No More Hope

And, we were united. And then Bush used the oppurtunity to vilify his opponents and lie us into a war and offend most of the world.

And oddly, never caught the guy who actually masterminded the whole thing.

Interestingly enough Joe, his Intel helped Obama kill the guy responsible... Better to lie us into war, than lie your way into office.

Bush did that too with "compassionate conservatism" and a "more humble" foreign policy:

While the Bush Doctrine of preemption sharply contrasts with the "more humble" foreign policy publicly advocated in 2000 by presidential candidate Bush, who repeatedly promised to avoid the interventionist "nation building" exploits of his predecessor, it has a developmental history going back to at least the early 1990's.
October 11, 2000 The Second Gore-Bush Presidential Debate (transcript)

"....It really depends upon how our nation conducts itself in foreign policy. If we're an arrogant nation, they'll resent us. If we're a humble nation, but strong, they'll welcome us. And it's -- our nation stands alone right now in the world in terms of power, and that's why we have to be humble. And yet project strength in a way that promotes freedom. So I don't think they ought to look at us in any way other than what we are. We're a freedom-loving nation and if we're an arrogant nation they'll view us that way, but if we're a humble nation they'll respect us."
Rhetoric and Reality - Origins and Goals of the Bush National Security Strategy

If Obama had said that we should be humble on the international stage, you'd hate him even more than you do now...if that were possible.

As I recall, all of Bush's actions after the year 2001 contradicted those statements. Or am I wrong?

Oh look, another "well you just hate Obama because he's black" post. Geez louise, find some different material...
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Uh, they're politicians, they all "lie" their way into office.

Lying us into a war is worse. People fucking died.

And, no, Bush's "Intel" didn't catch bin Laden. We spent years chasing down false leads from guys who would say anything to stop the water-boarding.

Uh, Joe, how else did we know where to find him? Surely you aren't that stupid. I mean you were claiming credit for Obama after all.

Well, it wasn't because Bush tortured people. IN fact, quite the oppossite. the "Courier" was described by Khalid as "someone of no importance' after he was waterboarded.

But it would be nice if Bush had kept the eye on the ball in Afghanistan and Pakistan instead of settling scores with Saddam in Iraq.

I thought you didn't want us in Afghanistan? How many times will you contradict yourself? Good thing we didn't take Khalid seriously now did we? We wound up following that courier all the way to Abbottabad.
I thought you didn't want us in Afghanistan? How many times will you contradict yourself? Good thing we didn't take Khalid seriously now did we? We wound up following that courier all the way to Abbottabad.

Well, yeah, 9 years later.

Not impressed.

I don't want us in Afghanistan now. We might have done some good in 2002, before Bush shifted all the resources to Iraq and missed the oppurtunity to put down the Taliban for good.
Liberals are mad this morning aren't they?

Naw, the folks who make this country work are just getting tired of being lectured by some trailer trash who hasn't held down a job in his life lecturing us about... well, anything.

Hey, go out and accomplish something. Then I'll be impressed.

"Trailer trash"

How amusing. When you come up with an argument not consisting of my employment status, or of my living situation, then I'll be impressed. Hey, maybe you could exercise that brain of yours? Then that impression would turn into utter astoundment!

Heh. You never can debate me as an equal. You bite like a cobra, and bark like a ravening dog. Sit boy.
The evidence is undeniable that the stimulus stopped the job free fall.

How do you not see the contradiction in what you are saying. Pen jobs bill? How would that not be government interfering in the market? You need to answer the question and be specific. What specific jobs bill would fix our economy? What jobs bill would get bipartisan support? You can't answer these quesrions can you?
I'd love for you to post this 'undeniable' evidence, Billy.

I'll show you the evidence for that as soon as you answer my questions.
I thought you didn't want us in Afghanistan? How many times will you contradict yourself? Good thing we didn't take Khalid seriously now did we? We wound up following that courier all the way to Abbottabad.

Well, yeah, 9 years later.

Not impressed.

I don't want us in Afghanistan now. We might have done some good in 2002, before Bush shifted all the resources to Iraq and missed the oppurtunity to put down the Taliban for good.


Sure, but you would have never been satisfied with anything he did, yet you were just quoting him like a sage just a few minutes ago. How cute!

Oh, then on that page you showed me, on the lower right corner is this quote:
"To announce that there should be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, it is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt

Lo and behold, that is exactly what you are doing with Obama.
The evidence is undeniable that the stimulus stopped the job free fall.

How do you not see the contradiction in what you are saying. Pen jobs bill? How would that not be government interfering in the market? You need to answer the question and be specific. What specific jobs bill would fix our economy? What jobs bill would get bipartisan support? You can't answer these quesrions can you?
I'd love for you to post this 'undeniable' evidence, Billy.

I'll show you the evidence for that as soon as you answer my questions.

Nice deflection. But I won't be falling for your diversionary tactics. Either cough up some links or be negged. I don't like being lied to.
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

No hope and change you say?

VP Biden would agree with you.

Biden?s Meandering Speech to Progressives: 2008?s Change ?Didn?t Happen? and ?I am Pretty Damned Sophisticated? | Video |

And that is how liberals operate. They dangle hope and change in front of you and then at the end of their two terms say that we did not get there yet. Not to worry though, just keep electing us because I know we can get there.
I'd love for you to post this 'undeniable' evidence, Billy.

I'll show you the evidence for that as soon as you answer my questions.

Nice deflection. But I won't be falling for your diversionary tactics. Either cough up some links or be negged. I don't like being lied to.

Lol TK you are pathetic. Admit you can't answer my questions. Once you do that, I'll be happy to show you evidence.
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

With the economy collapsing, I hope we don't go into a depression
I hope I don't lose my job
I hope I can get health insurance
As a gay, I hope I can someday get married
I hope we get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan
I hope we fianally kill that bastard Bin Laden

Yea, there was a lot of Hope in 2008
I'm traumatized that Joe Biden and I would agree on anything, Votto.

It's like trying to deny that the sky is blue. Lying can only carry you so far before the truth becomes inescapable.

As for why hope and change did not come about, I'm surprised he did not blame the Koch Brothers or the Tea party or some other poor soul out there that disagrees with him. :lol:
I'll show you the evidence for that as soon as you answer my questions.

Nice deflection. But I won't be falling for your diversionary tactics. Either cough up some links or be negged. I don't like being lied to.

Lol TK you are pathetic. Admit you can't answer my questions. Once you do that, I'll be happy to show you evidence.

I did answer your questions. But anyhow, negged for not supporting your argument with 'undeniable evidence.' I warned you, Billy. Your calling me 'pathetic' is even more deserving of it. You don't have any evidence to show me, otherwise you wouldn't be resorting to ad hominem as you are now.

You were warned.
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

With the economy collapsing, I hope we don't go into a depression
I hope I don't lose my job
I hope I can get health insurance
As a gay, I hope I can someday get married
I hope we get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan
I hope we fianally kill that bastard Bin Laden

Yea, there was a lot of Hope in 2008

And a lot of stupidity, come to think of it.
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

With the economy collapsing, I hope we don't go into a depression
I hope I don't lose my job
I hope I can get health insurance
As a gay, I hope I can someday get married
I hope we get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan
I hope we fianally kill that bastard Bin Laden

Yea, there was a lot of Hope in 2008

The middle class continues to disappear.

The federal government continues to tinker with wars across the globe.

Health insurance continues to be more expensive for less coverage.

Entitlements continue to be expanded as deficits skyrocket.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi and Saddam are dead but it does not seem to matter.

Same old, same old. Obama is an empty suit in a never ending continuation of what was going on since the dawn of the progressive era.

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