No More Free Rides...Make America Work Again!

You can never kill Santa Clause ...
The funny thing we come across in this thread is people talking about third world countries ... And don't have businesses or a residence in a third world country.

Things you will notice opening a business in a third world country ...

The government will bend over backwards to help you open and maintain a prosperous business that benefits them in increased GDP and Revenue.
The people will come close to killing each other in attempts to get a job that supplies them with more than the average household income equivalent to $8,500 annually.
Employees show up early for work, bust their ass all day and rarely complain about anything.
Employees look at you like you are insane when you talk to them about health benefits and paid vacation ... They are also suspicious when you give them a paycheck and tell the to take the day off (some refuse to leave).
Federal officials ask you to host seminars where you can teach local entrepreneurs how to more effectively manage their businesses.
When you try to throw a company bar-b-que, the employees want to bag up all the food and take it their neighbors ... You eventually just throw a community bar-b-que.

Most of these countries have been used and abused by robber barons ... So anything you do to help out is always looked at with skepticism ... It takes some time for people to understand that you really want to help them and they are truly grateful.

Third world countries offer a better understanding of what poverty is ... And how social assistance is a luxury afforded by the wealthy ... Nothing more.
I love the third world country I am involved with ... You can accomplish more in a day there, than you can in 75 years in America.

The lazy and complacent sit still and hope for a better day ... The rest seize the opportunity and make it happen.
You don't have to be on welfare to be lazy and complacent ... You don't have to keep supporting a system that does not have your best interests in mind.
[MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] - I know your IQ is exceptionally low (even by normal Dumbocrat standards) but surely even you can grasp that the Dumbocrats are solely responsible for moving every job overseas?

Just think about this logically for a second retard. Nobody wants to move their operations overseas. It costs hundreds of millions to provide severance packages for existing employees, build facilities overseas, recruit foreign workers, train them, meet requirements of foreign regulations, etc.

So why would anyone do it? Because Dumbocrats have put everyone out of business with devastating taxes, crushing regulations, and artificially inflated salaries thanks to union extortion. Dumbocrats have made it so impossible to conduct business in the United States and still stay in business, that it's more affordable to spend hundreds of millions moving their entire operations to a foreign nation.

Speaks volumes about the failure of Dumbocrat policy, doesn't it?

Hilarious. Republicans work hand in hand with business and this tard says it's the Democrats fault. Republicans sure do attract the "stupid".

Report: U.S. has lost 2.4M jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

Outsourcing Report: Republicans Rewarding Corporations that Ship U.S. Jobs Overseas

@Rdean - simple question - even for a mongoloid like you: would any business move jobs overseas if it were cheaper to keep jobs here?

Come on Dumbocrats - think real hard. As long as you continue to punish success, successful people will go somewhere else where they are welcomed. Can you say "who is John Galt", idiot?

I get it. You think we should live 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias like they do in China. And a tard calls others "mongoloid". Hilarious!
Flopper - the data is in and it's undeniable. These people don't spend decades on welfare because they are working relentlessly to get out of it. Quite the contrary, they are there because they are comfortable and happy.

There is far too much information out there Flopper for you to keep blindly accepting the liberal propaganda. Just because you and I would feel like a failure doesn't mean everyone else would as well. If the government data above isn't enough for you, how about REAL people:

I Got 15 Kids & 3 Babydaddys-SOMEONE'S GOTTA PAY FOR ME & MY KIDS!!! - YouTube
How can you conclude that people on public assistance are comfortable and happy in their lives because they have amenities such cable TV, a DVD player, or air conditioning. You can buy a dvd player for $29.95, a used air conditioners for less than $50, and limited cable tv is available in many areas for less $30/mo. In fact most of the items on your list can be bought used at very low prices. Your data just doesn't support your conclusion. Also the data is skewed because many people receiving assistance are middle class income earners who receive assistance for less than year.

So in your mind, these items don't count because they don't cost a fortune?!? What in the hell kind of rational is that Flopper?!? :cuckoo:

Dude - they people in "poverty" have freaking air conditioning!!! An exotic luxury in over 90% of the world. You think anyone in Ethiopia as A/C? Afghanistan? You liberals have lost all perspective on what "poverty" really is and it's glaring evidence that these people have a fuck load more than they need.

On one hand you people provide all of these imaginary sob stories of people dying in the streets of starvation and on the other hand you declare that people living in air conditioning with massive HD tv's, $400 Xbox's, and DVD players aren't comfortable enough :bang3:

The fact is, they are comfortable which is exactly why they don't do anything about their situation. If you want to see them improve their lives, make them "uncomfortable in their poverty" (a quote by Ben Franklin). Once they are hungry for a couple of days, see how fast it lights a fire under their ass.

Go watch the Pursuit of Happyness Flopper - the true story about Chris Gardner. He was perfectly content in his poverty (and there is nothing wrong with that so long as you don't expect someone else to pay your way). But the moment his wife left him and he could no longer afford to keep a roof under his sons head or food on his plate - the man got motivated and went from poverty to multi-millionaire.

You ensure the people in the ghetto remain in the ghetto by giving them no reason at all to want to get out. Sadly, that is by design for the overwhelming majority of your party. Keep the masses convinced they are helpless, keep them content in their poverty, and keep them hooked on government subsidies to ensure re-election and thus power.
I assumed that your reason for listing these household items was to demonstrate the lack of poverty among the recipients of public assistance. However, you can easily buy all the household items on the list used for less than $1000. If this were Zimbabwe, then your post would certain be shocking. Only in third world countries is destitution considered a requirement for public assistance. America is lot better than that.

[SIZE="4" [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] - simple question - even for a mongoloid like you: would [I]any[/I] business move jobs overseas if it were [B][U]cheaper[/U][/B] to keep jobs [U]here[/U]?

Come on Dumbocrats - think real hard. As long as you continue to punish success, successful people will go somewhere else where they are welcomed. Can you say "who is John Galt", idiot?[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

[B][COLOR="Red"]I get it[/COLOR][/B]. You think we should live 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias like they do in China. And a tard calls others "mongoloid". Hilarious!

So then you do admit [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] that it is the Dumbocrat policies that you support which have shipped all of the jobs overseas?

There isn't an American company in history that wanted the cost and the headaches of moving their organization overseas. Sadly, it was a necessity due to the left-wing anti-capitalist policies. Tax. Regulate. Extort. For over 100 years. Lather. Rinse Repeat.

But like always, after creating the problem, the Dumbocrats cry the loudest about it and then try to place the blame for in on the people who are actually trying to create the jobs. It's unbelievable.

By the way stupid - China employs Dumbocrat communist policies. One again you blame the other side for YOUR policies which create the problem. I don't believe you should have 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias. I believe you should sit down, shut the fuck up, leave people the fuck alone, and figure out how to survive on your own like a big boy. After all, if a fuck'n deer in the woods can figure out how to survive without being cared for by government, surely even your dumb ass can do it. No?
How can you conclude that people on public assistance are comfortable and happy in their lives because they have amenities such cable TV, a DVD player, or air conditioning. You can buy a dvd player for $29.95, a used air conditioners for less than $50, and limited cable tv is available in many areas for less $30/mo. In fact most of the items on your list can be bought used at very low prices. Your data just doesn't support your conclusion. Also the data is skewed because many people receiving assistance are middle class income earners who receive assistance for less than year.

So in your mind, these items don't count because they don't cost a fortune?!? What in the hell kind of rational is that Flopper?!? :cuckoo:

Dude - they people in "poverty" have freaking air conditioning!!! An exotic luxury in over 90% of the world. You think anyone in Ethiopia as A/C? Afghanistan? You liberals have lost all perspective on what "poverty" really is and it's glaring evidence that these people have a fuck load more than they need.

On one hand you people provide all of these imaginary sob stories of people dying in the streets of starvation and on the other hand you declare that people living in air conditioning with massive HD tv's, $400 Xbox's, and DVD players aren't comfortable enough :bang3:

The fact is, they are comfortable which is exactly why they don't do anything about their situation. If you want to see them improve their lives, make them "uncomfortable in their poverty" (a quote by Ben Franklin). Once they are hungry for a couple of days, see how fast it lights a fire under their ass.

Go watch the Pursuit of Happyness Flopper - the true story about Chris Gardner. He was perfectly content in his poverty (and there is nothing wrong with that so long as you don't expect someone else to pay your way). But the moment his wife left him and he could no longer afford to keep a roof under his sons head or food on his plate - the man got motivated and went from poverty to multi-millionaire.

You ensure the people in the ghetto remain in the ghetto by giving them no reason at all to want to get out. Sadly, that is by design for the overwhelming majority of your party. Keep the masses convinced they are helpless, keep them content in their poverty, and keep them hooked on government subsidies to ensure re-election and thus power.
I assumed that your reason for listing these household items was to demonstrate the lack of poverty among the recipients of public assistance. However, you can easily buy all the household items on the list used for less than $1000. If this were Zimbabwe, then your post would certain be shocking. Only in third world countries is destitution considered a requirement for public assistance. America is lot better than that.

Wow.... I mean, seriously, wow.... So in your mind, people don't have to be "destitute" for public assistance? So you would logically agree then that Bill Gates should receive food stamps for his family, and a stipend as a portion of his government subsidized housing? I mean, if you don't need to be destitute, then you're being a serious hypocrite (not to mention flat out criminal in not treating everyone EQUAL as the Constitution states) if you don't support Bill Gates receiving his slice of the government pie.

Furthermore, you're proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that capitalism works and government assistance is completely and utterly unnecessary. If you can have ALL of those household items for "less than $1,000" (your exact words), then people have zero excuse for needing assistance. A minimum wage employee working LESS than part-time will bring home way more than a $1,000 in a year.

Which ever way you look here, you've completely proven my point sir.
[SIZE="4" [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] - simple question - even for a mongoloid like you: would [I]any[/I] business move jobs overseas if it were [B][U]cheaper[/U][/B] to keep jobs [U]here[/U]?

Come on Dumbocrats - think real hard. As long as you continue to punish success, successful people will go somewhere else where they are welcomed. Can you say "who is John Galt", idiot?[/SIZE][/quote]

[B][COLOR="Red"]I get it[/COLOR][/B]. You think we should live 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias like they do in China. And a tard calls others "mongoloid". Hilarious!

So then you do admit [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] that it is the Dumbocrat policies that you support which have shipped all of the jobs overseas?

There isn't an American company in history that wanted the cost and the headaches of moving their organization overseas. Sadly, it was a necessity due to the left-wing anti-capitalist policies. Tax. Regulate. Extort. For over 100 years. Lather. Rinse Repeat.

But like always, after creating the problem, the Dumbocrats cry the loudest about it and then try to place the blame for in on the people who are actually trying to create the jobs. It's unbelievable.

By the way stupid - China employs Dumbocrat communist policies. One again you blame the other side for YOUR policies which create the problem. I don't believe you should have 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias. I believe you should sit down, shut the fuck up, leave people the fuck alone, and figure out how to survive on your own like a big boy. After all, if a fuck'n deer in the woods can figure out how to survive without being cared for by government, surely even your dumb ass can do it. No?

You are such a stupid fuck.

We know from the last election that the US Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats. Try to fit that in with your delusions moron.
Welfare Statistics

Statistic Verification

Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute

Research Date: 9.10.2013

Welfare is the organized public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups. Aid could include general Welfare payments, health care through Medicaid, food stamps, special payments for pregnant women and young mothers, and federal and state housing benefits. The Welfare system in the United States began in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. Opponents of Welfare argue that it affects work incentives.

Welfare Statistics

Total number of Americans on welfare 12,800,000

Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000

Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000

Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion

Welfare Demographics

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %

Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %

Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %

Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %

Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Welfare Statistics

Total amount of money you can make monthly and still receive Welfare $1000

Total Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than an $8 per hour job 39

Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than a $12 per hour job 6

Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. Teacher 8

Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)

Time on AFDC Percent of Recipients

Less than 7 months 19%

7 to 12 months 15.2%

1 to 2 years 19.3%

2 to 5 years 26.9%

Over 5 years 19.6%

Top 10 Hourly Wage Equivalent Welfare States in U.S.
State Hourly Wage Equivalent

Hawaii $17.50
Alaska $15.48
Massachusetts $14.66
Connecticut $14.23
Washington, D.C. $13.99
New York $13.13
New Jersey $12.55
Rhode Island $12.55
California $11.59
Virginia $11.11

Those states listed the recipients have no incentives to work. They make more an hour to stay home and collect all kinds of benefits, never pay you see what is wrong with our system?

Even if the recipients are not in the top paying states, there are still no incentives to work unless we a) start cutting the amount of welfare, b) increase the minimum wage and c) start making EVERYONE pay taxes on what they receive in wages or BENEFITS.

That would apply to the young and abled workers only. The clearly disabled and elderly would not apply.

We have to make America work again.

I agree with you but when you tell people about how to do it via the Constitution Party then no one wants to listen and here we remain, electing in the 2 Bilderberg parties and keeping America in a state of decline.

This is all part of the Globalists' plan to make the Yuan the new worlds' reserve currency.

Russia and Europe are already making trade deals for an un-Americanized world.

They'll be trading while we are screaming for our lives in the FEMA Camps after martial law is declared.

Political Darwinsism I am afraid.

Half the population will have to be carted away to the FEMA Camps before America finally gets it.
I get it. You think we should live 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias like they do in China. And a tard calls others "mongoloid". Hilarious!

So then you do admit [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] that it is the Dumbocrat policies that you support which have shipped all of the jobs overseas?

There isn't an American company in history that wanted the cost and the headaches of moving their organization overseas. Sadly, it was a necessity due to the left-wing anti-capitalist policies. Tax. Regulate. Extort. For over 100 years. Lather. Rinse Repeat.

But like always, after creating the problem, the Dumbocrats cry the loudest about it and then try to place the blame for in on the people who are actually trying to create the jobs. It's unbelievable.

By the way stupid - China employs Dumbocrat communist policies. One again you blame the other side for YOUR policies which create the problem. I don't believe you should have 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias. I believe you should sit down, shut the fuck up, leave people the fuck alone, and figure out how to survive on your own like a big boy. After all, if a fuck'n deer in the woods can figure out how to survive without being cared for by government, surely even your dumb ass can do it. No?

You are such a stupid fuck.

We know from the last election that the US Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats. Try to fit that in with your delusions moron.

You just proved my point friend. The Chamber of Commerce tries to create jobs (like Republicans). The Dumbocrats try to destroy jobs by attacking success. So of course they give way more to Republicans. They are trying to save and create jobs. That fits in perfectly with what I said, stupid. It would only make sense of the chamber was donating to Dumbocrats (and the fact that you don't realize that what you just said proves my point really makes me wonder about your IQ).

Why are you getting so angry? Are facts the facts proving that everything you were brainwashed to believe is horribly wrong? This is a very simple question [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] and I'll ask it again:

Would ANY business in U.S. history move their operations overseas if it were cheaper to keep the business here?
So then you do admit [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] that it is the Dumbocrat policies that you support which have shipped all of the jobs overseas?

There isn't an American company in history that wanted the cost and the headaches of moving their organization overseas. Sadly, it was a necessity due to the left-wing anti-capitalist policies. Tax. Regulate. Extort. For over 100 years. Lather. Rinse Repeat.

But like always, after creating the problem, the Dumbocrats cry the loudest about it and then try to place the blame for in on the people who are actually trying to create the jobs. It's unbelievable.

By the way stupid - China employs Dumbocrat communist policies. One again you blame the other side for YOUR policies which create the problem. I don't believe you should have 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias. I believe you should sit down, shut the **** up, leave people the **** alone, and figure out how to survive on your own like a big boy. After all, if a ****'n deer in the woods can figure out how to survive without being cared for by government, surely even your dumb ass can do it. No?

You are such a stupid ****.

We know from the last election that the US Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats. Try to fit that in with your delusions moron.

You just proved my point friend. The Chamber of Commerce tries to create jobs (like Republicans). The Dumbocrats try to destroy jobs by attacking success. So of course they give way more to Republicans. They are trying to save and create jobs. That fits in perfectly with what I said, stupid. It would only make sense of the chamber was donating to Dumbocrats (and the fact that you don't realize that what you just said proves my point really makes me wonder about your IQ).

Why are you getting so angry? Are facts the facts proving that everything you were brainwashed to believe is horribly wrong? This is a very simple question [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] and I'll ask it again:

Would ANY business in U.S. history move their operations overseas if it were cheaper to keep the business here?

No they should not move it regardless of the expense.. for the same reason a military official would not sell secrets to the highest paying government. It is not the right thing to do!! The business is allowed to grow and flourish, then they sell out the employees that helped them to grow to the highest bidder/cheapest worker around the globe. Can you not see how unbelievably un-American and greedy that is?

What happened to the idea that a company grows, not by selling out, but by being efficient and innovative?
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So then you do admit [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] that it is the Dumbocrat policies that you support which have shipped all of the jobs overseas?

There isn't an American company in history that wanted the cost and the headaches of moving their organization overseas. Sadly, it was a necessity due to the left-wing anti-capitalist policies. Tax. Regulate. Extort. For over 100 years. Lather. Rinse Repeat.

But like always, after creating the problem, the Dumbocrats cry the loudest about it and then try to place the blame for in on the people who are actually trying to create the jobs. It's unbelievable.

By the way stupid - China employs Dumbocrat communist policies. One again you blame the other side for YOUR policies which create the problem. I don't believe you should have 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias. I believe you should sit down, shut the fuck up, leave people the fuck alone, and figure out how to survive on your own like a big boy. After all, if a fuck'n deer in the woods can figure out how to survive without being cared for by government, surely even your dumb ass can do it. No?

You are such a stupid fuck.

We know from the last election that the US Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats. Try to fit that in with your delusions moron.

You just proved my point friend. The Chamber of Commerce tries to create jobs (like Republicans). The Dumbocrats try to destroy jobs by attacking success. So of course they give way more to Republicans. They are trying to save and create jobs. That fits in perfectly with what I said, stupid. It would only make sense of the chamber was donating to Dumbocrats (and the fact that you don't realize that what you just said proves my point really makes me wonder about your IQ).

Why are you getting so angry? Are facts the facts proving that everything you were brainwashed to believe is horribly wrong? This is a very simple question [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] and I'll ask it again:

Would ANY business in U.S. history move their operations overseas if it were cheaper to keep the business here?
Do you pay any attention to the real world at all??? The stock market is doing very well. GNP has recovered from the great republican recession of 2008. The upper 1% are doing really well. The economic problem today is simple to understand. It is UNEMPLOYMENT, along with UNDEREMPLOYMENT. The solution is obvious, though I am sure it is not to you. Consider what Hoover did during the time from 1929 until he left office in 1933, and unemployment was shooting up like a rocket. From about 3% to over 24%. Or what the Reagan economic team did after unemployment hit the second highest level in American history in 1982. Hell, even Reagan understood that stimulative spending was the answer. And it worked well for him.
So, when was it that a bad economy was helped by lowering taxes, or by doing nothing as the republican congress wants to do today. Lowering taxes does not help, me poor ignorant con. Never has, never will.
Welfare Statistics

Statistic Verification

Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute

Research Date: 9.10.2013

Welfare is the organized public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups. Aid could include general Welfare payments, health care through Medicaid, food stamps, special payments for pregnant women and young mothers, and federal and state housing benefits. The Welfare system in the United States began in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. Opponents of Welfare argue that it affects work incentives.

Welfare Statistics

Total number of Americans on welfare 12,800,000

Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000

Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000

Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion

Welfare Demographics

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %

Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %

Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %

Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %

Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Welfare Statistics

Total amount of money you can make monthly and still receive Welfare $1000

Total Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than an $8 per hour job 39

Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than a $12 per hour job 6

Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. Teacher 8

Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)

Time on AFDC Percent of Recipients

Less than 7 months 19%

7 to 12 months 15.2%

1 to 2 years 19.3%

2 to 5 years 26.9%

Over 5 years 19.6%

Top 10 Hourly Wage Equivalent Welfare States in U.S.
State Hourly Wage Equivalent

Hawaii $17.50
Alaska $15.48
Massachusetts $14.66
Connecticut $14.23
Washington, D.C. $13.99
New York $13.13
New Jersey $12.55
Rhode Island $12.55
California $11.59
Virginia $11.11

Those states listed the recipients have no incentives to work. They make more an hour to stay home and collect all kinds of benefits, never pay you see what is wrong with our system?

Even if the recipients are not in the top paying states, there are still no incentives to work unless we a) start cutting the amount of welfare, b) increase the minimum wage and c) start making EVERYONE pay taxes on what they receive in wages or BENEFITS.

That would apply to the young and abled workers only. The clearly disabled and elderly would not apply.

We have to make America work again.

Do you have any idea the number of disabled and elderly that aren't working and aren't getting welfare? I have a friend that lost her job several years ago. She's in her 50's. She finally got hired two months ago as a maid. They fired her because she couldn't finish 16 rooms in 1 hour. She's not old enough to collect social security so she has moved back in with her mother who is almost 80. This is a really bad economy. Forget "making Americans work" Let's make jobs available for Americans and you'll find a lot of American's will be working again. At the moment, I'm more concerned about the ones that have fallen through the system than the ones that are in the system.
So in your mind, these items don't count because they don't cost a fortune?!? What in the hell kind of rational is that Flopper?!? :cuckoo:

Dude - they people in "poverty" have freaking air conditioning!!! An exotic luxury in over 90% of the world. You think anyone in Ethiopia as A/C? Afghanistan? You liberals have lost all perspective on what "poverty" really is and it's glaring evidence that these people have a fuck load more than they need.

On one hand you people provide all of these imaginary sob stories of people dying in the streets of starvation and on the other hand you declare that people living in air conditioning with massive HD tv's, $400 Xbox's, and DVD players aren't comfortable enough :bang3:

The fact is, they are comfortable which is exactly why they don't do anything about their situation. If you want to see them improve their lives, make them "uncomfortable in their poverty" (a quote by Ben Franklin). Once they are hungry for a couple of days, see how fast it lights a fire under their ass.

Go watch the Pursuit of Happyness Flopper - the true story about Chris Gardner. He was perfectly content in his poverty (and there is nothing wrong with that so long as you don't expect someone else to pay your way). But the moment his wife left him and he could no longer afford to keep a roof under his sons head or food on his plate - the man got motivated and went from poverty to multi-millionaire.

You ensure the people in the ghetto remain in the ghetto by giving them no reason at all to want to get out. Sadly, that is by design for the overwhelming majority of your party. Keep the masses convinced they are helpless, keep them content in their poverty, and keep them hooked on government subsidies to ensure re-election and thus power.
I assumed that your reason for listing these household items was to demonstrate the lack of poverty among the recipients of public assistance. However, you can easily buy all the household items on the list used for less than $1000. If this were Zimbabwe, then your post would certain be shocking. Only in third world countries is destitution considered a requirement for public assistance. America is lot better than that.

Wow.... I mean, seriously, wow.... So in your mind, people don't have to be "destitute" for public assistance? So you would logically agree then that Bill Gates should receive food stamps for his family, and a stipend as a portion of his government subsidized housing? I mean, if you don't need to be destitute, then you're being a serious hypocrite (not to mention flat out criminal in not treating everyone EQUAL as the Constitution states) if you don't support Bill Gates receiving his slice of the government pie.

Furthermore, you're proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that capitalism works and government assistance is completely and utterly unnecessary. If you can have ALL of those household items for "less than $1,000" (your exact words), then people have zero excuse for needing assistance. A minimum wage employee working LESS than part-time will bring home way more than a $1,000 in a year.

Which ever way you look here, you've completely proven my point sir.
Being destitute means without the basic necessities of life, food, shelter, and clothing. In a nation where people waste more food than they eat, starvation should not be a criteria for public assistance. We can do a lot better than that.
What happened to the idea that a company grows, not by selling out, but by being efficient and innovative?

What is Efficient and Innovative about staying in the same place under a system that desires to legislate and regulate the way you conduct your business?

Do you honestly think that the American Government or American Society in general is any example of Efficiency?
Can you show me what is Innovative about doing the same old thing in the same old place ... Then getting raped by the same old politicians with the same old song and dance?

You make a honest and worthy point towards companies that just sell out for the best deal ... But to ignore the fact that other countries are more than willing to be business friendly is outright negligence.
Businesses in the states cannot trust the government to let them do what is necessary to remain productive and responsible ... And then punishes the successful in attempts to feed failures while pointing at losers as a reason why it is okay or neccesary.
The government only offers increasing the burden on the business to support a counterproductive system ... And gets what they deserve.

I understand your Un-American comment ... But what exactly is Un-American or less than Innovative about traveling to a new land ... Building a new business ... And reaping the rewards of doing things right?
It is like the people who think that large Co-Op's buy out family farms while the farmers just cash out and live off the proceeds.
They have no idea that some of these families are moving to places like Brazil ... Acquiring miles of land ... Buying new and better equipment, and doing what their American Ancestors did 300 years ago.

You have to assume that all a business wants to do is screw people over to even have a point ... And that just isn't the case when you add up all the variables.
What happened to the idea that a company grows, not by selling out, but by being efficient and innovative?

What is Efficient and Innovative about staying in the same place under a system that desires to legislate and regulate the way you conduct your business?

Do you honestly think that the American Government or American Society in general is any example of Efficiency?
Can you show me what is Innovative about doing the same old thing in the same old place ... Then getting raped by the same old politicians with the same old song and dance?

You make a honest and worthy point towards companies that just sell out for the best deal ... But to ignore the fact that other countries are more than willing to be business friendly is outright negligence.
Businesses in the states cannot trust the government to let them do what is necessary to remain productive and responsible ... And then punishes the successful in attempts to feed failures while pointing at losers as a reason why it is okay or neccesary.
The government only offers increasing the burden on the business to support a counterproductive system ... And gets what they deserve.

I understand your Un-American comment ... But what exactly is Un-American or less than Innovative about traveling to a new land ... Building a new business ... And reaping the rewards of doing things right?
It is like the people who think that large Co-Op's buy out family farms while the farmers just cash out and live off the proceeds.
They have no idea that some of these families are moving to places like Brazil ... Acquiring miles of land ... Buying new and better equipment, and doing what their American Ancestors did 300 years ago.

You have to assume that all a business wants to do is screw people over to even have a point ... And that just isn't the case when you add up all the variables.

I appreciate your thoughts, but the people that get screwed in the equation is the American people. The hard working, trying to get through this life people that are willing to do what is necessary to make it work. They are losing their jobs. Yes that seems un-American.
I personally can't think of one company that the government has burdened, examples? Small businesses maybe, but the tax payer bailed out some of the worst offenders for outsourcing, what up with that?

I feel the reason most of this is happening is due to greed. When I grew up having a million dollars what the top of the heap, now there are millionaires everywhere trying to reach billionaire status, at least on paper. What is wrong with making a good living and being happy? GREED won't allow it.
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[SIZE="4" [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] - simple question - even for a mongoloid like you: would [I]any[/I] business move jobs overseas if it were [B][U]cheaper[/U][/B] to keep jobs [U]here[/U]?

Come on Dumbocrats - think real hard. As long as you continue to punish success, successful people will go somewhere else where they are welcomed. Can you say "who is John Galt", idiot?[/SIZE][/quote]

[B][COLOR="Red"]I get it[/COLOR][/B]. You think we should live 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias like they do in China. And a tard calls others "mongoloid". Hilarious!

So then you do admit [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] that it is the Dumbocrat policies that you support which have shipped all of the jobs overseas?

There isn't an American company in history that wanted the cost and the headaches of moving their organization overseas. Sadly, it was a necessity due to the left-wing anti-capitalist policies. Tax. Regulate. Extort. For over 100 years. Lather. Rinse Repeat.

But like always, after creating the problem, the Dumbocrats cry the loudest about it and then try to place the blame for in on the people who are actually trying to create the jobs. It's unbelievable.

By the way stupid - China employs Dumbocrat communist policies. One again you blame the other side for YOUR policies which create the problem. I don't believe you should have 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias. I believe you should sit down, shut the fuck up, leave people the fuck alone, and figure out how to survive on your own like a big boy. After all, if a fuck'n deer in the woods can figure out how to survive without being cared for by government, surely even your dumb ass can do it. No?

How many companies would've went bankrupt if they didn't offshore? You can't name any because there were none. They went for profit. Slave wages and lack of environmental controls. Sometimes I think you republicans would feel more at home in China. They have more republican freedoms like treating the workers like crap and screw the environment if there's a profit to be made. They even execute more people than USA does which is hard to do. Sounds like a republican shangri la.
You can never kill Santa Clause ...
The funny thing we come across in this thread is people talking about third world countries ... And don't have businesses or a residence in a third world country.

Things you will notice opening a business in a third world country ...

The government will bend over backwards to help you open and maintain a prosperous business that benefits them in increased GDP and Revenue.
The people will come close to killing each other in attempts to get a job that supplies them with more than the average household income equivalent to $8,500 annually.
Employees show up early for work, bust their ass all day and rarely complain about anything.
Employees look at you like you are insane when you talk to them about health benefits and paid vacation ... They are also suspicious when you give them a paycheck and tell the to take the day off (some refuse to leave).
Federal officials ask you to host seminars where you can teach local entrepreneurs how to more effectively manage their businesses.
When you try to throw a company bar-b-que, the employees want to bag up all the food and take it their neighbors ... You eventually just throw a community bar-b-que.

Most of these countries have been used and abused by robber barons ... So anything you do to help out is always looked at with skepticism ... It takes some time for people to understand that you really want to help them and they are truly grateful.

Third world countries offer a better understanding of what poverty is ... And how social assistance is a luxury afforded by the wealthy ... Nothing more.
I love the third world country I am involved with ... You can accomplish more in a day there, than you can in 75 years in America.

The lazy and complacent sit still and hope for a better day ... The rest seize the opportunity and make it happen.
You don't have to be on welfare to be lazy and complacent ... You don't have to keep supporting a system that does not have your best interests in mind.

Which country are you talking about?
I get it. You think we should live 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias like they do in China. And a tard calls others "mongoloid". Hilarious!

So then you do admit [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] that it is the Dumbocrat policies that you support which have shipped all of the jobs overseas?

There isn't an American company in history that wanted the cost and the headaches of moving their organization overseas. Sadly, it was a necessity due to the left-wing anti-capitalist policies. Tax. Regulate. Extort. For over 100 years. Lather. Rinse Repeat.

But like always, after creating the problem, the Dumbocrats cry the loudest about it and then try to place the blame for in on the people who are actually trying to create the jobs. It's unbelievable.

By the way stupid - China employs Dumbocrat communist policies. One again you blame the other side for YOUR policies which create the problem. I don't believe you should have 5 to a room and eat in cafeterias. I believe you should sit down, shut the fuck up, leave people the fuck alone, and figure out how to survive on your own like a big boy. After all, if a fuck'n deer in the woods can figure out how to survive without being cared for by government, surely even your dumb ass can do it. No?

How many companies would've went bankrupt if they didn't offshore? You can't name any because there were none. They went for profit. Slave wages and lack of environmental controls. Sometimes I think you republicans would feel more at home in China. They have more republican freedoms like treating the workers like crap and screw the environment if there's a profit to be made. They even execute more people than USA does which is hard to do. Sounds like a republican shangri la.

Again dumb-ass, China is YOUR home state. They employe YOUR policies. Government controlling the people, pooling the resources, and then sharing the table scraps. China is a Dumbocrat Shangri La of communism :bang3:

Why do you idiots support policies which are so bad, you have to falsely accuse your opposition of them? China is your utopia [MENTION=37315]jasonnfree[/MENTION]. Own it.

Now that we've cleared up that idiocy, please name ONE company in U.S. history that incurred the headaches and the cost of moving their company overseas when it would have been cheaper for them to do business here?

You guys have created the policies that have chased jobs overseas. Own it. I mean, we know that Dumobcrats hate personal responsibility, but these are your policies. Be a big boy and own it.
You are such a stupid ****.

We know from the last election that the US Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats. Try to fit that in with your delusions moron.

You just proved my point friend. The Chamber of Commerce tries to create jobs (like Republicans). The Dumbocrats try to destroy jobs by attacking success. So of course they give way more to Republicans. They are trying to save and create jobs. That fits in perfectly with what I said, stupid. It would only make sense of the chamber was donating to Dumbocrats (and the fact that you don't realize that what you just said proves my point really makes me wonder about your IQ).

Why are you getting so angry? Are facts the facts proving that everything you were brainwashed to believe is horribly wrong? This is a very simple question [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] and I'll ask it again:

Would ANY business in U.S. history move their operations overseas if it were cheaper to keep the business here?

No they should not move it regardless of the expense.. for the same reason a military official would not sell secrets to the highest paying government. It is not the right thing to do!! The business is allowed to grow and flourish, then they sell out the employees that helped them to grow to the highest bidder/cheapest worker around the globe. Can you not see how unbelievably un-American and greedy that is?

What happened to the idea that a company grows, not by selling out, but by being efficient and innovative?

The military does not exist to make money and are permanently funded no matter what. A business does not have the luxury. If a business does not make money, they go out of business. How dumb are you exactly to make such an apples-to-ratchet comparison?!? This is so stupid and nonsensical, it defies logic.

A corporation does not exist to serve it's nation. There is a term for those that do - it's called communism. And you're nonsensical rant here is further proof that the lot of you are bunch of whiny, helpless, pro-communists who want government to coddle you from cradle to grave.

Lastly, it is you communist idiots who have forbidden corporations from being "efficient" and "innovative" [MENTION=43615]shikaki[/MENTION] because you believe they should be punished for their success. You've smashed them with the highest corporate tax rate in the world. You've regulated many of them out of business. And the rest you've destroyed with extortion through unions.

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