No More Free Rides...Make America Work Again!

Work is good for the soul and the pocket, the problem is finding something somebody will let you do for pay. I have never had a problem finding work even in recessions, now I am just tired and hurt from all that work.
I should have been a bum, I would be in better shape.
There is no poverty in America.

Says someone who has never been poor. Good for you.

You have no idea what I have or haven't been, where I have or have not been, or what I have or have not seen.

And you pretend to be educated. Hilarious.

More so than you, undoubtedly.

I know plenty about you but feel free to correct me. Were you ever poor? Go ahead and set the record straight.
Welfare Statistics

Statistic Verification

Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute

Research Date: 9.10.2013

Welfare is the organized public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups. Aid could include general Welfare payments, health care through Medicaid, food stamps, special payments for pregnant women and young mothers, and federal and state housing benefits. The Welfare system in the United States began in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. Opponents of Welfare argue that it affects work incentives.

Welfare Statistics

Total number of Americans on welfare 12,800,000

Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000

Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000

Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion

Welfare Demographics

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %

Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %

Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %

Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %

Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Welfare Statistics

Total amount of money you can make monthly and still receive Welfare $1000

Total Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than an $8 per hour job 39

Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than a $12 per hour job 6

Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. Teacher 8

Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)

Time on AFDC Percent of Recipients

Less than 7 months 19%

7 to 12 months 15.2%

1 to 2 years 19.3%

2 to 5 years 26.9%

Over 5 years 19.6%

Top 10 Hourly Wage Equivalent Welfare States in U.S.
State Hourly Wage Equivalent

Hawaii $17.50
Alaska $15.48
Massachusetts $14.66
Connecticut $14.23
Washington, D.C. $13.99
New York $13.13
New Jersey $12.55
Rhode Island $12.55
California $11.59
Virginia $11.11

Those states listed the recipients have no incentives to work. They make more an hour to stay home and collect all kinds of benefits, never pay you see what is wrong with our system?

Even if the recipients are not in the top paying states, there are still no incentives to work unless we a) start cutting the amount of welfare, b) increase the minimum wage and c) start making EVERYONE pay taxes on what they receive in wages or BENEFITS.

That would apply to the young and abled workers only. The clearly disabled and elderly would not apply.

We have to make America work again.

Do you have a link?

Im sorry. Forgot.

Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain
...states are using $8.00 as their minimum wage. If we could increase it to $10, and at the same time, decrease welfare and food stamps by 20% each year for 5 years, taxing benefits at 10%, welfare recipients would finally see that getting a job would be more lucrative ...
Sounds like you think that raising minimum wages will increase people's wages. Please understand that no government has the authority to repeal the law of supply and demand, and the only thing a min.wage law does is outlaw the hiring of cheap labor.

The way it works is people are different and each person's labor has its own unique market value. If you can cut a $0.25 profit by buying work from someone who's worth $7.50/hour, then you'll do it. When an $8 minwage turns that profit into a loss, there's nothing to stop you from laying the guy off and setting up a different shop that uses superior more productive labor that's worth every penny of the $8 that you now have got to pay.

Higher minimum wage = fewer jobs
Lower minimum wage = more jobs.
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Many states are using $8.00 as their minimum wage. If we could increase it to $10, and at the same time, decrease welfare and food stamps by 20% each year for 5 years, taxing benefits at 10%, welfare recipients would finally see that getting a job would be more lucrative than staying on welfare and food stamps.

We have to stop enabling people. Free daycare if you have a wage stub.

Not bad ideas. Those are starting points for a discussion.

I'm a "liberal," but I'm against welfare. Welfare simply allows a bad economic system to continue, and it harms people by eliminating their sense of contribution. Labor is a good thing--but labor should yield respectable wages.

Our big problem is that this government caters to banking wealth by keeping inflation low at the expense of job creation.
Can any of you loons give an example of a country that doesn't have a robust government backed safety net in place and has a low poverty rate?

I mean, you're so sure that if we just remove the safety net for the poor that they will suddenly "become motivated" and climb out of poverty. So how about some examples of this in action.

Hey [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION], I can certainly give you endless examples of nations which collapsed because of their "robust governments" (interesting way of putting that by the way) "safety nets". Would you like some of those?

North Korea

(Is that enough to get you started kid?)
Work doing what? Republicans helped move the jobs and factories overseas and they block every single jobs bill. What is it America is supposed to do?
Can any of you loons give an example of a country that doesn't have a robust government backed safety net in place and has a low poverty rate?

I mean, you're so sure that if we just remove the safety net for the poor that they will suddenly "become motivated" and climb out of poverty. So how about some examples of this in action.

There is no poverty in America.

Says someone who has never been poor. Good for you.

And you pretend to be educated. Hilarious.

Actually, what's "hilarious" [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] is just how uneducated you are. You know that government you worship? Yeah, well they did a little study on poverty. Here, learn something for once in your life:

  • 80% of poor households have air conditioning. In 1970, only 36% of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.

  • 92% of poor households have a microwave.

  • Nearly 75% have a car or truck, and 31% have two or more cars or trucks.

  • Nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV.

  • Two-thirds have at least one DVD player, and 70% have a VCR.

  • Half have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers.

  • More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation.

  • 43% have Internet access.

  • One-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.

  • One-fourth have a digital video recorder system, such as a TiVo.
Oh, doesn't your heart just ache for these "poor" people who have aid conditioning to keep them cool while playing on their Xbox connected to their big screen tv's with DVD players? You fuck'n fool - you're such a lapdog to the official liberal propaganda... :bang3:

Understanding Poverty in the United States: Poverty USA

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox
Says someone who has never been poor. Good for you.

You have no idea what I have or haven't been, where I have or have not been, or what I have or have not seen.

And you pretend to be educated. Hilarious.

More so than you, undoubtedly.

I know plenty about you but feel free to correct me. Were you ever poor? Go ahead and set the record straight.

We know one thing for sure - you are because you prefer playing the victim and throwing yourself a pitty-party rather than pursuing excellence.
Work doing what? Republicans helped move the jobs and factories overseas and they block every single jobs bill. What is it America is supposed to do?

[MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] - I know your IQ is exceptionally low (even by normal Dumbocrat standards) but surely even you can grasp that the Dumbocrats are solely responsible for moving every job overseas?

Just think about this logically for a second retard. Nobody wants to move their operations overseas. It costs hundreds of millions to provide severance packages for existing employees, build facilities overseas, recruit foreign workers, train them, meet requirements of foreign regulations, etc.

So why would anyone do it? Because Dumbocrats have put everyone out of business with devastating taxes, crushing regulations, and artificially inflated salaries thanks to union extortion. Dumbocrats have made it so impossible to conduct business in the United States and still stay in business, that it's more affordable to spend hundreds of millions moving their entire operations to a foreign nation.

Speaks volumes about the failure of Dumbocrat policy, doesn't it?
Can any of you loons give an example of a country that doesn't have a robust government backed safety net in place and has a low poverty rate?

I mean, you're so sure that if we just remove the safety net for the poor that they will suddenly "become motivated" and climb out of poverty. So how about some examples of this in action.
Nations without a safety net are called third world countries.
There is no poverty in America.

Says someone who has never been poor. Good for you.

And you pretend to be educated. Hilarious.

Actually, what's "hilarious" [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] is just how uneducated you are. You know that government you worship? Yeah, well they did a little study on poverty. Here, learn something for once in your life:

  • 80% of poor households have air conditioning. In 1970, only 36% of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.

  • 92% of poor households have a microwave.

  • Nearly 75% have a car or truck, and 31% have two or more cars or trucks.

  • Nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV.

  • Two-thirds have at least one DVD player, and 70% have a VCR.

  • Half have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers.

  • More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation.

  • 43% have Internet access.

  • One-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.

  • One-fourth have a digital video recorder system, such as a TiVo.
Oh, doesn't your heart just ache for these "poor" people who have aid conditioning to keep them cool while playing on their Xbox connected to their big screen tv's with DVD players? You fuck'n fool - you're such a lapdog to the official liberal propaganda... :bang3:

Understanding Poverty in the United States: Poverty USA

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox
You talk to anyone who actually works with public assistance. People do not prefer public assistance to working. The Right has been spreading this myth for years but has nothing to back it up with. And like almost everyone who has ever had to be on this assistance, they hate every second of it. They can't wait to get off of it because every time you use a Link card to buy food or a medical card, you feel like a failure. The sooner you can stop depending on that shit, the better. Regardless of what the extremists say, getting government assistance is not like finding buried treasure -- it's like digging coins out of the sewer.

Most people on public assistance don't live under a bridge in cardboard boxes. They have a roof over their head, enough food to eat and some things that we all take for granted, but that does not mean they prefer a life of handouts, dependence, and being label failure in life.
...People do not prefer public assistance to working...
Most, but not all.

The thing about welfare is that the vast majority of recipients are folks like you said, who hate being on the dole and return to gainful employment without delay. The problem is the vast majority of welfare funding gets gobbled up by that tiny minority of career welfare pros that can play the system like a violin.

In the late '90's Welfare Reform was forced on Clinton and after few vetoes he finally went along --it addressed this problem and saved a fortune, and the surpluses were then available to help the truly needy. Unfortunately it's recently been cancelled by presidential order. Sure, lots of people say the order was illegal but it'll have to wait in line with Fast'n'Furious, Bengazi, etc.
Says someone who has never been poor. Good for you.

And you pretend to be educated. Hilarious.

Actually, what's "hilarious" [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] is just how uneducated you are. You know that government you worship? Yeah, well they did a little study on poverty. Here, learn something for once in your life:

  • 80% of poor households have air conditioning. In 1970, only 36% of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.

  • 92% of poor households have a microwave.

  • Nearly 75% have a car or truck, and 31% have two or more cars or trucks.

  • Nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV.

  • Two-thirds have at least one DVD player, and 70% have a VCR.

  • Half have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers.

  • More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation.

  • 43% have Internet access.

  • One-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.

  • One-fourth have a digital video recorder system, such as a TiVo.
Oh, doesn't your heart just ache for these "poor" people who have aid conditioning to keep them cool while playing on their Xbox connected to their big screen tv's with DVD players? You fuck'n fool - you're such a lapdog to the official liberal propaganda... :bang3:

Understanding Poverty in the United States: Poverty USA

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox
You talk to anyone who actually works with public assistance. People do not prefer public assistance to working. The Right has been spreading this myth for years but has nothing to back it up with. And like almost everyone who has ever had to be on this assistance, they hate every second of it. They can't wait to get off of it because every time you use a Link card to buy food or a medical card, you feel like a failure. The sooner you can stop depending on that shit, the better. Regardless of what the extremists say, getting government assistance is not like finding buried treasure -- it's like digging coins out of the sewer.

Most people on public assistance don't live under a bridge in cardboard boxes. They have a roof over their head, enough food to eat and some things that we all take for granted, but that does not mean they prefer a life of handouts, dependence, and being label failure in life.

Flopper - the data is in and it's undeniable. These people don't spend decades on welfare because they are working relentlessly to get out of it. Quite the contrary, they are there because they are comfortable and happy.

There is far too much information out there Flopper for you to keep blindly accepting the liberal propaganda. Just because you and I would feel like a failure doesn't mean everyone else would as well. If the government data above isn't enough for you, how about REAL people:

[ame=]I Got 15 Kids & 3 Babydaddys-SOMEONE'S GOTTA PAY FOR ME & MY KIDS!!! - YouTube[/ame]
Can any of you loons give an example of a country that doesn't have a robust government backed safety net in place and has a low poverty rate?

I mean, you're so sure that if we just remove the safety net for the poor that they will suddenly "become motivated" and climb out of poverty. So how about some examples of this in action.
Nations without a safety net are called third world countries.

Even if that were true, I'll take freedom in a "3rd world country" over the "advanced" "cosmopolitan" society of communism any day...

I bet you wouldn't think it so "chic" if you were there when Joseph Stalin was murdering 20 million of his fellow Russians.
Can any of you loons give an example of a country that doesn't have a robust government backed safety net in place and has a low poverty rate?

I mean, you're so sure that if we just remove the safety net for the poor that they will suddenly "become motivated" and climb out of poverty. So how about some examples of this in action.

This is what they spend their time thinking about. How many services they can take away without a thought to where these people are going to work.

Can any of you loons give an example of a country that doesn't have a robust government backed safety net in place and has a low poverty rate?

I mean, you're so sure that if we just remove the safety net for the poor that they will suddenly "become motivated" and climb out of poverty. So how about some examples of this in action.

Hey [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION], I can certainly give you endless examples of nations which collapsed because of their "robust governments" (interesting way of putting that by the way) "safety nets". Would you like some of those?

North Korea

(Is that enough to get you started kid?)

Not at all what I asked but you're good at not answering the actual question. Try again granny.

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