No More Hope


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.
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Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by then evaporated.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".
Holy shit! What are you doing wasting your talents here. A thing of beauty like that needs to be published. Have you tried The New Yorker? Maybe Backpage?
Peach, after 9/11/01, we had more hope then than we do now. In the few years following that tragedy, we actually were united; we were hopeful. Not so today. We have once again been robbed of it. No matter how much you continue to persist in saying otherwise.
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Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by then evaporated.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

One other thing. There is a disaster happening on our border right now that you just readily blew off there. Our ally Israel is (or was) steeped in the fog of war. Our foreign policy is a disaster, given the hundreds of thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Syria.

And this "let's blame Bush" nonsense will not hold. I never once said that those disasters were bright spots in our history. They simply, and conveniently for you happened when Bush was the president. Your hope is false. When will you ever wake up and see you are being led like a lamb to the slaughter?
Holy shit! What are you doing wasting your talents here. A thing of beauty like that needs to be published. Have you tried The New Yorker? Maybe Backpage?

I would thank you for that if I didn't already know how sarcastic you were with me just then.

The New Yorker isn't bad though... and Backpage not a very nice place to publish anything other than classifieds. It is a cheap and lecherous knockoff of Craigslist. In fact, I should neg you for even suggesting Backpage. How utterly revolting.
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Peach, after 9/11/01, we had more hope then than we do now. In the few years following that tragedy, we actually were united; we were hopeful. Not so today. We have once again been robbed of it. No matter how much you continue to persist in saying otherwise.

I agree; you're hopeless.
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by then evaporated.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

One other thing. There is a disaster happening on our border right now that you just readily blew off there. Our ally Israel is (or was) steeped in the fog of war. Our foreign policy is a disaster, given the hundreds of thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Syria.

Your solution to the border crisis, please?

Your solution to assisting Israel, please?

Your solution to righting the wrongs in Syria, please?
Peach, after 9/11/01, we had more hope then than we do now. In the few years following that tragedy, we actually were united; we were hopeful. Not so today. We have once again been robbed of it. No matter how much you continue to persist in saying otherwise.

I agree; you're hopeless.

It is settled, you are a troll.

Moving on.
The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

One other thing. There is a disaster happening on our border right now that you just readily blew off there. Our ally Israel is (or was) steeped in the fog of war. Our foreign policy is a disaster, given the hundreds of thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Syria.

Your solution to the border crisis, please?

Your solution to assisting Israel, please?

Your solution to righting the wrongs in Syria, please?

1. Feed them and deport them

2. That's just it. Assist them.

3. Stop drawing red lines.
The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

you might also add that the stock market more than doubled, jobs are being created at a are of over 200,000 a month and fewer people not getting medical care because they can't afford it.

i'm very hopeful that the GOP will take their party back from wackos and congress will do it's job again. if they were, we'd have a lot more to celebrate.
One other thing. There is a disaster happening on our border right now that you just readily blew off there. Our ally Israel is (or was) steeped in the fog of war. Our foreign policy is a disaster, given the hundreds of thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Syria.

Your solution to the border crisis, please?

Your solution to assisting Israel, please?

Your solution to righting the wrongs in Syria, please?

2. That's just it. Assist them.

Boots on the ground? Air Strikes? Or offshore bombardment?

To what end...when does it stop?

3. Stop drawing red lines.

Been a while since the red line non-sense.

And when it was put up to a poll, you were against war with Syria--as am I.

So stop drawing red lines...done. What else?
The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

you might also add that the stock market more than doubled, jobs are being created at a are of over 200,000 a month and fewer people not getting medical care because they can't afford it.

i'm very hopeful that the GOP will take their party back from wackos and congress will do it's job again. if they were, we'd have a lot more to celebrate.

That is pure unmitigated trash.

Most of those jobs are part time. And last time I checked, the unemployment lines were still still miles long, plus more states are seeing double digit rate hikes because of Obamacare. Would you mind not spewing your propaganda, milady?

You liberals are akin to those who hold a bonfire in the middle of a forest.
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Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

The economy lost 8 million jobs between sept 2008 and June of 2009. Thanks to Obama's stimulus package that massive job loss leveled off and job growth began. That job growth has continued and we have regained all of those jobs lost.

Sure you will say those jobs gained were of poor quality because most were part time, but how exactly is that Obama's fault? Corporate profits are at an all time high under Obama. Tell me, where are the jobs? Why is it Obama's fault or any other politician? Why don't you put any blame on the "job creators"?

Tell me TK. This is a simple question. What should Obama be doing? What GOVERNMENT POLICIES would you support that would fix our market issues? You are, after all, talking about a failure of government. What sort of government policy would you support to fix our free market system? We already tried tax cuts. Those don't work.
The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

you might also add that the stock market more than doubled, jobs are being created at a are of over 200,000 a month and fewer people not getting medical care because they can't afford it.

i'm very hopeful that the GOP will take their party back from wackos and congress will do it's job again. if they were, we'd have a lot more to celebrate.

That is pure unmitigated trash.

Most of those jobs are part time, last time I checked, the unemployment lines were still still miles long, plus more states are seeing double digit rate hikes because of Obamacare. Would you mind not spewing your propaganda, milady?

You liberals are akin to those who hold a bonfire in the middle of a forest.

And you still haven't gotten a job? Are you ever going back to work?
Your solution to the border crisis, please?

Your solution to assisting Israel, please?

Your solution to righting the wrongs in Syria, please?

2. That's just it. Assist them.

Boots on the ground? Air Strikes? Or offshore bombardment?

To what end...when does it stop?

3. Stop drawing red lines.

Been a while since the red line non-sense.

And when it was put up to a poll, you were against war with Syria--as am I.

So stop drawing red lines...done. What else?

Offshore bombardments, first of all, we have ships all over that area. Show Israel we still have their backs. Hey, Obama didn't mind doing it with Libya. Secondly, I was against action in Syria, but I heeded a word of advice from my father "Son, don't point your gun at someone unless you intend to use it." So, Obama shouldn't threaten military action anywhere unless he's prepared to actually take it.

Make sense?
2. That's just it. Assist them.

Boots on the ground? Air Strikes? Or offshore bombardment?

To what end...when does it stop?

3. Stop drawing red lines.

Been a while since the red line non-sense.

And when it was put up to a poll, you were against war with Syria--as am I.

So stop drawing red lines...done. What else?

Offshore bombardments, first of all, we have ships all over that area. Show Israel we still have their backs. Hey, Obama didn't mind doing it with Libya.
Oh yeah, like Reagan did in the 1980's...bomb Beirut. I recall that.

Again and again the big 5-in. naval guns roared with the sound of 70-lb. shells being dispatched toward shore. Steaming to within two miles of the Lebanese coast, the U.S. destroyer John Rodgers and the nuclear-powered cruiser Virginia, part of an American flotilla that had grown to more than a dozen vessels with the arrival of the battleship New Jersey late last week, hurled some 600 rounds into the wooded hills above Beirut.

Time Magazine, 10/3/83

Tell me, with the benefit of history and your, ahem, "intelligence", how did Beirut turn out since the 1980's?

Secondly, I was against action in Syria, but I heeded a word of advice from my father "Son, don't point your gun at someone unless you intend to use it." So, Obama shouldn't threaten military action anywhere unless he's prepared to actually take it.

Make sense?


The President did what you wanted him to do--not take action in Syria-- and now you're calling it a disaster and blaming Obama for what is going on.

Make sense?
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

The economy lost 8 million jobs between sept 2008 and June of 2009. Thanks to Obama's stimulus package that massive job loss leveled off and job growth began. That job growth has continued and we have regained all of those jobs lost.

Sure you will say those jobs gained were of poor quality because most were part time, but how exactly is that Obama's fault? Corporate profits are at an all time high under Obama. Tell me, where are the jobs? Why is it Obama's fault or any other politician? Why don't you put any blame on the "job creators"?

Tell me TK. This is a simple question. What should Obama be doing? What GOVERNMENT POLICIES would you support that would fix our market issues? You are, after all, talking about a failure of government. What sort of government policy would you support to fix our free market system? We already tried tax cuts. Those don't work.

The economy lost 8 million jobs between sept 2008 and June of 2009. Thanks to Obama's stimulus package that massive job loss leveled off and job growth began. That job growth has continued and we have regained all of those jobs lost.
Yeah sure. Give Obama all the glory. This is the weakest economic recovery in history. Our economy grew faster after the crash than it has now.

Sure you will say those jobs gained were of poor quality because most were part time, but how exactly is that Obama's fault? Corporate profits are at an all time high under Obama. Tell me, where are the jobs? Why is it Obama's fault or any other politician? Why don't you put any blame on the "job creators"?
That makes literally no sense. How is it Obama's fault? He had more than 6 years now to prescribe a solution, Billy. Whose fault is it when you're the guy standing there with the fire hose and you do nothing to put out the blaze?

Tell me TK. This is a simple question. What should Obama be doing? What GOVERNMENT POLICIES would you support that would fix our market issues? You are, after all, talking about a failure of government. What sort of government policy would you support to fix our free market system? We already tried tax cuts. Those don't work.
What should Obama be doing? Using his pen to write cogent jobs legislation, and using his phone to help sell it to Congress. But hey, he'd rather use them for more deleterious means, of course. I wouldn't be supporting any government policies either. The government should not intervene in the free market Billy. Let the free market regulate itself.
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Boots on the ground? Air Strikes? Or offshore bombardment?

To what end...when does it stop?

Been a while since the red line non-sense.

And when it was put up to a poll, you were against war with Syria--as am I.

So stop drawing red lines...done. What else?

Offshore bombardments, first of all, we have ships all over that area. Show Israel we still have their backs. Hey, Obama didn't mind doing it with Libya.
Oh yeah, like Reagan did in the 1980's...bomb Beirut. I recall that.

Again and again the big 5-in. naval guns roared with the sound of 70-lb. shells being dispatched toward shore. Steaming to within two miles of the Lebanese coast, the U.S. destroyer John Rodgers and the nuclear-powered cruiser Virginia, part of an American flotilla that had grown to more than a dozen vessels with the arrival of the battleship New Jersey late last week, hurled some 600 rounds into the wooded hills above Beirut.
Time Magazine, 10/3/83

Tell me, with the benefit of history and your, ahem, "intelligence", how did Beirut turn out since the 1980's?

Secondly, I was against action in Syria, but I heeded a word of advice from my father "Son, don't point your gun at someone unless you intend to use it." So, Obama shouldn't threaten military action anywhere unless he's prepared to actually take it.

Make sense?


The President did what you wanted him to do--not take action in Syria-- and now you're calling it a disaster and blaming Obama for what is going on.

Make sense?

I wanted him to do what he said he wanted to do. I don't like people who make lofty threats. Make sense?

Ahh yes, I wasn't even alive in 1980. But see, we don't have those types of ships anymore. We are closer to magnetic rail guns and drones than anything else. Those types of battleships used all that time ago are the 'horses and bayonets' of yesteryear. As for intelligence... I'll be polite and not comment on your intelligence, okay? I'd rather not embarrass you this morning.
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