No More Hope

Stimulous packages were enacted as early as February, 2008.

Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.

A Bi-Partisan Bill.

Signed by Bush.


Thanks for playing.

That is because there is really only one party. The unofficial platform for the DNC and GOP is:

1. No more middle class.
2. No more borders.
3. Massive debt to erode away the wealth of those who are not uber rich.
4. World wise military control that Hitler could only dream about.


No doubt they are being controlled by Aliens.


Thanks for the morning Conspiracy Theory Report.
Yet, I don't see you disproving the former or substantiating the latter. I challenge you to do both.

The GOP claim that more Americans have lost insurance than gained it under Obamacare - The Washington Post

In reality, many people who received notices that their plans were canceled were told they would be automatically enrolled into another plan by the same insurance company. (Here’s an example of such a letter, courtesy of our colleagues at PolitiFact.)

In other words, the person’s health plan was “canceled” but the person was not left “without coverage,” as the Daily Caller asserted. There likely was a seamless transition from one plan to the other, though the premiums might have increased because the ACA requires all plans to have the same basic level of benefits.

So erhm, what was this then?

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -


Some people had to get new insurance plans and Obama apologized

Your turn. Be honest now

Show where 6 million people had their insurance cancelled and were left without policies
Stimulous packages were enacted as early as February, 2008.

Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.

A Bi-Partisan Bill.

Signed by Bush.


Thanks for playing.

That is because there is really only one party. The unofficial platform for the DNC and GOP is:

1. No more middle class.
2. No more borders.
3. Massive debt to erode away the wealth of those who are not uber rich.
4. World wise military control that Hitler could only dream about.


No doubt they are being controlled by Aliens.


Thanks for the morning Conspiracy Theory Report.

They are being controlled by human nature. Looking at history, the vast majority of mankind have been slaves.

I think this is why humans often picture aliens from other worlds as either trying to use their superior brain power or military might to enslave us all or worse. It's because this is what they would attempt eventually if they were in their collective shoes.
Love how you spun the graphs, Seawytch but here what that really looks like:



That's interesting. What your chart says is that after a long decline in participation throughout the Bush presidency,

the rate stabilized one year into the Obama presidency and has remained steady ever since.

Good work, Mr. President.
Love how you spun the graphs, Seawytch but here what that really looks like:



That's interesting. What your chart says is that after a long decline in participation throughout the Bush presidency,

the rate stabilized one year into the Obama presidency and has remained steady ever since.

Good work, Mr. President.

Stabilized at a lower level. When I read a graph, and a liberal like you says 'recovery', I expect that little red line to go up. Not stay in the same place.

Actually one would presume that after that decline, there would be a rise to near the levels in the Bush Presidency, correct?

Bad job, no more half assery from you Carbine.
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Six million people did not lose their health insurance. It is a rightwing myth that refuses to die

In fact, 10 million plus now have health coverage through federal or state programs. Do you?

Yet, I don't see you disproving the former or substantiating the latter. I challenge you to do both.

The GOP claim that more Americans have lost insurance than gained it under Obamacare - The Washington Post

In reality, many people who received notices that their plans were canceled were told they would be automatically enrolled into another plan by the same insurance company. (Here’s an example of such a letter, courtesy of our colleagues at PolitiFact.)

In other words, the person’s health plan was “canceled” but the person was not left “without coverage,” as the Daily Caller asserted. There likely was a seamless transition from one plan to the other, though the premiums might have increased because the ACA requires all plans to have the same basic level of benefits.

Love how you spun the graphs, Seawytch but here what that really looks like:



That's interesting. What your chart says is that after a long decline in participation throughout the Bush presidency,

the rate stabilized one year into the Obama presidency and has remained steady ever since.

Good work, Mr. President.

Stabilized at a lower level. When I read a graph, and a liberal like you says recovery, I expect that line to go up. Not stay in the same place.

Actually one would presume that after that decline, there would be a rise to near the levels in the Bush Presidency, correct?

Bad job, no more half assery from you Carbine.

As do I, I give Obama credit for avoiding disasters like 9/11/01, the drowning of NO, and the lack of wars to enhance ego; on the economy, flat lining is not success.
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Love how you spun the graphs, Seawytch but here what that really looks like:



That's interesting. What your chart says is that after a long decline in participation throughout the Bush presidency,

the rate stabilized one year into the Obama presidency and has remained steady ever since.

Good work, Mr. President.

Stabilized at a lower level. When I read a graph, and a liberal like you says 'recovery', I expect that little red line to go up. Not stay in the same place.

Actually one would presume that after that decline, there would be a rise to near the levels in the Bush Presidency, correct?

Bad job, no more half assery from you Carbine.

The labor participation rate has been dropping for the last 15 years and will continue to drop for another 15

That is why this has become the new go to statistic for Republicans

Used to be unemployment, unemployment, unemployment

Now it is labor participation rate ,labor participation rate ,labor participation rate
Actually I do believe that most recessions we recovered from without putting our children into massive debt. There is nothing to say that the economy would not have turned around just as fast if not faster then it did without the stimulus. History shows that recovery from recession is fastest depending on how big the recession. With the 2008 recession the recovery should have been big, instead we get our grandchildren in debt and the longest and weakest recovery in history. Seems to me one would think that maybe the stimulus was not that great of an idea considering the results. Of course we can speculate on what could have happen had we not had the stimulus but just look at history and see what has happened before.
That's interesting. What your chart says is that after a long decline in participation throughout the Bush presidency,

the rate stabilized one year into the Obama presidency and has remained steady ever since.

Good work, Mr. President.

Stabilized at a lower level. When I read a graph, and a liberal like you says 'recovery', I expect that little red line to go up. Not stay in the same place.

Actually one would presume that after that decline, there would be a rise to near the levels in the Bush Presidency, correct?

Bad job, no more half assery from you Carbine.

The labor participation rate has been dropping for the last 15 years and will continue to drop for another 15

That is why this has become the new go to statistic for Republicans

Used to be unemployment, unemployment, unemployment

Now it is labor participation rate ,labor participation rate ,labor participation rate

Look at rw trying to spin it his way. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few....
No it looks like the cummulative effect of stimulous packages that were passed beginning in 2008 MAY have an effect, given that there were no OTHER variables that might have influanced the function (y-axis).

One could also conclude that "time heals all wounds."

Reduced spending on Iraq, and the mulitude of increases in Federal, state and local taxes, fees, and assessments. That more than made up for the "Income Tax cut", and employed more local, state, & federal workers to handle the nickel & dime taxes. Plus the fact Bush was GONE, thus no chance of more "liberations" at a cost of trillions, the bills for Bush's war came due however.
That's interesting. What your chart says is that after a long decline in participation throughout the Bush presidency,

the rate stabilized one year into the Obama presidency and has remained steady ever since.

Good work, Mr. President.

Stabilized at a lower level. When I read a graph, and a liberal like you says 'recovery', I expect that little red line to go up. Not stay in the same place.

Actually one would presume that after that decline, there would be a rise to near the levels in the Bush Presidency, correct?

Bad job, no more half assery from you Carbine.

The labor participation rate has been dropping for the last 15 years and will continue to drop for another 15

That is why this has become the new go to statistic for Republicans

Used to be unemployment, unemployment, unemployment

Now it is labor participation rate ,labor participation rate ,labor participation rate

OK, use the unemployment rate, it still ain't that great.

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