No more Paul Ryan

I want to get back to mittens taxes!

I know he is trying to blow it off,
But the people didnt forget!

We all want to see what this guy is hiding!

Bring out the taxes mittens.. we want 10 years, just like Daddy did..

Shove the taxes up your ying-yang. When Barack Obama decides to release his college transcripts that appear to be buried 10,000 feet into the earth's core--then and only then should Romney release more of his tax returns.


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama

oh so you need Obama to release his tax returns (which he already has) and his "everything else" in order for mittens to release just his tax returns..

ahhh I see it how it works with you ring wingers....

Thats why they call you the "good ole pricks" :) hahaha you suck at reading comprehension, I see.

Where did Oreo ask for Obama's tax returns?
uhh his grades? so if he has a c+ that means he cant be president?
It already is, that wont work.. sorry..

he already supplied 2 BC's how many do you need?
And foreign born Willard Mitt, rhymes with...., has only supplied a VOIDED forgery!!!!


Mitt's birth certificate??
All that proves is that he's an anchor baby.

Thanks anyway.
If Willard Mitt, rhymes with...., was an anchor baby he would not need such an obvious forgery! According to the Birthers, no name of the hospital or doctor on the BC means Willard is a FOREIGNER!!! He is obviously French!
Shove the taxes up your ying-yang. When Barack Obama decides to release his college transcripts that appear to be buried 10,000 feet into the earth's core--then and only then should Romney release more of his tax returns.


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama

oh so you need Obama to release his tax returns (which he already has) and his "everything else" in order for mittens to release just his tax returns..

ahhh I see it how it works with you ring wingers....

Thats why they call you the "good ole pricks" :) hahaha you suck at reading comprehension, I see.

Where did Oreo ask for Obama's tax returns?

I was saying Obama has "already" has released his tax forms and Oreo apparently needs everything else (including his tax forms) released, just so mittens can release his tax forms.

what dont you get?
In 2010, Paul Ryan denied appealing for stimulus funds - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

WASHINGTON _ After seeking millions of dollars from a federal stimulus program he opposed, Republican vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan repeatedly denied lobbying the Obama administration for home state aid -- first on a Boston radio station in 2010 and then again on Tuesday in an interview with a Ohio television station.

On October 28, 2010, after the Wisconsin Republican penned at least five letters to two federal departments seeking grants under the Obama administration’s economic recovery package, Ryan responded to a caller on WBZ’s Nightside with Dan Rea who asked if he sought any of the money.

Ryan said that he would not vote against something “then write to the government to ask them to send us money.”

“I did not request any stimulus money,” he continued.

Meanwhile, in an interview yesterday with an Ohio television station, Ryan repeated the denial, before quickly adding “I don’t recall.”

Raise Your Voice
Click to contact candidates or elected officials about this issue. “No, I never asked for stimulus,” he told Cincinnati’s WCPO-TV, whose reporter mentioned an Associated Press article reporting on Ryan appealing to two departments seeking stimulus money for Wisconsin projects. “I don’t recall—and I haven’t seen this report so I really can’t comment on it. I opposed the stimulus because it doesn’t work, it didn’t work. It brought us deeper into debt.

Thursday evening, Ryan acknowledged having sent the letters above his signature. “After having these letters called to my attention I checked into them, and they were treated as constituent service requests in the same way matters involving Social Security or Veterans Affairs are handled. This is why I didn’t recall the letters earlier. But they should have been handled differently, and I take responsibility for that.”
I want to get back to mittens taxes!

I know he is trying to blow it off,
But the people didnt forget!

We all want to see what this guy is hiding!

Bring out the taxes mittens.. we want 10 years, just like Daddy did..
It looks like Lyin' Ryan is a tax cheat also, no wonder Willard Mitt, rhymes with..., picked him. They are two "retroactive" peas in a pod. :D

Busted: Paul Ryan Left $1-5 Million Trust Off Disclosure Forms Until He Was Vetted

Paul Ryan and his wife inherited between $1-5 million in 2010 and whoopsie daisy, he forgot to disclose it for two years. You’d almost think it was on purpose, well, some people do think that, since Ryan didn’t remember it until he was being vetted by the Romney campaign.


As he was being vetted, Mr. Ryan pulled a Romney and retroactively amended his disclosures on June 6, 2012 in order to include one of the couple’s largest assets — the $1-5 million income producing trust Janna Ryan inherited from her mother.

The omission was classified as an “inadvertent omission.” The average American probably couldn’t justify forgetting about a trust earning, according to USA Today, “between $15,001 and $50,000 in 2010, and between $100,001 and $1 million last year.”


But it gets worse. Yesterday we had Mrs. Romney telling Americans that she didn’t know what was in her blind trust, which is hard to believe since it’s managed by their friend and family attorney who invested ten million dollars from the blind trust in a fund managed by their son. It was Mitt Romney who warned us all that “the blind trust is the age-old ruse” back in 1994, when he was running against Ted Kennedy. Romney was against blind trusts before he was for them.

Today we find out that Paul Ryan checked yes under “Qualifying Blind Trust” and “excepted trusts” on his disclosure form, but when he amended the forms to include the $1-5 million dollar trust, he amended that yes to a “no”. No, it’s not an excepted trust. No, it’s not a blind trust.

So, it appears that Mr. Ryan tried to pass the now disclosed trust off as a blind or excepted trust. I’m unclear as to how that mistake is “inadvertent”.


It might be that alleged small government “wonk” Mr. Ryan was too busy trying to force a speculum up American women, and got distracted. If you look at his voting record, this makes sense. But what of his wife, Janna Ryan, tax attorney and lobbyist (aren’t all Republicans lobbyists?) for Pricewaterhouse Coopers and then for Williams & Jensen? Surely Mrs. Ryan knows what disclose means, and what qualifies as a blind trust and an excepted trust and what does not.

And how many of Obama's appointments had tax issues:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
I want to get back to mittens taxes!

I know he is trying to blow it off,
But the people didnt forget!

We all want to see what this guy is hiding!

Bring out the taxes mittens.. we want 10 years, just like Daddy did..

The longer he waits, the more injury he does to his campaign; no doubt.

With dimocrat parrots like you and the ignorant fuck OP?
mittens will drag it out till the end..

He does not want anyone seeing those documents!

he has made that obvious already..

It’s pretty scary when a person running for "President of the United States of America"

and leader of the free world, hides "anything"

Think of it this way, he has quite a bit of human lives in his hand!
He should be combed over with a fine tooth comb!
Just like they made Obama show his BC, and Obama did it, obviously he had nothing to hide. otherwise he would have played the "mittens" game..

We want to see those doc's!

Very few people (and no one of any import) gives a rat's ass about those documents.
I want to get back to mittens taxes!

I know he is trying to blow it off,
But the people didnt forget!

We all want to see what this guy is hiding!

Bring out the taxes mittens.. we want 10 years, just like Daddy did..
It looks like Lyin' Ryan is a tax cheat also, no wonder Willard Mitt, rhymes with..., picked him. They are two "retroactive" peas in a pod. :D

Busted: Paul Ryan Left $1-5 Million Trust Off Disclosure Forms Until He Was Vetted

Paul Ryan and his wife inherited between $1-5 million in 2010 and whoopsie daisy, he forgot to disclose it for two years. You’d almost think it was on purpose, well, some people do think that, since Ryan didn’t remember it until he was being vetted by the Romney campaign.


As he was being vetted, Mr. Ryan pulled a Romney and retroactively amended his disclosures on June 6, 2012 in order to include one of the couple’s largest assets — the $1-5 million income producing trust Janna Ryan inherited from her mother.

The omission was classified as an “inadvertent omission.” The average American probably couldn’t justify forgetting about a trust earning, according to USA Today, “between $15,001 and $50,000 in 2010, and between $100,001 and $1 million last year.”


But it gets worse. Yesterday we had Mrs. Romney telling Americans that she didn’t know what was in her blind trust, which is hard to believe since it’s managed by their friend and family attorney who invested ten million dollars from the blind trust in a fund managed by their son. It was Mitt Romney who warned us all that “the blind trust is the age-old ruse” back in 1994, when he was running against Ted Kennedy. Romney was against blind trusts before he was for them.

Today we find out that Paul Ryan checked yes under “Qualifying Blind Trust” and “excepted trusts” on his disclosure form, but when he amended the forms to include the $1-5 million dollar trust, he amended that yes to a “no”. No, it’s not an excepted trust. No, it’s not a blind trust.

So, it appears that Mr. Ryan tried to pass the now disclosed trust off as a blind or excepted trust. I’m unclear as to how that mistake is “inadvertent”.


It might be that alleged small government “wonk” Mr. Ryan was too busy trying to force a speculum up American women, and got distracted. If you look at his voting record, this makes sense. But what of his wife, Janna Ryan, tax attorney and lobbyist (aren’t all Republicans lobbyists?) for Pricewaterhouse Coopers and then for Williams & Jensen? Surely Mrs. Ryan knows what disclose means, and what qualifies as a blind trust and an excepted trust and what does not.

You don't expect to find anything like this do you?
Following is a brief background on Mrs. John Kerry. She hates being called that, by the way. According to the G2 Bulletin, an online intelligence newsletter of WorldNetDaily, in the years between 1995-2001 she gave more than $4 million to an organization called the Tides Foundation. And what does the Tides Foundation do with Theresa Heinz's money?
They support numerous antiwar groups, including Ramsey Clark's International Action Center. Clark has offered to defend Saddam Hussein when he's tried.

They support the Democratic Justice Fund, a joint venture of the Tides Foundation and billionaire hate-monger George Soros. The Democratic Justice Fund seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim immigration from "terrorist" states. They support the Council for American-Islamic Relations, whose leaders are known to have close ties to the terrorist group, Hamas. They support the National Lawyers Guild, organized as a communist front during the Cold War era. One of their attorneys, Lynne Stewart, has been arrested for helping a client, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, communicate with terror cells in Egypt. He is the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

They support the "Barrio Warriors," a radical Hispanic group whose primary goal is to return all of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to Mexico. Aiding and supporting our enemies is not good for America, regardless of your political views.
A ploy is something trump and the other freaky right wingers
did to try and disprove Obama's birth certificate.

too bad he showed 2 of them! the long and the short version, and boy it sure made those
freaky ring wingers feel pretty dumb!!

I was LMAO!!!!!

And these?

Occidental College records
Columbia College records
Columbia Thesis paper
Harvard College records
Selective Service Registration
medical records
Illinois State Senate records
Illinois State Senate schedule
Law practice client list
A Certified Copy of original Birth certificate
embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth
Harvard Law Review articles that were published
University of Chicago scholarly articles
Record of baptism

You were saying something about feeling dumb??

Talk about a ring winger focusing on anything but the issues!

thats pretty typical!

wow you have a lot of time on your hands!

One can always tell what the Left is trying to's what they accuse the
other side of doing.

26% of voters say the economy is the most important issue.... that why the pretender in the people's house fears taking about it?
Talk about a ring winger focusing on anything but the issues!

thats pretty typical!

wow you have a lot of time on your hands!

Pretty funny given the content of the OP.
OK, let's focus on the issues:

8.2% unemployment, higher than it ever was under BUsh
Record low workforce participation
First downgrade of US debt ever
Slowest recovery ever
Highest level of spending and deficits ever
Failed surge policy in Afghanistan
Failed Russian policy
Failed Iran policy
Failed North Korea policy
Failed policy with regard to UN.
Failed mortgage policy
Failied cash for clunkers policy
Over 40% black teen unemployment
Over 25% unemployed/underemployed among college grads age 25 and under
Most unpopular entitlement program ever passed (Obamacare)

Do we need to go on?

Yes, you do need to go on because most of that is fiction. Even the dumbest rw knows that.

If you numbnuts really want to be thorough, why don't you demand his circumcision certificate.

Otherwise, how about you STOP LYING.

"...most of that is fiction..."

So....which ones aren't?

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