child who tried to compare the military (a full funded entity which exists solely to protect the United States) with a private corporation (an unfunded entity which exists solely for the purpose of turning a profit). It was the most idiotic post I've seen on USMB and that's saying a lot.

Furthermore, you didn't say that a business should take "pride". You said they owed it to the U.S. to go out of business :cuckoo:

Name one company that went out of business which you can guarantee was not the result of government interference (taxes, regulations, etc.). You can't do it.

No business owner or CEO on earth wants the headache of moving their operations overseas. It's done because the Dumnocrats gave them no choice. You taxed & regulated jobs out of the country. It was your decision to do that. Own it.

You are a funny flower!!! LOL
Agreed, not all corporations are bad, but the larger they become the worse they seem to get. I have worked for some great companies and really intelligent great people and I have worked for some where they have outsourced almost 100k employees in a 8 year period.

And why do you think those 100,000 employees were outsourced? For shits & giggles? For kicks? For laughs? You really believe the CEO sat around with his buddies smoking cigars and whiskey while going "how funny would it be to put 100,000 Americans out of work"? Really? Come on man, grow the fuck up. You seem to be in high school. If you're not, you are really immature.

The cost and headaches a business incurs with severance packages, building new facilities overseas, recruiting, hiring, and training foreigners, etc. - it's all a big fuck'n nightmare which no business ever wants to endure. Unfortunately, it's something the Dumbocrats have forced on the private sector by taking the position that success should be punished and that you owe someone else the results of that success.
Can any of you loons give an example of a country that doesn't have a robust government backed safety net in place and has a low poverty rate?

I mean, you're so sure that if we just remove the safety net for the poor that they will suddenly "become motivated" and climb out of poverty. So how about some examples of this in action.

How has the 16 trillion dollars that's been spent on the war on poverty helped?

We have more people in poverty now than when the war on poverty started.

$16 Trillion Later, Poverty Rate Returns to Pre-War-on-Poverty Levels

I'm sure the Democrat response will be what the Democrat response always is....
We just didn't spend nearly enough on the war on poverty.
You are a funny flower!!! LOL

Exactly - you're a high school kid getting cheap thrills acting like a troll because you can't get girls to talk to you and you have no athletic ability.

Yawn. I asked for one company, you couldn't provide it. Game. Set. Match.
No More Free Rides...Make America Work Again!

There are no ‘free rides,’ the notion is ignorant idiocy.

The only thing keeping Americans from working is republican obstructionism, resulting in a slower economic recovery.

And it comes as no surprise that partisan conservatives seek out the most vulnerable of American society to attack and demonize.
You are a funny flower!!! LOL

Exactly - you're a high school kid getting cheap thrills acting like a troll because you can't get girls to talk to you and you have no athletic ability.

Yawn. I asked for one company, you couldn't provide it. Game. Set. Match.

I can't interact with stupid or crazy.. So I have to let you go...You will gain wisdom as you grow older. I wish you well son..
Agreed, not all corporations are bad, but the larger they become the worse they seem to get. I have worked for some great companies and really intelligent great people and I have worked for some where they have outsourced almost 100k employees in a 8 year period.

And why do you think those 100,000 employees were outsourced? For ****s & giggles? For kicks? For laughs? You really believe the CEO sat around with his buddies smoking cigars and whiskey while going "how funny would it be to put 100,000 Americans out of work"? Really? Come on man, grow the **** up. You seem to be in high school. If you're not, you are really immature.

The cost and headaches a business incurs with severance packages, building new facilities overseas, recruiting, hiring, and training foreigners, etc. - it's all a big ****'n nightmare which no business ever wants to endure. Unfortunately, it's something the Dumbocrats have forced on the private sector by taking the position that success should be punished and that you owe someone else the results of that success.

You know nothing of what your talking about. Same execs that made that decision are making millions a year in bonuses. I can't possibly guess as to what they thought but I saw the consequences of their irresponsible actions and I helped as a tax payer, to bail them out, when they mismanaged money. Listen son, these kinds of people go through more money in a month than you will see in a lifetime, don't pretend to talk down to me you nose picker.
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Can any of you loons give an example of a country that doesn't have a robust government backed safety net in place and has a low poverty rate?

I mean, you're so sure that if we just remove the safety net for the poor that they will suddenly "become motivated" and climb out of poverty. So how about some examples of this in action.

How has the 16 trillion dollars that's been spent on the war on poverty helped?

We have more people in poverty now than when the war on poverty started.

$16 Trillion Later, Poverty Rate Returns to Pre-War-on-Poverty Levels

I'm sure the Democrat response will be what the Democrat response always is....
We just didn't spend nearly enough on the war on poverty.

It's the same thing with education. We spend more now on education than we ever have and all we see are worst results we've ever gotten.

As Dumbocrats continue to get lazier and dumber, the only thing they is "we need more money".
Agreed, not all corporations are bad, but the larger they become the worse they seem to get. I have worked for some great companies and really intelligent great people and I have worked for some where they have outsourced almost 100k employees in a 8 year period.

And why do you think those 100,000 employees were outsourced? For ****s & giggles? For kicks? For laughs? You really believe the CEO sat around with his buddies smoking cigars and whiskey while going "how funny would it be to put 100,000 Americans out of work"? Really? Come on man, grow the **** up. You seem to be in high school. If you're not, you are really immature.

The cost and headaches a business incurs with severance packages, building new facilities overseas, recruiting, hiring, and training foreigners, etc. - it's all a big ****'n nightmare which no business ever wants to endure. Unfortunately, it's something the Dumbocrats have forced on the private sector by taking the position that success should be punished and that you owe someone else the results of that success.

You know nothing of what your talking about.

I know exactly what I'm talking about - which is why I'm running circles around you son.

Same execs that made that decision are making millions a year in bonuses?

Both Toyota and Pfizer spent over $9 billion just in R&D last year (that's research and development junior). Most corporations spend more than a million in office supplies. You really are a high school kid, aren't you? You're so astoundingly ignorant of business and your belief that a million dollars is a "lot" of money leaves me no other conclusion. Those bonuses wouldn't keep the company alive for another week in America where the taxes are the highest in the world, the regulations are stifling, and the unions are greedy.

I can't possibly guess as to what they thought

And yet you want to act like an authority on the subject. I can tell you exactly what they thought and it was this: "what a nightmare that I have to move my entire operations overseas because the Dumbocrats want to devastate this company with taxes, regulations, and unions".

but I saw the consequences of their irresponsible actions and I helped as a tax payer to bail them out, when they mismanaged money.

That's your own fault. You supported the idiot Dumbocrat policies which includes bailing out irresponsible businesses. It's just another exmaple of why the federal government should get the fuck out of the free market where they have no business being in the first place.

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