No need for Catholics to “breed like rabbits” — Pope Francis

Remembering a former pope in Africa, telling the poor and hungry they should not use birth control. What an incredible disconnect. The catholic church/pope have enormous wealth, priests don't have to work to support their kids, don't have to figure out how to feed and educate their kids. And yet, they say the poor should not use birth control.

Part of the the definition of "responsible parenting" is using birth control.

BTW, just what are those "church-approved ways to regulate births"?

Remember the old joke: What do you call people who use the rhythm method for birth control?


I suppose this doesn't make sense to people who see sex as purely recreational, not as the life giving force, between two people who love each other. Birth control and abortion insure new life doesn't get in the way of fun, right? Some put a higher priority on the gift of life than they do on fun. This doesn't make sense to others.
The Pope speaks carelessly to secular reporters who are hostile to the Church and its teachings.
I suppose this doesn't make sense to people who see sex as purely recreational, not as the life giving force, between two people who love each other. Birth control and abortion insure new life doesn't get in the way of fun, right? Some put a higher priority on the gift of life than they do on fun. This doesn't make sense to others.

Okay, but some folks just want to have sex to have fun. They aren't ready for a baby, right now.

And for a bunch of celibate men who are suppressing their latent homosexuality to make the call on this is kind of stupid.
He might actually advance the catholic church into the early 20th century.

And I thought you were all about staying out of other peoples bedrooms?


I'm all about mocking religion.

Frankly, everyone is ooohing and aahing over this Pope, but he's really just the same superstitious, misogynistic, homophobic bullshit in new packaging.
He might actually advance the catholic church into the early 20th century.

And I thought you were all about staying out of other peoples bedrooms?


I'm all about mocking religion.

Frankly, everyone is ooohing and aahing over this Pope, but he's really just the same superstitious, misogynistic, homophobic bullshit in new packaging.
Yes, and you are making atheism look very bad, so please keep it up.
He might actually advance the catholic church into the early 20th century.

And I thought you were all about staying out of other peoples bedrooms?


I'm all about mocking religion.

Frankly, everyone is ooohing and aahing over this Pope, but he's really just the same superstitious, misogynistic, homophobic bullshit in new packaging.
Yes, and you are making atheism look very bad, so please keep it up.

What does that have to do with anything I said?

I mean I know you need to turn this around, but has Francis actually reversed the Church's backwards policies on sex? Ones that 99% of Catholics ignore?

I kind of like this Pope, given that he gets that wealth inequality is a problem. (Of course, given the fact that predominately Catholic countries tend to be the poorest on Earth, how could he not?)
Traditionally, the Church has had great respect for Catholics who make the sacrifice to have large families. The Catholic Church has always believed that every human life has positive value, and that vocations come from large Catholic families.

It is too bad that this Pope, with one careless statement, has reversed the Church's respect for Catholics with large families.

The next Pope will be very busy cleaning up this Pope's mess.
Traditionally, the Church has had great respect for Catholics who make the sacrifice to have large families. The Catholic Church has always believed that every human life has positive value, and that vocations come from large Catholic families.

It is too bad that this Pope, with one careless statement, has reversed the Church's respect for Catholics with large families.

The next Pope will be very busy cleaning up this Pope's mess.

Or maybe large families aren't necessarily a good thing. I came from a Catholic family of five, and frankly, even at five, there wasn't enough parental attention to go around.

We live in a world where we don't have enough resources to sustain a growing population. Telling people to have ten kids rather than wear a rubber thing on your dick is just plain stupid.
He might actually advance the catholic church into the early 20th century.
This is the 21st century, GERTRUDE.

You obviously missed the joke. i could explain it to you, but you still wouldn't get it.

I might be inclined to agree with this sarcasm, but contraception was common even in the natural state of mankind:

"The women very frequently attending the men in their parties of war and of hunting, child-bearing becomes extremely inconvenient to them. It is said, therefore, that they have learnt the practice of procuring abortion by the use of some vegetable; and that it even extends to prevent conception for a considerable time after."
-- Thomas Jefferson; from 'Notes on Virginia'

Or maybe large families aren't necessarily a good thing. I came from a Catholic family of five, and frankly, even at five, there wasn't enough parental attention to go around.

And it DOES show. Suggesting the not-a-good-thing idea may have validity!
He might actually advance the catholic church into the early 20th century.

I think the Catholic church saw that they were losing members left and right and they needed to bring a lot of liberal christians back. The Conservative Catholics weren't/aren't going anywhere. They'll be in church tomorrow. What the Catholic Church needs is new members. Or they need the members who left to come back.

In the future openly gay people will be members of the catholic church. They might even marry them in the church someday.

The church doesn't approve of the 95% of straight Catholics that are having pre marital sex. Yet those people consider themselves Catholics. They just go say sorry once a week in confession. In the future, the church will just throw gay sex in with pre marital straight sex. As long as you are married you can have all the sex you want with one person.
Speaking to journalists on his flight back from the Philippines, the pope said that he once asked a mother of seven children who was pregnant with her eighth if she wanted to “leave behind seven young orphans”.

“She said, ‘I trust in God.’ But God gave us the means to be responsible,” the pope said. “Some think, and excuse the term, that to be good Catholics, they must be like rabbits.”

No need for Catholics to 8220 breed like rabbits 8221 8212 Pope Francis
Big families were encouraged in my day. Was Frank handing out papal condoms?

Certainly not to AIDS ridden Africans who most certainly need them most. I wonder what it's like to be so ignorantly evil as to know that priests in your own screwy religion are incapable of controlling their own sexual desires . . . and unspeakable sexual desires at that, if I may add . . . and yet have the gall to preach to others to do so knowing that when they fail like they too do, there's a very good likelihood it's their death sentence? ~ Susan
PS A pox on the evil practitioners of religion . . . if there's a hell (and there isn't), they're be there some day!
Speaking to journalists on his flight back from the Philippines, the pope said that he once asked a mother of seven children who was pregnant with her eighth if she wanted to “leave behind seven young orphans”.

“She said, ‘I trust in God.’ But God gave us the means to be responsible,” the pope said. “Some think, and excuse the term, that to be good Catholics, they must be like rabbits.”

No need for Catholics to 8220 breed like rabbits 8221 8212 Pope Francis
Big families were encouraged in my day. Was Frank handing out papal condoms?

Certainly not to AIDS ridden Africans who most certainly need them most. I wonder what it's like to be so ignorantly evil as to know that priests in your own screwy religion are incapable of controlling their own sexual desires . . . and unspeakable sexual desires at that, if I may add . . . and yet have the gall to preach to others to do so knowing that when they fail like they too do, there's a very good likelihood it's their death sentence? ~ Susan
PS A pox on the evil practitioners of religion . . . if there's a hell (and there isn't), they're be there some day!
What you are saying is, "A pox on all who urge you to live a moral life, because they too are imperfect." Where does that leave you Susan? It leaves you alone in a world full of sinners with no one to turn one at all.

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