No More Hope

The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

Obama had to be President to prevent terrorists attacks and hurricanes?

Why couldn't he have simply ducked into a phone booth, changed into his tights and cape, and done these things?

He would have to be in his suit first.
Of course rightwingers consider the situation hopeless.

The situation is and always will be hopeless for the Right because the Right is the barrier to progress,

and progress is unstoppable.
Six million people did not lose their health insurance. It is a rightwing myth that refuses to die

In fact, 10 million plus now have health coverage through federal or state programs. Do you?

Yet, I don't see you disproving the former or substantiating the latter. I challenge you to do both.

The GOP claim that more Americans have lost insurance than gained it under Obamacare - The Washington Post

In reality, many people who received notices that their plans were canceled were told they would be automatically enrolled into another plan by the same insurance company. (Here’s an example of such a letter, courtesy of our colleagues at PolitiFact.)

In other words, the person’s health plan was “canceled” but the person was not left “without coverage,” as the Daily Caller asserted. There likely was a seamless transition from one plan to the other, though the premiums might have increased because the ACA requires all plans to have the same basic level of benefits.

Does it please you that corporate America now sets our health care tax rates?

Incidentally, Obama once promised he would never raise taxes on the middle class. Then he sold health care as something other than a tax. Then he scoffed at those who claimed his health care was unconstitutional. Then SCOTUS said it was unconstitutional, and is why justice Roberts took it upon himself to single handedly turn it into a tax just to make it somewhat Constitutional.

The health care tax has now become the largest tax increase on the middle class in US history, with corporate America at the helm.
The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

Obama had to be President to prevent terrorists attacks and hurricanes?

Why couldn't he have simply ducked into a phone booth, changed into his tights and cape, and done these things?

I did not write that, I noted the events from 1/01-1/09. Obama may just be lucky he hasn't the desire to ignore the lives of those in the US to cut taxes for those both inside & outside the US, start a war with a personal "enemy" * and trim ongoing infrastructure projects to fund a war of choice.

*Don't forget, this guy thratened my father!
Of course rightwingers consider the situation hopeless.

The situation is and always will be hopeless for the Right because the Right is the barrier to progress,

and progress is unstoppable.

Progress? If you call rising health care costs coupled with decreased coverage and the inability to have the freedom to decline health care progress then you are correct. :lol:

The US is just as progressive as Nazi Germany I guess since both mandated health insurance.

Thank God there were enough regressive backward idiots willing to fight them off.
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Was that the best you could come up with?

Compared to your OP, it's worthy of a Pulitzer.

LOL. Nice comeback. Too bad comebacks are all you got. You can't even come up with an objective argument can you?

Good thing it isn't worthy of a Pulitzer, Seawytch, or all of journalism would be doomed.

That was an objective argument. Not my problem if you don't like what it says, but it's true. When this President took office we were hemorrhaging 700,000 jobs a month and now we've had steady job growth for over a score of months. The stock market, that was in the tank when he took office keeps recording record highs.

But right now, that seems like quibbling. To hear Mr. Newport Beach tell it, my president is a downright monster. Who cares if he ended the war, saved the economy, restored America’s stature in the world, nailed Osama bin Laden, invested billions in clean energy, partially reformed what is still the most expensive, least effective health care system in the industrialized world, or made the rich even richer? The guy’s the worst thing to ever happen to America. I mean, obviously. Now who wants more wine?
I actually have a MUCH better suggestion as to where you publish your rants.

Have them printed on toilet paper. Yep that's right. Something as funny and stupid as the shit you write should be used for ass wiping and flushing.

That is all the good your "writings" offer. But even toilet paper has a purpose. You on the other hand........I don't think so.

Unless your "purpose" is the continual spreading of the Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Even I got to admit that you spread the ODS word pretty good. Creative in your complaints.

Zeke, thy name is cognitive dissonant. Now, I invite you to take your garbage and go eat it elsewhere.

ODS got you down this morning? What a shame.

Nope, but I'm sure the neg coming your way will get you down. Go to work. And a piece of advice, please, don't go to work with all of that egg on your face. Have a seat.




Yet, I don't see you disproving the former or substantiating the latter. I challenge you to do both.

The GOP claim that more Americans have lost insurance than gained it under Obamacare - The Washington Post

In reality, many people who received notices that their plans were canceled were told they would be automatically enrolled into another plan by the same insurance company. (Here’s an example of such a letter, courtesy of our colleagues at PolitiFact.)

In other words, the person’s health plan was “canceled” but the person was not left “without coverage,” as the Daily Caller asserted. There likely was a seamless transition from one plan to the other, though the premiums might have increased because the ACA requires all plans to have the same basic level of benefits.

Does it please you that corporate America now sets our health care tax rates?

Incidentally, Obama once promised he would never raise taxes on the middle class. Then he sold health care as something other than a tax. Then he scoffed at those who claimed his health care was unconstitutional. Then SCOTUS said it was unconstitutional, and is why justice Roberts took it upon himself to single handedly turn it into a tax just to make it somewhat Constitutional.

The health care tax has now become the largest tax increase on the middle class in US history, with corporate America at the helm.

When in the last 50 years was there a time when they didn't?

Our health system is run by insurance companies and personal healthcare decisions are made by employers
Six million people did not lose their health insurance. It is a rightwing myth that refuses to die

In fact, 10 million plus now have health coverage through federal or state programs. Do you?

Yet, I don't see you disproving the former or substantiating the latter. I challenge you to do both.

The GOP claim that more Americans have lost insurance than gained it under Obamacare - The Washington Post

In reality, many people who received notices that their plans were canceled were told they would be automatically enrolled into another plan by the same insurance company. (Here’s an example of such a letter, courtesy of our colleagues at PolitiFact.)

In other words, the person’s health plan was “canceled” but the person was not left “without coverage,” as the Daily Caller asserted. There likely was a seamless transition from one plan to the other, though the premiums might have increased because the ACA requires all plans to have the same basic level of benefits.

So erhm, what was this then?

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -
The GOP claim that more Americans have lost insurance than gained it under Obamacare - The Washington Post

In reality, many people who received notices that their plans were canceled were told they would be automatically enrolled into another plan by the same insurance company. (Here’s an example of such a letter, courtesy of our colleagues at PolitiFact.)

In other words, the person’s health plan was “canceled” but the person was not left “without coverage,” as the Daily Caller asserted. There likely was a seamless transition from one plan to the other, though the premiums might have increased because the ACA requires all plans to have the same basic level of benefits.

Does it please you that corporate America now sets our health care tax rates?

Incidentally, Obama once promised he would never raise taxes on the middle class. Then he sold health care as something other than a tax. Then he scoffed at those who claimed his health care was unconstitutional. Then SCOTUS said it was unconstitutional, and is why justice Roberts took it upon himself to single handedly turn it into a tax just to make it somewhat Constitutional.

The health care tax has now become the largest tax increase on the middle class in US history, with corporate America at the helm.

When in the last 50 years was there a time when they didn't?

Our health system is run by insurance companies and personal healthcare decisions are made by employers

Which helps explain why in the 50 years the middle class has deteriorated into thin air.

Our health care system is run by evil corporate America, or are they the good guys now for you progressives? :lol:
Stimulous packages were enacted as early as February, 2008.

Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.

A Bi-Partisan Bill.

Signed by Bush.


Thanks for playing.

That is because there is really only one party. The unofficial platform for the DNC and GOP is:

1. No more middle class.
2. No more borders.
3. Massive debt to erode away the wealth of those who are not uber rich via inflation.
4. World wide military control that Hitler could only dream about.
5. More entitlements. After all, we have to throw crumbs to the slaves in order to keep them alive to be slaves.
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Six million people did not lose their health insurance. It is a rightwing myth that refuses to die

In fact, 10 million plus now have health coverage through federal or state programs. Do you?

Yet, I don't see you disproving the former or substantiating the latter. I challenge you to do both.

The GOP claim that more Americans have lost insurance than gained it under Obamacare - The Washington Post

In reality, many people who received notices that their plans were canceled were told they would be automatically enrolled into another plan by the same insurance company. (Here’s an example of such a letter, courtesy of our colleagues at PolitiFact.)

In other words, the person’s health plan was “canceled” but the person was not left “without coverage,” as the Daily Caller asserted. There likely was a seamless transition from one plan to the other, though the premiums might have increased because the ACA requires all plans to have the same basic level of benefits.

And thousands of possibly preventable US deaths are easily forgotten next to the horror of............................. lost emails. Prosecute Lerner, if there are grounds, but I have seen more comments about her than the genuine disaster that was Iraq. (I read a local newspaper comments section ten years ago, the response to US deaths in Iraq was "they volunteered" Sad.)
Love how you spun the graphs, Seawytch but here what that really looks like:


Employment to population ratio should be higher, wouldn't you agree?


Inactivity rate among men in my age group to age 54 has hit record highs.

Here, I'll let this explain for me:

"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it." Sadly, that appears to be the approach that the Obama administration and the mainstream media are taking with the U.S. economy. They seem to believe that if they just keep telling the American people over and over that things are getting better, eventually the American people will believe that it is actually true.

On Friday, it was announced that the unemployment rate had fallen to "7 percent", and the mainstream media responded with a mix of euphoria and jubilation. For example, one USA Today article declared that "with today's jobs report, one really can say that our long national post-financial crisis nightmare is over." But is that actually the truth? As you will see below, if you assume that the labor force participation rate in the U.S. is at the long-term average, the unemployment rate in the United States would actually be 11.5 percent instead of 7 percent.

There has been absolutely no employment recovery. The percentage of Americans that are actually working has stayed between 58 and 59 percent for 51 months in a row. But most Americans don't understand these things and they just take whatever the mainstream media tells them as the truth.

And of course the reality of the matter is that we should have seen some sort of an economic recovery by now. Those running our system have literally been mortgaging the future in a desperate attempt to try to pump up our economic numbers. The federal government has been on the greatest debt binge in U.S. history and the Federal Reserve has been printing money like crazed lunatics. All of that "stimulus" should have had some positive short-term effects on the economy.

Sadly, all of those "emergency measures" do not appear to have done much at all. The percentage of Americans that have a job has stayed remarkably flat since the end of 2009, median household income has fallen for five years in a row, and the rate of homeownership in the United States has fallen for eight years in a row. Anyone that claims that the U.S. economy is experiencing a "recovery" is simply not telling the truth. The following are 37 reasons why "the economic recovery of 2013" is a giant lie...

#1 The only reason that the official unemployment rate has been declining over the past couple of years is that the federal government has been pretending that millions upon millions of unemployed Americans no longer want a job and have "left the labor force". As Zero Hedge recently demonstrated, if the labor force participation rate returned to the long-term average of 65.8 percent, the official unemployment rate in the United States would actually be 11.5 percent instead of 7 percent.

#2 The percentage of Americans that are actually working is much lower than it used to be. In November 2000, 64.3 percent of all working age Americans had a job. When Barack Obama first entered the White House, 60.6 percent of all working age Americans had a job. Today, only 58.6 percent of all working age Americans have a job. In fact, as you can see from the chart posted below, there has been absolutely no "employment recovery" since the depths of the last recession...

Employment-Population Ratio 2013

#3 The employment-population ratio has now been under 59 percent for 51 months in a row.
#4 There are 1,148,000 fewer Americans working today than there was in November 2006. Meanwhile, our population has grown by more than 16 million people during that time frame.
#5 The "inactivity rate" for men in their prime working years (25 to 54) has just hit a brand new all-time record high. Does this look like an "economic recovery" to you?...

Inactivity Rate Men 2013

#6 The number of working age Americans without a job has increased by a total of 27 million since the year 2000.
#7 In November 2007, there were 121.9 million full-time workers in the United States. Today, there are only 116.9 million full-time workers in the United States.
#8 Middle-wage jobs accounted for 60 percent of the jobs lost during the last recession, but they have accounted for only 22 percent of the jobs created since then.
#9 Only about 47 percent of all adults in America have a full-time job at this point.
#10 The ratio of wages to corporate profits in the United States just hit a brand new all-time low.
#11 It is hard to believe, but in America today one out of every ten jobs is now filled by a temp agency.
#12 Approximately one out of every four part-time workers in America is living below the poverty line.
#13 In this economic environment, there is intense competition even for the lowest paying jobs. Wal-Mart recently opened up two new stores in Washington D.C., and more than 23,000 people applied for just 600 positions. That means that only about 2.6 percent of the applicants were ultimately hired. In comparison, Harvard offers admission to 6.1 percent of their applicants.
#14 According to the Social Security Administration, 40 percent of all U.S. workers make less than $20,000 a year.
#15 When Barack Obama took office, the average duration of unemployment in this country was 19.8 weeks. Today, it is 37.2 weeks.
#16 According to the New York Times, long-term unemployment in America is up by 213 percent since 2007.
#17 Thanks to Obama administration policies which are systematically killing off small businesses in the United States, the percentage of self-employed Americans is at an all-time low today.
#18 According to economist Tim Kane, the following is how the number of startup jobs per 1000 Americans breaks down by presidential administration...
Bush Sr.: 11.3
Clinton: 11.2
Bush Jr.: 10.8
Obama: 7.8
#19 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, median household income in the United States has fallen for five years in a row.
#20 The rate of homeownership in the United States has fallen for eight years in a row.
#21 Back in 1999, 64.1 percent of all Americans were covered by employment-based health insurance. Today, only 54.9 percent of all Americans are covered by employment-based health insurance, and thanks to Obamacare millions more Americans are now losing their health insurance plans.
#22 As 2003 began, the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline was about $1.30. When Barack Obama took office, the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline was $1.85. Today, it is $3.26.
#23 Total consumer credit has risen by a whopping 22 percent over the past three years.
#24 In 2008, the total amount of student loan debt in this country was sitting at about 440 billion dollars. Today, it has shot up to approximately a trillion dollars.
#25 Under Barack Obama, the velocity of money (a very important indicator of economic health) has plunged to a post-World War II low.
#26 Back in the year 2000, our trade deficit with China was 83 billion dollars. In 2008, our trade deficit with China was 268 billion dollars. Last year, it was 315 billion dollars. That was the largest trade deficit that one nation has had with another nation in world history.
#27 The gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is at an all-time record high.
#28 Right now, 1.2 million students that attend public schools in the United States are homeless. That is a brand new all-time record high, and that number has risen by 72 percent since the start of the last recession.
#29 When Barack Obama first entered the White House, there were about 32 million Americans on food stamps. Today, there are more than 47 million Americans on food stamps.
#30 Right now, approximately one out of every five households in the United States is on food stamps.
#31 According to the Survey of Income and Program Participation conducted by the U.S. Census, well over 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one welfare program run by the federal government.
#32 In 2000, the U.S. government spent 199 billion dollars on Medicaid. In 2008, the U.S. government spent 338 billion dollars on Medicaid. In 2012, the U.S. government spent 417 billion dollars on Medicaid, and now Obamacare is going to add tens of millions more Americans to the Medicaid rolls.
#33 In 2000, the U.S. government spent 219 billion dollars on Medicare. In 2008, the U.S. government spent 462 billion dollars on Medicare. In 2012, the U.S. government spent 560 billion dollars on Medicare, and that number is expected to absolutely skyrocket in the years ahead as the Baby Boomers retire.
#34 According to the most recent numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau, an all-time record high 49.2 percent of all Americans are receiving benefits from at least one government program.
#35 The U.S. government has spent an astounding 3.7 trillion dollars on welfare programs over the past five years.
#36 When Barack Obama was first elected, the U.S. debt to GDP ratio was under 70 percent. Today, it is up to 101 percent.
#37 The U.S. national debt is on pace to more than double during the eight years of the Obama administration. In other words, under Barack Obama the U.S. government will accumulate more debt than it did under all of the other presidents in U.S. history combined.
Fortunately, it appears that most Americans are not buying into the propaganda. According to a new CNN survey, the percentage of Americans that believe that the economy is getting worse far exceeds the percentage of Americans that believe that the economy is improving...
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